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Sky Harbor Aegis | 15 March 2019 | 8 May 2388

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 3/15/19 - 10:07 PM=/\=
8 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.129
TBS is zero. The time is 1400 hours (2:00 PM) Aegis local.
Commander Cayne is Officer in Charge in C&C.
Commander Coleridge is investigating the Nei'rrh/Argos II incident.
The children are in the medical complex.
Life on Aegis seems to have returned to normal.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: In the medical facility complex place ::
mimipavilion: ::in medical tending to the remaining patients::
Alexis McFarland: ::in Sickbay, with Miana::
Johnson Kenyon: ::ordering some food::
Scott Coleridge: ::in his office, sipping a chai latte prior to asking his first question of Tarisa::
Jylliene: ::in med as well, checking on Annisha and Nijil::
Annisha: What's wrong father, too much change?
Chirakis: :::C&C, at the viewing window, watching those on the commerce deck:::
Fletcher Jackson: :::OPS, C&C:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks at the holograms before him :: I know au took your time with your turn, but I did not expect this change.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Holding up C&C ::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Decompressing in the park ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: :::at a library terminal on the C&C::
Chirakis: :::turns to complete her standard pace:::
Jylliene: ::watching them both::
Nijil tr'Korjata: How are the Bajorans the dominant power?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Still watching Alexis play her game.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking around Drakums to see who is around::
Chirakis: ::notes the science officers, hoping that Cdr Tarisa is well:::
Tarisa: Miana>::Hanging over the back of the hoverchair.::
Alexis McFarland: I'm still trying to get used to it..
Annisha: They have a fire father.
Tarisa: ::Is in Scott's office.::
Fletcher Jackson: ::blinkblink, then ignores:::
Annisha: They have control.. I mean agreements with twenty other worlds.
Scott Coleridge: Commander, can you describe for me what Commander tr'Korjata's demeanour was like at the beginning of the mission?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Turns to Jylliene :: I'm going to lose to a pre-teen.
Johnson Kenyon: ::watches as the food is delivered:: Waiter> Will there be anything else?
Jylliene: ::unsure when Annisha started to sound ten or twenty years older:: So it seems.
Fletcher Jackson: :::focusing on corridors while the poor guy at Aux OPS is taking care of the other stuff::
Johnson Kenyon: ::to waiter:: No, but a friend may be joining me.
Chirakis: ::casual pace towards Dran::
Tarisa: ::Thinks.:: He seemed like he normally is when there is a mission.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Snacking on a scone.::
Annisha: Look at all those Bajoran... :: points with her fingers ::
Scott Coleridge: He didn't seem overly distracted or upset, given that his daughter was among the missing?
Alexis McFarland: I have to try to get to end of this asteroid belt. ::bites into her scone as well, and sips her tea::
mimipavilion: ::finishes treating the last Argos II crewmember::
Chirakis: ::approaches Dran, not wanting to interrupt her reading but curious about any progress regarding the mission:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: goes to Jylliene :: I think her mental state is fine.
Annisha: :: Closes the game ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::starts enjoying his food, looking up every now and then to see if someone joins him::
Annisha: Your turn, old man!
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::paging through the highlights of several dozen research papers:: No, no, maybe, no, certainly not, no..... ::making notes:::
Jylliene: ::smirks:: Seems so.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Heads out of the park to get a sandwich ::
Tarisa: ::Shakes head.:: No. I too had personal stakes in the mission. But we knew there was a job to do, and we were the best chance at that time.
Fletcher Jackson: ::using the headset:: +com+ RSE Voldar, you are cleared for orbit.
Dacia Sandero: ::tending to other patients in the sickbay, more at ease now that Alexis is doing fine::
Chirakis: ::looks toward Jackson, then up at the corridor screen:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Hold Jy's hands :: How are au?
Chirakis: :::noting Dran is busy, she moves toward Jackson::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Looks at the screen, then points to an area.:: Go there?
Jylliene: Better, now that you're both back.
Scott Coleridge: I see. ::makes notes on a PADD:: What was your initial reaction when tr'Korjata proposed going to warp and Lt. Kenyon objected?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Well, that might be useful. ::more notes::
Alexis McFarland: ::Nods:: Mmm. Yes, let's go there. ::taps the area and jumps to impulse::
Alexis McFarland: impulse
mimipavilion: ::goes to her office and inputs the updates on the personal she took care of::
Fletcher Jackson: +com+ RSE Voldar, understood. 
Chirakis: ::approaches:: Mr. Jackson?
Nijil tr'Korjata: It was an...adventure. In the end though the Argos II escaped despite our efforts. They saved us.
Johnson Kenyon: ::finishes eating, disappointed::
Fletcher Jackson: ::slight turn::: Yes, ma'am? ::still at work:::
Annisha: :: Goes to watch her padd ::
Chirakis: RSE Voldar is in orbit as a courtesy, or otherwise?
Jylliene: Mm.
Alexis McFarland: ::meanders past the asteroids towards the area, a small planet or moon::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Enters the commerce area ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: That should do it ::logs out of the terminal. Moves over to science station::
Fletcher Jackson: ::tap...tap:: Routine visit, ma'am.
Chirakis: And they said nothing else?
Jylliene: ::ponders::
Tarisa: While initially there was a cause for concern with going to warp, the risk was justifiable. Had we remained at full impulse, we would not have escaped the incoming wave.
Fletcher Jackson: +com+ Stand by. ::turns to Chirakis:: They called it a "pass through", ma'am.
Tarisa: ::Sips at her tea.::
Fletcher Jackson: Code is... 263.
Johnson Kenyon: ::touching his finger to the padd to indicate payment::
Chirakis: ::she nods:: Carry on.
Nijil tr'Korjata: What a messed up region of space. We'll have to reroute around it from now on.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sits down. Begins entering experiment parameters into her log::
Jylliene: ::nods::
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. +com+ Freighter Komkast, you are cleared for docking... ::etc:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks around :: Stations report please.
Fletcher Jackson: :::Cayne::: Situation normal, sir. Lots of traffic today.
Scott Coleridge: Speaking as a senior officer and department head, how would you appraise Lieutenant Kenyon's performance on the mission, and particularly his conduct following the warp jump?
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::glances over the status board:: Science systems nominal.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Doesn't know much about the game, but she is getting a fleeting idea.:: You should go there next. ::Points, tail swishing.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::stands and leaves::
Alexis McFarland: ::nods:: Hm, yes. You are quickly picking up on it.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Yeah...lots of dots.
Jylliene: Think there will ever be a trip off-station for Annisha that isn't accompanied by some largeish mishap?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Walking around the shops ::
Fletcher Jackson: ::Cayne:: Yes, sir.
Alexis McFarland: ::picks up her cargo and heads to the next destination:: Gotta watch out for space pirates..
Annisha: :: laughs :: He got hit in the head with a coconut!
Nijil tr'Korjata: Perhaps there is a cosmic force at work...
Johnson Kenyon: ::reporting to Main engineering, looks around in case Nijil is back::
mimipavilion: ::exits her office and finds Dacia::
Chirakis: ::Cayne:: I will be in my office.
Jylliene: Prefer not to think of that.
mimipavilion: ::Dacia:: Hey I'm going to C&C for a bit.
Dacia Sandero: ::looks up:: Okay.
Tarisa: The Lieutenant has every to feel as he does, especially when his life is on the line. ::Thinks back.:: But I have worked with Commander Korjata before on board the Nei'rrh. I was used to how things were ran. Perhaps Mr. Kenyon would have felt different if he had done the same? I do not know.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking over the lab schedule. Reserves a proper block of time for her experiments::
mimipavilion: ::smiles and exits medical via the tl::
Tarisa: Miana> Bad pirates.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Comm beeps ::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks :: Engineering?
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the C&C a short time later::
Johnson Kenyon: ::sitting at a console, tapping on computer to learn the location of Nijil, seeing he is with his child, decides to review the repair log::
Chirakis: ::enters her office to begin paging through information on the Nei'rrh/Argos investigation:::
Alexis McFarland: Yes, they are bad..
Chirakis: 10:30 PM
mimipavilion: ::looks around and heads over to Cayne:: Hey.
Scott Coleridge: Thank you. That will be sufficient. Do you have any other observations or remarks you'd like to enter into the record?
Chirakis: ::she stops at a certain point and is not impressed::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Someone creeps from a far station :: Lt. Little> Sorry sir. Engineering status is green. Nothing into the yellow at this time.
Chirakis: ::leaving the tablet open, she relaxes into her chair to think:::
mimipavilion: ::kinda stares down Cayne::
Jylliene: ::considers a question::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Yes doctor?
mimipavilion: Is the captain in?
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at list, decides to pop in and review the work in person::
Jylliene: What were you able to accomplish with the Nei'rrh there?
Tarisa: ::Shakes head, setting her empty cup on the coaster.:: Thank you for the tea. ::Stands.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: She should be in her office last I looked. She's mulling over something.
Chirakis: ::pulls up his full record:::
mimipavilion: ::nods:: I'll take my chances thanks.
Scott Coleridge: You're welcome. And one last thing: well done on the mission. I know that it wouldn't have been easy, even if people that close to you weren't involved. I'm glad all of you came back safe.
Scott Coleridge: Dismissed.
mimipavilion: ::goes over to Chirakis' office and chimes::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Finishes her scone.:: I wonder how the lady makes these.
Chirakis: ::scrolling through the information:: Enter.
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Thank you. ::Exits office.::
mimipavilion: ::enters:: Ma'am.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::leans back in the chair and mentally goes over the experiment in her head::
Alexis McFarland: I don't know, I'm curious as well. But, I'm not too good at cooking.
Chirakis: ::looking up:: Yes, Dr. Pavilion?
Annisha: Au don't cook Bubby's.
Fletcher Jackson: ::work... work...work:::
Scott Coleridge: ::lets out a long sigh:: I hate this part of the job. ::makes a few more notes into his PADD::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Something on your mind my e'lev?
Johnson Kenyon: ::heading to the TL:: Deck 7
mimipavilion: I thought I would tell you that the remaining crew members of Argos II are doing fine and should be released within the next day or two. The same can be said for the three little girls.
Scott Coleridge: ::disposes of the empty cups in the replicator, pauses to take a look at his reflection in the console:: Might as well rip off the band-aid.
Tarisa: Miana> I do not know what the lady looks like. Have you seen her?
Jylliene: Just wondering if you're going to answer my question ::slight grin:: How did things go on the Nei'rrh? What did you do out there?
Chirakis: Excellent news, Doctor. Thank you.
Johnson Kenyon: ::exiting TL, seeking out the repair team::
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ Coleridge to Commander tr'Korjata.
Alexis McFarland: I've not seen her before, no. Dacia says she's nice though.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh, oh. Sorry.. I've not calmed... +Coleridge+ Korjata here.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods::
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ Please report to my office.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Thought it'd be better to tell you in person than a report, which I will of course will be written for my files and the like.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks at Jy :: +Coleridge+ On my way.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Chirakis: ::she nods::: In person is always appreciated.
Johnson Kenyon: ::locating the repair team as they finishing their work... speaking with them; asking about their assignment::
mimipavilion: ::smiles:: You look a bit troubled. Also, Cayne informed me before I came in.
Tarisa: ::Enters C&C, returning to the SCI console. Sees Dran working.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: to Jy :: in short. Went looking for the Argos, wave hit is, safeties went on, lost power... rigged the shields to protect us, got to the warren... ::Starts walking to the lift :: Big wave coming..
Jylliene: ::follows::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::Tarisa:: Everything okay?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Enters :: C&C
Chirakis: ::sighs and nods again:: A few things we are encountering are... unprecedented, Doctor. Please, have a seat.
mimipavilion: ::takes a seat::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I've been in worse spots.. under enemy fire. Tough ship though.. a little.. crinkley.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Exits on to the C&C ::
Jylliene: ::nods:: Good luck in there.
Chirakis: ::she puts the tablet and padd aside::: What makes you think that I am troubled, Doctor?
Johnson Kenyon: ::leaving the team, heading to another one::
Chirakis: Only my expression?
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Debriefing. ::Looks at what she has.:: New project?
Nijil tr'Korjata: Yeah, thanks.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: chimes on the Coleridge door ::
Scott Coleridge: Enter.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Enters ::
Jylliene: ::returns to check on Annisha::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Commander Coleridge... good.. what is it, afternoon?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Preparing an experiment. I want to see how life forms could survive in that nebula with the amount of radiation and flares present.
Jylliene: ::back down to the medical bay::
Annisha: :: Watches the video on her padd ::
Scott Coleridge: I believe so, although time seems to stand still in this office.
mimipavilion: Expressions can say a lot, especially when your crew and the civilians you are watching are in danger?
Annisha: What are these creatures doing in the ocean?
Alexis McFarland: ::dodging some pirates and tries to fire back, but her ship is just the basic starter ship::
Scott Coleridge: Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?
Tarisa: I am curious as well. Have you had a chance to ask Dr. Brubaker about it?
Chirakis: And what makes you think that we have a crew in danger? ::curious:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I could scan for chronitons or tachyons.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Any 'yons
Jylliene: ::re-enters medical and finds the children::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Something I can help au with?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Feels a bit depressed, continues to walk around the shops ::
Scott Coleridge: I'm afraid it's something serious, yes. Sit down.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Watching.:: Oh! Go here! ::Pointing to a nebula like thing.::
Tae'Lynn Dran: No. I'm just going off the data from sensor logs. I have a theory but need to test it.
mimipavilion: Our location for starters, plus there's the Alliance amongst other things.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sits ::
Jylliene: ::finds the children and watches as they play::
Alexis McFarland: Ooh, good thinking. You're a good navigator, Miana ::smiles and heads to the nebula::
Chirakis: To which alliance do you refer, Doctor?
Tae'Lynn Dran: I didn't catch what the Dr's specialty was.
Annisha: :: Watches the other two ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::checking out the next team in the middle of installing a new food replicator::
Chirakis: :::picking her brain to see what rumors are going around the station:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Waves to some people passing by, where did she know them from? ::
Scott Coleridge: Commander, I am conducting a formal investigation into the events of the recent mission. Specifically, I am looking into what happened on the Nei'rrh, and whether your command decisions unduly endangered your crew and others involved. You have not been charged with anything. However, you have the right to representation before you say anything on the record. Would you care to exercise that right at this time?
Nijil tr'Korjata: Unduly dangered?
Tarisa: Geology. I need to speak with him soon. ::Thinks a moment, then smiles.:: It is strange. I was to be his student at one point at the Academy. But he vanished before I joined. There is a bust of him in the Science wing. You may have seen it.
mimipavilion: The Alliance in the nearby sector, but I doubt that is high point right now. Given what happened with Argos II that's more the issue at present.
Scott Coleridge: Correct.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Smiles and purrs.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I have been down this line before. I can't say anything else now and would request representation.
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles, and hides the ship in the nebula::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I will need copies of the charges sent to me and my representative
Chirakis: ::slight smile:: That alliance has not endangered us so far, Doctor. There is no reason to worry.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: good.
Chirakis: But the situation with Nei'rrh and Argos II was stressful.
mimipavilion: Agreed.
Chirakis: Many of us are dealing with that, and that is probably what makes me look troubled.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: sits::
Tae'Lynn Dran: He's THAT Dr? There were always so many stories about what happened to him.
Chirakis: Apparently I am losing my SI-5 touch.
mimipavilion: I don't doubt that.
Scott Coleridge: There are no formal charges. The purpose of the investigation is to determine if there is anything that merits further action.
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: And now we at least know part of the answer.
Chirakis: ::slightly broader grin::
Johnson Kenyon: ::having checked on the food replicator, starts heading to Deck 15::
mimipavilion: Losing your touch no
Nijil tr'Korjata: The representation still stands commander. I have heard what happens when one is requested too late.
Scott Coleridge: Of course. Do you have a specific officer whom you would like to represent you, or would you like one to be appointed for you?
Chirakis: Then... am I cleared for duty? ::more relaxed:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I don't personally know any legal counsel.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Wait, perhaps Commander Cayne has the experience.
Scott Coleridge: ::brings up Commander Cayne's service record::
Scott Coleridge: ::passes it over to Nijil:: Is that satisfactory?
Nijil tr'Korjata: I believe so.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Classmate insisted they saw a classified report he'd gone native during an expedition and married into a native tribe. Little less romantic of a conclusion. Oh well.
mimipavilion: Of course, you are. Sometimes it's better to talk things out. Even if the counselor is the CMO, even if it's beyond our head counselor pay grade.
Tarisa: ::Smirks.:: I think I heard the same rumor.
Chirakis: ::leans back::: And I do appreciate that.
Scott Coleridge: Very well. I'll send you and Cayne both a formal notice of the investigatory proceedings and their scope and allow you to converse with him before I resume my questioning. Shall we reconvene here in... four hours?
mimipavilion: ::nods::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Sure. I need time to pull up the Nei'rrh logs, unless those have been sealed.
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
mimipavilion: Anything else I should know at the moment?
Chirakis: Thank you, Doctor. ::standing and rounding her desk::: Not at the moment. But I do have a few situations to take care of.
Scott Coleridge: No, nothing has been sealed.
Johnson Kenyon: ::arriving at deck 15, reviewing the enlisted quarters::
Chirakis: ::guiding her toward the door:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Well, I'll be starting my experiment in the morning. I'll keep you updated.
Scott Coleridge: ::leans forward:: Nijil, although I appreciate the gravity with which you're treating this, I'm not acting as a prosecutor here. I'm not here to make a case for or against your actions. And the investigation may indeed shift in focus depending on my findings.
mimipavilion: ::nods and stands:: of course. ::following Chirakis::
Nijil tr'Korjata: One moment +Flight Deck+ Korjata here, place a security lockdown on the Nei'rrh.
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Please. I am curious about the results.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I understand Commander.
Chirakis: ::the door opens:: I will be up to see the children soon.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: of course. They'll be happy to see you especially Annisha.
Scott Coleridge: All I'm going to be doing is asking questions. This will not be a hearing. There are no witnesses to be called. You don't need to provide a defence. You just need to tell your side of the story.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 3/15/19
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well done, crew.
Chirakis: TBS will be 17 hours. [sim will begin @ 7:00 am] Words for the crew, Commander?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: The Ides of March seem to have been on the good side this year.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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