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Sky Harbor Aegis | 15 December 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 12/15/17 - 10:05 PM=/\=
17 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.107

TBS is 15 minutes. The time is 1230 hours - 12:30 PM Aegis local.
Adriatic continues to investigate the temporal fold and look for any evidence of the Lore Kings.
Communication with Adriatic is temporarily lost. Alpha Squadron is attempting to reestablish.
At sim begin, the crew of Adriatic is puzzling over information from a probe:
An image of layers of overlapping energy patterns that surround a wedge-shaped object similar to an ancient satellite.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Lawliet: # ::on the bridge::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::holding position, seriously wanting a donut::
Dacia Sandero: # ::in the sickbay::
mimipavilion: ::in sickbay still::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::looking at the viewscreen:: Increasing power to sensors.
Tarisa: # ::At SCI, looking at her screen.::
KelsaViegnor: ::returned to the shop::
Chirakis: ::CnC, staring at what feed they can get from Adriatic::
Lawliet: # ::turns to Tarisa:: Commander, what can you tell us?
Tarisa: # I am not sure at the moment.
Jylliene: @ ::that hour-ish long massage finally ending::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> We have visual, but still getting almost no energy readings.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: At tactical ::
Alexis McFarland: ::sitting with Miana watching Annisha play her ukelele::
Annisha: :: sings :: Fall...at your feet...
Scott Coleridge: Hopefully we'll hear from them soon.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Tail dancing happily with the rhythm.::
Chirakis: Lackey> Alpha squadron reporting they have established communication contact with Adriatic. They are working on a relay to Aegis.
Lawliet: # ::considers his options:: Mr. Jackson, what is the status of the comm system?
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Mmmmm
Fletcher Jackson: # Com system is running perfectly, Captain. Still transmitting on all frequencies.
Scott Coleridge: Ah, good.
Scott Coleridge: ::glances up at the light above Ramson's office, illuminated to indicate a conference call, glad he had that thing installed:: I suppose we can just go back to... not worrying. As much.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: to Jylliene :: She can give a massage anytime. Err, I mean just here...not on the station.
Fletcher Jackson: # Wait... I have a signal.
Lawliet: # ::looks up at the viewscreen:: Put it through.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Very strange... the readings.
Jylliene: @ ::nods:: I'm sure. ::chuckles::
Fletcher Jackson: # It's the fighter squadron, Captain. They're trying to establish a link.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, sir. On audio.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: They left Jy and Nijil alone :: I could not understand anything they said.
Chirakis: Lackey> Alpha Squadron reports relay established. They're cleaning it up.
Annisha: :: Stops :: I think I have practiced enough
mimipavilion: ::still going over what the Enterprise experienced via the Typhon Expanse::
Gila Orrak: :: Was close to where she was last time ::
Lawliet: # Alpha Squadron, this is the Adriatic. Come in.
Alexis McFarland: Hmm. Gonna get something to eat now?
Jylliene: @ Nor I. For all we know, they were commenting on what they had for lunch.
Fletcher Jackson: # Alpha 1> ::static, slowly clearing:: Adriatic, Alpha One. Relaying your com to Aegis. How copy?
Tarisa: Miana> Again? We just ate. :;Makes silly face.::
Alexis McFarland: He he he.... singing makes you hungry
Lawliet: # We copy Alpha 1. We are transmitting our sensor logs to you now. ::signals Tarisa to relay the information::
Annisha: And this hurts my fingers.
Annisha: Do I have a blister?
Jylliene: @ ::stretches::
Tarisa: # :;Transmits.::
Fletcher Jackson: # Alpha 1> Adriatic, Alpha One. Copy.
Alexis McFarland: ::looks at her hands:: I don't think so. Your hands feel rough though
Fletcher Jackson: # Alpha 1> Adriatic, Alpha One. Transmission received. Relaying.
Chirakis: Lackey> We're in, Commander. On audio.
Lawliet: # Inform Aegis that we recently discovered what appears to be an ancient satellite and we're proceeding to investigate.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, captain. ::sends:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Perhaps bringing it onboard may reveal more.
Chirakis: Lackey> And... we have data coming in. Sensor logs.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> From what we're getting now on visual wavelengths I believe we could get within 1000 km of the device and remain out of its range. We may however wish to scan for more devices.
Chirakis: ::somewhat relieved, but still staring intensely::
Scott Coleridge: Good.
Chirakis: ::steps to her console::
Lawliet: # ::turns to Cayne:: Not yet. We need to know more first. ::turns back to Jorahl:: Agreed. We move in closer and get a more detailed scan. ::back to Jackson:: Take us within 1000 km of the satellite.
Scott Coleridge: ::Lackey:: Acknowledge the transmission and keep me posted if they need anything else.
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, sir. Transmission acknowledged.
Fletcher Jackson: # Moving to within 1000 km, aye.
Fletcher Jackson: # Transmission acknowledged from Aegis.
Alexis McFarland: ::eats a french fry::
mimipavilion: ::finds all she could find, goes and finds Amanda and Dr. Stone to let them know of her findings and is going to go to the CnC with what she has so that maybe they could come up with a way out if needed::
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Defence grid detects a vessel decloaking at the edge of Aegis' defence grid. It is a Romulan troop transport.
Chirakis: Lackey> Sensor logs received. Send to your console, Commander?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::Cayne:: Relaying frequency estimates to your station. Modify shielding accordingly.
Lawliet: # ::takes a seat in the captain's chair:: Commander Tarisa, any progress?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Understood... altering shield harmonics.
Scott Coleridge: Sure, a… ::hears the proximity alarm go off:: I thought we fixed that.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Adaptive protocols online
mimipavilion: ::checks over her info while slowly heading over to the tl::
Chirakis: ::frowns:: Commander, a Romulan troop transport is decloaking on the edge of the defense grid.
Gila Orrak: :: Patrolling :P:
Scott Coleridge: Hail it.
Tarisa: # Scanning the satellite now. ::Scans.::
mimipavilion: ::enters the tl and orders it to the CnC::
Chirakis: Lackey> Hailing frequencies open.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC a short time later::
Annisha: Wonder what the adults are doing? Station always seems tense.
mimipavilion: ::steps onto the CnC and can feel the tension::
Alexis McFarland: I've gotten used to it. Just hope there's no red alert.
Scott Coleridge: ::nods at Mimi:: Doctor. We have unexpected guests.
Annisha: :: Places a finger on Alexis's head :: Au must get all of the alerts...
mimipavilion: ::to Scott:: Do I dare guess?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.:: Too bad we can not find out what is happening.
Alexis McFarland: Hmm.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> We will need to find a way to dampen or disable the distortion effect if we want to get a good look at it.
Alexis McFarland: I could...
Scott Coleridge: Transport> +Aegis+ Sky Harbor Aegis, this is the RES Antius. We are here to transport the former crew of the Ma'ev back to the Empire.
Alexis McFarland: Hmm.
Lawliet: # ::looks at the viewscreen:: Could we use low level phaser fire or would that destroy the satellite?
Scott Coleridge: Nice of the Romulans, or Starfleet, to tell us ahead of time.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Unknown how fragile it may be.
Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: Is the Ma'ev crew well enough to travel?
Chirakis: ::looks to Mimi with a doubtful expression::
Lawliet: # ::looks around the bridge:: Suggestions on how to counter the distortion?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Shields are altered ::
mimipavilion: ::Scott:: Yes, though some are finding it difficult to readjust mentally due to what has happened.
Scott Coleridge: ::Lackey:: Open a channel.
Chirakis: Lackey> Channel open.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ So what now? I've not felt this good in a long time... We have to find a good holodeck program.
Tarisa: # Use the deflector to send a narrow scan beam.
Lawliet: # ::nods:: Proceed.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::keeping her steady::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::making the needed system adjustments::
Scott Coleridge: +Antius+ Antius, this is Commander Coleridge, executive officer. Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis. You may approach the station. Please follow all docking instructions and station regulations. Once you've docked, we will discuss the logistics of crew transfer.
Tarisa: # ::Adjusts the dish, and sends the beam when it is ready.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Plants a passionate kiss on Jylliene ::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Getting some data.
Chirakis: Lackey> ::ready to transmit docking instructions::
Lawliet: # ::looks over at Jorahl::
Scott Coleridge: Antius> +Aegis+ Acknowledged. Antius out.
Annisha: My pet is getting big, have au seen him lately?
Chirakis: Lackey> Transmitting docking instructions.
Jylliene: @ Perhaps we can browse the shops- ::cut off::
Scott Coleridge: ::Lackey:: Supervise docking as per usual.
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, sir.
Gila Orrak: :: Goes by the local Klingon place, sees a Targ with a name tag on ::
Tarisa: Miana> Your targ?
Gila Orrak: :: to herself :: How funny...
Alexis McFarland: Mr Cuddles?
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Thoughts? Did sending us a troop transport just slip the Romulans’ minds?
Annisha: Mister Big Cuddles... I'm teaching him tricks.
Alexis McFarland: For a mini targ, he's really bigggg
Alexis McFarland: What kind of tricks. Dacia's pug Chester can't do any.
Chirakis: I am not sure, Commander. It does seem strange that they would just show up, since we have not informed the RSE that we have recovered their crew. At least I have no knowledge of it.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Scans are picking up the waveform patterns. And now starting to get composition scans of the device.
Annisha: He can fetch....eat a lot, roll over. Eats some more. I think he can pounce... then he wants to eat.
Scott Coleridge: True, though on a station this size, it's not exactly like we could keep the arrival of a few hundred Romulan officers under wraps.
mimipavilion: I haven't notified Starfleet Medical or Romulan Medical about the crew.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::relaying science data to science. Adds the new data to tacs shield modifications::
Scott Coleridge: I'm not surprised word got back through unofficial channels.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Shields are holding.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # The computer is having a good time keeping up with the modifications.
Chirakis: Lackey> ::arranges the appropriate escorts:::
Alexis McFarland: Sounds like Chester. Except he can't fetch
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> I think we could use a modulated tractor beam to seize and nullify the device.
Chirakis: Perhaps we should verify this with the RSE?
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::entering a few calculations into the computer::
Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: Do you require any more readings from the Ma'ev crew to help with your studies of this temporal fold effect?
Lawliet: # I want all measures taken before bringing that into the ship.
mimipavilion: I'm sure I can figure something out, based on the information I have found. ::holds up padd:: This is what I did find regarding what has happened, not sure if it will help any.
Chirakis: ::drawn to her console to watch their approach:::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Well I'm not about to release them to just any ship that comes asking, Romulan or not.
mimipavilion: ::hands Scott the PADD::
Chirakis: Lackey> Commander, Antius is close to docking.
Kallah Ramson: +Scott+ Commander Coleridge. I will be in further conferences for awhile. The Admiral though has informed me that the Romulans will be sending a vessel to retrieve their crew.
Chirakis: Agreed, Commander.
Scott Coleridge: ::takes the PADD but doesn't look it over yet, distracted as he is::
Scott Coleridge: Ah-hah. +Ramson+ Thank you, Captain. It has actually just arrived and docked now.
Annisha: Cuddles could fetch your pet... Hmm
Chirakis: Lackey> Docking complete.
mimipavilion: ::hears the comm::
Kallah Ramson: +Scott+ Really? Already? Very well, Ramson out.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Working on the tractor beam modifications now...
Scott Coleridge: ::smile:: Maybe this will actually be simple for once.
Chirakis: ::raises a brow at his surprise:::
mimipavilion: ::smirks::
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Aegis defence grid proximity alert goes off a second time.
Chirakis: ::turns:: We have a proximity alert.
mimipavilion: ::hears an alarm go off:: Now what?
Alexis McFarland: Hmm
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> If the tractor works it should be visually apparent. Then, a containment field can be set up in the cargo bay.
Alexis McFarland: You hear anything?
Chirakis: And it is... another Romulan ship decloaking.
Scott Coleridge: Uh-oh.
Chirakis: Indeed.
mimipavilion: ::concerned:: Ok
Scott Coleridge: ::Lackey:: You know the drill.
Chirakis: Hopefully they have not sent the entire fleet.
Annisha: :: Perks up, her pointy ears showing through her long straight hair ::
Lawliet: # See to the modifications in the cargo bay SubCommander.
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, sir. Hailing frequencies open.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> ::nods::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Her ears perk up as she looks around.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # I think the tractor beam protocols are in place. The algorithm will adapt as it sees fit.
Alexis McFarland: We should head back to our room maybe? Red alerts in the emergency shelter is boring
mimipavilion: ::Softly to Scott, but loud enough for Chirakis to hear:: Maybe we should ask the Captain which ship the Romulans are sending us?
Chirakis: ::looks to Scott::
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Scott Coleridge: Romulan ship> +Aegis+ Sky Harbor Aegis, this is the RES Chairo. We are here for the crew of the Ma'ev.
Annisha: :: nods :: Let's
Gila Orrak: :: Thinks this station is cursed ::
Scott Coleridge: ::Picard facepalm::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Gets up from her seat.::
mimipavilion: ::gets a headache::
Chirakis: ::signal to mute:::
Alexis McFarland: ::follows Annisha and Miana::
Chirakis: Lackey> ::mutes:::
Annisha: :: Rubs Miana's furry head ::
Alexis McFarland: ::pets Miana as well::
Scott Coleridge: ::opens mouth, starts talking, closes it again::
Annisha: Oh, I bet au hate that Miana.
Chirakis: Commander, perhaps we should ask the captain the name of the ship?
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles::
Lawliet: # Mr. Jackson, are we in position to tractor the satellite in?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Purrs.::
Scott Coleridge: ::nods, still not trusting himself to speak yet::
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> Bay is ready to receive. Tractor systems online. All systems are green.
Fletcher Jackson: # We are, sir.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Let's take a walk :: goes to take her hand ::
Scott Coleridge: ::takes a small breath to compose himself::
Alexis McFarland: I guess not ::pets Miana again::
mimipavilion: ::looks at Chirakis then at Scott::
Annisha: I wonder if there is a race out there that would make us their pets?
Chirakis: ::keeping one eye on Adriatic's progress:::
Alexis McFarland: Hmm
Scott Coleridge: +Ramson+ Coleridge to Captain Ramson. Sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we've encountered a... hiccup. It seems that not one but two Romulan transports have arrived to lay claim to the Ma'ev's crew. The Antius and... Chairo.
Tarisa: Miana> Really big people?
Alexis McFarland: Maybe
Lawliet: # Tarisa, last check. Anything on sensors that would give us trouble?
Annisha: Could be.. they'd not have to be, just vastly more intelligent.
Tarisa: # Not at the moment.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Takes her hand ::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ So, Jylliene. What do au think about my idea of a place of our own off-station?
Lawliet: # ::nods:: Very well. Engage tractor emitters and tow the satellite into the cargo bay.
Jylliene: @ It's an intriguing idea.
Alexis McFarland: ::enters either her or Annisha's room::
Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: In the meantime, Doctor, I would appreciate it if you could have some medically-relevant excuses on hand for why we have to delay transferring the crew.
Kallah Ramson: +Scott+ What? Two ships? I was only informed of the Chairo.
Annisha: My place guys... :: enters ::
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
Jylliene: @ Definitely appealing. I think Annisha would do well to be off-station now and then, with fresh air.
Alexis McFarland: Yay ::enters in::
Annisha: (They saw three ships come sailing in...)
Tarisa: Miana> ::Enters.::
Chirakis: ::signals security to give Antius crew an excuse to stand by before entering the station::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ My family is still looking for a close place to set up again... and their cargo vessel is doing their normal routes.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> I'll be in the cargo bay ::stands and exits the bridge::
Jylliene: @ ::nods::
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Scott Coleridge: +Ramson+ Yes, sir. Two ships.
Annisha: :: Looks around :: This place is messy
mimipavilion: ::thinks for a sec:: Dr. Stone was still needing to tend to the few remaining Ma'ev crewmembers to make sure that they weren't affected by the temporal effect.
Kallah Ramson: ::steps out of her office:: Okay, what's going on? The second I mentioned another ship the Admiral closed the com.
Alexis McFarland: Hm ::huggles Miana::
Alexis McFarland: ::picks up a stuffed Otter::
Annisha: So how's fur all over Miana? Are au hot all of the time?
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Aegis sensors pick up coded comms between the Romulan ships.
mimipavilion: ::looks at Ramson, starts to say something, then keeps quiet::
Tarisa: ((She only has fur on her tail and ears.))
Tarisa: Miana> ::Shrugs.:: Not really
Annisha: (Oh...)
Scott Coleridge: I wish I had an explanation for you, Captain.
Chirakis: Lackey> They're communicating, Captain. Atius and Chairo.
Alexis McFarland: Caitians must be hot all the time.
Chirakis: Lackey> ::;looks up:: I can put it on.
Chirakis: Lackey> If anyone knows Romulan.
Kallah Ramson: # Jorahl> +Bridge+ All systems in the cargo bay are good. If the beam is working, we are ready to receive.
Tarisa: Miana> They smell funny when they get wet.
Chirakis: (last words)
Alexis McFarland: Hm, yes.
Annisha: Oh... that's a bummer
mimipavilion: ::NIP:: Barely
Fletcher Jackson: # We are in position, Captain.
Lawliet: # Bring her in.
Alexis McFarland: They look funny when they're wet too
Scott Coleridge: (q) I was an engineer once. I got to fix things.
Kallah Ramson: Anybody got a coin to flip?
Kallah Ramson: ::pats Scott on the back::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 12/15/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well, then...
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: ::glances to Scott::
Scott Coleridge: 15 minutes again?
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Chirakis: 15 minutes for them to argue?
mimipavilion: May take them that long.
mimipavilion: just sayin'
Chirakis: Very well. Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: None
Chirakis: One from me. Next week is the Friday before Christmas. 
Chirakis: Depending on who shows, we will have an official or unofficial sim.
Chirakis: If either the captain or commander is not here, we will work during the TBS.
Chirakis: Especially the commander.
Chirakis: So... comments or questions from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none..
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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