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Face in the Mirror Part 2

Trichon sat in the mess hall eating his small meal by himself. He looked down at his hands were he had smashed the mirror. He had bandaged them himself the best he could not being able to face sickbay yet. He kept thinking people were whispering behind him. It was probably his mind playing tricks on him. He could almost make the voices out.


"See him. Thats the guy who tried to kill Doctor Honeycutt."


"Oh yeah I heard he also gave the new girl in engineering a concussion. What a savage. Cant believe the captain hasn't had him court martialed him yet."


Trichon just continued eating his lunch. "Let them talk," he thought "there right I am a savage. I shouldn't be allowed to stay after what I did."


He stood up and left the mess hall. He started to wander the corridors of the ship getting a passing glance every once and a while from another crew member. He felt like everyone was judging him. When in fact Trichon had already judged himself. He entered the nearest turbolift and was glad when the doors closed.


"Shuttlebay 1." The turbolift began to move. Trichon exited the lift and headed quickly to the shuttlebay. He entered and went straight to a secluded corner of the room where his pet project sit. Trichon ran his hands over the smooth metal of the shuttle. He had finally started working on it right before the mission to Arcady prime but he was a long way from finished. He pulled a cart of tools over and opened a panel. He began working on the shuttle getting lost in his work.


Hours slipped past before he had even realized it. It was well past midnight and he was still hard at work. Trichon sat back for a moment and looked over his work on a computer screen. In some strange way he thought by creating something he was atoning for his actions down on the planet. Every time he shut his eyes he kept seeing his fists smashing into Honeycutts face. He had to keep working had to keep busy. He stared at the Padd for a moment more and lifted his head up expecting to see his shuttle but instead the whole shuttlebay had been replaced with a rocky mountainside.


Trichon quickly looked around and wondered what was going on, and then he saw something that he recognized. A man climbed out of a nearby cave. It was his father, a lot younger but it was still him. He was carrying something in his hands. Trichon quickly hid behind a small rock outcropping not wanting to be seen even if this was a dream. His father walked over to another man and they began talking.


"I found it Gren. The legends were true. We found the heart my friend." his father said.


The other man came closer and examined what his father was holding, "I'll be damned. It does exist. You crazy archeologist you. You did it. Were going to be rich you know this Gary."


"Not rich Gren. We will be hero's. We need to return this to the people, not sell it."


Trichon blinked and suddenly the shuttlebay was back. He wanted to see more even if it was a dream. The words from Arcady prime came back to him. The conversation he had with himself "Look to the logs for clues."


All in due time Trichon thought. For now he needed to work some more. Sleep could come later. He turned back around and began working on the shuttle again. And the necklace began giving off a light blue glow, but its owner was too wrapped up in his own self-loathing to notice.

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