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Sky Harbor Aegis | 24 November 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/24/17 =/\=
15 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.104

TBS is 36 hours.  The time is 2200 hours (10:00 PM) Aegis local.
Adriatic is en route to investigate the time fold. Does it pose a threat to other ships? A planet? A starbase? And what about the Lore Kings?

=/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=
=/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=
=/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=

Lawliet: (# for Adriatic)
Fletcher Jackson: # ::helm, doing his thing:::
Lawliet: # ::in the captain's ready room going through historical files on the Lore Kings::
Chirakis: ::returns to CnC after a short break:::
mimipavilion: ::in her quarters on Aegis::
Chirakis: ::she has decided that it will be a fairly long night, into the next day, and is satisfied with it since it would not be the first time:::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC, filing reports::
Chirakis: ::acknowledges Scott before she takes her place at TAC:::
Dacia Sandero: # ::on the ship in her quarters::
Lawliet: # ::walks over to the replicator:: Coffee with cream and sugar.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # (here?)
Chirakis: ::she receives the latest report from Adriatic:::
Dacia Sandero: Alexis> ::curled up in her bed reading a padd::
Lawliet: ((Adriatic uses #))
Scott Coleridge: ::with neither Jylliene nor Jackson on Ops, the CnC feels quieter and... emptier::
mimipavilion: ::relaxing::
Chirakis: ::to Lackey at OPS::: SITREP, Mr. Lackey.
Lawliet: # ::takes a sip of his coffee and sits back down::
Dacia Sandero: #::reading her padd as well::
Chirakis: Lackey> Smooth sailing, Captain. No report from Adriatic. Steady flow of traffic in and out of port.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Light years away ::
Chirakis: ::nod:: Request an update from Adriatic.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # At tactical
Chirakis: Lackey> Aye, ma'am.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::settled in, not really minding the job, but missing his donuts:::
Dacia Sandero: #::relaxing in bed::
Chirakis: Lackey> +Adriatic+ Aegis to Adriatic. Status report request for Captain Chirakis.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::wakes up:: +Aegis+ Adriatic here. Stand by.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::Lawliet:: Captain, Aegis requesting an update.
Lawliet: # +Jackson+ Reroute to the Ready Room.
Fletcher Jackson: # Aye, Sir. Rerouting to the ready room.
Dacia Sandero: Alexis> ::wants to hug Miana::
Chirakis: ::looks to Coleridge, whose expression seems stressful, but she is not sure:::
Scott Coleridge: ::kind of only has the one expression these days::
Gila Orrak: :: Gila is off duty, having a late night drink ::
Lawliet: # ::watches as his monitor activates:: +Aegis+ Aegis, Captain Lawliet. All systems are operating at peak efficiency and we're still on schedule toward our destination.
Annisha: :: Is up reading ::
Chirakis: Lackey> ::turns to Coleridge:: Patch you in, Sir?
mimipavilion: ::scrolling through messages::
Dacia Sandero: ::playing games on her padd::
Dacia Sandero: Alexis> ::also plays games on her PADD::
Scott Coleridge: ::looks up, having barely heard:: Hmm? Oh. Yes.
Chirakis: Lackey> Yes, sir. Patched into the transmission. Go ahead.
Chirakis: ::she steps toward him, concerned:::
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ Thank you for the update, Captain. How are you and your crew settling in to the Adriatic?
Fletcher Jackson: # ::a few checks on the console that he's slowly getting used to:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Checks tactical ::
Lawliet: # +Coleridge+ As well as one could expect. I don't think Commander Cayne likes the idea of taking orders from someone with lesser rank, but he doesn't show it.
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ Ahem, yes, well … maybe some things would be better discussed in different settings.
Lawliet: # +Coleridge+ ::thinks for a moment:: Yes. At any rate, we should be onsite by tomorrow afternoon.
Chirakis: :: a glance toward Ramson's office shows her light still on, meaning that she is in conference:::
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ Good. We'll look forward to another update when you arrive.
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ If there's nothing else, I'll let you get back to your work.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::the only thing that's bothering him is that there are no chairs, and he's not exactly up on his PT:::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::so a few squats and stretches help:::
Lawliet: # +Coleridge+ Understood. Good night Commander.
mimipavilion: (looks like I'm going to fix that when you get back Mr Jackson)
Fletcher Jackson: # (yes, ma'am. Sorry about that)
Scott Coleridge: +Lawliet+ And a good night to you, Captain.
Scott Coleridge: ::ends transmission::
Chirakis: Lackey> ::notes that the transmission is cut and seals it:::
Lawliet: # ::taps the disconnect button and takes another sip of his coffee::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Into his work ::
Lawliet: # ::stands up and walks out of the ready room::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::straightens up at the captain's return::
Lawliet: # ::walks over to Jackson:: How we flying Mr. Jackson?
Fletcher Jackson: # Doing well, Captain. Steady on course. Nothing in the path. If you ask me, it's a little too smooth, but I'm not complaining.
Fletcher Jackson: # It's just... smoother than I thought it would be.
Scott Coleridge: ::makes a note to have a conversation with Lawliet sometime about discretion over comms, then goes back to staring at line items on this report:: A microfusion subneutronic torque capacitor? Really?
Chirakis: ::she turns back at hearing Scott's question:::
Lawliet: # ::smiles:: Well let's hope it stays that way.
Fletcher Jackson: # yes, sir.
Chirakis: ::stepping toward him::: Commander, perhaps while you are in command I can take your less important duties?
Scott Coleridge: ::looks up at Chirakis:: Hmm? Oh, actually, I find this very relaxing.
Gila Orrak: :: Takes another drink ::
Chirakis: ::she gives a gracious nod:: Very well. As you wish.
mimipavilion: ::looks up at the chrono and notices she goes on night shift in a bit and goes gets dressed::
Scott Coleridge: Nice quiet evening on the CnC … about a month's worth of backlog reports from the shipyard... I understand why Jorahl could use one microfusion subneutronic torque capacitor. But seven?
Scott Coleridge: I'm not going to ask, though.
Lawliet: # ::walks over to tactical:: Commander, everything smooth on your end?
Chirakis: :::wondering how he relaxes with that, but she listens:::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: There is one thing you could do for me: can you obtain a status update from medical on the Ma'ev crew?
mimipavilion: ::Finishes getting dressed and leaves her quarters quietly and takes a tl to the CnC first before going to medical::
Gila Orrak: :: mumbles :: Romulans...
Chirakis: Of course, Commander.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC::
Scott Coleridge: ::notices Mimi's arrival:: Speak of the doctor...
Chirakis: ::turns at the sound of the lift::: Doctor Pavilion. ::nods:::
mimipavilion: ::hears Scott and Chirakis:: I haven't done anything so far.
Chirakis: ::she steps back, letting Scott take care of that one:::
Scott Coleridge: ::small smile:: Reassuring.
Scott Coleridge: I was just asking Captain Chirakis to inquire of the Ma'ev crew.
Chirakis: ::she stands ready, listening:::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::wondering what kind of donuts Romulans make. Or if they make donuts at all. Or if they make any kind of confection, or if they just don't do stuff like that, and that's why they don't smile much:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Pressing virtual buttons ::
mimipavilion: ::smiles and it drops:: Oh I was on my way to medical thought I'd stop here first for an update on the crew of the Adriatic. I do have my staff note the status of the crew every hour though if I can pull it up here.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::his eyes wander toward Jorahl, wondering, but when Jorahl turns, he turns quickly back to his console:::
Scott Coleridge: I just spoke with Lawliet. Everything is nominal so far. They're a little less than a day out from their destination.
Lawliet: # ::takes a seat in the captain's chair and talks for a few minutes with Jorahl::
mimipavilion: ::nods::
mimipavilion: That's good to hear.
Scott Coleridge: Regarding the crew of the Ma'ev, I was wondering if you expect any long-term fallout from exposure to the temporal fold?
mimipavilion: Physically, I don't believe so, Amanda is working with those willing to talk about what happened.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # :: Takes a moment to look around::
Fletcher Jackson: # ::minding his business:::
Scott Coleridge: Good news for our crew, then. :;pause:: Not that I want them to run into any temporal anomalies or anything. But just in case.
mimipavilion: ::smirks:: I don't blame you.
Chirakis: :::stepping back to her console for a moment, still listening:::
Chirakis: ::then she steps toward mimi::: Doctor..
Lawliet: # ::uses his command panels to make a few notes::
mimipavilion: ::slight turn to Chirakis:: Yes
Chirakis: What is the possibility that their own sense of time will be altered?
Gila Orrak: # :: Eats a bite ::
mimipavilion: ::thinks:: Hopefully minimal at best.
Chirakis: Hopefully.
mimipavilion: ::nods::
Lawliet: # ::turns toward Cayne:: Commander, until Commander Tarisa reports in tomorrow morning...I want us to begin scanning ahead for any temporal anomalies.
Chirakis: It just occurred to me that the effect of being trapped in a temporal anything might cause a loss of that sense.
Chirakis: Just curious.
mimipavilion: True, but let’s hope that we got to them in time, pardon the pun, to help them.
Chirakis: Indeed.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: # Very well.
Scott Coleridge: ::yawns and glances at the chronometer:: Speaking of time, I should have gone off duty over an hour ago. I thought I was going to make it until Captain Ramson's conference finished.
Fletcher Jackson: # ::wakes up at the request:::
Chirakis: Please, Commander. Rest. I am used to spending days without sleep.
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: I'm calling it a night. You have the conn.
Chirakis: (2 minutes)
Chirakis: (You have 2 minutes to sleep)
Scott Coleridge: ((Lol))
Chirakis: I have the con, aye.
mimipavilion: ::Chirakis:: know that feeling ::to both:: Well I have a shift to get to.
Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: Good night, Doctor.
Chirakis: ::she steps to the main console:: Thank you, Doctor.
Chirakis: Commander, sleep well.
mimipavilion: Night sir. ::enters the tl ordering it to medical::
Gila Orrak: :: Slowly falling asleep at her table ::
Lawliet: # ::stands up:: Make sure you all get a good night's rest, tomorrow is, rest assured, to be a long day. Subcommander, you have the bridge.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 11/24/17 - 11:00 PM
Chirakis: Thank you
Chirakis: Well done.
Chirakis: Commander, shall we say that at sim begin the Adriatic is approaching the area of the temporal fold?
Scott Coleridge: My thinking exactly.
Chirakis: Very well. Questions from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.


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