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Finally Freedom


Ensign Nemesis

ASCI USS Arcadia

Star date 0311.29


>Begin Log<


The room quiet and all was still as he sat thinking of what had just happened only moments ago the pristine clarity of the vision. The power it held over his mind for it was something he had not thought about for a very long time how his banishment actually came to be how his father killed his first ever friend right before his own eyes and his plead for him to end the violence upon the slaves and how it was only blocked by the hatred and shame his father had felt.


With all the genetic engineering in the Monkien community why did that not take greed, hatred, and fear, from the make-up of DNA? It only lead to a long and painful end to so many Monkien and slaves alike if the Monkien people were so intelligent how come it has still not come to the masses that these emotions only divide us and takes the freedom from all in its grasp even those of Monkien birth. The marines themselves were genetically engineered to follow the rule of the Velnus without any question, where is their freedom or the women whose only purpose is to procreate and do the research in their pre chosen fields now where is their freedom either. The first-borns themselves are the slaves to their own rules of constant genetic changes placed on them by their fathers.


The entire planet of Velga is restrained by endless slavery that he could’ve changed if only he had more time before his banishment took place. There was not much he could’ve done at all with all the restraints on his own freedom he could never have freed the lives of so many others and when he finally had the opportunity to do something he did but it only lead to the execution of his only friend and his own immediate banishment from the planet so he could’ve done no more for the slaves of Velga at least for now anyways there is always the chance to return and set all the peoples of Velga but for now he had the federation based on what he had been striving for, for so many years. He finally discovered his own freedom.


>End Log<

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