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Sky Harbor Aegis | 24 August 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 8/24/18 =/\=
29 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.119

TBS is 1 hour. The time is 0900 hours (9:00 AM) Aegis local.
Aegean docked at Aegis. Toq-Pan-Jri is at the shipyard.
Task Force Aegis is in defensive orbit.
Ships entering a zone near nebula 236a experience communication and navigation disruption.
A warning has been broadcast to that sector. 
Aegis OPS console is still blinking its irregular red dot pattern.
Science is looking for anything in space that should be there but is not.


Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Jylliene: ::CnC, Ops::
Dacia Sandero: ::in sickbay::
Johnson Kenyon: ::moving the isolinear spanner into position, deactivating the first input on the OPS panel::
Chirakis: :::CnC, doing various things:::
mimipavilion: ::on CnC, still observing::
Alexis McFarland: @::With Miana and Annisha, relaxing a bit after finishing her breakfast::
Tarisa: ::On CnC, comparing Aegean and the science vessel's logs with what she already has.::
Jylliene: ::On aux ops, that is::
Fletcher Jackson: ::aux OPS, glad to be away from the red dot:::
Kallah Ramson: ::on the cnc::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Resting in a chair.:: That was yummy.
Jylliene: ::on aux aux ops?::
Alexis McFarland: @Mmm. Yes. What are we doing, Annisha?
Chirakis: ::plowing through reports from the red dot area, she sees nothing of importance:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::not seeing anything change, moving to shut off the next relay::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC still::
Kallah Ramson: ::walking the cnc, checking on each station in turn
Kallah Ramson: ::
Alexis McFarland: @::Drinking some juice::
Jylliene: ::checking expected arrivals/departures::
Kallah Ramson: i do hope this is nothing like those broadcasts that took over the stations comm system once.
Jylliene: Hopefully not.
Jylliene: ::cringes a little inwardly at the memory::
Johnson Kenyon: ::overhears the captain, afraid to ask::
Scott Coleridge: ::Kallah:: So far we're not detecting any signs of intrusions of our computer system
Tarisa: ::Sighs as she continues to work.::
Chirakis: ::she looks up:: Hopefully not, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Scott:: just one...blinking...light.
Johnson Kenyon: ::seeing the red dot remain, moves to the next relay::
Cptn d'Ka: & Commander Lei'ri, take the con. I'll be on station.
Alexis McFarland: @::looks outside::: Looks like a nice day today.
Cptn d'Ka: & Lei'ri> Aye, Captain.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods.:: Mmhmm.
mimipavilion: ::remembers the comm incident::
Cptn d'Ka: & ::steps into the command TR:: +Aegis Command+ Permission to come aboard.
Chirakis: ::looks up, then to Ramson::
Alexis McFarland: @ I'd like to see what they have on this farm.
Kallah Ramson: i would love it if we are missing something amazingly obvious.
Tarisa: ::Frowns as she is starting to see the same results.::
Jylliene: ::looks to Ramson::
Kallah Ramson: ::without turning:: permission granted.
mimipavilion: ::listens::
Chirakis: As would I. Perhaps Captain d'Ka has an idea.
Johnson Kenyon: ::disabling the next relay on the OPS panel, hoping this will turn off the blinking dot::
Jylliene: +d'Ka+ Aegis here. Permission granted, sir. Welcome aboard.
Cptn d'Ka: & +com+ Thank you, Commander. To your command TR, if available.
Jylliene: +d'Ka+ Of course, sir. Standby for transport.
Cptn d'Ka: % +standing by+
Jylliene: ::activates::
Jylliene: ::transports::
Johnson Kenyon: ::wonders if the blinking red dot will remain when he disables the whole console::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: At tactical ::
Cptn d'Ka: ::materializes in the CnC transporter area and steps out, turning immediately to Captain Ramson::: Captain Ramson.
Chirakis: ::watching, neutral expression::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Tarisa: ::Ears perk up as she sees the new arrival.::
Cptn d'Ka: Commander Coleridge. ::nods:: Captain Chirakis. ::nods::
Chirakis: ::polite nod, then resumes her duties::
mimipavilion: ::watches::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Smiles.:: I caught the scent of a few interesting animals.
Scott Coleridge: ::waves at d'Ka and then gets back to analyzing the energy subsystems::
mimipavilion: ::goes back to observing::
Cptn d'Ka: :::approaching Ramson:: Captain, a word?
Cptn d'Ka: ::notes the engineer working at the OPS console::
Kallah Ramson: ::motions towards her office::
Alexis McFarland: @oooh. Let's go check them out. I think Annisha's grandparents said most of them were friendly.
Cptn d'Ka: ::nods, following:::
Kallah Ramson: ::slips into the office::
Jylliene: ::wondering how the girls are enjoying their visit::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Jumps out of her seat.:: Okay!
Chirakis: ::she steps toward the OPS console::: Any progress, Ensign?
Johnson Kenyon: ::moves to the next relay::
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Chirakis:: the console appears to be working fine, I'm running a level 2 diagnostic now
Alexis McFarland: @ ::slips on some sandals and heads outside:: Mm.. nice and warm.
Chirakis: And nothing so far, I take it?
Kallah Ramson: ::turns and sits on the floor, leaning sideways into one of the larger floor pillows::
Johnson Kenyon: That's right, Ma'am. I'm checking the relays one by one
Cptn d'Ka: ::joins her on the floor:: Captain, you must be having problems with your communication system, as I see an engineer working on it. Would it have anything to do with a flashing red dot?
Johnson Kenyon: ::by now the OPS console has been about 1/2 disabled::
Chirakis: ::thinks::
Chirakis: :::wondering... why ops?:::
Kallah Ramson: it does.
Kallah Ramson: is that not as uncommon a problem as we suspect?
Johnson Kenyon: ::blinking red light still there, disabling the next relay::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::walking around outside in the farm::
Cptn d'Ka: Definitely uncommon, but common to Aegis and Missouri.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Following Alexis around.::
Annisha: @ It looks just like the holo-recording.. :: looks around ::
Cptn d'Ka: Has it been reported by any other ship or station?
Alexis McFarland: @Mmm. Yes, it does.
Kallah Ramson: Not yet.
Jylliene: ::glances over at the main console, wonders how long it might take to track down the issue::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Down in main engineering working on utility lines ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::thinking that the scanners will be disabled from this console.... now... cuts another relay::
Kallah Ramson: The sector is under a navigational warning because of some unexplained disruption of nav sensors. but no lights, not yet.
Cptn d'Ka: ::takes a deep breath into a slow exhale::: There is a commonality here that we might consider. Aegis command and Missouri command have telepaths, as the others do not.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::heads over to a pasture, with lots of what could be cows?::
Scott Coleridge: I'm not detecting any abnormal patterns in the energy relays that might be related to our light friend.
Tarisa: @ Miana> They are so big!
Alexis McFarland: @ Yeah, I wonder if that's where our milk came from
Kallah Ramson: true.
Tarisa: @ Miana> Hmm...maybe?
Kallah Ramson: Hope you're not saying we're blinking lights in our sleep. ::smile::
Alexis McFarland: @ Do you know what they are, Annisha?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: mutters :: So many ODN lines across this station.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Kenyon? :: asks without looking behind him ::
Cptn d'Ka: He gives a hearty laugh::: Let us hope not, Captain. Then my next question would be if you have had any new telepathic contact? New, meaning something you have not heard before.
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at the top of the OPS console... Yep, red light still there::
Annisha: @ I thought they only grew plants...
Alexis McFarland: @ Maybe they just got them?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Turns around fully to see he's alone :: Oh
Chirakis: ::wanders toward Scott, waiting for his attention:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::shutting down next relay on the console::
Scott Coleridge: ::looks up at Chirakis::
Kallah Ramson: No, nothing new.
Chirakis: Commander, when you asked Commander Tarisa to look for something that should be there, but is not, exactly what were you looking for and why?
Kallah Ramson: ::ponders a moment::
Tarisa: ::Ears perk up.::
Alexis McFarland: @ Tube roots.
Johnson Kenyon: ::showing some frustration, shutting off next relay::
Johnson Kenyon: ::pretty soon the communications will be likewise disabled::
Chirakis: ACTION> When Kenyon shuts down that relay, the red dot shifts to Aux OPS.
mimipavilion: ::wonders the CnC::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: It was just a long shot. I was just wondering if maybe the red dots were linked to an absence of something rather than the presence of something
Scott Coleridge: Like a signal that wasn't there anymore
Jylliene: ::groans:: Blinking.Red.Light.
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking up:: Huh?
mimipavilion: ::hears Chirakis and Scott, then Jylliene and looks at her::
Kallah Ramson: Has something changed for you?
Jylliene: On aux ops now.
Chirakis: A signal that was not there but used to be there is telling us that it is broken ..... :::turns:::
Cptn d'Ka: I have a slight connection, but nothing of importance so far. And that in itself is strange.
mimipavilion: ::wonders over to Jylline::
Johnson Kenyon: ::moving to Aux OPS to see the light::
Johnson Kenyon: ::scratching head::
Cptn d'Ka: Normally, I hear everything, everywhere, and my system will filter out that which is useless.
Johnson Kenyon: the console hasn't been reconfigured... how in the heck did the light jump?
Cptn d'Ka: In this case, most everything is filtered. And that is strange.
Annisha: @ :: Goes over to the 'cows' ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::returns to the OPS console::
Jylliene: ::shrugs:: No idea.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::follows Annisha::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I am checking the ODN across the station.
Johnson Kenyon: ::reenabling the last relay::
Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Aye... sir... anything unusual happening?
Cptn d'Ka: I do not see it as a threat, which is also interesting.
Kallah Ramson: Sounds like you are having the same problem as Aegean's navigational sensors. Just slightly off and turning back towards itself.
mimipavilion: ::starts putting the conversation and the red dot together and starts coming with possible explanation: a type of echo displacement::
Cptn d'Ka: As was Missouri's. Engineering is testing them now.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Nothing in particular, but there are kilometers of lines.
Kallah Ramson: These are probably all related. We just need to find the missing links between them.
Chirakis: ::steps over to Jylliene::: Commander, when it blinks, send a blink... or whatever you have in your console... back at the same frequency and the same number of blinks.
Annisha: @ :: A cow comes up to her, Annisha's eyes are wide ::
Cptn d'Ka: Indeed.
Chirakis: ::turns toward Tarisa:: Monitor anything that might reply.
Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ Does the OPS console have a history of problems? We have blinking red light here that just jumped to the Aux OPS in the middle of my diagnostics
Tarisa: ::Nods.::
Jylliene: ::nods to Chirakis::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: So you think this is an attempt at communication?
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Chirakis:: You don't suppose there is an intelligence to this blinking light?
Jylliene: ::starts mirroring the blinking pattern::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Na that I am aware, but there are several hundred consoles of that type.
Chirakis: Since it could be anything—even a signal that something is broken—we must explore every avenue.
Johnson Kenyon: ::shuts up and listens::
Chirakis: ACTION> The blinking pattern stops.
Kallah Ramson: I am waiting for my officers to complete their investigation. If yours find anything useful, please share.
Cptn d'Ka: Of course
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Chirakis:: I can think of no reason why the light would have jumped panels.
Jylliene: It stopped.
Chirakis: Nor can.... it stopped?
Jylliene: ::looks at Chirakis::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::watches the cow::
Jylliene: Yes ma'am. After I started echoing it.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Generally I would replace it with a functioning one given the location. I'd set it up in our diagnostic room.
Tarisa: ::curious look.::
Chirakis: ACTION> The blink sends a short series of blinks.
mimipavilion: ::hears that it has stopped::
Jylliene: There it is again. Echoing.
Tarisa: ::recording.::
Cptn d'Ka: ::just as he begins to stand::: Something is going on in CnC.
Jylliene: It seems more deliberate?
Kallah Ramson: ::standing:: I know.
Chirakis: Reply with the same pattern.
Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I don't think that will be necessary... I'd say someone is attempting communication in an unusual way.
Jylliene: If that makes sense.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Kallah Ramson: ::steps towards the door::
Jylliene: ::already echoed it back::
Cptn d'Ka: ::following Ramson::
mimipavilion: ::hears:: Is possible that it's a subspace creature? Just a thought.
Johnson Kenyon: ::starts restoring the main OPS console::
Kallah Ramson: ::reenters CnC from her office:: report.
Chirakis: ::leaves that to Scott::
Jylliene: ::having echoed it, watches for reply::
Chirakis: ::Jyl:: What did you send?
Jylliene: Same pattern
Jylliene: Echoed it exactly
Alexis McFarland: @it hasn't eaten you yet, so I guess it's friendly?
Jylliene: As you directed.
Chirakis: Send the Morse code for "hi"
Chirakis: I believe that is the Terran greeting?
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Captain Chirakis believes there is something behind the dot communicating to us in... Morse code.
Jylliene: ::sends:: Doing it now.
Scott Coleridge: We're attempting to see if responding to the phenomenon will alter its behaviour.
Johnson Kenyon: ::chuckles to himself.... Morse code is centuries old... I'd have to look it up::
Jylliene: ::has the computer telling her what to do, since she doesn't know it either::
Chirakis: Send this one: .... --- .-- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..-
Jylliene: ::sends the pattern::
Cptn d'Ka: Curious.
Chirakis: ACTION> The response is "how are you"?
Kallah Ramson: ::leaning over the console::
Chirakis: Is it mimicking?
Alexis McFarland: @ ::smiles and moves closer to the cow::
Jylliene: (response from the other, or from us?)
Chirakis: (response from them)
Cptn d'Ka: ::stands aside, thinking:::
Jylliene: There's a response. ::look sit up:: It's "How are you"
Johnson Kenyon: ::nearly got the OPS console back together::
Kallah Ramson: (if a computer voice suddenly asks "would you like to play a game", we're hanging up)
Chirakis: (Indeed we are)
Jylliene: (Agreed)
Chirakis: (Last words)
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 8/24/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well, then. Interesting, weird, strange... any number of words fits here.
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: I will leave that up to you.
Chirakis: I will put it at zero then.
Johnson Kenyon: let me get this straight.. there's an entity in the ship communication relay that perceived my diagnostic as a threat and jumped to another console?
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Chirakis: so we can figure this out
Chirakis: Ah... but USS Missouri is experiencing the same thing.
Chirakis: I'll write a short synopsis for a log so everyone is on the same page.
Johnson Kenyon: confusing...
Johnson Kenyon: and interesting at the same time
Chirakis: Otherwise it can get very confusing, yes.
Chirakis: Words for the crew, Captain Ramson?
Kallah Ramson: none
Chirakis: Commander, words?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Words from the crew? Comments, questions?
Chirakis: Seeing none,
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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