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USS Challenger, February 23, 2018

Cptn Ja'Lale: USS Challenger Mission Brief - 23 Feb 2018: The Klongat is approaching an area of Klingon space where intel reports is the base of operations of the rogue group that they're after. The ship is still at warp and hopefully we're getting more familiar with the ship and its controls. TBS was 24 hours

Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM

Dvokr chim Hok: :: Having fun at the communications station ::
Hunter Matheson: ::messing with helm::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::standing at the XO station behind the captain's chair monitoring all systems::
John Randall: ::getting a little more familiar with the Klingon symbols for the various stations, something that seems to bother Marek, he thinks::
Caitlin Townshend: ::on the bridge, starting to feel pretty comfortable with her duties, and with the smell, less comfortable with the queasiness from the food::
Hunter Matheson: ::starts bouncing and humming cause he's standing and he's decided it's a pretty cool station::
Caitlin Townshend: ::despite Randall's wizardry, the food still tasted … off::
Dvokr chim Hok: The lighting on Klingon vessels are always so dark.
Hunter Matheson: ::glance over, shrugs:: Helm's lit up. Guess that's all I need.
John Randall:(Klingon components are not exactly up to Fed standards, unfortunately )
Cptn Ja'Lale: It's quite red
Hunter Matheson: I figure as long as I can see... ::shrugs again, resumes his hum::
Dvokr chim Hok: Makes it easier to see.
John Randall: Marek> ::comes up beside Randall as John works at a console:: You have learned well, Lieutenant.
Caitlin Townshend: ::conducting long-range scans, but the Klongat’s sensors are more limited at warp than she is used to::
John Randall: ::turns to him:: Thank you, Jonpin. I have had a good teacher. ::nods to the Klingon::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk> Are we approaching our coordinates? If so, drop us out of warp
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir. Dropping from warp on three.. two... dropping.
John Randall: ::Marek nods back, but John thinks he sees something in the Klingon's eyes as he turns away::
Hunter Matheson: ::takes a look at what they call a viewscreen and doesn't see much::
John Randall: ::continues to work at his station, but watches the room from the corners of his eyes::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Lots of empty space and asteroids
Hunter Matheson: ::feels watched::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Looks at the viewscreen ::
Hunter Matheson: ::freaky::
Caitlin Townshend: ((Wait, didn’t we see this episode a few weeks ago?))
Caitlin Townshend: ((I swear this is the same matte painting.))
Hunter Matheson: (knew it looked familiar)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (Always the same backdrop, gotta save money)
Hunter Matheson: (yeah... right)
John Randall: ((Paramount onto us about costs again... *smh*))
Hunter Matheson: ::so lots of empty space and asteroids, so he goes back to checking out helm, thinking about improvements, revisions, maybe adding some color... taking this idea to Challenger maybe::
Dyan Sylvanis: ((hiya))
Hunter Matheson: (hey Syl!)
Caitlin Townshend: I'm not detecting anything yet.
Caitlin Townshend: ::adjust sensors, gives the console a little thump::
John Randall: ::wonders how long it will be before the ship'
John Randall: sensors will spot anything::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: There seems to be something in the asteroid field.
Hunter Matheson: ::Town:: We're supposed to detect something? ::snap:: Oh... right.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Had been quietly sitting at her station.:;
Hunter Matheson: ::leans over to Syl:: so how come you get a chair and I don't?
Dvokr chim Hok: :: manipulates sensors ::
Caitlin Townshend: Wait, I'm getting some kind of energy reading.
Hunter Matheson: ::perks up::
Caitlin Townshend: It's hard to make out what it is, because aside from the energy reading, its profile is very similar to the asteroids.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk> Where does it originate?
Caitlin Townshend: But I can pinpoint it. Putting it on the tactical display. ::brings it up on the screen::
Caitlin Townshend: I think it's some kind of debris field. Artificial stuff mixed in with asteroids. Good way to hide a base… too many sensor echoes to spot the actual station.
Hunter Matheson: Debris, as in explosion type?
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Smirks.:: Part of the job?
Hunter Matheson: ::gives her *that* look::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk> Let us focus our search there.
Hunter Matheson: ::waiting for the change course order::
Dvokr chim Hok: Do we need to cloak?
Caitlin Townshend: ::Hunter:: More like deliberately placed there
Hunter Matheson: ::looks at Town, thinks a min, then thinks a little more and nods::
John Randall: ::continues to work at his station, not exactly uncomfortable, but is pretty sure he's being watched::
Hunter Matheson: ::waiting for Gronk's order, he begins to hum a little, refreshing his memory about how this thing maneuvers and all that::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Gronk>. Let's head there, set a course
Hunter Matheson: (don't remember - I do the course, or Syl, or Hok or..?)
Dyan Sylvanis: ((nope, you.))
Dyan Sylvanis: ((I just shoot things.))
Hunter Matheson: (cool)
Hunter Matheson: Course laid in, Skip.... uh... Ho'D.
Hunter Matheson: On your mark
Cptn Ja'Lale: gronk> Engage
Hunter Matheson: ::Engages::
John Randall: ((My God, Jim, where are we?))
John Randall: ((sorry, had a flashback to Star Trek IV))
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: The Klongat reaches its coordinates at the asteroids, ship is surrounded by large asteroids of various sizes
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Uneasy ::
Hunter Matheson: ::maneuvering is not cool:: Hang on. It's getting dicey.
Cptn Ja'Lale: (heh)
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: High energy readings can be detected somewhere in the asteroids
Hunter Matheson: (was just trying to remember ST IV)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (There be whales here!)
Caitlin Townshend: The energy readings are spiking.
Caitlin Townshend: ::feeds the data to helm to tweak navigation::
Hunter Matheson: ::catches the data, adjusts::
Dvokr chim Hok: The readings are scattered...
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great job... we're in the middle of an asteroid field following energy readings. TBS will be 20 minutes.. any questions?
Cptn Ja'Lale: OK.. sim dismissed and goodnight. See you next week

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