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Sky Harbor Aegis | 28 June 2019

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/28/19 =/\=
 17 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.138

TBS 11 hours. The time is 0700 (7:00 AM) Aegis local.
Aegis security is dealing with Crow and the gremlin.
While Aegean investigates Nebula 259b the star's massive explosion spins them out of control.
Major power systems are down. Several are injured. 
Aegis and Starfleet's security tail Regulus have lost contact with Aegean.
Only Cpt Chirakis has been informed. 
Everyone else believes that Aegean is on a routine science mission.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

mimipavilion: ::medical::

Fletcher Jackson: :::earlier than he usually is:::

Dacia Sandero: @ ::in medical as well, checking on the patients in Sickbay::

Scott Coleridge: @::in sickbay::

Johnson Kenyon: ::fetching a cup of tea from the replicator::

Jylliene: ::CnC::

Johnson Kenyon: ::in Main Engineering::

Jylliene: ::Ops::

Alexis McFarland: ::asleep in her bed::

Chirakis: ::in her office, exchanging information with Starfleet Command::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::on Aegean bridge::

Dacia Sandero: @ ::checks Coleridge's bio signs::

Fletcher Jackson: ::Jylliene:: Morning, ma'am.

Scott Coleridge: @::opens his eyes::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @::under a console's maintenance hatch trying to connect aux power::

Dacia Sandero: @ Oh. How're you doing?

Scott Coleridge: @::frown:: I think that's your department, not mine.

Chirakis: ::after some time, she exits her office looking as relaxed as she can under the circumstances:::

Scott Coleridge: @::apparently his sense of humour is intact::

Jylliene: ::suddenly starts:: Oh - good morning ::to Jackson::

Dacia Sandero: @ Hah, well could've been worse. You had a nasty fall on the bridge but it doesn't look like anything long term.

Johnson Kenyon: ::thinking about the missing ship::

mimipavilion: ::going through the night shift reports::

Scott Coleridge: @::suddenly remembers what happened, sits up:: Bridge. The star. What… status

Scott Coleridge: @What's our status?

Chirakis: ::begins her usual pace through CnC:::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::a spark and the console flickers to life with a dull glow::

Dacia Sandero: @ We're running on emergency power since yesterday, only basic systems and life support is online. The star emitted some kind of wave that knocked us pretty hard.

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::pulls herself up::

Dacia Sandero: @ Feel free to talk to the bridge who'd give you better information in that regard. I'm a doctor not an engineer.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ The wave overpowered the shields.

Scott Coleridge: @::swings his legs over the side of the bed:: I'd like to go the bridge.

Dacia Sandero: @ You should be all right to go back, given you had the night to rest. I should go back too, so I can keep an eye on you. But I think you should be fine.

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Okay, now to work through the local processors.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Working from the bridge ::

mimipavilion: ::notes that it was a typical night::

Scott Coleridge: @ Sounds good. Lead on.

Dacia Sandero: @ All right, ::heads out of the sickbay, leaving it in the care of one of the nurses::

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Noticed the ship had been listing for the past few hours, nothing to do about it now ::

Chirakis: ::pace...pace...pace...pace::::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Life support sensors, on line. Internal sensors offline. External sensors offline.

Tarisa: ::Enters the CnC.::

mimipavilion: ::goes and does rounds::

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Not much electrical is working.

Chirakis: ::turns:: Morning, Commander ::to Tarisa:::

Scott Coleridge: @::keeping pace with Dacia, not too unsteady on his feet despite this being his second head injury in a few weeks::

Dacia Sandero: @ ::Luckily it wasn't far to the bridge::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Main computer offline. Back up computer processors, 20%.

Tarisa: ::Had noticed the pacing. Gives a nod and tail wave.:: Captain. ::Heads for her station.::

Alexis McFarland: ::still curled up asleep, dreaming about being on other starships::

Scott Coleridge: @::enters the bridge::

Fletcher Jackson: :::hums softly since there isn't much traffic this morning:::

mimipavilion: ::finishes her rounds, notes that everything is under control and quiet as usual::

Tarisa: Miana> :;Dreaming about how much fun it will be to have Alexis as her neighbor.::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Ah, some progress. Local processors tied to maneuvering thrusters are finally responding.

Johnson Kenyon: ::leaning back in chair, lost in thought::

mimipavilion: ::goes and grabs a requisition PADD to finish filling out and heads to the CnC via tl, leaving medical to one of her AMO's::

Jylliene: ::gets a puzzled look, presses a few buttons on her console, focusing hard::

Chirakis: ::leans against the railing to watch those still at breakfast on the commerce desk:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::::long stretch, then cracks his back:::

mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC, looking at the PADD, looks up briefly to step off the tl, then back down at the PADD::

Scott Coleridge: @ Report.

Tarisa: ::Checks the sensors and sensor logs.::

Chirakis: ::turns::: Good morning, Dr. Pavilion.

Dacia Sandero: @ ::heads back to a secondary Science terminal to help out there::

mimipavilion: ::hears Chirakis and not looking up:: Morning Captain

Jylliene: ::gets a more puzzled look, presses the same buttons::

Fletcher Jackson: ::stands to refresh coffee and notices her expression:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::stops to watch:::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ We are currently at 0.6 AU from the star. Orbit is unstable but we have a 10 days before we'd fall back into the star. All systems out of less than 20% functional.

Jylliene: ::ponders, runs a quick algorithm::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Primary failures are the main computer and main power.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ We need to be towed out.

Fletcher Jackson: :::Jylliene, curious:: : Problem, Commander? Anything I can help with?

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ We could probably operate impulse systems manually.

Johnson Kenyon: ::stands and goes looking for Lt Little::

Jylliene: Just received a bizarre message. It's utterly jumbled.

Jylliene: It makes no sense.

mimipavilion: ::breathes a bit, finally finishing her requisition and takes it over to Jylliene:: My requisition is ready whenever you are. ::pauses:: Really?

Jylliene: I'm running a quick diagnostic that usually clears up mistranslations, but this may be well beyond it.

Johnson Kenyon: ::finding him, asks if there is any maintenance to be done on the bridge so he can understand what's happening::

Chirakis: # Dayson> Aegean, Starfleet Regulus, respond.

Jylliene: ::takes the requisition from the doctor::

Chirakis: ::slowly turns to listen go Jylliene:::

Scott Coleridge: @ What's the status of comms?

Jylliene: ::is beginning to feel popular in a bad way::

Chirakis: # Dayson> Mr Hill, scan all frequencies.

Chirakis: # Hill> On it.

mimipavilion: ::stands there, but to the side a bit, in case Chirakis needs to step up next to Jylliene::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Operating at 15%. Not enough to get a signal through the nebula.

Scott Coleridge: @ And sensors?

Chirakis: ::once more::: # Dayson> Ship Aegean, Runabout Regulus. Respond any way that you can.

Jylliene: Sending it to your console now, Captain. In case you see something I don't.

Dacia Sandero: @ ::Checks rad levels::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Offline. I've set several tricorders near some viewports just so we know if we're about to run into a planet or something.

Chirakis: ::nods:: I'll see what I can do, Commander. There are strange languages in our area that have still not been entered into our database.

Alexis McFarland: ::mumbles incoherently::

Chirakis: Otherwise, carry on.

Jylliene: ::nods:: Yes ma'am.

mimipavilion: ::looks around the CnC, but things are starting to feel a little off, but she could be mistaken::

Jylliene: ::to Mimi:: I'll get this entered shortly. Thank you.

Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks, moving on to coffee:::

Chirakis: :::moves slowly to her console and logs in:::

mimipavilion: ::Jylliene:: Thanks. Just better to get my monthly requisitions in before the deadline.

Jylliene: ::nods:: Greatly appreciated.

mimipavilion: ::walks over to a less busy area to get out of the way::

Fletcher Jackson: ::returns and logs back in to listen to the usual passing ship chatter:::

Chirakis: ::her expression changes, but only a little, then she blanks her screen:::

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Sir, methods of restoring power developed to counter Breen weaponry don't seem to be aiding in our situation.

Jylliene: ::wonders if it was some kind of coded message, but figures even code tries to be unremarkable, not something that attention-grabbing::

Scott Coleridge: @ So if I understand the situation correctly: we're too close to a star outputting dangerous radiation with little to no defences, no sensors, and no way to contact help.

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Correct except we seem to be safe from the radiation. I finally got the proof I needed that the dampening wave neutralizes radiation. So, there's that.

Chirakis: # Ens Brady> Commander... strange communication coming through on high frequency - just above 'Fleet chatter.

Chirakis: # Dayson> Put it on.

Chirakis: # Brady> Putting up now

mimipavilion: ::looks around and notices Chirakis a little more tense than usual::

Chirakis: # Dayson> ::stroking his chin::: Well, it is strange - not only in frequency but it seems to be moving out of range.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ The hull protects is from radiation, for now.

Chirakis: # Dayson> In the direction of.... ::hm.:: An-Ward.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ So many electrical systems are affected.

Dacia Sandero: @ ::Nods::

Chirakis: # Dayson> Have we been detected?

Chirakis: # Hill> Not that I can see, sir. They seem to be moving away from us.

Chirakis: # Dayson> ::nods:: Keep the hail going at low frequency.

Scott Coleridge: @ Could we remodulate the comms system to use the dampening wave from the star as a carrier wave?

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::considers that for a moment::

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Au mean producing the opposing wave to cancel it out?

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ It would have to be timed exactly with the next pulse.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Here's the thing.. we may be able to match the waveform, but we can't match the amplitude.

Chirakis: :::slow pace toward Mimi and Tarisa::: How are things going with you this morning? Anything new?

mimipavilion: ::Chirakis:: No ma'am

Chirakis: And the children?

mimipavilion: Doing well as can be expected.

Alexis McFarland: ::eating her pillow::

Tarisa: :;Ears perk up at the conversation.::

Chirakis: ::lifts a brow::: Doing well as to be expected? It has not been my experience that the children are not into mischief.

Chirakis: 10:50 PM

mimipavilion: Depends on the individual child.

Chirakis: That it does.

Chirakis: :::Tarisa::: And Miana?

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ If our priority is to send a distress signal I think we can construct a transmitter and power it through aux systems.

Jylliene: ::keeps running the communication back through the diagnostic, looped, hoping to figure something out. Even if it's pretty far-fetched::

Tarisa: She is well. She told me school is going fine, and that there are many new children.

Scott Coleridge: @ If we can't get out under our own power, we need comms.

mimipavilion: ::holds back a smirk::

Chirakis: New children from "below"?

Tarisa: ::Nods.:: That is what she says. They apparently smell different.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Our best bet is to run though a chemically based power source.

Chirakis: And that.. I understand. ::slight grin:: They have lived below for several years and are not quite used to our protocol.

Fletcher Jackson: ::glances over to Jylliene, then begins to watch her:::

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I will need to check the cargo bay for such a device.

Tarisa: I do not think she means that they smell bad. When someone is in one place for vast periods of time, certain smells rub off. For instance, I can easily tell who is from Aegis and those from other ships.

Chirakis: ::nods::: True.

Chirakis: 10:58 PM

Jylliene: ::instinctively reaches for a coffee cup, hand closing on nothing. Blinks.:: Oh. Well, that explains *that*, at least. ::mumbled::

Fletcher Jackson: Oh.. fresh coffee, ma'am? ::standing:: It just came in.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ We need to get a subspace message out... or get a probe to do it for us.

Tae'Lynn Dran: @ A probe would need to be manually launched. And by that I mean shoved out an airlock.

Fletcher Jackson: And... uh... they took your mug away to clean it. I tried to stop 'em but they said it was protocol?

Jylliene: I would greatly appreciate that.

Fletcher Jackson: Coming right up.

Jylliene: ::chuckles:: It was, no doubt, necessary.

Jylliene: Thank you.

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Ie, and avoid another wave...

Fletcher Jackson: :::full mug and favorite donut in hand, he returns:::

Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I'll prepare both attempts... I would think Aegis would send out a search if we don't report back.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: 6/28/19

Chirakis: Thank you.

Chirakis: Well done, crew.

Chirakis: Commander Coleridge anything to sweeten the pot?

Scott Coleridge: Not right now

Chirakis: TBS?

Scott Coleridge: Hmm

Scott Coleridge: Two hours

Chirakis: Very well. TBS is 2 hours.  Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.  

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