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Drunk and disorderly(part 1)

Nemesis walked down the corridor following a strong scent that reminded him of the academy.


Seiben, still drunk from his binge drinking a few hours ago, decides that he can't live with himself anymore and tries to open the airlock to finally put himself out of his misery.

"Compyutr, oppun zee arlock!"


Nemesis noticing the Seiban figure in the distance hardly able to stand up near the air lock and moves close to investigate what is going on.


"OPP--UNN THE STUPUD AIRLOCK!" Seiben drunkenly yells.


Tapping on Seiben's shoulder nemesis replies to Seiben’s Holler "Do you require any assistence LT"


Seiben turns around quickly and falls to the ground. "Who are you? What do want from me?" Seiben says.


Nemesis holds his tail for Seiban "Me I'm Ensign Nemesis science officer" takes a pause "What do I want with you, I'm just inquiring if you need any assistence for you appear to be having trouble with your task and you also smell like a friday night at the academy"


Seiben grabs the tail and pulls himself up. "I...I... don't need assistance. (hiccup!) I just can't live with myself anymore after what I did on Arcady. You know, Dr. Pierce and Trichon? Well, I attacked Trichon and put a knife to Anika's throat. I almost killed my best friends!" Seiben then begins to cry again.


"I believe there was a neural condition affecting those members of the away team so it is understandable for you to have gone to those lengths and I am quite sure the Doctor and Trichon do understand what had happened and do not blame you for those actions and you killing yourself would only cause them needless grief" nemesis replied softly


Seiben considers this... "But... how do you know?" Seiben replies quietly. "I never really had many friends in my life... I'm just scared I've lost them? Haven't you had friends like that?"


Nemesis reflects on Seiben comment "Well no I have never had friends but observing human behaviour it is most likely they would've not placed any of the blame on you for would you have placed the blame on either of them if placed in a similar position?"


Reflecting on this, Seiben leans on the airlock door and ponders. He sighs "I guess you're right, Nemesis. I probably would either. But still, how would you feel if you just threatened to cut the throat of someone you knew?"


Looks at Seiban and thinks a bit "Too tell you the truth I have no idea how I would feel but I know I would turn to the ships counselor before I would attempt anything drastic such as suicidal practice like jumping out of an airlock"


Wiping his tears, Seiben decides that Nemesis is probably right. "Yeah, maybe I should talk with her.”I've already booked an appointment with her anyways".


Looks at Seiban and smiles "Well that is good to her but until then you look like a complete mess lets get you sobered up" pauses to think "Should we go to ten forward and get you some coffee?"


Reluctant, Seiben agrees and stumbles with him to Ten-Forward.


The two make their way to Ten Forward but Nemesis ends up having to practically carrying Seiban on his back because he is too intoxicated to walk properly

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For my records... Seiben log entry 24 SD: 10311.15

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