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USS Challenger - November 10, 2017

Cptn Ja'Lale: USS Challenger Mission Brief - 10 Nov 2017: Challenger is arriving at SB 79 to drop off the Orion pirates and the freighter crew. They are now arriving at the station. TBS was 2 hours.

Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson: ::at helm, doing his thing.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Request clearance to land please, as well a security team to take the pirates.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::to Hok::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Sitting at her station.::
Hunter Matheson: One quarter impulse, Captain. Drifting in.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: at operations ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods:: Very good
Hunter Matheson: ::Hok:: We have a slip, sir?
Hunter Matheson: ::gets ready to choose one randomly, which they're not gonna like, oh no:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Clearance to dock is granted by the station. Security is standing by to take the pirates
Hunter Matheson: Moving in, docking port B17. Stand by.
Hunter Matheson: (that was an awesome piece of bomber. gotta love it)
Hunter Matheson: Drifting in... thrusters fore and aft port side.
Hunter Matheson: ::slight bump:: We're in the slip. Docking assembly locked on.
Hunter Matheson: Umbilical locked on. Transferring power to station.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great
Dvokr chim Hok: :: transferring power ::
Hunter Matheson: ::he stops pressing the console and leans back:: We're good to go, sir. Security detail standing by.
Cptn Ja'Lale: CSEC> ::stands by the airlock with the Orion pirates and transfers them to the station security staff:: More pirates to interrogate
Dvokr chim Hok: :: sighs ::
Hunter Matheson: Fun and games.
Hunter Matheson: ::snort:: Glad I'm not the one.
Cptn Ja'Lale: That'd suck
Hunter Matheson: Yes, sir. Big time.
Hunter Matheson: ::he takes a deep breath and a slow exhale::: I need a tall one. Anyone with me?
Hunter Matheson: I mean... ::looks back:: with the captain's permission, sir.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::gets a message from security:: Looks like they're transferring the pirates to the station now. Hopefully they can squeeze more info out of them and learn more about their operations
Cptn Ja'Lale: Of course. You're all free to enjoy the station's amenities
Hunter Matheson: ::he gives a broad grin, looking at Syl:: Yes, sir!
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Smirks.::
Hunter Matheson: ::then he turns to complete the post flight checks, finalize his report, and shut things down:::
Hunter Matheson: ::quietly, as he works:: Say, if I pass out on the floor, just leave me there, okay?
Dvokr chim Hok: I think I need a rest
Hunter Matheson: Oh, yes, sir. And a tall one.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Powers down her console, stands and stretches.::
Hunter Matheson: ::he finishes up and files the report, then looks at Syl:: Looks like you're ready.
Hunter Matheson: ::he cracks his back on the helm chair, then swivels to a stand:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::Gets his things and heads for the lift:: Gonna head down and chat with the station's captain. Enjoy yourselves.
Hunter Matheson: Oh, yes, sir. You, too.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Nods with a smile.:: Oh yeah
Hunter Matheson: ::Hok:: Coming with, sir?
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Gets up and heads to the station's dock ::
Hunter Matheson: ::then notices that he's gone:: Let's move out.
Dyan Sylvanis: :;Follows suit.::
Dvokr chim Hok: That was a nerve-wracking mission,
Hunter Matheson: ::he places a gentle hand on her back as they enter the lift::: Docking port.
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir. Sure was.
Hunter Matheson: Body wracking, too.
Dyan Sylvanis: Kind of getting used to the pirate hunting now. ::Smirks.::
Hunter Matheson: ::the lift stops at the docking port, then turns to Syl:: Sorry.. I never asked you if you wanted to take a bag or something.
Hunter Matheson: ::he sniffs his uniform, but it seems okay, so he steps out and holds the door for her::
Hunter Matheson: Pirate hunting becoming your thing?
Dvokr chim Hok: Certainly not mine.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::again, walking thru the station and heading for the bridge:::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Trying not to snicker as Kal sniffs himself.:: I'm fine.
Hunter Matheson: ::he suppresses an eyeroll:: Hey, can't fault me for not wanting to smell like pirates, right, ma'am?
Hunter Matheson: ::Hok:: Not mine, either, sir.
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great job everyone. TBS will be a few days. We should be moving onto a new plot.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Any questions?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Sim dismissed. See you next time.. goodnight

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