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The face in the Mirror

Trichon sat in his quarters after beaming up from arcady prime. He was still covered in the dirt of the planet even though he had been back onboard the Arcadia for hours now. He sat on the bed and kept staring at his hands. He kept clenching them into fists and then uncurling them. His whole body ached.


He replayed the scene over and over in his head. Tackling Dr Honeycutt to the ground and pummeling him. He hadn't even stopped after the man passed out. And he had threatened to do the same to Merri, the new engineer. He had dropped Merri on her head and provably gave her a concussion. While it was true that queen Alanda had been controlling him, Trichon still felt responsible for what he had done. He had heard rumors around the ship about how Honeycutt looked when he had been beamed up. He had heard that Merri was going to have to spend several days in sickbay. The fact that he was even capable of doing such things scared Trichon.


When he had faced down the queen the way he had, Trichon truly was ready to kill her where she stood. The images fresh in his head. "Someday a man like me will kill you. Trust me." The queen deserved to die. She had twisted Trichon and made him do something he had never even dreamed he was capable of. How could he ever look at Merri again. Would he ever be able to face Honeycutt without remembering that he had nearly beat the man to death. The answer was no.


He looked down at his fists again. Trichon had always used his hands to repair and fix things, never to destroy. He stood up and walked to the mirror. He looked at the face that stared back at him. He stared at the mirror for what seemed like hours. He didn't like what he saw. He brought his fist smashing into the mirror, shattering it into pieces. He fell to his knees and beat his hands on the floor until he couldn't feel them anymore. It was going to be a while before he was ready to face the person in the mirror again.

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