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Sky Harbor Aegis | 14 August 2020

= /\ = Aegis Mission Brief 8/14/20 = /\ =
= /\ = 17 June 2388 - Stardate 2388.169 = /\ =

TBS is 4 hours - the time is 1200 hours (12:00 pm) Aegis Local.
The station is on yellow alert.
The plants cause a caustic, toxic stench.
Some might contain narcotics and/or metagenic enzymes.
Some personnel are quarantined in the medical complex.
Commander Coleridge has increased the efficiency of the scrubbers.
The plants that were in the medical complex have been beamed into space.
We get word of USS Rodman, USS Chi Song, and USS Agincourt have been found in the nebula.
Chirakis: =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=
Chirakis: =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=
Sierra Robinson: :: on biobed in sickbay ::
Chirakis: ::steps out of her office into CnC::
Kansas Kenickie: ::Thinks she might be with Wyatt still::
Dacia Sandero: ::checks up on Robinson::
Jylliene: ::CnC::
Alexis McFarland: ::with Miana and Annisha, not sure what that awful smell is::
mimipavilion: ::in medical, glad that the plant is out of medical::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::very busy in the medical quarantine area:::
Sierra Robinson: :: opens her eyes ::
Dacia Sandero: Careful now. You're in the sickbay.
mimipavilion: ::also treating those in the medical quarantine area::
Tarisa: ::On CnC, using the internal sensors to locate and beam off more plants from the station.::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Frowning as the smell assaults her senses.::
Chirakis: :::approaching Jyl::: I understand that there is a problem with the communication system?
Sierra Robinson: :: mutters ::: What ... I recall fainting in engineering...
Amanda Davis PhD: ::geared up in a suit:::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC, checking over the status of the environmental systems::
Jylliene: Slightly.
Sierra Robinson: :: reaches for her forehead ::...Stench..there was a stench.
Jylliene: Working on it.
Alexis McFarland: ::holds Miana, sprays an aerosol spray in the air to try to mask some of the odour::
Chirakis: ::nod:: Thankfully. We do not need anything else to happen.
Jylliene: We definitely do not.
Chirakis: Commander Kital, call Lt Kenickie to CnC.
Jylliene: Yes ma'am.
Sierra Robinson: Is everyone alright down there?
Dacia Sandero: Yea, we got a medical emergency from someone in engineering and beamed you over here. Glad to see you're doing better, I would assume it's due to the odour permeating through the station maybe?
Dacia Sandero: I think so?
Jylliene: +Kenickie+Ops to Lieutenant Kenickie
Chirakis: ::quietly:: we'll see if the communication system is working properly.
Kansas Kenickie: +OPS+ Kenickie here..
Jylliene: ::nods to Chirakis::
Kansas Kenickie: ::Eyes up the people passing her:::
Jylliene: +Kenickie+The Captain would like you to report to the CnC.
Kansas Kenickie: +OPS+ on my way
Tarisa: ::Frowns as she works.:: I found stray plants in the Commerce level. Transporting now. :;Energizes.::
Kansas Kenickie: :::Glances around... spots a lift Runs ----> That way::::
Sierra Robinson: :: thinks :: It isn't that damn plant is it? It would not surprise me. But...I dunno
Jylliene: She's on her way. ::to Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::checks the chrono, hoping that her credentials have been certified by security, and if not... hell to pay in security:::
Tarisa: ::Begins expanding her search.::
Kansas Kenickie: ::Pushes people out of her way::: Make a hole people.
Chirakis: ::nods to Jyl:: I'll be in my office.
Jylliene: Yes ma'am.
Chirakis: ...with the door open.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Scott Coleridge: ::finishes stabilizing environmental systems::
Kansas Kenickie: :::Slips into the lift::: CnC!
Scott Coleridge: ::turns his attention to status reports from department and section heads::
Amanda Davis PhD: :::sweating in her suit as she works with the Pakleds:::
Amanda Davis PhD: :::but even sweaty, she's fairly cool:::
Scott Coleridge: ::reinforces instructions to the security officers guarding the quarantined Pakleds: do not allow the Pakleds out of quarantine even if they've been certified medically fit for discharge::
Kansas Kenickie: :::Steps onto CnC::
mimipavilion: ::also in a suit:: Amanda, go take a break. I got it from here.
Sierra Robinson: Ensign Tantas Mar> :: disembarks from his his shuttle ready for his first assignment ...the Bajoran male Looks around noting a peculiar aroma....::
Jylliene: ::to Kenickie:: She's in her office, Lieutenant.
Kansas Kenickie: ::nods::
Chirakis: :::checking a few things as she waits:::
Sierra Robinson: I was...troubled with springtime allergies...
Kansas Kenickie: :::Walks up the office, stands in the doorway:: Ma'am
Sierra Robinson: But not nose bleeds like that.
Chirakis: ::turns:: Enter, Lieutenant. And close the door.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Working down in engineering at the environmental systems ::
Dacia Sandero: I see. That is interesting.
Tarisa: ::Frowns as she looks up from the SCI console.:: I am detecting possible targets within the residential levels. I will need security to confirm before I attempt transport. I will forward locations.
Kansas Kenickie: ::Steps in pushes the button to close the doors:::
Sierra Robinson: :: wonders where that uniform of hers went...it looked bad if she recalled ::
Chirakis: Have a seat :::sits at her desk:::
mimipavilion: ::taps Amanda on the shoulder:: Did you hear me Amanda?
Kansas Kenickie: ::reluctantly takes a seat::
Dacia Sandero: So how're you feeling now?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Working around the commerce level, but the smell was getting to him. ::
Chirakis: :::pulls up her files::: I understand, Lieutenant, that you are well versed in covert operations. Tell me of your latest.
Sierra Robinson: Ensign Tantas Mar> :: may the prophets be with me ....:: walks to security office ::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::;grabs a nurse to assist with Pakled vomiting:::
Sierra Robinson: well...I think you cleaned me up..it appears...but I am a bit unnerved....over what happened...
mimipavilion: ::luckily is at the end of the biobed of the vomiting Pakled::
Dacia Sandero: Yeah, I think we all are. This smell seems to be throughout the station.
Tarisa: ::Forwards possible plant locations within residential levels to Security.::
Scott Coleridge: ::Tarisa:: What's the status of the plant eradication?
Annisha: :: With her friends again, trying to not think about the outside ::
Kansas Kenickie: Am I in trouble already?
Chirakis: ::lifts a brow::: Should you be?
Chirakis: ::leans forward:: I would like information on your latest covert operation.
Tarisa: ::Looks to Scott.:: I believe to have the majority of Commerce clear. I have sent coordinates in residential for security to confirm.
Sierra Robinson: But...I didn't like get sick like the Pakleds....I'm not puking my guts out.....I bled my brains out instead...which....has me ...worried..:
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Glad he was not a Yith right now, the smells would have knocked him out ::
mimipavilion: ::Amanda:: Do you want to take a break?
Chirakis: You do not need to be specific, A general outline will do.
Amanda Davis PhD: Oh my, yes. Thank you. And maybe change this suit.
Scott Coleridge: ::Tarisa:: Good work. I believe I saw some reports that some strains of the plant with different DNA were turning up? Is that proving a challenge when it comes to locking on to the plants?
Dacia Sandero: That does concern me too . We can keep you here for the night under observation.
mimipavilion: ::takes over Amanda's patient:: Go ahead I'll finish up with this patient.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: sad so many Pakleds are ill ...strolling the empty commerce deck..::
Chirakis: Or perhaps it would be better for you to tell me your best area of expertise. :::has a PADD on her desk that has that information but would like to hear it from her:::
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Possible. I know that Lt. Dran was checking on the park for possible anomalies.
Sierra Robinson: I am probably low a quart....:: sighs ::
Kansas Kenickie: Hand to hand combat, I have expert knife skills and I don't really second guess my actions.
Amanda Davis PhD: :::walks through the sanitizer area, removing the suit and replacing it with new:::
Kansas Kenickie: or hesitate
Scott Coleridge: The last thing we need is for there to be some strain of the plant that eludes us, and then it goes on to mutate further… or someone further cultivates it.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Still holding her nose. The airspray didn't help much with her sensitive nose.:: Smell...bad... We need fresh air...
Chirakis: So, hand-to-hand is your best area of expertise?
Alexis McFarland: That's the bad thing about being stuck in space...
Kansas Kenickie: ::nods::: Yeah I think I excel there.
Sierra Robinson: Where are you from Doctor?
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Agreed.
Kansas Kenickie: Most people don't like to get up close and in someone's face.
Tarisa: Miana> There must be a place that smells better.
Chirakis: Very well.... :::checking her area of expertise thoroughly:::
Dacia Sandero: Me? I was born in the Virgin Islands, but mainly grew up in London.
Dacia Sandero: Where were you from?
Chirakis: True.
Sierra Robinson: California region....Sur...Southern...not too far from the Academy.
Alexis McFarland: I wish I knew where.
Chirakis: Have you ever worked in an area such as this station?
Tarisa: Miana> Anywhere but here... ::Frowning.::
Dacia Sandero: Ah, that's a nice area. Always liked going down to LA after classes to unwind.
Kansas Kenickie: I have never been on a station ::Looks uncomfortable in her chair::: It will be a learning curve.
mimipavilion: ::finishes up with Amanda's patient and goes to another Pakled to tend to::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::into the shower, getting rid of the smell:::
Alexis McFarland: ::nods, hugs Miana:: Yea, maybe we can go somewhere.
Alexis McFarland: Maybe the arboretum? Lots of trees and plants mean more oxygen?
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: wanders into lift.....:: Administration.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.::
Chirakis: A learning curve. ::nods::: Definitely.
Sierra Robinson: Yeah..nice climate...lots of neat assembly plants building shuttles...
Kansas Kenickie: Anything I should be aware of or look out for?
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: hums as the lift takes him to.....Administration ::
Chirakis: ::relaxes back in her chair::: Lieutenant, I sense your anxiety. It is almost overwhelming. However....
Dacia Sandero: I remember seeing those yes.
Chirakis: You have never been in a situation like this, especially on a starbase. Am I correct in believing that you have never worked with a team?
Alexis McFarland: ::heads to the lift with her friends::
Kansas Kenickie: Expendable teams.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: doesn't realize that the lift will not take him to administration ...so he just stays on board....until it stops ::
Chirakis: Explain.
Sierra Robinson: That is what got me started...
Tarisa: Miana> ::Happily follows.::
Kansas Kenickie: Missions that, as long as one person got the intel out and the rest didn't make was a good mission.
Alexis McFarland: ::enters a lift and heads for the arbouretum
Chirakis: :::her posture is relaxed, more listening than judging:::
Kansas Kenickie: I have been the solo team member recovered many times.
Sierra Robinson: :: Peter Pakled in Lift :: Hello :: looks to Alexis McFarland ::
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> I'm lost.
Chirakis: :::mulls that over a while:::
Alexis McFarland: ::holds Miana:: Hello. Where are you going?
Kansas Kenickie: I am here because the "Know it alls" think I need a change.
Chirakis: Ah. Now *that* I understand.
Kansas Kenickie: or a change of pace, they are worried I have seen to much death
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: looks to Girls :: Need Boss of Station...People Sick...Bad Plants...I know where many are...
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> Where?
Chirakis: ::slight grin:: I have been placed in areas with "know it alls" as you have.
Kansas Kenickie: Death is my gift, I avoid her and hand her out.
mimipavilion: ::finishes with patient and moves on to the last sick Pakled::
Chirakis: In fact, that is why I am at this station instead of my team in SI5.
Alexis McFarland: I don't think you can get to Boss of Station. It's restricted. Maybe Boss of Security? But I don't know where he is.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Hides behind Alexis.::
Alexis McFarland: (w) Or who he is.
Kansas Kenickie: I don't think I needed a break, I am good at killing people and getting my mission done.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> Oh sorry...sorry ...Uhm...Tell Boss...Deck 98....Pakleds...grow stuff there..for free...
Chirakis: +Cayne+ Commander, my office. Now.
Chirakis: Killing.
Alexis McFarland: Deck 98?
Kansas Kenickie: I have 86 confirmed under my belt
Alexis McFarland: Maybe I'll tell my aunt. She's a doctor on the station. Maybe she can tell Boss of Station.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> Uh...sorry...I leave...your friend scared of me...I leave....:: exits lift :: Tell Boss I am in Store....Deck 98....
Chirakis: You seem to be very forceful when it comes to fighting and killing.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Chirakis+ On my way.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled > :: waddles away ::
Alexis McFarland: ::does so telepathically::
Chirakis: And you consider that an honor?
Alexis McFarland: Bye. ::wave::
Kansas Kenickie: It's a job well done.
Chirakis: Can you do that without killing?
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled > :: waves and smiles :: Bye! :: waddles back to Pop Up Store ::
Dacia Sandero: ::looks up, after her telepathic conversation with Alexis:: Uhh, uh oh.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Quietly.:: He had the bad smell on him.
Sierra Robinson: Doctor?
Scott Coleridge: ::looking at his to-do list:: Beam plants off station... confirm Pakled quarantine... order lunch... oh, didn't do that one yet.
Alexis McFarland: Yeah I noticed..
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Enters the lift, and the lift arrives at the CnC ::
Kansas Kenickie: Yeah, but where is the work in that.
Kansas Kenickie: I mean I can choke people out instead or go for a non-death shot.
Kansas Kenickie: But my job is security.
mimipavilion: ::finishes up with the last pakled, leaves area through the sanitizing area, removing the suit and goes to change and shower:: Ugh.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Enters Chirakis' office ::
Dacia Sandero: Sorry, I had a telepathic talk with my niece who apparently came into contact with one of the Pakleds in the lift. He apparently told her the plants are growing from Deck 98. We'd better get someone to check there.
Chirakis: Close the door, Commander. :::nods to Cayne:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Watches the door close behind him ::
Sierra Robinson: Deck 98....Deck 98 :: thinks :: Carbon scrubbers....Oxygen generation....wait they got in there?!?!? :: tries to get up ::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Watches the environs struggle ::
Chirakis: Have a seat, Commander. Would you explain, in general terms, to Lt Kenickie how you work in SI6.
Kansas Kenickie: ::Glances up:: Commander.
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: returns to his Marigolds smiling ::
Dacia Sandero: Careful now. Not too fast.I don't know what's down there, but maybe we should get someone to check it out. Maybe Security?
Amanda Davis PhD: :::clean gear, feeling better, back to work:::
Alexis McFarland: ::they make their way to the arboretum::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Walking with Alexis.::
Chirakis: For instance...
Sierra Robinson: Okay...just tell someone to send a team in there and inspect it for...that plant....Perhaps that is where the scrubbers are being overwhelmed...
Dacia Sandero: Perhaps.. I'll go find Mimi.
Chirakis: In covert operations, have you been more apt to work covertly or kill someone?
Dacia Sandero: ::looks around for Dr Pavillion::
mimipavilion: ::after finishing her shower and re-dressing goes to her office to work on updates::
Dacia Sandero: ::she heads to Mimi's office and presses the chime::
Alexis McFarland: ::enters the arboretum::
mimipavilion: ::barely getting started:: come in.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I ran recon for them on remote planets to gather information. I stayed in the shadows.
Dacia Sandero: Hi, I hope I'm not intruding. But I have some potential info on where the plants are growing.
mimipavilion: No I was about to update files on the pakleds. what is it?
Kansas Kenickie: ::nods::: sounds easy...... then you get behind them and slit their throats
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I would on occasion push a plan forward, if the timing was right.
Chirakis: :::thinks a moment::: I would like you to take Lt Kenickie to security and.... :::quirks a brow::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: That's not exactly quiet, but perhaps another division.
Dacia Sandero: I heard from Alexis who talked with a Pakled on the turbolift, that there are plants growing in Deck 98. Perhaps security or science should check it out?
Chirakis: Lieutenant, you seem to enjoy killing.
Kansas Kenickie: Oh no it can be quiet.
Scott Coleridge: ::frowns:: That's odd.
mimipavilion: ::wide eyed:: Ok then. +CnC+Pavilion to CnC
Scott Coleridge: +Mimi+ Coleridge here.
Jylliene: +Mimi+ Ops here, go ahead doctor.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Daydreaming to a moment from his recent experience ::
Chirakis: Thank you, Lieutenant. Step out for a moment... wait outside my office.
Kansas Kenickie: mM last 5 years have been on tac elimination.
mimipavilion: +Scott+ There are plants growing on deck 98, send a security and science team there please.
Sierra Robinson: :: attempts to rest ::
Kansas Kenickie: Yes ma'am :::Steps outside::
Kansas Kenickie: ::Decides to size up the deck officers:::
Scott Coleridge: +Mimi+ Acknowledged, Doctor. That explains some strange readings I have here. Thank you for the heads up.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Captain. Interesting officer.
Dacia Sandero: Robinson thinks that is what might be causing the air systems to be overwhelmed. I hope that's the case.
Chirakis: ::as soon as the door closes:: Indeed Commander.. In fact, I am worried about her words. She seems to enjoy killing more than gleaning information.
mimipavilion: +Scott+ You should thank Alexis, she was the one who talked to one of the pakleds, then she told Dacia about the situation. Dacia says Robinson thinks that's what causes the air systems to be overwhelmed.
Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: I was just going over the latest environmental systems diagnostic, and they're still overloaded. That makes no sense, given how many of the plants we've removed. But if plants have colonized the environmental systems hub on Deck 98... ::frowns::
Jylliene: Not good, to say the very least.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Surely Starfleet Security knew this before she got here. She may be a hot iron that needs tempered.
Chirakis: I would like you to take her to security, sit down, and talk to her about covert operations vs clandestine operations.
Scott Coleridge: +Mimi+ Noted. We will give her some kind of ribbon.
Alexis McFarland: (yay!)
Chirakis: Indeed they did.
Chirakis: (two minutes)
mimipavilion: ::smiles:: +Scott+ I'm sure she'll like that.
Jylliene: Can we do the same transporter usage to help clear that out?
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ Coleridge to engineering. We've received credible information that the Deck 98 environmental systems hub is compromised. I'm heading there to evaluate the situation. Please send an engineering team to meet me there.
Chirakis: Lt Garand may assist if you wish.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Staring at a screen showing the ventilation systems working. A cat and mouse game of plant parts vs the humanoids ::
Tarisa: Miana> It does not smell as bad here.
Alexis McFarland: ::Nods::
Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: I'll have to see how thoroughly they've infiltrated the systems. I'll be on Deck 98. Have a security team meet me there. You have the CnC.
Chirakis: Questions? ::to Cayne:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Maybe they thought ahead and believe we have future threats that would require this kind of work
Sierra Robinson: Peter Pakled> :: hopes customers return ::
Jylliene: Yes sir.
Jylliene: +Sec+Ops to security
Tarisa: Commander. ::To Scott.:: I recommend suits.
Sierra Robinson: :: notes things getting a bit quiete ::
Chirakis: Garand> +OPS+ Security here. Go ahead.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I say let her get used to how we operate, keep her busy in her field, trained in what she knows.
Scott Coleridge: ::Tarisa:: Excellent recommendation, thank you. ::Jylliene:: Pass that on to the security and engineering teams, please.
Jylliene: +Garand+ Commander Coleridge would like a security team to meet him on deck 98. With suits.
Sierra Robinson: Crewman Wrench> :: walks up to Nijil Korjata :: Sir..I have the weekly water consumption report..
Chirakis: Garand> +OPS+ Copy that.
Chirakis: Garand> :::gathers his team and sends them out:::
Jylliene: ::nods to Coleridge:: They're on their way.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: Thank you
Chirakis: Ok.... TBS will be Zero.
Chirakis: Comments, Commander?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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