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Lock Down pt 2 "Thinking Outside"

Trichon looked over at Hans reconfigured iso chips. It seemed like it was worth a shot. "Lets go ahead and let it rip Hans."


Hans nods. "Alright Trichon." Seiben says as he crosses his fingers. "Let's hope this works." Seiben presses the reset button, ad waits... And waits.. and waits.. "Hey, uhh.. don't you think something should have happened by now?" asks Seiben.


The computer's voice blared to life, "Warning, Isolinear chips from main bridge. Warning please reset chips and try again. Warning." The computer continued to belt out the warning until Trichon pulled one of the chips out. "Well It was a good try." Trichon sat and pondered the situation.


Seiben smacks his fore head. "Sheiste! The bridge" he yells.

Iso chips missing from the bridge could mean only one thing. The andorians had somehow managed to take over the bridge. Now it was more important than ever to restore computer control to engineering.


Trichon turned to Hans, "Well without the computer up they stand no chance of getting any controls and even if they do manage to somehow get the computer back up its got a encryption running on it." Seiben sighs, and nods. "Indeed.. we've got to lock out bridge controls as well." Seiben contemplates the situation for awhile.


"Still we need to get control before them." Trichon looked at his console trying to figure out how to get around the problem at hand.


"Well, let's get to it.. " Says Seiben walking over to a console, and presses a button "Attempting to restore power to computers."


"Okay everyone listen up," Trichon motions for everyone in engineering to close in and listen. "We are in a tight spot at the moment, but were engineers. We'll figure this out. In the meantime I need everyone to make sure that no-one gets in or out of here. Lets get to work everyone."


"Alright," Seiben walks over to the mini-armory and hands out phase-rifles. Grabbing one himself, he then walks back to his console and begins tapping.


Trichon turns to Hans and scratches his head. "Now all we have to do is try and get control back." He had always been told the best way to figure out a solution to a problem was to look at it from another angle. To get outside the problem at hand. Suddenly he thought of something, "What was it that Merri had said to me at lunch, de-integrating integrated systems in case of catastrophic accident. These it." Trichon looked over at Hans grinning, "I have an idea Hans. Your going to think I am crazy but just hear me out."


"Okay.. shoot" says Seiben


"What if we tricked the computer into thinking the bridge wasn't there anymore?"


Seiben scracthed his head. "Where did you come up with that?"


"Something Merri told me. I am so going to owe her dinner now."


Hans nodded "Good idea, but how will you achieve that?"


"We do a complete shutdown of the computer. While its offline we rearrange the Iso chips from here and make the computer bypass the bridge systems completely."


"Now why didn't I think of that?' said Seiben. "That's genius man." Seiben turns to his console to begin the shutdown process.


"The only problem is we have to manually shut it down from the core. One of us is going to have to head down there."


Grabbing his rifle, Seiben stands up. "I'll do it," Seiben volunteers. "If I don't come back, you can have my holo-viewer."


"Lets not be hasty my friend. The core is only a couple of decks down," Trichon hands Hans one of the modified tricorders, "Here take this and keep in tuned in to the frequency. Once you have the computer shut down contact me. I will start to rearrange the chips from here and then we reboot, and pray to whatever gods we believe in."


"Gotca." says Seiben. He waves goodbye and exits Engineering, and begins his journey to the computer core.Cautiously, climbing the jeffries tube ladder to the core deck, Seiben keeps an eye out for any Andorians inside of the tubes.


Trichon sits down at his console making sure that the encryption is still in place. His hands fly across the console tapping the few commands that the computer will allow him. He notices an ensign crouching in a corner out of sight. He walks over to him and taps him on his shoulder. "Are you okay Ensign?" The young ensign looks up at Trichon his eyes wide open, "I am fine sir. A little scared thats all."


Trichon looked down at him for a moment trying to find what to say to him. What would Jaruq tell him in to help him focus and do his job. He looked for the right words that would reassure him that it was all going to be all right. "Everyone's scared right now. Me too, the way you get past it is to do your job exactly as you were trained. Were going to come out of this okay. Just give Lt Seiben some time to get to the core. Once he's there we should be able to get things back up and running soon."


Meanwhile.. Seiben finally reaches the appropriate deck, and quietly opens the access panel. He then snuck a look at the corridors searching for enemy Andorians that may be lurking nearby. Finding none, Seiben moves closer to the computer core Almost there. Thinks Seiben as he tiptoes ever closer. Seiben passes some corridors and is within 100 meters of the door to the computer core.


Just then, Seiben is fired upon by an Andorian guard, narrowly missing him by inches. Before the Andorian can call for backup, Seiben fires and shoots him square in the chest. Seiben then walks over to the Andorian, takes away his communications device and stuffs him into a storage room. He blasts the door controls, so the Andorian can't escape and reaches the computer core.


Seiben opens the door and enters into the Main Computer Core. Cracking his knuckles, Seiben gets down to work . He hacks into the core computer, and begins shut down procedures. Moments later, he hears the welcoming sound of systems coming off-line


After talking to the young ensign for a few more minutes Trichon kneels down and opens a panel. "Come on Hans."


Seiben opens the tricorder and contacts Trichon. "Computer core shut down."


"Yes he did it", fingers flying pulling out iso chips and rearranging them as fast as he can. The clock was ticking and Trichon knew this. "Last one. Cross your fingers everyone. Hans, begin startup."


To be continued

(bum, bum bum )

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