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Sky Harbor Aegis | 29 September 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 9/29/17 - 10:06 PM=/\=
11 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.101

TBS is 15 minutes. The time is 1045 hours - 10:45 am Aegis local.
Aegean's away team is exploring the Romulan recon vessel Ma'ev, stationary just outside the defense grid.  There is no sign of life.  No sign of conflict.  Most of the ship is disconnected from the main computer, but the ship did respond to a systems override.  Captain Coleridge remained on Aegean as a precautionary measure.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Jylliene: @ ::off on the honeymoon::
Chirakis: ::pacing the CnC:::
Dacia Sandero:  ::in the Sickbay::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::on Me'av's bridge::
mimipavilion: $::at the helm still trying to figure out what happened::
KelsaViegnor: ::minding the shop::
Fletcher Jackson: ::uneasy watching the captain pace::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::has a brief chat with the Coleridge cardboard cut out::
Chirakis: ::she stops to watch the video feed from Ma'ev, but it is hazy, so not much can be seen except for HAZMAT bodies moving about::
mimipavilion: $::hates that her Romulan isn't up to par, but does her best to decipher the star chart and possible path that the ship took::
Chirakis: Mr. Jackson, is the audio configured properly?
Fletcher Jackson: ::check check:: Yes, ma'am.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::to Coleridge:: Agreed. ::towards the away team:: Me and the Doctor will investigate engineering. Everyone else search the rest of the ship. The Commander will coordinate from here.
mimipavilion: $::hears Jorahl and turns toward him:: Understood. Barely could get anything useful out of the helm and navigation anyway.
KelsaViegnor: ::decides this is, after all, what being retired and one's own boss is all about, and takes the day to do a little shopping/relaxing after the recent busy period::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::nods:: Let's get moving.
mimipavilion: $::nods and follows Jorahl::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::moves into the corridor outside the bridge::
KelsaViegnor: ::closes the door with a "closed for the day" type o' sign and heads out to walk the commerce level::
Chirakis: ::hears the conversation, finally:::
mimipavilion: $::manages to get a few steps behind him::
Alexis McFarland: ::Shopping with her friends::
KelsaViegnor: ::maybe head down to the gardens and arboretum, heard people say it was beautiful at the wedding. See the flowers, perhaps some new ideas::
Chirakis: ::notices Jorahl's unmistakable cadence when he walks:::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::stops and pulls open a service hatch:: This will lead towards engineering's computer core access.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::quickly scans then proceeds down::
mimipavilion: $::nods::follows behind::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> three more levels.
mimipavilion: $ok understood.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::drops into a larger junction corridor::
mimipavilion: $::climbs down into the large junction corridor::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::about to open the hatch then pauses and pulls out scanner::
mimipavilion: $::watches Jorahl:: What's wrong?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::looks around, scanning:: I am not sure.
mimipavilion: $::concerned, pulls out her tricorder and starts scanning::
Chirakis: ::she steps to the tactical console, logs in, and queries a few things:::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Readings are normal. But be on guard.::secure scanner and pulls out disruptor::
mimipavilion: $::nods:: Understood ::pulls out her phaser::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::opens the hatch into computer access room::
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> A bright light floods in through the doorway as it opens
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::shields his eyes::
mimipavilion: $::covers her eyes::
KelsaViegnor: ::spots the girls shopping. She'd noticed them several times before. Intriguing trio.::
Chirakis: ::her attention is instantly drawn to the screen:::
Chirakis: (That is not exactly the word I would use, Kelsa)
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Scanners are not showing any light or light source.
KelsaViegnor: ((Kelsa does not need to deal with them on any official capacity, so she can remain merely intrigued.))
KelsaViegnor: ((The benefits of retirement.))
Chirakis: (Of course.)
mimipavilion: $::tries to figure out what is beyond the bright light then looks at her tricorder:: Then where is it coming from.
Alexis McFarland: ::looking at dresses, as they squeal about the different colours and patterns::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::holds a hand out, notices it's not casting a shadow::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Stand back. ::steps back himself and closes the hatch::
mimipavilion: $::steps back::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::blinking, restoring his sight:: Most troubling.
KelsaViegnor: ::somewhat jadedly recalls that it was partially the whole "meet new people, see new places" that first got her interested in Starfleet. What she saw of the girls' interactions here was her naive mental image back then.::
mimipavilion: $::also blinking:: Indeed.
Chirakis: Mr. Jackson, can we identify the origin of that?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Is there anything that could medically cause optic nerves to register light where there is none?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::scanning along the walls::
Fletcher Jackson: No, ma'am. We have to rely on what they relay. No information incoming.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ...because, i am still not scanning any light or light sources beyond this door.
mimipavilion: $As far as I know, there is none. ::looks at her scans::
Chirakis: Have they identified the haze?
mimipavilion: $::still looking at her scans:: Not even those that should be there.
Fletcher Jackson: No, ma'am. Nothing has come from science so far.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::nods::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::looks around again::
mimipavilion: $::sighs:: There are more questions than answers at this point
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::looks at the one emergency light in their current room::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::eyebrow::
Chirakis: ::glances to Ramson, wondering if she is picking up anything and doubting that she would share if she did:::
mimipavilion: $::sees Jorahl looking at something, then looks at what he is looking at:: What is it that you're looking at?
Chirakis: ::then again, if it were important, she would:::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::reaches up and covers the light....and the room remains lite as before:: I am not sure I am looking at anything at the moment.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::pulls hand down, looks around:: We are not casting any shadows.
mimipavilion: $::sees that covers up a light and notices no change:: That's odd.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> That is impossible. ::eyebrow...again::
Chirakis: ::sighs:: +Dacia+ Dr. Sandero, you are required in CnC.
mimipavilion: $Alright I'm not liking this one bit
Chirakis: 10:40 PM
Dacia Sandero: ::looks up from her duties:: +Chirakis+ On my way.
KelsaViegnor: ::glances at the nearby eatery. Blubby's. She'd seen the girls there before. Maybe it was time to give it a try::
KelsaViegnor: ::walks in::
mimipavilion: $::Jorahl:: Question is now: Is Aegis still registering us and able to see what we're seeing?
Dacia Sandero: ::makes her way out of Sickbay and to the TL::
KelsaViegnor: ::has a seat and peruses the menu::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Ask them while I try and restore power to this panel. ::turns and starts working::
mimipavilion: $::nods:: +Aegis+ Pavilion to Aegis
Fletcher Jackson: +COM+ Aegis here. Go ahead, Doctor.
Dacia Sandero: ::has she ever been up to the CNC yet? She wondered to herself:: Well, first time for everything.. ::waiting in the lift::
mimipavilion: $::sighs relief:: +Aegis+ Good to hear you. Are you still registering us? And I take it you are receiving visual as well?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::furrows brow, tries something else, checking all power connections::
Dacia Sandero: ::Exits the lift and enters the CnC::
Chirakis: ::turns at the sound of the lift::: Dr. Sandero, the tactical screen before you is of Ma'ev, the Romulan recon ship. They are experiencing some strange occurrences.
Dacia Sandero: ::Looks at the screen and nods:: Oh, strange occurrences eh?
Fletcher Jackson: +COM+ Copy, Aegean. Monitor is up on your position.
Chirakis: Haze in an essentially empty ship, and light where there is no source.
Chirakis: You have a vast knowledge of many things. If you can think of anything that would cause these things, it would be appreciated.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::pondering::
Fletcher Jackson: +COM+ Haze obscures the view somewhat, but we have you locked on.
Chirakis: Solid lock, Mr. Jackson?
Fletcher Jackson: ::turns:: Yes, ma'am. No interruption in signal.
Dacia Sandero: Hmm. ::thinks:: I'm no engineer
Dacia Sandero: but I'll try..
mimipavilion: $::turns and faces Jorahl:: +Jackson+ Alright Jorahl is attempting to restore power to the panel in front of him.
Chirakis: No, but it has occurred to me that it might not be that type of problem. Is there any possibility that it could be a being of some kind?
Chirakis: Sentient or non-sentient?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::turns to Mimi:: I believe something is interfering with our observations.
mimipavilion: $::Jorahl:: Elaborate?
Dacia Sandero: It's a possibility sir. ::Closes her eyes for a moment:: There's nothing I can detect from the ship other than the crew onboard, but that could mean that whatever;s inside is non-sentient like you suggest or in some kind of dormant state too faint for me to detect. Perhaps if the ship's a bit closer I can get a better idea.
Chirakis: Closer. :::ponders:::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> There is no reason for this panel to be without power. Yet it is unresponsive. We are not casting shadows. we are seeing light where there is none. We are not seeing any crew where no Romulan would abandon for another to capture.
mimipavilion: $ True
Chirakis: ::listens to Jorahl, then turns to Dacia::: Interesting, yes?
Dacia Sandero: Oh yes sir. Very interesting..
KelsaViegnor: ::places an order with the waitress, asking for her recommendation and following it. The Blubby burger, and some kind of soda-ice cream concoction for the drink.::
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> This is a standard Warbird. I could walk it's halls blindfolded. And, I believe that is exactly what I must do.
Dacia Sandero: Something could be feeding on the power perhaps?
mimipavilion: $::thinks for a moment:: Ok so we're suppose to be where the computer access room should be correct.
Chirakis: I would like you to consider the possibility that we are dealing with some kind of biological entity.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Correct.
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
Chirakis: Perhaps even... an energy being?
Dacia Sandero: That's what I was thinking..
mimipavilion: $ Ok, correct me if I miss something or am wrong, but there is no room, very minimal power and we're not casting shadows.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> That is what we are observing.
mimipavilion: $So something is draining the power.
Chirakis: If it were an energy being, Doctor, how would we approach it?
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
mimipavilion: $+Aegis+ Something has drained the power of the ship to minimal power and where me and Jorahl are at, the two of us are not casting shadows.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> I am not sure how something could drain energy while leaving visible light, unless it is a biological byproduct. Not something I like the idea of walking through.
KelsaViegnor: ::receives the order::
Fletcher Jackson: ::turns to the captain::
mimipavilion: $::Jorahl:: Unless it was an energy-type being
Dacia Sandero: If it's an energy being, then the electricity is what it's feeding on. It might be able to be removed if another energy source can serve as an alternate such as a generator?
KelsaViegnor: ::eyes the meal, then gives the burger a taste.::
Chirakis: +Ma'ev+ Please repeat that, Doctor, so I can understand.
Chirakis: +Ma'ev+ Why would you be casting shadows?
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> Doctor, I am going to try and proceed into the computer room. Inform Aegis if they lose my signal to beam you out at once.
Chirakis: +Ma'ev+ We heard you, SubCommander. We are locked on.
mimipavilion: $+Aegis+ We have minimal power here on the Ma'ev and where me Jorahl are not casting shadows due to no actual light. Jorahl would like me to relay to you that...
Chirakis: +Ma'ev+ Understood.
mimipavilion: $::watches Jorahl::
Chirakis: Mr. Jackson, lock for beaming to Aegean.
Fletcher Jackson: Configuring now, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> ::turns towards the hatch:: I usually prefer sending useless Ensigns on such possibly suicidal missions.... but seeing none are handy.....
Chirakis: (last words)
KelsaViegnor: ((Careful how you phrase that with what Jorahl is doing))
Chirakis: (Indeed)
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl>::opens the hatch enough to slip through then closes it behind.::
mimipavilion: $::Jorahl:: If you don't make it, it's been a pleasure working with you.
mimipavilion: $+Aegis+ You still have a lock on Jorahl
Chirakis: Do you still have a lock on the Subcommander?
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. Only minimal.
Chirakis: +Ma'ev+ Minimal.
Kallah Ramson: $ Jorahl> :::has stepped into the light, not pleased with the analogy::
mimipavilion: $+Aegis+ Can you see if you can get any other lifeforms near him
Chirakis: (Captain Ramson, pause is in your hands)
Fletcher Jackson: +COM+ No other lifeforms show.
Kallah Ramson: PAUSE
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 9/29/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Very interesting.
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: A few moments.
Chirakis: How about a few breaths?
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Chirakis: Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: None. Good work for as few bodies we actually had tonight.
Chirakis: Agreed.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none,
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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