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Inoculation Time

The USS Reaent was now under full siege, but not from a tangible enemy. This threat was both silent and invisible yet no less deadly than a barrage of photon torpedoes.


Debbie wasn't sure of the details. All she knew for certain was that radiation levels had risen quickly and were now well beyond the danger level. Most of the ship's crew had been ordered into what was euphemistically termed "safe zones." These areas were located deep inside the vessel, as far away from all windows and the exterior bulkheads as possible. The safe zones offered limited protection from the massive doses of radiation now penetrating Reaent's titanium hull. Very soon, there would be no way to escape the radiation's deadly effects.


Once the alarm was sounded, everyone attached to the medical section reported for duty. There was no need to explain the protocol. Everyone knew what to do. The entire crew had to be inoculated with Hyronalin.


Hyronalin was the only drug available capable of counteracting the destructive affects of radiation. It had been widely used for many years but the scientific community had yet to find an alternative that performed any better. So whenever a starship left port, it was always adequately stocked with enough Hyronalin to inoculate the entire crew at least three times. What's more, the drug was already loaded into hyposprays for quick and easy access. Debbie took a moment to silently thank whoever came up with that idea because they certainly needed to move quickly.


Dr. Matthews and Russ Eckert stood by the supply cabinet handing out trays of Hyronalin charged hyposprays. Each member of the staff was ordered to immediately inoculate themselves and then report to a designated area of the ship. There was much to do and very little time in which to do it. If the drug wasn't administered prior to or shortly after exposure, it's effectiveness was greatly diminished.


Brian Smith approached for his allotment of Hyronalin. Kitty was with him.


"Brian," ordered Debbie quickly. "You and Kitty get up to the Bridge and inoculate everyone there. Then head down to Engineering. I'll be here, in Sickbay. Check in after you finish."


The two young physicians took their trays of hypos and headed for the exit.


"And don't forget," called Debbie to the retreating duo. "Inoculate yourselves first. We can't help this crew if we're down with radiation sickness."

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