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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 12.10.17

MISSION BRIEF: Down on the planet, Tandaris and his team bug Dazim for more answers. Though the Tennessee Valley and Mary Seacole are without power, efforts are underway to bypass their neural gelpacks. Taking precautions to avoid power outages caused by the gelpacks, the Excalibur has already begun bypassing all systems that use them. However, some systems in medical have already begun to fluctuate.


Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: BEGIN SIM


Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: rolls his chair over to another piece of equipment, fiddles with it :: Hey Barty, remind me I want a fish sandwich for dinner. :: the computer AI responds with a ding ::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::well armed, he takes up a position outside the lab to stand watch:::

Tandaris Admiran: @::Dazim:: So are you going to help us, or do we have to strong-arm you some more?

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Hmm, kablooey wasn't quite the result I was looking for. At least not again. :: looks over to Tandaris, rolls his eyes and his ears ::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Again, I'm not fixing lunch here. I just need to get the protein sequence right.

Maryse Dubois: ::In sickbay, watching some of her equipment flicker in and out.::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> And if you don't remember, I work better without annoying yammering in the background. If I wanted that, I'd turn it on the Federation News Network.

Indaura Ryssan: What's going on doctor?

Maryse Dubois: Our systems are being infected with what was causing the gelpacks to go bad.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> You'd be good on FNN, though you might want to consider lasering off the spots first. :: swivels back over to the original machine, starts making adjustments ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda opened the control panel for one of the impacted systems to have a look.:: I don't have my kit with me. Anything in here that I could use as a spanner?

Indaura Ryssan: Infected? A virus or rogue computer program?

William Chocox: #::On the MS trying not to destroy another EPS system::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: pulls out a test pack, shoves it into another machine and a swivel back to the test control ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Goes to the storage room, coming back with a small kit, setting it by Miranda.:: This should work. ::Looking to Indaura.:: We don't know how it's being transmitted, but it's not a virus.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: glances over at Tandaris as the test starts :: The lights still all on up there?

Tandaris Admiran: @::Dazim:: Hmm? Oh, I'm just trying to be quiet.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Pulls out something she think might work and disconnected the primary power source to remove the gelpack. The terminal went down completely.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Doctor, didn't you say it was some sort of syndrome?

Indaura Ryssan: Great.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> It can learn. No wonder it has three pips. :: looks back to the screen :: Hmm. Hand me that hydrolyzer over there. It's even conveniently labeled.

Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: Yes, Irumodic Syndrome, but we don't know how it's spreading.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Maybe some type of stimulus triggered it. ::She hefted the pack in her hand, but it looked fine to her. Still, she tossed it above her to the table so it could be tested and then disappeared under the console again to rewire the power.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Muffle:: A power surge or something that traveled through the system in a chain reaction...

Tandaris Admiran: @::hands Dazim the hydrolyzer::

Maryse Dubois: Possibly. Engineering thinks the packs may have communicated with each other in some fashion.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: takes it, rotates the top knob a few half turns, and zaps the gelpack with it ::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: watches with amusement as the abnormally yellowed gel begins to slowly turn its more usual aqua ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She slid out from under the console and waved a hand at Indaura.:: Do the honors and power it up. ::Rising, she reached for the gel pack she'd pulled from the console and tossed it to Maryse.:: Test that, will you? See if it is starting to show symptoms.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: grabs a hypo, extracts a bit of the gel from that pack, injects it into another 'infected' pack ::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Your lab facilities are quite first rate, btw. :: off-hand as he waits for the process to finish :: But you really do need more minions.

Maryse Dubois: ::Takes the pack, setting it on a table scanner.:: This should take only a moment.

Tandaris Admiran: @ They don't like giving me too many minions.

Tandaris Admiran: @ So are you really not going to take any responsibility for ::gestures:: this?

Indaura Ryssan: I've never heard of the packs communicating with each other.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She leaned on the next console, waiting for Indaura to start up the one she'd fixed.:: Yea, but there's a first time for everything.

Hunter Matheson: @ ::meanwhile, the minion stands outside, watching, staying away from the grunts and ignoring their comments:::

Maryse Dubois: ::Getting the results.:: Definitely showing degradation. Early signs of Irumodic.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She grunted.:: Just great. +Tandaris+ Hawthorne to Admiran.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: flicks Tandaris an annoyed look :: Since you've managed to stick your nose too far in and discover my role in this, which I will totally say "I told you so" to Minister Gagaris when it was his bright idea to have me work with you, I will say I'm taking as much responsibility as is mine.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: grabs the 2nd pack, tosses it to Tandaris :: Since you're the one with the transporter, you might want to find somewhere to test plugging that into a compromised system. As this is my personal private lab, I don't have room for a full test system.

Tandaris Admiran: @+Hawthorne+ Admiran here.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Admiran+ Our gel packs are starting to show signs of the same syndrome. Is the rogue K'hal close to creating a cure? We're taking our systems offline to bypass, but they're degrading faster than we can bypass them.

Tandaris Admiran: @+Hawthorne+ I actually have a prototype we could test.

Indaura Ryssan: Irumodic.

Hunter Matheson: Tork> ::working on helm:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Admiran+ Good. Both the Tennessee Valley and Mary Seacole are completely without power now.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> It's not a perfect solution, mind. It will dumb down the gel to what it's supposed to be so it stops waking up other gel, and it will stop the further degradation of the neural connections, but it won't fix existing damage. You'll still need to replace all your gel eventually, but this "seeder" gelpack should spread through an entire system. Theoretically.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> As you can understand with all your armed goons lurking around, I'm under the gun more literally than I'd prefer for my working practices.

Hunter Matheson: Tork> ::pretty darned glad they were at station keeping, but wondering how long they'll stay that way if systems shut down:::

Hunter Matheson: Tork> ::But TV and MC aren't pulled into the gravitational field, so he's not going to worry. Yet.:::

Tandaris Admiran: @::Dazim:: And it'll remain that way for now. Mr. Matheson!

Hunter Matheson: @ ::hears his name and pokes his head in::: Sir?

Indaura Ryssan: We need to cut their connection.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Well, at least there's help on the way. ::She looked around medical.:: Any other systems that need to be bypassed immediately?

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: runs a paw through his scraggly mane while muttering various imprecations on the military state ::

Hunter Matheson: @ ::steps in, his hand dangling close to his sidearm::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: also taps a button on one of his panels ::

Tandaris Admiran: @::Matheson:: I'm returning to Excalibur. Stay here and keep an eye on him.

Hunter Matheson: @ Yes, sir. ::takes position close by, but not close enough to interfere with his work::

Maryse Dubois: ::Looking around.:: Nothing essential anyways.

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Oh, joy. :: starts making more seeder packs ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Looks at Hawthorne ::

Tandaris Admiran: @+Excalibur+ One to beam up.

Rhan K'hal: +Tandy+ Acknowledged, Commander. :: pushes the beamy button ::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: Hunter :: Where are my manners. While you're, rather illegally mind you, holding me hostage in my own lab, on a planet of the Tamarn Empire, of whom I am an employee, you are more than welcome to help yourself to the air in the room. And if necessary a bottle of fresh spring water from the cooler in the wall.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Puts the medical tools back into the kit and hands them off to Maryse.:: Well, hopefully engineering will have bypassed all of the gel systems before there are any other issues. If not, let me know. I don't mind getting my hands dirty now and then. Feels like old times.

William Chocox: # I think I’m almost done here with the conduits.

Tandaris Admiran: ::materializes on Excalibur::

Maryse Dubois: ::Takes the kit.:: Thank you, Commander.

Rhan K'hal: +Miranda+ Bridge to Commander Hawthorne, ChEng back aboard. The rest of the team is still on planet.

Maryse Dubois: Maybe Tandaris has that fix they were talking about.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: # Engineer> ::Looks at Will:: If you're done there, then you can help reboot the power systems for decks three through seven.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Two minute warning. ))

William Chocox: # On it. ::heads that way to work on it::

Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: begins packing the seeder packs into containers, mutters to self :: After we fix this planet I'm demanding a raise. Talk about non-union working conditions.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Rhan+ Acknowledged.

Rhan K'hal: :: eyes the MSD on the aft wall, watching various systems go down here and there, thankfully on purpose as the systems are shifted to non-gel ::


Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: END SIM


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