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Ensign Nemesis

ASCI USS Arcadia

Star date 0311.23


>Begin Log<


Nemesis looked around the room and back at the exiting Vulcan doctor who had just handed him a note the Doctor had received from Commander Lo’Ami for Nemesis that accused him of being overly aggressive on the Arcady mission by attacking the Arcadyians without proper cause and disregard for their lives but also included that if he mediated with the Vulcans he would have the reprimand removed. These accusations made Nemesis furious to think that the Commander did not think getting them free from primitives who had forcefully held them against their will was not cause enough to do as he had.


How could the commander not told him this to his face and why it was through a piece of paperwork why was it that way was he afraid of Nemesis’ great physical dexterity and strength as well as his extreme intellect, all of this baffled Nemesis who had never encountered such a complaint about his aggressive behaviour as he was awarded and praised for his tactical skills on Velga and in combat simulations in the academy but why did it concern Lo’Ami so much was it that he thought science officers not to behave like marines but he could not figure out why because marines were quick and decisive in their missions.


Was Lo’Ami anger at him that their were lives lost, but he didn’t kill anyone the engineer and the helmsman were the ones who came in with grenades and swords and all Nemesis had done was attempt to stun their captives not cause any life challenging injuries and it wasn’t like they would allow them to walk out the door and be on their merry way. Nemesis could do no more then follow his orders though and go through with the suggested practices proposed by the Vulcan doctor to suppress his aggressive feelings toward others so he set an appointment with the doctor to perform several relaxation and meditation practice.


>End Log<

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