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USS Challenger, 5 January 2018

Cptn Ja'Lale: USS Challenger Mission Brief - 5 Jan 2018: The Challenger was ordered to Klingon space to assist in delivering supplies and medical aid to a planet affected by the Praxis moon explosion. Challenger has been escorted through Klingon space and is now arriving at the planet. TBS was a few hours.

Cptn Ja'Lale: Begin sim
Cptn Ja'Lale: Begin sim

Hunter Matheson: ::doing the helm thing::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Operations ::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Sitting at her station.::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Our escorts are breaking off. Slow to impulse and prepare for orbit around the planet.
John Randall: ::at the main console in engineering watching the crew::
Hunter Matheson: ::tap..tap:: Slowing to impulse, aye.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: taps ::
Hunter Matheson: Coming into orbit. Looks like a geosync they want us to have.
Hunter Matheson: Orbit achieved. Holding geosynchronous over a pretty messed up section of the planet. ::to Ja'Lale::
Dvokr chim Hok: Caution is advised given the debris still in orbit.
Hunter Matheson: ::thumbs-up to Hok:: Aye, sir.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Bringing up the sensor tracking data on the main viewer ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great. Inform the transport crew to get ready to beam down the supplies. We'll also need to set up teams to head down to the surface.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Keeping an eye on her screen. They seem to be clear of debris for the moment.::
Hunter Matheson: Gees... the whole planet's pretty messed up. Can't imagine what it was like when that happened. It was a moon, right?
Hunter Matheson: I mean, the explosion was a moon?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Praxis? Yes, it was.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Is it safe to beam down, or better to take a shuttle?
Dvokr chim Hok: Dilithium mining caused a cascade explosion in the core.
Hunter Matheson: So... it's radioactive down there?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Any indications of radiations in your scan Hok?
Dvokr chim Hok: (how long since the explosion?)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (it's been 3 years)
Dvokr chim Hok: Higher than normal for a class M world, but nothing fatal.
Cptn Ja'Lale: That's good, conducting radiation checks on the local population is a key priority for medical..
Hunter Matheson: So... HAZMAT for us?
Cptn Ja'Lale: I'm no doctor, but I'd say better safe than sorry
Cptn Ja'Lale: We'll also need additional team from engineering to assist in other construction and logistical projects around the main settlement.
Hunter Matheson: :::relaxing as he settles in and listens to the skipper::
Hunter Matheson: Ship is at station keeping, Captain.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: sighs at all of the debris ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Let's form up an away team to beam down to the surface. (feel free to NPC as the away team members as well)..
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir.
Dvokr chim Hok: Great...just a bit of radiation
Cptn Ja'Lale: I'd like the team to be ready in the next 20 minutes to beam down.
Hunter Matheson: (who's heading up the team?)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (NPC Medical, Engineering and Security... you OK heading up the team, Dyan?)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (5 minutes)
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Hunter Matheson: done
Cptn Ja'Lale: OK, seems like a good place to stop. No worries. TBS will be 15 minutes and we'll be ready to beam down... you can NPC as another character if you like if you don't feel it appropriate to send your character down.. I know most of us are bridge crew.
Hunter Matheson: I'm good with it, Cap.
Cptn Ja'Lale: OK.. if there's nothing else then sim dismissed... have a great week everyone

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