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Drunk and Disorderly (part.2)

Seiben stumbles to a table and sits down.


Nemesis sliding into a table looking at the waiter who is giving Seiban a strange look "Hello two Terran coffees black" Nemesis looks Seiban and then back to the waiter "Make those four black coffees"


Seiben smiles a bit, at Nem's remark. "Thanks mate. I'll probably need it".


Looking back at Seiban and staring at his pocket "What is in that bottle"


Seiben feels the bulge in his pockets and extracts a small bottle of Jack Daniels. "It's a Terran alcoholic beverage, called 'Jack Daniels Whiskey' it is brewed in Tennessee since 1895."


"I guess I forgot about this."


Looks at it strange "On Velga we do not have such beverages they are thought to hinder productivity so I have never sampled it to understand its appeal to terran's and other species?"


Seiben smiled. "Well, it's kind of an aphrodisiac. If you drink just enough, it makes you forget all the stress you had during the day. And it tastes good too."


Quirks an eye at Seiban "do you mind if I have a try to see what it tastes like?"


"Sure.” Seiben says and gives Nem the bottle. "Just be careful you don't drink too much, or you’ll end up like me",


Nemesis takes the bottle and takes a sip of the liquid. His head begins to bob as he places the bottle on the table with a slight slam and the walls begin to shake as he twitches his eyes which his entire sight begins to dull. "Swell....datta...stof...wah....gud"


Seiben looks at Nemesis strangely... "You OK?"


"am's I low kam yops bit fa guys sin't tever belt sitter" Nemesis says as he gets up knocking over the approaching waiter "gory a snout bat snuy"


"You Okay... how much Whiskey did you have?"


Nemesis falls of the table and lands on the ground with a great thud trying to get up but only looks like a turtle trying to get off its back. "ga bisnittle selp deer geze" Looking up at Trichon and the furiated waiter who is walking away greatly angered.

Seiben then stumbles out from his chair, and tries to help him up. However, with the two of them intoxicated, They both fall down on the floor.


Two large security officers approach the two intoxicated officers on the ground and pick them out and throw them out of Ten Forward and yell at them to go back to their quarters and sober up or they will be placed in the brig.


Seiben gets up and stumbles at Nem, "Oh, sorry ma'am".

He then begins to walk to his quarters again.


Nemesis standing up and looking at Seiban walking away "Geer flu joeing gets bo do ga snoloflex"


"Ha Ha Ha! Youuu bettt, my sssimuiuuan frend!"


The two proceed very drunkenly toward the holodeck bumping into each other and several crewmen along the way. When they reach their destination they spend an hour trying to start the program. When the program finally initiates they find themselves in a mid 20th century area with Nemesis wearing a nice Armani suit and Seiban wearing a polka-dotted bikini and old spy music playing in the background.


"The 50s?" Seiben asked. Half expecting to find a '59 Caddy in the parking lot


Nemesis pulling a 60's style revolver from the interior pocket of his suit and looks over it closely "gut duy digure gis jis?"


Seiben smiles and gives Nem a peace sign... "It's grooovy man! I can dig it!"


Nemesis starts laughing uncontrollably and Seiben's comment waves the gun around aimless when he hears a loud boom come from it "toly wow dut gut tappened?"


"What the?! Seiben tries to reach for the gun, but is too drunk to get it... and falls on Nem



Nemesis also too drunk looses his footing and falls back and lands on the ground with a tremendous thud.


Seiben trips over Seiben and lands on the jukebox, on his head.


Nemesis looks up at the ceiling as everything starts to fade into a dark blackness were he can

Voices that sound very far away until they too fade leaving him in a quiet darkness giving him an

intense fear and uneasy feeling.

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For my records.. Seiben log entry 25 SD: 10311.16

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