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Sky Harbor Aegis | 10 August 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 8/10/18 =/\=
28 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.118

TBS was 30 minutes | The time is 2130 hours (9:30 PM) Aegis local.
Toq-Pan-Jri is headed toward the nebulae, and is not responding to hails.
Aegean, accompanied by Task Force Aegis, is in pursuit of the science ship toq-Pan-Jri.
Commander Coleridge is in his office conferring with Starfleet command.
The OPS distant red blinking light continues at random intervals. No other console shows the blink.
Science is looking for anything in space that should be there but is not.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: ::CnC, now OIC:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::exploring::
Fletcher Jackson: ::still watching the little blips, wondering what they are::
mimipavilion: ::asleep in her quarters::
Dacia Sandero: ::relaxing in her quarters with her pug::
Kallah Ramson: *::on Aegean, in pursuit::
Chirakis: Lackey> ::AuxOPS::
Alexis McFarland: @::with Miana and Annisha, carrying her luggage along::
Jylliene: Wine? ::to Nijil::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Sure, something we are celebrating?
Jylliene: I managed to obtain a bottle from back home.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh the real stuff.
Jylliene: ::shakes head:: No, no celebration.
Jylliene: ::works on getting the bottle open::
Johnson Kenyon: ::hearing music in the tubes:::
Jylliene: Besides, if you wait for a celebration, the wine might be sitting forever for some right time that never comes.
Kallah Ramson: *+Aegis+ Aegean to Aegis. relaying our nav data to you. So far we've had to make 4 course corrections.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Stress? :: watches her open it ::
Chirakis: ::OPS::: Keep an open channel to Aegean.
Alexis McFarland: @::follows Annisha::
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Channel to Aegean open.
Jylliene: ::bottle open, pours:: No. Just... wanted to have a glass.
Annisha: @ :: Riding in the cargo vessel as it begins to make its descent. ::
Chirakis: Mr. Lackey, take main OPS to allow Ens Jackson his full attention on the blinking and the Aegean.
Alexis McFarland: @::watches the descent from out of the window::
Jylliene: ::brings Nijil his glass, then carries her own and the bottle over::
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, aye, Captain.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh, I found something in the replicator...
Jylliene: Oh?
Johnson Kenyon: :::trying to pinpoint the source of music, he bumps his head::: ouch
Jylliene: ::head tilt::
Kallah Ramson: *+aegis+ Also noticing a drop in comm signal strength. We may lose contact by the time we intercept.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: goes over and programs it. Two tiny sandwiches appear on a plate ::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Brings it over ::
Fletcher Jackson: Captain... ::taps away:: comm signal strength to Aegean is dropping.
mimipavilion: ::stirs a bit::
Tarisa: ::Arriving back onto the CnC after a short break.::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Following Alexis around.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::music stops and so does Johnson, listening::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Presents the plate to her, takes one of the sandwiches :: It's sweet with a cream and fruit spread over the insides.
mimipavilion: ::wakes up:: So much for trying to get some actual sleep.
Jylliene: Sounds intriguing.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::standing by the window, watching the cargo ship descend into the planet::
Chirakis: ::considers the situation:: +COM+ Midshipman Kenyon to CnC.
Jylliene: ::takes one, tastes it:: Interesting.
Chirakis: Mr. Jackson, grant him access.
Johnson Kenyon: ::thinks he hears something and continues pursuit::
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am.
Johnson Kenyon: +Chirakis+ Yes, sir... you need me in CnC?
Chirakis: ::steps over to Tarisa::: Any progress on looking for something that should be there but is not?
Tarisa: @ ::Face pressed to the window as she watches.::
Kallah Ramson: *+Aegis+ I'm sure something is messing with our navigational sensors. This is probably why the Toq-Pan-Jri is off course. our own sensors are showing we're now moving away from the nebula. Though falling back on simple visual data says otherwise.
Jylliene: What did they have it labeled as?
Chirakis: +Kenyon+ That is correct. Take the command lift. You will have temporary access.
Nijil tr'Korjata: It's a nut from earth turned into a cream.. and :: tastes :: I think some kind of berry.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Peanut butter and jelly.
Fletcher Jackson: ::listens, hearing something garbled::: +Aegean+ Say again, Aegean.
Johnson Kenyon: +Chirakis+ I will be there shortly.
mimipavilion: ::sits up in bed::
Chirakis: +Kenyon+ Immediately, Midshipman.
Annisha: @ :: The view outside is white, but the viewport has gone nearly opaque ::
Tarisa: ::Shakes her head.:: I am unsure of what should have been there to begin with. With a nebula, nothing ever stays the same. But there are certainly no signs of possible cloaked vessels or the like.
Johnson Kenyon: ::navigating out of Jeffrey tubes to the nearest TL::
Kallah Ramson: *+aegis+ figure out what this interference is. we're going to lose you soon. We'll recover the science ship. Task force will stand by to....::com snaps closed::
Tarisa: :;Tail swishes.:: Might I suggest asking the Aegean to deliver a probe?
Chirakis: Focus on the area of that blip if you can.
Jylliene: ::nods and continues eating her sandwich::
Johnson Kenyon: ::entering TL:: CnC
Chirakis: +Aegean+ Acknowledged interference. Engineering is on its way.
Kallah Ramson: *::Aegean, still on course, closing on the science ship::
Annisha: @ :: The cargo vessel begins to cool down as it enters the atmosphere ::
Jylliene: ::sips the wine::
mimipavilion: ::wonders where and how her husband is doing::
Chirakis: Commander Cayne, keep a close watch on the task force.
Johnson Kenyon: ::exits normal TL onto CnC::
Tarisa: ::Nods, turning to Fletcher.:: Mr. Jackson, can you send me the exact coordinates of your anomaly?
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking for Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: If we can contact them, yes.
Alexis McFarland: @ Oooh. ::watches::
Jylliene: What are your thoughts of expanding our family?
Tarisa: @ Miana> Pretty
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma’am ::Tarisa::
Annisha: @ :: Announcement :: We will land at the Volnar spaceport in five minutes.
Alexis McFarland: @ Yay!
Jylliene: Some amount of time you'd want to wait, that sort of thing.
Chirakis: :::hears the lift and turns:: Midshipman. ::she points:: Our main Operations console is having difficulty with a connection to one of our ships. Mr Jackson will fill you in.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Having a late night drink somewhere on the commerce level ::
Fletcher Jackson: ::waves him over:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::going to Mr Jackson:: how can I help?
Chirakis: +Cayne+ Report to CnC.
Dacia Sandero: ::enjoys a glass of wine while she watches her favourite evening drama::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Has her things ready.::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::has her things ready by the door as well::
Kallah Ramson: *:::sensors show science vessel and Aegean drop out of warp and alter course towards each other::
Fletcher Jackson: See this red blip on the OPS console? We have a ship in that area and it's having a problem with communications. Aegean is her name. The coordinates are laid in. Can you boost something to make it work?
Alexis McFarland: @ ::watching the landing::
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Meets up with the others.::
Johnson Kenyon: Let me take a look.
Jylliene: ::wonders if she's tripped Nijil up with such a question out of the blue::
Tarisa: ::Focusing her search in the area of question.::
Chirakis: ::Tarisa, as she points to the tactical master screen::: Is that Aegean?
Johnson Kenyon: ::taping the console to bring up a quick diagnostic
Nijil tr'Korjata: What?
Nijil tr'Korjata: Another adoption?
Tarisa: ::Using various arrays of scans that she is able to use at this distance.::
Fletcher Jackson: ::Moves out of Kenyon's way::
Tarisa: ::Looking up, focusing.:: I believe so.
Jylliene: ::chuckles:: No, I meant when you might want to have a biological child.
Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: Can you verify?
Jylliene: If you'd like to wait until Annisha is any older, or so on.
Tarisa: ::Scans for the unique specifications of the Aegean.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Takes the wine down the wrong pipe, start to choke ::
Jylliene: ::stifles a chuckle:: Relax. I just thought I should ask your thoughts on timing, or whether you'd want to at all.
Chirakis: +Cayne+ COMMANDER. CNC. NOW!
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Holds on to her shoulder :: Funny au ask. :: smiles ::
Tarisa: If the rest of the task force is able to transmit sensor data, it would be helpful. It is difficult to get the ideal scan results at this distance and so close to a nebula.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Chirakis+ I am on my way, What is the issue?
Johnson Kenyon: The communication array appears to have drifted out of alignment.
Chirakis: ::nod to Tarisa::
Chirakis: Then fix it, Midshipman.
Chirakis: ::livid:: +Cayne+ Just. Come.
Chirakis: Mr Lackey, contact USS Missouri.
Johnson Kenyon: Aye sir ::attempts to realign the array::
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, ma’am.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Enters a lift ::
Fletcher Jackson: ::keeping an eye on Kenyon as he works:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Command and control
Fletcher Jackson: :::curious eye::
Tarisa: ((haha I had a comment, but I want to avoid possible death glares.))
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: lift moves ::
Chirakis: (Good idea, Commander)
mimipavilion: ::gets dressed and leaves her quarters heading for the CnC, wondering if observational work will help get her back to sleep or in that way::
Johnson Kenyon: ::taping the console he notices it doesn't want to align::
Annisha: @ :: The cargo vessel lands softly at the space port ::
Chirakis: ::glances at main ops, and the red blip is still there::
mimipavilion: ::hops in tl and orders it to the CnC::
Tarisa: @ Miana> Can hardly hide excitement. Her tail is moving a mile a minute.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Annisha asked me about a sibling... I dodged the question for now.
Kallah Ramson: *::Aegean and science vessel engage warp together in formation, apparent course back towards Aegis::
Chirakis: Lackey> +USS Missouri, Aegis+ Reply.
Jylliene: ::chuckles::
Johnson Kenyon: ::starts over attempting to realign::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::smiles and gets her things excitedly::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: The lift doors open to the CnC :: What do we have?
Chirakis: Commander, take TAC, full power, and see if you can locate Missouri or Aegean.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: gives her a wine-enhanced kiss :: Whenever au wish.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC and stands off to the side out of the way::
Johnson Kenyon: ::notices it aligns::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Logs in :: Scanning and contacting long range sensor locations...
Johnson Kenyon: Try it now, sir
Chirakis: ::sees Mimi's reflection in the window glass and nods::
Jylliene: I wasn't thinking right *now*. ::giggles::
Tarisa: It is difficult to trace any specific warp signature. Trying to compensate.
mimipavilion: ::nods to Chirakis::
Annisha: @ :: Announce :: Give us a few minutes to get settled.
Fletcher Jackson: ::tap..tap::: +COM+ Aegean, Aegis. Respond in any way you can.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::hopping a couple of times.:: I am ready.
Johnson Kenyon: ::steps out of the way and watches::
Fletcher Jackson: ::boosts to max:: +COM+ Aegean, Aegis. Respond.
Alexis McFarland: @ I'm ready too
Tarisa: ::Tries a narrow beam scan.::
Chirakis: Action> A zapping, gurgling sound comes from Aegean's direction and intensifies as they approach.
Kallah Ramson: *+com+ ::static filled signal::
Fletcher Jackson: Hey..we got something.
mimipavilion: ::cringes a bit at the sound::
Chirakis: Comm is open?
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Finally... sensors indicate the Aegean and the science vessel are on an intercept course with Aegis. They are in formation.
Tarisa: ::Triangulates with the comm.:: I believe I have their location. ::Puts the blip on the grid.::
Kallah Ramson: *::Aegean and science vessel drop out of warp, make minor course correction then jump back to warp::
Johnson Kenyon: ::hears static and moves to a nearby engineering console to work::
Chirakis: Mr. Kenyon, give us as much boost as you can. ::looks up::
Annisha: @ :: The Captain, the female Rihan, enters the cargo bay :: Come on girls. Time to step onto Volnar.
Chirakis: Is it pinging IFF of Aegean, Commander Tarisa?
Tarisa: :;Nods.:: It appears they dropped out of warp to make a correction.
Alexis McFarland: @::Smiles:: Okay!
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Chirakis::: Aye sir ::maximum boost now
Chirakis: Excellent. Keep an eye on them, Commander Cayne.
Tarisa: :;Nods.:: It is now. I can confirm the science vessel is now with them.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::grabs her luggage and follows the captain and Annisha::
Chirakis: ::Lets out a breath::
Tarisa: ::Frowns.:: Still no location on the Missouri.
mimipavilion: ::a little confused as to what's going on and steps over to Chirakis::softly:: Did I miss something, ma'am?
Chirakis: +com+ Aegean, Aegis. Respond.
Chirakis: ::waves Mimi off:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::wonders why this is taking so much power::
mimipavilion: ::takes a few steps back::
Jylliene: What was Annisha's thought, just that she wanted a sibling?
Fletcher Jackson: :::working to focus the signal with Tarisa's:::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::follows.:: Yay!
Johnson Kenyon: ::hears ma'am and blushes... she may not like being called sir::
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Also exits.::
Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: Missouri should be visible soon.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Yeah...more like when am I getting someone I can control.. :: eyes wide ::
Tarisa: ::Curious glance at Chirakis.::
Jylliene: Hm. ::sips:: That certainly inspires confidence.
Chirakis: ACTION> Missouri responds. Task Force Aegis is en route.
Jylliene: ::pours another glass::
Tarisa: ::Perks up.:: Yes Ma'am. Missouri has been confirmed.
Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: Thank you, Commander.
Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing power consumption:::
Tarisa: ::Nods.::
Chirakis: ::one eye on Kenyon::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Confirmation from external sensors.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::follows the captain out of the ship::
Chirakis: Excellent. ::Cayne::
Chirakis: ::turns to Mimi:: Doctor, prepare medical to receive possible injured.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Holding onto the console for support ::
Jylliene: Maybe a conversation about being a role model to a younger sibling first.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Yeah... :: motions to the couch ::
mimipavilion: ::nods:: +Dacia/Medical+ Prepare for possible incoming injured.
Annisha: @ :: Down the ramp Annisha goes. The Volnar air hits all of them at once ::
Johnson Kenyon: :::wonders if there's something interfering with the alignment or if there was some variable he failed to account::
mimipavilion: ::goes to the tl and orders it to medical::
Tarisa: ::Stretches out as she gives a little yawn.::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::Follows Annisha down the ramp and takes a breath of fresh air:: Wow...
Chirakis: ::all who are looking for Aegean:: Be advised, the science vessel is traveling slowly and Aegean is with them, so it might be a while.
Jylliene: ::sits on the couch::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Sniffs the air.::
Annisha: @ :: The Captain :: Au will all get hypos after a bit for the unique things on this planet.
Alexis McFarland: @. ::Looks up at the captain:: Aw, okay.
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Is quite curious now.:: Oh? What kind of things?
Johnson Kenyon: ::snaps his finger, thinking he failed to account for the transwarp conduits::
Chirakis: ::hearing the snap:: Midshipman?
mimipavilion: ::arrives in medical and sees that it moving along the possible injured::
Jylliene: Never know how quickly we'd be successful anyways.
Jylliene: ::sips::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I have read the difficulty.. I think the doctors here can handle it.
Johnson Kenyon: Sorry ma'am... I need to have a talk with our seasoned engineers... I think I could have aligned it better.
Chirakis: ::Kenyon:: Understood.
Nijil tr'Korjata: (Who are au calling 'seasoned'?)
Jylliene: Only so much they can do. But eh - I don't mean to imply that it's going to be a trial before we even begin.
Tarisa: ((old!))
Johnson Kenyon: ((You know, the foul smelling ones)))
Chirakis: For now, we are receiving some signals, so we will leave well enough alone.
Johnson Kenyon: ::nods:: Yes, ma'am
Kallah Ramson: *+com+ ::static....but actually sounding a little like someone trying to speak.....not so much the death gurgle from before::
Nijil tr'Korjata: If at first au don't succeed, try, try...try try again.
Chirakis: ::eyes him a moment:: You did well, Midshipman.
Jylliene: ::giggles, sips again::
Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Drinks ::
Johnson Kenyon: ::smiles::
mimipavilion: ::doesn't see Dacia:: +Dacia+ Pavilion to Dacia
Jylliene: At least it's enjoyable practice?
Nijil tr'Korjata: In any event, we'll need more wine...
Jylliene: ::grinning::
Dacia Sandero: +Mimi+ Yes, go ahead?
Jylliene: ::pours Nijil another glass::
Fletcher Jackson: ::still listening, focusing::
Nijil tr'Korjata: My folks say they have some wine stashed away..
mimipavilion: +Dacia+ Report to medical possible injured on the way in.
Dacia Sandero: +Mimi+ Aye aye.. on my way.
Annisha: @ Captain> There's a transport to take au to the farm.
Chirakis: ::mimi:: Possible injured, Doctor. ::slight smile:: We will not know their condition until they arrive.
Dacia Sandero: ::quickly dresses and heads back to the sickbay::
mimipavilion: (I'm already in medical)
Alexis McFarland: @. Mm.. OK.
Chirakis: (thank you. I am apparently a telepath )
Jylliene: That sounds promising. Another night, though. I think this bottle is enough for us for tonight.
Chirakis: (last words)
mimipavilion: ::wonders how long it will be before the ships arrive::
Nijil tr'Korjata: That Klingon cook said he had something fermenting for us.
Jylliene: Practice? ::to Nijil::
Johnson Kenyon: ::somehow he thinks Nijil could have fixed the problem without realignment::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: nods ::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 8/10/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Excellent play, all.
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: what do you think about bringing things back around to alpha shift?
Chirakis: That sounds like a good idea. And maybe they will find the night watch half asleep as they wait for the ships to return.
Chirakis: Will Aegean have finally appeared by then?
Kallah Ramson: Ships will return at the beginning of the sim.
Chirakis: But will contact with Aegis have been made so Chirakis can dismiss a few?
Kallah Ramson: yes
Chirakis: Excellent.
Chirakis: Anything from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing nothing more...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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