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Sky Harbor Aegis | 26 July 2019

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 7/26/19 - 10:05 PM=/\=
17 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.138

TBS was 4 hours. The time is 2100 (9:00 PM) Aegis local.
Aegean is still under repair as the star threatens to draw them into oblivion.
USS Regulus has yet to make contact with Aegean.
The Alien Alliance ship is still at station keeping in the nebula.
Lt Kenyon and Dr Pavilion are trying to communicate with the gremlin.
Captain Chirakis is taking a break from CnC, though I doubt that will last.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Jylliene: ::winding down for the day in her quarters::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> :::still trying to contact Aegean:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Very tired, very agitated ::
Dacia Sandero: @::organizes things around sickbay ::
Tarisa: ::Having dinner down in the Commerce Area.::
Cptn d'Ka: # ::USS Missouri, watching things unfold, though his bondmate would rather have him somewhere else, such as in her quarters::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Running scenarios on his master display ::
Alexis McFarland: ::in her room, reading a message from her parents::
Scott Coleridge: @ACTION> More crew members have begun to show signs of radiation poisoning, albeit mild and not as many thanks to the preventative measures already taken. Sickbay is busy but not overwhelmed.
Scott Coleridge: @::emerges from his ready room, where he had caught the standard "we're in mortal peril but mortals have to sleep" 30-minute power nap::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::on the bridge figuring calculations in her journal::
Jylliene: ::cleaned up from dinner, watching the latest visual rendition of an old Trill folk tale::
Chirakis: ::unable to resist the temptation, she enters CnC, and goes straight to her office:::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::treats patients and prioritizes according to severity ::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> +Aegean, Regulus+ Respond.
mimipavilion: ::trying to figure out how to communicate with the "guest" by looking at the feed from security in her office::
Scott Coleridge: @::looks at the Wave Prediction Chronometer, which is actually a multidimensional probability density function but with a simpler UI:: Hmm
Scott Coleridge: @::Dran:: Lieutenant, when you were at the Academy, did you ever go to Yellowstone?
Chirakis: @LtCdr Dayson>::will not give up:: +Aegean, Regulus+ Respond.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Was that the bar on 5th?
Scott Coleridge: @ No, I'm referring to the nature preserve in the middle of the North American continent.
Chirakis: LtCdr Dayson>::sighs, turning to Lt Hill:: Anything new on that alien ship?
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Ah. No.
Chirakis: @ Lt Hill> No, sir. Station keeping, like they're watching us.
Johnson Kenyon: ::with Dr. Pavilion::
Chirakis: ::begins to pace her office:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Takes another gulp of his lukewarm coffee ::
Cptn d'Ka: # {{Kirel. Sit. Stay.}}
Scott Coleridge: @ I went there once, with some fellow cadets. There are these geological phenomena called "geysers." Jets of superheated water under pressure, erupting from the ground.
Scott Coleridge: @ This star reminds me of those. And I think it's about to blow. ::approaches her station:: Are you ready?
Johnson Kenyon: ::Mimi:: Did you see what the Captain did?
Chirakis: :::stops with a sigh::
Dacia Sandero: @::treats one patient suffering fairly badly::
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Yes. It looks like... ::enhances the screen to get a better view:: ...a power bar.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ We've increased shielding around control systems. I don't know about main power but aux should be better protected.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ I am worried about one thing.
Alexis McFarland: ::relaxes in her bed, reading the message from her parents, they left Andoria today and are on their way to the station and will arrive in about two weeks::
Scott Coleridge: @ And what's that?
Johnson Kenyon: How did the Captain endure the smell?
mimipavilion: Not sure.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ My findings found that the damping pulse has the benefit of neutralizing radiation. I am calculating the results if our shielding succeeds but we still continue to suffer radiation exposure.
Cptn d'Ka: # ::in Aegis orbit, monitoring the situation and watching the alien ship closely:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ We may just eliminate the one thing that kept the previous ships crews alive.
Chirakis: ::relaxes into her office chair and eventually falls sound asleep::
Johnson Kenyon: Hmm... perhaps Lt Rathers would know
Scott Coleridge: @ I'm making the calculated bet that if we can get thrown far enough from the star, we'll get picked up on friendly sensors and rescued before that becomes an issue.
Dacia Sandero: ::instructs some of the less experienced medical personnel on how to properly treat radiation poisoning ::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> :::sends an update to SF Security::
mimipavilion: Agreed let's go ask him.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Well, I never did go to Yellowstone. I did however visit a place called Las Vegas. Hopefully your betting skills are better than mine.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> Lieutenant, Ensign, keep your ears on for any sign of Aegean.
mimipavilion: ::gets up to leave::
Johnson Kenyon: ::stands:: Apres vous
Chirakis: Rathers> :::night watch in Security, still thinking about the captain and his energy bars::
Annisha: :: walking around her apartment ::
mimipavilion: ::heads to the tl, entering it, then ordering it to security complex::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::closes her journal and turns back to the console:: Setting science systems into secure mode. Releasing available power to main shielding.
Scott Coleridge: @+Nijil+ Coleridge to Commander tr'Korjata. What's your status?
Johnson Kenyon: ::in the TL with Mimi::
mimipavilion: ::arrives near security a short time later::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Segmenting and locking down last science control relays into protected mode.
mimipavilion: ::exits the tl and goes straight for security::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Cole..+ Running simulations down here with the power I have, nothing new. Fusion reactors are running now, but propulsion is still inoperative.
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Mimi:: I never realized you were so focused ::struggling to keep up::
Jylliene: ::preferred the version from five years ago, that used that descendant of some famed Human actor. He had dark hair. She preferred that in this role.::
mimipavilion: Benefits of being on this station for so long, especially when serving under Captain Chirakis, you learn to get to the matter and a result rather quickly.
Scott Coleridge: @+Nijil+ Dran has completed her calculations and made the appropriate programming adjustments. If my algorithm is right, the star will send out another wave any time now. If we're going to use it to propel us, it's probably now or never.
Tarisa: ::Still sitting at a table, looking over a PADD while she drinks a tea.::
Alexis McFarland: ::Drinks some juice::
Johnson Kenyon: I suppose so, doctor. I've never seen this side of you
Dacia Sandero: Pl
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> ::looks up from his work:: Doctor Pavilion, Lieutenant ::he stands:: Something I can help you with or are you taking another stab at our gremlin?
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Cole+ Do what you must. I will keep my systems in line.
Annisha: Mommy?
Annisha: :: Walks around, poking her head all over the place ::
mimipavilion: ::hearing Rathers and turning to him:: Actually Lt., it's in regards to the power bar that the Captain fed the gremlin?
Jylliene: Yes? ::looks up::
Scott Coleridge: @+All Hands+ Attention all hands.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::pulls out a tricorder to make a final survey::
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> Yes, ma'am. The energy bars? Afraid that the captain didn't get to eat any.
Annisha: Oh there you are? Have you heard from father? Every time I call the C and C it does not route the call.
Johnson Kenyon: ::standing behind Dr. Pavilion::
Scott Coleridge: @+All Hands+ We have prepared a plan that, if successful, will propel us away from the star and attract aid. To do this, we will be harnessing the energy from the waves that the star emits. The next wave could come at any moment now.
Jylliene: No, I haven't. But I'm not surprised, given where the away mission was headed.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> ::grin:: The little guy ate them all.
Scott Coleridge: @+All Hands+ Remain sheltered in place unless you are performing critical duties. We'll have a few seconds' warning and then brace for impact. The shockwave will be violent and may cause additional damage.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: I noticed in the feed that was sent to me. The gremlin seemed to take the energy bars rather happily. Also, did you happen to smell anything different with gremlin?
Annisha: Oh.. I should have gone with them... probably pilot error.
Scott Coleridge: @+All Hands+ Captain Coleridge out. ::hates the sound of that::
Jylliene: No, you shouldn't have. You should be able to be a child for a bit longer, before being hauled out on these things.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> ::think... blink::: Come to think of it, ma'am, most of the smell left when he started to eat. He got really excited, I guess, and maybe.... the energy bar stopped the smell?
Dacia Sandero: @::hears the message and braces.. The patient are also braced as best as they can ::
Johnson Kenyon: Very interesting
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Interesting.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::doing is best to search by listening in next to Hill and Brady::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Back home the saying goes, you never get anywhere on one gust of wind. I really hope that doesn't apply here.
Scott Coleridge: @::watching the Wave Prediction Chronometer fluctuate up and down, approaching 1 but not quite getting there::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Cole+ Engineering is ready
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> The only kind we had was chocolate, and they're gone now.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Ok, so he likes sweets or sweet flavored things.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> Made the little guy really happy.
Scott Coleridge: @::wonders if he was supposed to make one of those heartwarming and inspirational speeches captains always seem to be making in times of trouble::
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> Could be.
Jylliene: Don't be in too much of a hurry to head off into adulthood.
Jylliene: ::smiles::
Jylliene: You'll get there far too soon as it is.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sitting in the commerce area after a long day, one hand on his drink, the other on his PADD...TacPadd? More like his portable office...or portable hell ::
Chirakis: ((We few. We happy few. We band of brothers.))
Annisha: Because I'm a good pilot? :: flies her hand around ::
Scott Coleridge: ((Oh, that's good! Can I use that?))
Johnson Kenyon: The fact that the odor changed is fascinating. It is able to change the smell based on mood
Jylliene: Yes. ::grins::
Chirakis: ((I'm sure that Shakespeare won't mind))
mimipavilion: ::turns to Kenyon:: Agreed.
Annisha: Adulthood? Just some pain pills and a cup of that hot black stuff. :: Lays on the floor ::
Scott Coleridge: @::0.885… 0.921... 0.957 ... 0.963... 0.825... 0.761... 0.899... 0.934::
Jylliene: ((When I find myself in times of trouble, Chirakis comes to me, speaking words of wisdom: Get it together.))
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> You're badged in ma'am, sir. Any time you want to go down there you're welcome to.
Jylliene: ((Not quite as inspiring, alas))
Chirakis: ((::sigh::))
Johnson Kenyon: I wonder if it would prefer to wear clothes
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Leans against his work table waiting for events to unfold ::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> ::to Hill and Brady:: Try pings again.
Scott Coleridge: @ Maybe my heuristic is useless... ::opens up the IDE:: Maybe I could feed it different variables...
mimipavilion: ::to Rathers:: Thanks. ::turns to Kenyon:: It's been a long day as it is. I think we should start up again with our visitor tomorrow.
Scott Coleridge: @ACTION> The wave predictor hits 1, and Aegean starts to tremble with gradually increasing turbulence.
Scott Coleridge: @ Oh. All right then. ::holds on to his chair:: I guess this is happening.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::braces herself::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::stops.... listens and adjusts frequencies::: Hill. Brady. Lock on to these coords.
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Mimi:: Agreed
mimipavilion: ::Kenyon:: See ya tomorrow.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> ::listening::::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: grumbles :: Glad I drank my coffee. :: Catches his mug before it hobbles off the table ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::nods to Mimi::
mimipavilion: ::Rathers:: I'll probably stop by tomorrow.
Scott Coleridge: @ACTION> The star emits another pulse. As the wave passes over Aegean, the shields absorb the energy and channel it into the propulsion systems. The ship's impulse engines come alive in a single, immense burst of power, accelerating Aegean to a significant fraction of c. The ship feels like it's going to shake apart.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> Sure enough, ma'am.
Annisha: I hope he gets back and does not trip over some power thingy :: twirls her finger off into the distance ::
Scott Coleridge: @::very glad he hasn't eaten anything in the past 6 hours or so::
mimipavilion: ::Nods and leaves security::
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Lt Rathers:: Mind if I stick around a bit longer?
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>:::listens, adjusts:::
Jylliene: You and me both.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> Not at all, sir. Let me know if you need assistance. There are a few places you can't go, but your badge will tell you that.
Scott Coleridge: @ACTION> Aegean passes through the shockwave a second time, losing momentum but clear of immediate danger from the star, drifting outwards around 1.5 AU. It is now visible on others' sensors.
Annisha: It's his turn at Galactic Domination... What a way for forfeit.
Jylliene: ::chuckles::
Scott Coleridge: @::feels the shaking slow and then cease:: Wow.
Chirakis: @ Lt Hill> Got it!! These coordinates. Enter the area, sir?
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ I hope that worked. I don't think we could take another ride like that.
Scott Coleridge: @::looks around the bridge:: Everyone okay?
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Cole+ Damage is minimal, we appear to be clear.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::pulls tricorder and scans::
Scott Coleridge: @::allows some elation to creep into his voice:: +Nijil+ Excellent work, then.
mimipavilion: ::goes to her quarters to eat and relax/sleep until her next shift::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson> Stay put. We don't want both of us to get caught in that area.
Johnson Kenyon: ::uses badge to walk through and close to the Gremlin's cell::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>Brady, power up. Station keeping but ready to go if we need to.
Dacia Sandero: @::looks around:: Well, we're still alive aren't we?
Chirakis: Gremlin> ::sleeping happily, very full:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ I am not detecting significant signs of the dampening effect.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Beginning to unbox systems from protected states.
Johnson Kenyon: ::turns around and heads out::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::listens::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Power levels seem stable.
Annisha: :: Goes to sit in her mother's lap, then yawns ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Rathers:: It seems our Gremlin is now sleeping quietly. I'll head back to my quarters
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Computer sub-processors coming online.
mimipavilion: ::makes it back to her quarters, entering, going to the kitchen to get something light to eat, then sits at the desk to check her messages andsuch::
Scott Coleridge: @ Can we get sensors? Communications?
Jylliene: ::snuggles up with Annisha:: Sleep well.
Chirakis: Lt Rathers> He looks pretty happy. Enjoy the evening, sir.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>+Aegean, Regulus+ Respond.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Sub-processors responding at 68% efficiency.
Johnson Kenyon: ::heading to his quarters, taking his time now that he's not stinky::
Annisha: :: mumbles :: Bajorans to the Regulus system, twenty ships... attack forma...
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Reordering start up list. Bringing comms online.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::gets a message:: Fleet says move in, but not close enough to get caught. Take us in, Brady.
Scott Coleridge: @ Send out a distress signal when the comms are online.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Comm processors responding. Receiver arrays recalibrating.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Yes sir.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Comm array at 62%. Broadcasting distress signal now.
Cptn d'Ka: # ::receives orders to proceed toward Aegean and hold steady for casualties:::
Cptn d'Ka: # Mr Tan, take us out
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ External sensor processors responding. I am getting limited response though from sensors.
Scott Coleridge: @ ACTION> Aegean receives Dayson's latest call. "Aegean, Regulus, respond."
Johnson Kenyon: ::enters quarters::
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::Listening:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::perks up as she hears something over the speakers::
Scott Coleridge: @ What's that? The Regulus?
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>::as the runabout moves in slowly::: +Aegean, Regulus+ Respond.
Scott Coleridge: @ Is that one of ours?
Johnson Kenyon: ::getting ready for bed::
mimipavilion: ::finishes her meal and all messages are checked, goes and gets ready for bed::
Scott Coleridge: @::Dran:: Open a channel.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>Brady, adjust coordinates. +Aegean, Regulus+ Respond.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Channel open.
mimipavilion: ::goes to bed::
Scott Coleridge: @+Regulus+ Regulus, this is Aegean. Captain Coleridge speaking. We read you.
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>+Aegean, Regulus+ Reading you five by.  What is your situation?
Chirakis: @ LtCdr Dayson>Brady, follow their coordinates.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 7/26/19
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well done, all. Captain, TBS?
Scott Coleridge: Let's do 2 days or whatever time brings Aegean back into Aegis space under tow.
Scott Coleridge: People can write logs about anything happening en route, but next week we can start with us finally returning to the station and working sonic showers.
Scott Coleridge: So... maybe don't meet us at the airlock?
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don't forget your towel.

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