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Sky Harbor Aegis | 23 February 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 2/23/18 - 10:00 PM=/\=
20 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.110

TBS is 0. The time is 1120 hours (11:20 am) Aegis local.
The Alien Alliance Battle Cruiser pushed past Adriatic and took aim on Strike Force Bravo.  Adriatic and the Interceptors are still fighting.
RSE Antius and RSE Chairo are still in orbit, and still strangely silent.
We wonder what could occupy Captain Ramson for so long. Given the circumstances, we know there is a very good reason.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Dacia Sandero: # ::hanging on in sickbay::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::struggling to maneuver the Battlecruiser’s wake:::
KelsaViegnor: ::working in the shop::
Alexis McFarland: ::in class with Miana and Annisha::
mimipavilion: ::still on the CnC::
Chirakis: ::knows that sound, but will not voice it since there is enough anxiety already:::
Lawliet: # Mr. Jackson, flank the attacking interceptors. Commander Cayne, concentrate your fire on their weapon systems.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir. Moving to flank starboard.
Chirakis: Mr. Lackey, clean up the audio.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Aye..
Chirakis: Lackey> ::he shakes his head:: Trying, ma'am. Too much interference.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> Alliance Battle Cruiser's massive torpedo barrage make impact with Bravo
Tarisa: # ::Ears lowered as she maintains a grip on her console.::
Chirakis: ::she moves to her console to assist::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors take fire and return it as well.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::struggling in the wake of the attack, trying to move around it::
Lawliet: # Commander Tarisa, what's the status of Task Force Bravo?
Tarisa: # They are taking fire.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Targeting sensors are being taxed... :: continues to fire ::
Annisha: :: Waiting for lunch ::
Lawliet: # ::looks over:: I meant what is their status. Weapons. Shields.
Alexis McFarland: ::works on her maths:: Almost lunch time
Tarisa: Miana> ::Tummy rumbles.:: Almost time...
Alexis McFarland: Yay
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::Reyes:: Get Praetor and ::ship shakes:: Tsinghua to flank that thing.
Alexis McFarland: ::finishing up her assignment::
Chirakis: ::Scott:: No contact, Commander.
Chirakis: We've lost communications.
Scott Coleridge: ::frowns::
Lawliet: # ::turns to Cayne:: Commander, if we lose targeting sensors go to manual.
Dacia Sandero: #::helps treat leftover patients::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Sure, that will be fun. If that fails I'
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Alliance Battle Cruiser turns sharp, keeping it's distance from Bravo.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # If that fails I'll get my sidearm and point it out the window...
Alexis McFarland: ::hears the school bell ring, signalling lunch time::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Gets lunch for himself and Jylliene ::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptor 3 falters.... its repairs from earlier damage giving out.
Jylliene: :: with Nijil for lunch::
Tarisa: Miana> Yay! Lunch time!
Lawliet: # If it works Commander.
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles and heads out of the classroom::
Alexis McFarland: Mm. Still wanna go that small cafe?
Annisha: :: Gets up :: Probably salad
Alexis McFarland: I'll get a croissant and a bubble tea
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods excitedly::
Alexis McFarland: Or maybe a salad too. They have a nice chicken salad. 🥗
Scott Coleridge: ::pays attention to the sensor readings, wondering what they're going through::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::intense focus::
Lawliet: # Commander Cayne, what's the status behind Interceptor 3?
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> The explosive flare still glowing around Bravo the Battle Cruiser launches another round from it's aft launchers.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::forces a dive, but not in time::
mimipavilion: ::hates watching what she sees going on::
Dacia Sandero: # Ok, you're done. Hope we can stay in one piece.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Their shields are faltering.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors 1 strafe Adriatic. # 2 moves closer to 3.
Alexis McFarland: ::puts her books away in her locker and follows everyone outside::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::changes their maneuvering axis::
Lawliet: # ::hangs on to his chair::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Once the shield is down it will be easy to take out
Alexis McFarland: ::hugs Miana:: Has your appetite kind of returned?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.:: Mm Mm.
mimipavilion: ::keeps getting updated casualty reports::
Chirakis: Action> RSE Praetor cuts off another Interceptor.
Lawliet: # Before that Commander...::turns to Jackson::...Get us within 1000m of number 3.
Alexis McFarland: ::heads to the lifts towards the commerce section
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir. ::checks their position::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptor 2 firing on Adriatic, defending # 3.
Lawliet: # ::turns to Tarisa:: Commander, can you get us access to their systems if we are close enough?
Fletcher Jackson: # Moving in...
Tarisa: # ::Confused.:: Sir?
Lawliet: # We need to know what they know.
Fletcher Jackson: # Gonna be awful close, sir.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Alliance Battle Cruiser turns it's course back towards Alliance space, having done it's damage.
Lawliet: # ::turns back to Cayne:: Reroute all available power to shields.
Tarisa: # I am not familiar with Alliance computer systems.
Lawliet: # ::turns back to Tarisa:: Do what you can.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptor 1 and 2 turn and warp out.
Tarisa: # ::Is also not a hacker::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::takes the galactic axis to intercept the cruiser and attack::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Aye, power to shields.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> They're breaking off.
Chirakis: ::evenly:: Doctor, I suggest you ready your entire team and the medical complex to receive injured.
Annisha: :: Gets her salad ::
Fletcher Jackson: # Coming into 1000 yards... now.
Alexis McFarland: ::Arrives at the small cafe, orders a small chicken salad and a bubble tea::
mimipavilion: ::nods:: understood ::logs out and leaves CnC, ordering all medical personnel to medical on the way out::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: to Jylliene :: I should have taken the Nei'rrh and just ran away with au. I could have alluded Starfleet for...months?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Gets a tuna sandwich, some chips, and a tea to drink.::
Alexis McFarland: ::Leans on Annisha:: We almost had the same idea.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Shields holding
Lawliet: # ::turns forward:: Where are they going?
Chirakis: ::steps over to Scott, speaking confidentially:: I do not believe the odds are good for the outcome, Commander.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Home most likely. We would be wise to do the same.
Lawliet: # ::thinks for a moment:: Agreed. Mr. Jackson, pull off.
Jylliene: ::chuckles::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::his hands are shaking::: Aye, sir. Moving... off.
mimipavilion: ::arrives in medical a short time later, having everyone start getting the facility ready for incoming casualties::
Alexis McFarland: ::mixing the salad dressing and croutons , closes the lid and shakes it about::
Tarisa: Miana> ::nibbles on her sandwich.:: Mmm
Alexis McFarland: ::takes a bite of her salad:: Yummy
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Sensors clearing around Bravo as the detonations clear. All ships have taken some level of damage. A far amount of debris drift around the fleet.
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Is there anything we can do, though?
mimipavilion: ::as other medical personal begin to file in she has them start setting up a triage area in a nearby aea::
Chirakis: Lackey> Commander, we're getting feed from Bravo.
Chirakis: Lackey> A visual, sir.
Fletcher Jackson: # :::the room spins:::
Lawliet: # What's the status of the cruiser?
Fletcher Jackson: # :::he wipes his forehead and his hands come back red:::
Alexis McFarland: ::sipping her green apple flavoured bubble tea::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::wipes them on his uniform and continues to work helm::
Lawliet: # ::looks forward towards Jackson:: Mr. Jackson?
Fletcher Jackson: # ::turns:: Sir?
Tarisa: # ::Picks up an odd copper scent in the air. Turns towards Fletcher.::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::hard to focus:::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Alliance cruiser and two of the interceptors are moving back into the An-Ward Nebula. They look to have abandoned one of the interceptors.
Tarisa: # ::Gets up and moves to Fletcher.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Can we tow it?
Lawliet: # ::sits back:: +Sandero+ Medical to the Bridge.
Chirakis: ::Scott:: They appear to be damaged, but not beyond repair.
Scott Coleridge: Hail the Adriatic.
Dacia Sandero: #·Lawliet. Sickbay here.
Chirakis: Lackey> Hailing frequencies open, sir.
Lawliet: # ::turns to Jorahl:: SubCommander, take the helm.
Tarisa: # ::Offers to assist Jackson to an auxiliary console to wait for Medical.:: Let someone else take over.
Scott Coleridge: +Adriatic+ Aegis to Adriatic, status report.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::hands shaking, his eyes roll back, and he's out cold::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::moves into the pilot's seat::
Chirakis: 10:30 PM
Lawliet: # ::hears the com:: Patch us through to Aegis.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::sets course towards Bravo.::
Tarisa: # Ack... ::He becomes dead weight to her as she tries to lay him down best she can.::
Fletcher Jackson: # :::blood trickles from his left temple::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Eating with Jylliene ::
Dacia Sandero: # +lawliet+ hello? Sickbay here
Lawliet: # +Sandero+ Doctor, Jackson needs your help on the bridge. Double time.
Dacia Sandero: # +lawliet+ ok, I'm on my way.
Tarisa: # ::Stays with Fletcher, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.::
mimipavilion: ::gets word that they are set up and ready to go::
Dacia Sandero: # ::grabs her med kit and heads up to the bridge::
Lawliet: # +Aegis+ This is Lawliet. We've taken slight damage. Two of the interceptors and the battle cruiser are fleeing back to the nebula. One is still behind having suffered damage.
Chirakis: ::hopes they bring that interceptor back:::
Dacia Sandero: # ::quickly arrives onto the bridge::
Scott Coleridge: ::mouths, somewhat sarcastically, "slight damage":: +Aegis+ Casualties? Do you need immediate assistance? ::hopes his tone doesn't come across as snappish as he feels::
Dacia Sandero: # ::heads to Jackson:: Hmm what happened?
Fletcher Jackson: # ::pale, weak, blood continues to flow onto the deck:::
Tarisa: # ::Waves Dacia over.:: He is bleeding from the temple and he collapsed.
Lawliet: # ::looks over at Sandero:: Doctor, casualties report.
Tarisa: # He gave no indication he was hurt until it was too late.
Chirakis: Action> Some of Ma'ev's crew insist on helping in medical.
mimipavilion: ::looks at the Ma'ev's crew:: You sure you all feel up to it.
Dacia Sandero: # ::checks his vitals:: we had about twenty crew come in ranging from moderate to severe injuries. All have been treated.
Dacia Sandero: #I'll need to get Jackson to sickbay.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::shallow breathing, pale, limp:::
Lawliet: # ::nods:: +Aegis+ Did you copy that Aegis?
Tarisa: # I can assist you.
Dacia Sandero: # I'd appreciate the help
Tarisa: # ::Nods.::
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ Affirmative. And can you make your way back to Aegis under your own power?
Chirakis: Lackey> ::cleans up the transmission::
Lawliet: # ::looks down at Jorahl:: SubCommander?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> We have warp. Full warp speeds should be restored within the hour.
Dacia Sandero: # ::helps get him down to the sickbay::
mimipavilion: ::Feels the almost death stare from the group and agrees to let them help::
Tarisa: # ::Helping Dacia with Fletcher.::
Alexis McFarland: ::enjoying her salad and tea::
Lawliet: # +Aegis+ We can get underway at any time. What about the task force and our remaining Interceptor? What would you like us to do?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::::calculating max speeds until nacelles are fully restored from vented plasma lose.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Finger hovers over the tractor beam ::
Dacia Sandero: # Looks like a console blew up on his face? ::helps place Fletcher on a bio bed::
Chirakis: ::Scott:: Bravo will escort. Standard procedure.
Tarisa: # ::Shrugs.:: But the console was still intact...
mimipavilion: ::tells the Ma'ev crew where to go and what to do::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Agreed.
Dacia Sandero: # ::nods:: I see. :: waves her tricorder around him and grabs the dermal regenerator::
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ Return to Aegis at maximum safe speed, escorted by the strike force. We will have one of them inspect the Interceptor and tow it back.
Lawliet: # +Aegis+ Acknowledged.
Scott Coleridge: ::Lackey:: Contact Strike Force Bravo. Tell them standard escort. Have them detail a ship to verify the Interceptor is indeed out of commission and isn't booby trapped to blow up in our faces or anything embarrassing like that, then tow it back to Aegis space.
Dacia Sandero: # ::moves it around his head to stop the bleeding and close .the wound::
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, sir.
Lawliet: # ::looks down:: SubCommander, take us back to Aegis. Best speed.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Engaging warp drive. Speed set to warp 2.8.
Dacia Sandero: # He should be fine after some rest and time for healing
Tarisa: # ::Nods.:: That is good.
Lawliet: # Arrival time?
Scott Coleridge: What's the strike force's status?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::edges speed up to a full warp 3:: If repairs progress on schedule we should return within 6 hours.
Chirakis: Lackey> They report under repair, escorting Adriatic. Minimal damage. Injuries to crew, mostly minor.
Scott Coleridge: Well, small favours....
Scott Coleridge: ::glances at the light above Ramson's office::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Anything to repair my nerves?
Chirakis: Lackey> Yes, sir. Ah... Captain Kelley says he is "disappointed that they didn't get the bastard" sir.
Dacia Sandero: # ::stabilizes Fletcher bio signs , watches the health monitor and lets him rest
Scott Coleridge: ::sets his jaw slightly, refrains from comment::
Chirakis: Lackey> I'll... send the rest to you, sir. It's not exactly something I want to say aloud.
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Maybe I need to be... briefed... on our strike force captains at some point.
Lawliet: # ::nods:: Very good. Assume position with the task force and get us underway.
Chirakis: They are formidable. Chosen because of their expertise, but also quite raw when they have to be.
Alexis McFarland: ::finishing up her salad and drink::
Chirakis: Captain Kelley has been in the fleet for 25 years in various capacities. One tends to get raw after the experiences they have had.
Alexis McFarland: Mm, that was nice.
Lawliet: # ::turns around and sits back down in his chair::
Chirakis: And the other... tends to keep his words to himself and vent them to his bondmate. ::wan smile::
Scott Coleridge: Right.
Scott Coleridge: I think.. I'm going to step into my office for a little bit. If you can mind the store.
Chirakis: Of course.
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Lawliet: # ::turns to Cayne:: Commander, stand down to yellow alert.
Scott Coleridge: ::turns and heads towards his office:: Never thought the soundproofing would be my favourite part of having an office….
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Aye, standing down yellow alert. Going green.
Alexis McFarland: ::hugs Miana::
mimipavilion: ::waits and waits::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::next time is going to sneak a cloaking device onboard::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 2/23/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well done.
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: How does 36 hours sound?
Kallah Ramson: Adriatic will have returned.
Chirakis: Will we know her status, or will we leave that open to be determined?
Kallah Ramson: Yes. should return in 6 hours. Then time to recover. I believe sim should restart during night shift.
Chirakis: And it will be 0 dark 30, which is perfect.
Dacia Sandero: Cool
Chirakis: Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: None
Chirakis: Commander Coleridge?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none, again... well done.
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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