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Seiben's Arcadia projects...

Project 1: Jeffories tube Experimental Roving Robot Intellegence (JERRI):

Status: On Temporary Hiatus


Length: 2 metres.

Width: 60 centimetres.


Weight: 500 lbs


Power source: <UNDETERMINED>, duct propellers.


Fuel source: Standard Fuel cells.


Purpose: 1. To safely and quickly propell in jeffories tubes, 2. Diffuse bombs, missiles, other dangerous items in place of valuable engineers, 3. Repair/Install various systems in jeffories tube.


Description/Comments: JERRI, which stands for Jeffories tube Experimental Roving Robot Intellegence, is a small robot that can be used for accessing hard to reach places (e.g. jeffories tube), fix objects that would be hard to do by hands, or diffuse bombs in hard to reach places, and also, perform other dangerous tasks. Losing a robot is alot better than losing a crewmember. Basically, JERRI is about 1-2 metres in length, and has two robot, inter-changable arms in the front, making JERRI resemble a grey lobster. The arms contain tweezer like attachments used to diffuse bombs or replace delicate iso-chips, a drill used to bore into walls, or whatnot, and possibly a laser system as well. JERRI is powered by two thrusters, operated by duct propellers -- as tests with magnetic navagation , electricity, and warp plasma proved disastorous in holo-deck testing. Plus, duct props are much cheaper and easier to use, make and to maintain. Controlling JERRI is quite simple: Built inside the front of JERRI are two cameras that allow the controller to see where he's going. They'er both telescopic and can allow the user to zoom in and out with ease. On the back of JERRI is another built in camera that rises out of its body. This third camera can rotate 360-degrees. Also built into him, is a small remote sensor unit, permanently linked to the main computer, and is controlled by a user via. an engineering console in engineering. You see, JERRI is facing all the danger, tedium, and basically.. all the work, whilst the operator is safely in engineering, away from injury.


Project 2: Engineering Lounge


Status: Undergoing development, awaiting authorisation.


Construction date: Not yet set.


Completion date: Unknown (hopefully SD: 10104.04)


Approx. Size: 500 sq. feet


Capacity: 50 persons.


Features: Dining/Lounge Area (350 sq. ft): Minibar (seating for 10), chairs & tables (seating for 40). Sixty (60) Holo-emitters, courtesy of Cybertronics, holographic bar tender and waiters/waitresses, Four (4) Replicators, with 7 000 000 built in cuisines from all known alien cultures, option to add user-made entries, Two (2) 72" Holo-projection screens, courtesy of Cybertronics, Six (6) 36" holo-projection screens, courtesy of Cybertronics, 85 000 channels, courtesy of the Terran Holo-Broadcasting Network, six (6)auxilliary power generators, courtesy of Galactic Direct Energy, Option to change lounge scenery, including 20th century "Joe's Diner" as featured in the P'Jem Monestary on Vulcan, 20th century Terran fast food cuisine. Game/Entertainment Section(150 sq.ft): 250 holo-emitters, courtesy of Cybertronics, three (3) auxilliary power generators, courtesy of Galactic Direct Energy, 200 000 built in game/sports programmes, with the option to add user-made programmes.


Description: A place where Arcadia Engineers can relax and let their stresses out, the Engineering Lounge will be in a sense, a bar/diner and mini-holodeck for stressed out engineers. The Engineering Lounge will be located adjacent to the engineering offices in Main Engineering. Demolition crews will be needed to remove the walls surrounding storage room 1454-B. Since 1454-B is unused, the Engineering Lounge will be located there.


Project 3: Marine Headquarters.


Status: Undergoing develpment, awaiting authorisation.


Construction date: Not yet set


Completion date: Unknown (hopefully SD: 10104.04)


Approx. size: 1700 square feet


Features: Two-storey facility, command centre, offices, transporter pads, armoury, offices for battalion CO and XOs, emergency auxilliary generators, courtesy of Galactic Direct Energy, turolift linking to fighter bay.


Description: As the present Marine Headquarters is becoming to small for the security detachment, it was surmised that the Marines would require a new facility. The proposed location of the new Marine HQ, is six unused rooms in Deck 25. Demolition crews will be required to clear the way of the storage rooms.


Project 4: Marine Fighters


Status: Construction/ Testing In Progress


Completion time: soon




Name: Star Striker XP-1


Purpose: Tactical Assault Fighter


Mass: 33 tonnes


Crew: 2


Warp capabilies: Normal Cruise: Warp 7.1


Maximum Cruise: Warp 7.7


Maxumim rated: Warp 8.1 for ten hours.


Decks: 1


Dimensions: Length: 15 metres


Beam: 12.6 metres


Height: 4.5 metres, incl. wing droops


Main fuselage: 2.5 metres




Armament: 1 x pulse phaser cannon


2 x torpedo launches, carrying 14 torpedoes


6 x photon or quantum torpedos located under wings


Defense Systems: Tritanium/ Duranium hull


Shield system


High level stuctural integrity fields


Hull life: 40 years


Refit cycle: Minor: 3 years


Standard: 5 years


Major: 10 years


Class Discription: Based largely off the Delta Flyer and Hawk Class Fighter, the Star Striker is an experimental type of tactical fighter. Powered by an enchanced Cochrane warp engine, the Star Striker is a highly quick, and agile craft. The craft's purpose is a Tactical Assault Fighter that will be used excluseilvely by Arcadia Marine Infantry. Further craft information is classified.

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