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USS Challenger - March 2, 2018

Cptn Ja'Lale: USS Challenger Mission Brief - 2 March 2018: The Klongat has arrived at their destination point and have begun scanning for the rouge base. They've arrived at an asteroid field - TBS was 30 minutes?

Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson: ::doing the helm thing and this time the Klingon isn't hovering with that gagh smell:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: They have a promising trail leading deeper into the asteroid field.
John Randall: ::Marek circles around the engineering room watching the crew work; Randall is at an isolated station at the back of the room, feeling better with a wall at his back::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Listening in on communications, with a strange earpiece ::
Hunter Matheson: ::blinking light, turns and Syl isn't there:: Uh... Capt... er... H'od? There's a trail showing on the tactical console.
Cptn Ja'Lale: HoD Gronk> Let us see where that trail leads.
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir. Moving in.
Hunter Matheson: ::cautious course change, sensors set to miss asteroids::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk> Proceed cautiously and continue scans
John Randall: Marek> ::comes back to where Randall is:: You have proven to be a very competent engineer, Lieutenant Randall. I think that, should one of our ships engage yours in battle, I would not be surprised if yours won the fight, given your knowledge of our systems.
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir.
John Randall: ::to Marek:: That might be the case, Jonpin Marek, but I do not know the capability or maneuverability of your vessels.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Listening closely ::
John Randall: Marek> Humph. With those superior sensor arrays of yours, and I admit that very grudgingly, you would learn that as quickly as you have learned here, I believe. ::frowns at Randall::
Hunter Matheson: ::following the trail:::
Hunter Matheson: ::and now he has that yellow brick road bouncing around his brain::
John Randall: ::gives Marek a decidedly Klingon smile:: But you have no doubt it would be a glorious battle, Jonpin.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Energy signatures get stronger but the source is scrambled among the asteroid field and possibly other means as well.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Sits down at her console, after chasing off a subordinate from it.::
John Randall: Marek> ::roars with laughter and claps Randall on the shoulder, almost knocking him off balance:: It would indeed, Lieutenant! It would indeed! ::walks away still laughing as John stares after him, his smile now a little more savage::
Dyan Sylvanis: Hmm... Picking up a strong energy source.
Hunter Matheson: ::turns to Syl:: Came back at the right time. Gonna get hot.
Dyan Sylvanis: I wouldn't miss it. ::grins.:: I've been wanting to fire these disruptors.
Hunter Matheson: ::smirk:: Thought you would be.
Hunter Matheson: Just remember that they don't just maim, they do a little more?
Hunter Matheson: ::shrug:: Just sayin' ma'am. ::another smirk:::
Dyan Sylvanis: :;Smiles.::
Hunter Matheson: ::Cap:: Moving at full impulse, sir. I could give a little more, but it might be dangerous.
Dvokr chim Hok: The rocks are reflecting the energy waves.
John Randall: ::continues to work at his station, wonders how the search is going on the bridge::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk>. This speed is fine for now.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::Nods::
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir.
Hunter Matheson: ::syl:: You know, this baby is pretty good maneuvering. Smooth to the touch. I'm kind of impressed with it, wondering if we could... you know... adapt a few things? ::then he catches a Klingon glare and slips in:: 'course we couldn't because it's not ours...
Cptn Ja'Lale: Hmm. Makes one wonder what we can do.
Hunter Matheson: ::minimal nod:: Yes, sir.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Grins.:: Definitely different from flying a full sized starship huh?
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods::
Hunter Matheson: Well, yes. I mean Challenger is a smooth lady for her size. But this baby...? ::pats the console:: Slick.
Hunter Matheson: (w) I could do without the smell, though.
Hunter Matheson: ::cough::
Hunter Matheson: :then he clears his throat and tends to business:
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: We're on the right trail, comms start to pick up garbled spikes, not intelligible. Wonder what it could be?
Dyan Sylvanis: ::stifles a laugh.::
Cptn Ja'Lale: (5 minutes)
John Randall: ::Marek comes back to Randall's station; John looks at him:: Have you heard anything about the progression of the mission, Jonpin?
Hunter Matheson: ::he straightens up to listen::
John Randall: Marek> ::shakes his head:: The H'oD will let us know when we are needed, Lieutenant.
John Randall: ::nods:: Thank you. ::turns back to his station::
Hunter Matheson: ::looks to ops::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk>. ::stares out at the view screen:: They're close.. I can feel it. Those are some large asteroids in particular not far from here. If I wanted to evade detection, I'd build by base of operations around there. Keep an eye out for any ships and a close ear on the communications.
Dvokr chim Hok: It will take some time to decode the signal amongst the noise... as it always does.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods::
Hunter Matheson: I can take a pretty sheltered position, Ho’D, or are we goin in hot?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk>. Let's take position. I want to be sure they are there before we go in, it would be unwise to reveal ourselves so soon.
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Hunter Matheson: done
Dyan Sylvanis: ::paused::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great work, next week we'll continue from here and see if we found our rogue Klingons
Cptn Ja'Lale: TBS will be minimal, 10 minutes tops.

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