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Sky Harbor Aegis | 16 February 2018

Lt Cdr Mimi Pavilion, MD, receives the Gold Pressed Latinum Starfleet Medal for Exceptional Attendance

 ~ 400 Consecutive Sims ~


=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 2/16/18=/\=
20 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.110

TBS is 20 minutes. The time is 1020 hours (10:20 am) Aegis local.
Alien Alliance Interceptors are waiting for Adriatic at the Federation border.
Strike Force Bravo is at the border, waiting for the Interceptors.
RSE Antius and RSE Chairo are still in orbit, and still strangely silent.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson: # ::hard swallow as he continues toward the Federation border::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC still, pondering if there are any more bright ideas to be had::
Annisha: :: At school ::
mimipavilion: ::still on the CnC::
Chirakis: Mr. Lackey, any word from Captain Kelley?
Alexis McFarland: ::in class with Miana and Alexis, sitting at one of the terminals working on her assignments::
Lawliet: # ::on the bridge:: Mr. Jackson, report.
Fletcher Jackson: # On course, Captain. But it looks like they're waiting for us at the border.
Lawliet: # Time to intercept?
Dacia Sandero: #::in sick bay:::
Fletcher Jackson: # Well, sir.. I can delay, or we can plow through them in about ten.
Tarisa: # :;Ears lower.::
Chirakis: Lackey> ::checks and rechecks:: No, ma'am. They are holding position, but he said... itching to try out some... TMK17s?
Dacia Sandero: ::not in Wichita::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Last day to recover, looking over the Nei'rrh flight logs ::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Tail swishes as she sits at her school desk.::
Lawliet: # ::nods:: Keep on course. ::turns to Jorahl:: SubCommander, I need a damage report.
Chirakis: ::Scott:: A high power armament, reserved for border patrol.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> No damage. So far we've mostly just exchanged long range shots and a few passing glances.
Chirakis: Apparently he has not used one other than... target practice. However, the blast could damage more than the Interceptors.
Alexis McFarland: ::moves her finger as she completes her logic assignments:: That makes sense.
Scott Coleridge: Well, it's his paperwork to fill out.
Chirakis: True.
Scott Coleridge: He's in command and present. I trust he'll make the right decision.
Lawliet: # Good. ::to Jackson:: Mr. Jackson, hail Strike Force Bravo.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::didn't plan to die this way, but it's not exactly something you plan:: Aye , sir. Hailing frequencies open.
mimipavilion: ::glad it isn't her in charge of the mission or even on it::
Lawliet: # +BRAVO+ Strike Force Bravo, this is Adriatic. Come in.
Chirakis: Kelley> +com+ ::uncoded:: Adriatic, Strike Force Bravo. This is Captain Kelley, USS Iowa.
Alexis McFarland: How're you doing on your assignment, Miana?
Lawliet: # +Kelley+ Captain, we're a few minutes out. How do things look on your end?
Fletcher Jackson: # ::notes it's not scrambled:::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> +com+ We have a few objects in your way, Adriatic. We might have to clear the way for you.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Grins.:: I am finished.
Dacia Sandero: #::working on a range of injuries sustained from the attacks::
Lawliet: # +Kelley+ Understood. We'll make it quick. Adriatic out.
Chirakis: ::hearing the unencrypted message::
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles:: That's great. I just finished mine as well.
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::turns to Cdr Reyes:: Prime 'em and make ready.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Sensors pick up Alliance battle cruiser coming out of nebula. Moving at full warp.
Alexis McFarland: ::leans next to Annisha and looks at the chrono::
Fletcher Jackson: # Holy schmoley, Captain. Look at the size of that thing! ::puts it on screen:: Just dropped from warp.
Annisha: Are au tired Lexy?
Scott Coleridge: ::watches a new symbol appear:: Is that a...
Tarisa: # ::Ears flick up as her console beeps.:: Alliance battle cruiser coming in.
Lawliet: # ::stands up:: Commander Cayne. Tactical analysis.
Chirakis: ::arms fold, staring:: It is.
Alexis McFarland: Hmm? A little bit. I didn't sleep well last night.
mimipavilion: ::sees the update:: Not good
Scott Coleridge: That changes things. ::glances at Chirakis:: It changes things, right?
Chirakis: Indeed it does.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> I imagine the interceptors were ordered to slow us down until that thing arrived.
Lawliet: # No doubt SubCommander. ::to Jackson:: Mr. Jackson, hail the cruiser.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir. Hailing frequencies open.
Lawliet: # +Cruiser+ Alliance Cruiser, this is Captain Lawliet of the Adriatic. State your intentions.
Chirakis: @ Kelley> Commander, adjust our position around that cruiser and paint it for TAC.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> +COM+ You have been caught violating our space. You will stand down and surrender. Any action other than powering down all system will result in your destruction.
Tarisa: # ::Frowns.::
Chirakis: @ Reyes> Tactical on target. Warren reports high power armament.
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::nods::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> That is the cruiser Romulan recon picked up under construction. It's true potential is unknown but estimated to equal most Federation capital ships.
Alexis McFarland: ::sits back down at her desk after she finishes with the classroom terminal::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::Reyes:: Get Tsinghua to flank it.
Lawliet: # +Cruiser+ I assure you, any violation on our part was unavoidable. We encountered an anomaly that threw us into close proximity to the nebula. We can relay our sensor information if you wish.
Chirakis: @ Reyes> Done.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> They've closed the comm.
Lawliet: # Mr. Jackson, increase speed. Take us through the blockade.
Alexis McFarland: Annisha must be tired too.
Fletcher Jackson: # Increase to... warp, sir?
Lawliet: # Punch it.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::relaxes:: Aye, aye, sir. Punching to full warp. Hang on.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::punch::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> HELM... get us out of the way!
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors move on Adriatic.
Scott Coleridge: ::wondering if Adriatic can make it in time::
Chirakis: Action> Iowa shifts quickly out of Adriatic's path.
Tarisa: # ::Ears flatten back again as they push forward.::
mimipavilion: ::holds her breath as she watches::
Dacia Sandero: #::Grips a bio bed as the ship accelerates:: hope we get out of this in one piece::
Chirakis: @ Reyes> Tsinghua is in position on flank. Praetor is left flank.
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::relaxes a little::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors launch what must be every torpedo they have in a net across Adriatic's path. Like flying through a cheese grater.
Lawliet: # Shields to full power!
Chirakis: @ Kelley> Toss out some countermeasures.
Dacia Sandero: #::holds on::
Fletcher Jackson: # Shields full power aye.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Torpedoes start going off on proximity fuses, rocking Adriatic.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> They're trying to knock us out of warp.
Fletcher Jackson: # :::hanging on:::
Lawliet: # ::falls back into his chair::
Dacia Sandero: #Ooof. Whoa
Tarisa: # ::Holding onto her seat.::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> +Aegis+ We need permission to fire on those bastards!
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Speed degrading. Sending Aux power to warp drive.
Alexis McFarland: ::pets MIana:: I hope Annisha's finished with her assignment too.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::total focus on the console::
mimipavilion: ::hears the com and looks at Ramson::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> +Aegis+ Aegis, come in!! Give us permission to fire! We need to take out that damned battleship.
Lawliet: # ::thinks to himself:: SubCommander, do we have any information on their sensor system?
Chirakis: ::Scott:: Commander?
Scott Coleridge: ::massaging his forehead, not really down with this responsibility::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Torpedo impacts, rocking Adriatic off course...but keeping at warp.
mimipavilion: ::looks at Scott::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Nothing confirmed.
mimipavilion: ::then looks at Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::Scott:: You are OIC, Commander. I cannot authorize it.
Lawliet: # Well...one way to find out. ::Jackson:: Mr. Jackson, position report.
Scott Coleridge: +Kelley+ This is Aegis... do what you need to do.
Fletcher Jackson: # Close enough for the Strike Force to help out, sir. About 3 minutes left.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods with a smile.::
Lawliet: # Prepare to drop out of warp and vent drive plasma.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir. At your command.
Alexis McFarland: You're not feeling hungry yet, are you? I wonder where we should go for lunch? Maybe not Blubby's today.
Tarisa: Miana> Hmm...
Chirakis: @ Kelley> +Tsinghua, Praetor+ When you get a clear shot.
mimipavilion: ::looks at the mission side of her console and still sees the two Romulan vessels in orbit: and thinks::
Tarisa: Miana> What about that small cafe on the corner?
Alexis McFarland: Oh yeah, I know that one. They sell small food and their drinks are nice.
Lawliet: # ::continuing to hold on:: Mr. Jackson, vent drive plasma off the starboard nessel and drop to impulse.
mimipavilion: ::lets out a small hmm::
Fletcher Jackson: # Venting starboard nacelle.... ::press::
Dacia Sandero: # ::almost falls over::
Fletcher Jackson: # Dropping to impulse. ::puts on the brakes::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::wants to barf:::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors move in, dropping from warp. Open up with phaser fire.
Lawliet: # ::to Jorahl:: SubCommander, depressurize the cargo bays and stand by one torpedo. We're only going to get one shot at this.
Dacia Sandero: #ugh. ::feels the sharp lurch as the ship stops::
Tarisa: # ::Feels her stomach churn.::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Battle Cruiser moving in fast.
Lawliet: # ::turns to Jorahl:: and I mean blow them.
Dacia Sandero: # What's happening up there?
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::Reyes:: What the hell are they waiting for?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::flips the switch::
Alexis McFarland: Let's go there. I wanna try their bubble tea.
Chirakis: @ Reyes> No clear shot.
Lawliet: # ::turns back to Jackson:: Prepare to jump to maximum warp.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.:: Mm Mm.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Interceptors peppering Adriatic with fire.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Shields holding.
Fletcher Jackson: # It's going to be dicey with plasma gone from starboard nacelle.
Fletcher Jackson: # Prepared to jump.
Lawliet: # Fire torpedo into the plasma and engage warp. Set the torpedo to detonate.
Alexis McFarland: I'll probably just get a bubble tea and a croissant or something.
Chirakis: @ Kelley> ::pounds his fist on the armrest:::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> As soon as they're clear, pound the hell out of 'em.
mimipavilion: ::figures her idea would be a bad one::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::waiting for the torpedo:::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Torpedo away.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::WARP:::
Lawliet: # Now, cut power to all systems minus engines, shields, and life support.
Chirakis: ::Scott:: Did you ever wonder why you agreed to take this position?
Chirakis: ::musing:: I do. Every day.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Torpedo ignites warp plasma.
mimipavilion: ::listens to Chirakis talk to Scott::
Fletcher Jackson: # Cutting power. Shutting down.
Scott Coleridge: This wasn't advertised as part of the job description.
mimipavilion: ::stifles a laugh::
Chirakis: Indeed. Nor was either of us asked. We were ordered, and probably because no one else would take it.
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Battle Cruiser shoots through the plasma explosion.. it's speed putting it very close to Adriatic.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::feeling the heat:::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> That thing crosses the line, and decimate it!
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Contact! They're locking on!
mimipavilion: And knowing this stations history.
Lawliet: # Get us across the border, now!
mimipavilion: ::watches the screen:: oh good grief.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::pushes whatever they have left to the max:::
Alexis McFarland: ::writing stuff on her notepad::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::getting really, really hot:::
Kallah Ramson: # ACTION> Battle Cruiser suddenly increases warp...passing Adriatic. Opens up a massive volley towards the Task Force at the border.
Chirakis: @ Tsinghua & Praetor> ::unleash a barrage::
Chirakis: @ Kelley> FIRE!
mimipavilion: ::eyes widen:: NOT good
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 2/16/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: cliffhanger time
Alexis McFarland: Oooh
Chirakis: ::whew:: Captain Ramson, TBS zero?
Kallah Ramson: Zero
Chirakis: Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: None
Chirakis: Commander Coleridge, comments or questions?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: I would like to commend Adriatic.
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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