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A Blast From The Past


Ensign Nemesis

ASCI USS Arcadia

Star date 0311.28


>Begin Log<


The lights in the large room dimmed into a complete darkness, lightning flashed through the large overhead doomed windows as the wind howled and the rain streamed down the glass. Nothing could be seen until the lightning flashed as showed a dark tall figure coming into the light as it would quickly fade away then reappear showing the figure in a full stream of light, He was six feet tall wearing large extravagant ropes only fit for the most pure of all royalty his fur glistened in the quick beams of bright light his fangs larger then any seen on any other intelligent beast.


The figure slowly strode toward the center of the room but appeared to take great leaps in the flashing lights. He stopped in front of a smaller bowing figure that had the ruminants of tears that washed away channels of dirt on her face. The larger figure pulled a glistening piece of fine crafted jagged metal from a sheath under his robes and began to raise it over his head using both of his hands as a shouting voice was heard from the other side of the room.


”Father, lower your blade there is no need to kill an innocent woman for my wrong doing I can not allow you to do this, if anyone should be killed it is myself father take my life instead of hers she did no wrong all wrong should be placed on my own behalf and not hers plunge your blade into my chest and spill my blood and no more from those of slaves her life is no less important then my own perhaps more then my own” The voice spoke and echoed throughout the room.


The figure holding the knife turned about to see his son on the far side of the room his face showed great anger and disgust as a large l flash of lightning lit up the entire room. “Get out! Get out and never come back here, before I get the guards to escort you out you filthy disgrace to the Monkien race leave now before I take your own advice, you allowed this filth slave fill your head with lies now she shall learn her lesson and you shall leave!” the glint of the blade appeared as snapshots as it lowered toward the bowing slave where only a scream could be heard as the knife rose again glinting a dark liquid red.


”Father, No! How could you! No Father” tears streamed down the horrified sons face as two large guards grabbed him from under his arms and dragged him from the room as he screamed Father no over and over again.


Nemesis’ eyes shot open his fur damp with sweat he felt unsure if he were in reality or still inside meditation shaking head to toe horrified by what he had just seen. The Vulcan doctor looked over at him with a straight face “I hope you have seen the true cause of your aggression Mr. Nemesis, I shall allow you to think about it on your own for now your therapy is over now unless you wish to continue before your team leaves the monastery and do feel free to drop in at anytime to ask any questions you feel the need to ask, you may go.” The Vulcan continued on his way as Nemesis quietly got up and thought of what he had just seen in his own mind with a great amount of thought.


>End Log<

Edited by NEMESIS

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