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Sky Harbor Aegis | 13 April 2019

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 4/12/19 - 10:03 PM=/\=
10 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.131

TBS is 17 hours. The time is 0700 hours (7:00 AM) Aegis local.
Lt Dran is looking for a Breen energy dampening weapon.
Science is dealing with a strange phenomenon regarding their laboratory alerts that appear in CnC.
Dr Pavilion is raising the medical expertise of her Romulan staff.
Security is at condition yellow. Everyone else is green.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson: ::Aux OPS:::
mimipavilion: ::in medical::
Alexis McFarland: ::Also in medical::
Chirakis: ::in her office going over the information left by the ambassador:::
Alexis McFarland: ::in her room, asleep::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in a cafe, doing some light reading::
Chirakis: ::throws up the map of asteroids and planetoids populated by groups out to get the Federation::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Napping with Alexis::
mimipavilion: ::finishes up her work and exit her office as well as medical::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: In some kind of office. learning what more paperwork means ::
Tarisa: ::Sitting in her office, drinking tea while reading.::
Jylliene: ((lights dim across the station, as the power is drawn to light all the icons on Chirakis's map))
Chirakis: ::or perhaps the complete Joint Allied Powers:::
Alexis McFarland: ::wraps her arm around Miana::
Chirakis: ((::headdesk:::))
Tarisa: Miana> ::purrs::
Chirakis: :::hones in on one particular asteroid:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks up, mutters :: The lights?
Scott Coleridge: ::catching up on reports::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::takes a sip from her mug::
Chirakis: ::makes a note:::
Chirakis: ::there is something much too familiar about their configuration:::
Scott Coleridge: A Breen energy-dampening weapon?
Dacia Sandero: ::working with the Romulan doctors:
Scott Coleridge: ::re-reads the request:: Huh.
Chirakis: ::thorough scan of the other bases::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sets the empty mug down and takes a moment to people watch::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Walking along his patrol route, looking for engineering issues, and perhaps late for dinner ::
Jylliene: ::::notes, returns to CnC::
mimipavilion: ::goes back to her quarters::
Alexis McFarland: Well, I suppose it is time to head back. ::looks at her chrono::
Dacia Sandero: ::bids the Romulan doctors a fond farewell and heads out of the Sickbay::
Scott Coleridge: Sometimes I miss being the one who gets to file off-the-wall requisition orders....
Dacia Sandero: ::heads back to her quarters::
Chirakis: :::blanks the screen, moving to her desk and begins to skim the ambassador's report:::
Alexis McFarland: ::Opens her eyes from her nap:: Ah, I don't know why I felt so tired.
Alexis McFarland: But that was a nice nap.
mimipavilion: ::enters her quarters and makes a late dinner::
Scott Coleridge: ::takes the PADD and leaves his office, crossing over to Chirakis' office almost without looking up, as the CnC is more quiet at this hour::
Fletcher Jackson: ::slips over to OPS:::
Scott Coleridge: ::rings the door chime::
Chirakis: ::without looking up::: Enter.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Stretches.::
Jylliene: ::returns to Ops console, sees Jackson::
Alexis McFarland: Hey Miana.. had a nice nap?
Fletcher Jackson: Oh. Hello, ma'am. Just.. helping out. ::back to Aux OPS:::
Scott Coleridge: ::enters without looking up, still reading the PADD:: Did you know the energy wave phenomenon from that star is apparently closest to Bre… ”::looks up:: Oh, are you busy? I can...
Chirakis: No.. please, Commander. :::puts the padd aside and waves him in:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking back down at her reading::
Jylliene: Quite all right. ::grins::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Annisha+ Your father here, are au eating?
Chirakis: Closest to...?
Annisha: :: Eating at her dining room table ::
Annisha: +Nijil+ Mmmhmm.
Scott Coleridge: Breen. Energy-dampening weapons, that is. According to Lt. Dran.
Fletcher Jackson: Fresh donuts and coffee, ma'am.
Scott Coleridge: ::holds up PADD:: She wants one.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Annisha+ Not Blubby's?
Alexis McFarland: You feeling hungry? Maybe we can go down to Blubby's,
Chirakis: ::blink:: Breen energy-dampening weapons?
Jylliene: Sounds good.
Jylliene: Do they have the filled doughnuts?
Annisha: :: Slides a burger across the table :: +Nijil+ Uhm...
Tarisa: Miana> ::Perks up at the mention of food.:: Yes!
Fletcher Jackson: Coming right up. :::slips out of his seat, moving toward the concession stand:: They do... chocolate filled and it looks like... jelly?
Scott Coleridge: Yes.
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles:: Mm. Let's go, then. ::slides out of her bed and into her hover chair next to the bed::
Fletcher Jackson: Covered with... uh... confectioners sugar, too.
Jylliene: The jelly. Might as well pretend it is a fruit and provides something vaguely nutritious?
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Annisha+ Right... :: grunts :: No fries, father out.
Chirakis: ::steeples her fingers::: Explain.
Jylliene: ::grins::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Helping Alexis. Then she hops on the back of the chair.::
Fletcher Jackson: Jelly coming up. And your kind of coffee.
Alexis McFarland: ::Smiles and powers on the chair and moves out of her room::
Jylliene: I cannot thank you enough.
Annisha: :: grumbles ::
Fletcher Jackson: :::bringing the coffee and donut to her with a lot of napkins... 'cause of the jelly and sugar that usually gets all over him:::
Fletcher Jackson: Here ya go, ma'am. :::slips back into aux ops::
Tarisa: Miana> Wee
Scott Coleridge: Apparently the energy-dampening weapons, according to records, create similar subspace effects as the energy wave from the star.
Jylliene: Thank you again.
mimipavilion: ::sits and eats as well as talks to Loxil::
Alexis McFarland: ::zooms down the corridor to the turbo lift::
Chirakis: ::nods:: Continue.
Dacia Sandero: ::heads to a restaurant in the food court with some friends::
Scott Coleridge: Lt. Dran would like to use a weapon to simulate the conditions encountered by the Nei'rrh and the other ships.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Continues his walk ::
Chirakis: ::after not much thought::: Where and how does she propose to do this?
Scott Coleridge: That part is... unclear to me. Presumably not actually on the station.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggles as she hangs on.::
Chirakis: Then perhaps we should call her in...
Chirakis: +com+ Commander Kital, call Lt Dran to my office.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::stashes her reading material back into her bag. Waves to the cafe staff and heads out::
Jylliene: +Chirakis+ Right away.
Jylliene: +Dran+ Ops to Lieutenant Dran.
Tae'Lynn Dran: +Ops+ Dran here.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Message to Jy+ I think we are both working late...
Jylliene: +Dran+ Please report to Captain Chirakis's office.
Tae'Lynn Dran: +Ops+ On my way.
Jylliene: +Message to Nijil+ Yes.
Alexis McFarland: ::exits the lift into the food court, and makes her way to Blubby's:: It's been so long...
Chirakis: :::pondering that::: You do realize that the Breen weapon is classified.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps into the lift::
Annisha: :: Looks at her bag, marketing Blubby's Delivery ::
Tarisa: Miana> Mmhm :;Notices a pointy eared lady as we zoom by.::
Scott Coleridge: Aren't all the good toys?
Jylliene: ((Heh))
Scott Coleridge: Understanding this phenomenon could be important if we need to send ships back to that region.
Chirakis: ::slight grin::: Unfortunately, yes.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps out of the TL onto the CnC::
Chirakis: And why, exactly, would we want to send ships back to that region?
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::chimes the Captain's door::
Chirakis: Enter.
Scott Coleridge: ::dryly:: Starfleet does still technically explore from time to time.
Chirakis: No one is allowed in that area of the nebula, per Starfleet Command.
Chirakis: ::stands::: Lt Dran, we have some questions for you.
Scott Coleridge: ::has some thoughts on that but waits to hear what Dran has to say::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps into the office::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir.
Alexis McFarland: ::orders a Blubby Burger and Fries::
Chirakis: Please. Sit.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sits::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Gets the same, plus a chocolate marshmallow shake.::
Chirakis: ...and tell us why exactly you want a Breen energy dampening weapon. How you would use it, and where you would use it ?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, that. It is the closest known technology that matches the wave form encountered in the nebula.
Alexis McFarland: Now where should we sit?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Walks down a rather dark and quiet corridor. Nijil spied a soft white glow around the corner ::
Chirakis: And where would you find one?
Tae'Lynn Dran: I have been testing biological samples against exposure to radiation found there as well.
Chirakis: ::leaning against her desk, thinking::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Points to an empty table Alexis can easily get to.::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::trying to word this right:: If I knew that I would already have it. ::fails::
Alexis McFarland: ::Nods:: Let's go there.
Fletcher Jackson: ::humming a tune as he shifts this ship here and another one there:::
Chirakis: I see.
Chirakis: Have you ever used one?
Chirakis: Meaning...
Chirakis: Are you familiar with its complex construction, and would you be able to power it down if necessary?
Tae'Lynn Dran: I don't actually need the entire weapon assembly. That would probably black out half the station.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Has a seat.::
Alexis McFarland: ::pulls her chair at the table, which is a good height for her in her chair::
Chirakis: ::has a sudden thought, glances to Scott, then back to Dran:: Step outside for a moment, Lieutenant.
Tae'Lynn Dran: If I had access to some of the classified documents on its base line technology or access to someone with that knowledge.... yes sir.
Dacia Sandero: ::enjoying the idle chit chat with her friends, eating a nice seafood dish in the restaurant overlooking the station's dock::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: The engineer walked toward the dim light peering around the corner ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::stands::
Scott Coleridge: ::sees the "I have had a sudden thought" expression flash across Chirakis' face::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps out the door::
Chirakis: ::seals the door:::
Chirakis: Commander.. you did have a point, and it passed by me completely.
Alexis McFarland: ::eats her Blubby burger:: Mm, yummy.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks out his window again ::
Jylliene: ::glances toward Chirakis's door::
Scott Coleridge: Oh?
Chirakis: If those waves were artificially made, there is a possibility that they exist in other areas of space, and that they could easily be used to attack any ship passing by.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Starts eating. Squeals in glee as she takes a bite of burger.::
Chirakis: For that reason, and that reason only, I will tell you that there is one close by.
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles and drinks her strawberry shake::
Chirakis: However... what is Lt Dran's clearance?
Scott Coleridge: Not high enough to have access to an energy-dampening weapon or the associated files without your authorization.
Chirakis: :::moves to her desk and pulls it up:::
Chirakis: ...without my authorization. ::ponders::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: All the while, he was considering his experience attempting a rescue of his daughter. ::
Scott Coleridge: Whether or not the waves are artificial, I'd also point out that if *we* don't develop countermeasures but someone else does, they could hide out in that region with impunity.
Jylliene: ((I totally thought you were opening a secret compartment to pull out a weapon.))
Scott Coleridge: ((Chirakis is the type of person who likes to keep her weapons on open display))
Chirakis: ::deep breath:: Indeed they would.
Chirakis: Commander Jorahl has one hidden in the shipyard. I can send her there, but he would be the only one to touch it, use it, or disable it.
Chirakis: And I would have to ask him before I do.
Scott Coleridge: Why am I not surprised that Jorahl has one?
Jylliene: ((well, if it wasn't gonna be Chirakis who had one, that'd be who...))
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sees movement :: Jolan tru?
Chirakis: That is why Starfleet called him The Reaper.
Chirakis: So.. shall we pursue this avenue?
Scott Coleridge: ::muses:: Lt. Dran has yet to meet our former chief engineer.
Chirakis: Indeed.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::feeling uncomfortable waiting by the door::
Fletcher Jackson: ::trying very hard to not look at Dran:::
Scott Coleridge: The scientific principles are sound. I'm in favour of letting her cut her teeth on this project. It could lead to some interesting avenues, both theoretically and practically.
Scott Coleridge: I mean, it's not like she asked for Borg technology like *some people* have.... ::whistles innocently::
Chirakis: ::quirks a brow and decides to let it pass:::
Chirakis: Very well. I will contact Commander Jorahl, and if he agrees, we will send the Lieutenant over.
Alexis McFarland: ::makes small girl talk with Miana as she enjoys her food::
Scott Coleridge: ((Spending so much time in his office doing paperwork makes Scott sassy))
Chirakis: ::unlocks the door and it opens:: Lt Dran. ::motions her in:::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggling.::
Chirakis: ( I noticed that)
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sigh of relief. Reenters::
Chirakis: ::after the door slides shut::: Lieutenant, we are considering your request, will look into the matter, and inform you of the consequences.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you. May I stress one point about my research?
Chirakis: You may.
mimipavilion: ::finishes her meal::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sees some figure at the end of the hall, female, but of an unknown species :: Greetings Nijil.... :: Nijil falls unconscious to the floor, his scanner slides across the carpet ::
Alexis McFarland: ::giggles as well::
Tae'Lynn Dran: The radiation those that entered the nebula experienced. They all should be dead. This currently is my only lead in why they are alive.
Chirakis: :::ponders that:: Understood.
Chirakis: Anything to say, Commander? ::turns to Scott:::
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Very well. Lieutenant, you are dismissed. We will inform you of the results of our query.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes sir.::turns on her heels and heads back out::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: Well.... interesting turn of events.
Chirakis: I'm going to make TBS to 1 pm - 1300.
Chirakis: Thoughts, Scott?
Chirakis: So... any words of wisdom, Scott?
Scott Coleridge: Seldom do I ever have wisdom.
Scott Coleridge: And also no unwise words.
Chirakis: ::nod::: Thoughts from the crew?
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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