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Sky Harbor Aegis | 15 September 2017

Chirakis: Crew attention!
Chirakis: We have among us tonight, certain members of the crew who performed their duties with dignity and valor in the face of adversity above and beyond the call of duty in the highest standards of Starfleet and the Federation.
Chirakis: Crew of Aegean, step forward.
Chirakis: It is my honor to present to you The Distinguished Service Award with V device for Valor, with the profound gratitude of Starfleet, the Federation, and the crew of Aegis.  On behalf of the crew of Aegis and the thousands you saved with swift and accurate maneuvers, I thank you.
Chirakis: The award will be listed on the message board and a certificate will be in your email.
Chirakis: As you were.

 =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 9/15/17 - 10:07 PM=/\=
11 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.101
TBS is 20 hours. The time is 0800 Aegis local.
The station has settled back to normal.  Everyone is on duty except for the newly-bonded couple.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson: ::at OPS, monitoring just about everything::
Kallah Ramson: ::on the CnC::
Chirakis: ::CnC, at TAC::
Tarisa: ::In the labs.::
Lawliet: ::stepping onto the CnC::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC, but has been rather pre-occupied lately::
Dacia Sandero: ::in sickbay::
mimipavilion: ::in medical, in her office, doing whatever paperwork she has left from the last shift::
Chirakis: ::notes his ill ease::
Alexis McFarland: ::sleeping in her bed::
Gila Orrak: :: sitting ::
Jylliene: ::finishing up packing for the trip::
Lawliet: ::walks over to the science station and takes a seat::
KelsaViegnor: ::sipping tea as she does the morning preparations to open for the day::
Chirakis: :::steps toward Scott::: Is there a problem, Commander?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Has recently woken up. She changes and then grabs her tablet.:: +Alexis+ Alexis! Wakey wakey!
Alexis McFarland: Mua.. waa? ::hears her PADD and reaches for it:: +Miana+ Hi Miana. What's up?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Picking things to bring ::
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: I'm still just thinking about what you told me yesterday.
Alexis McFarland: ::yawns and gets out or bed and makes it up::
Chirakis: It is a daunting task, your first command. However, I may be able to help you decide.
Tarisa: Miana> +Alexis+ Good morning! ::Happy grin.:: Want breakfast?
Alexis McFarland: +Miana+ Mornin'. Yes, sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?
Lawliet: ::going through various reports and going through the day’s schedule::
Chirakis: The Orville is a small vessel. Exploratory. Her last captain was relieved of duty because he did not meet the standards required to complete missions...
Tarisa: Miana> +Alexis+ Umm....Bluby’s, or somewhere different?
Kallah Ramson: ::approving different reports, while glancing over at her XO and Sec Chief's conversation::
Jylliene: Seems odd not to be going on duty - looking forward to this, though. ::smiles toward Nijil::
Chirakis: Given your experience aboard Aegean, Starfleet decided to approach you first.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Annisha> There are so many places... ::speaking to Alexis ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Quickly freshens up in the bathroom, brings her PADD with her:: Hmm. ::turns to see Annisha:: Any preferences?
Chirakis: However, the exploratory mission that caused her previous captain to shirk his duty was a mission regarding black holes and subspace anomalies.
Alexis McFarland: ::brushes her teeth:
Tarisa: Miana> +Alexis+ Oh! I didn't know Annisha was over. Good Morning Annisha!
Chirakis: Perhaps that will help you decide.
Dacia Sandero: ::tending to patients in the sickbay::
Alexis McFarland: +Miana+Stayin' over while the 'rents go on their honeymoon, eh?
Scott Coleridge: Hmm
Lawliet: ::submits his reports and begins reviewing the sensor logs from the previous days::
Fletcher Jackson: ::half hearing the conversation, but more tending to duty:::
mimipavilion: ::finishes up with the last report and heads into main sickbay, sees Dacia busy with a patient, goes over to her:: Need help?
Chirakis: ::returns to her position at TAC, but not before acknowledging the captain with a polite nod:::
Kallah Ramson: ::returns the nod::
Dacia Sandero: Could always use help, but it's been relatively quiet... mostly dealing with hangovers after last night's festivities.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks at Jy :: How are you feeling after that clearly high proof ale?
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Ah those. At least it's nothing too serious?
Gila Orrak: :: Gets out of her quarters and heads down to the commerce level ::
Alexis McFarland: Where were your folks going again? ::now out of the bathroom and getting changed::
Tarisa: ::Running a project in lab 1. She is fixated on a monitor.::
Jylliene: ::shrugs:: I didn't have that much of it. Spent more time dancing and talking than drinking it.
Lawliet: ::walks over to the replicator:: Herbal Tea, Hot.
Chirakis: ::receives a report from Lt Garand regarding Ens Orrak and begins to page through it:::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Finishes changing and after putting her shoes on, she rushes out of her quarters.::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Watching the video feed as she goes.:: +Alexis+ I am coming to you.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Surprised we did not poison half the guests :: laughs ::
Alexis McFarland: ::changes into a flowery sundress and cute sandals: +Miana+ Okay.
Gila Orrak: :: Walks down the commerce level, this late at night ::
Jylliene: May have. I haven't seen whether there's a queue at medical.
Dacia Sandero: More people than I expected though, that was some good ale.
Lawliet: ::grabs his tea and walks over to Coleridge:: Morning Commander.
Chirakis: ::after accessing the security roster, she notes that Gila is monitoring the commerce deck:::
mimipavilion: True. I think there was a reasonable amount after my bonding from a report I saw.
Dacia Sandero: We'll find out in nine months
Gila Orrak: :: held her head, she should have not drank so much of that shrill ::
mimipavilion: ::smirks:: I don't want to know.
Dacia Sandero: THey always seem to be like that. Betazoid and terran weddings are no different. ::gives a guy a hypo::
Alexis McFarland: ::waits around for Miana::
mimipavilion: Tell me about it.
Jylliene: ::ponders:: The red, or the blue? ::holds up two pieces of attire::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Moments later chimes Alexis' door.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Lace... er, I mean red
Alexis McFarland: ::opens it:: Hey Miana. ::huggles::
Scott Coleridge: ::looks up at Lawliet after a moment:: Huh? Oh. Hello. Morning, I mean.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Annisha> Au know, if we eat like this we will turn into something as round as a Horta.
Jylliene: ::chuckles, packs:: I think I'm nearly done.
Lawliet: ::raises an eyebrow:: Are you alright?
Tarisa: Miana> Yay! ::hugs.::
Alexis McFarland: Horta!
Scott Coleridge: Am I? Are any of us, really, when you think about it?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Spins in her white sundress.:: I do not want to turn into a rock person.
Scott Coleridge: I mean, yes. I'm fine.
KelsaViegnor: ::replenishing stock on the displays after the amount of goods sold for the recent wedding::
Gila Orrak: :: Wanders into her old shoppe :: Kelsa?
Alexis McFarland: THat would be heavy. ::heads out with her friends, swirls in her flowery yellow sundress::
KelsaViegnor: ::glances up:: Ah. Welcome. How are the new duties suiting you?
Chirakis: ::half listening to the conversation between Lawliet and Scott::
Lawliet: ::opens his mouth and holds for a second:: ...Okay. Well I wanted to talk to you about the matter we discussed prior to the recent mission
Nijil tr'Korjata: Au would look perfect in an of your choices.. but that does not help you choose.
Tarisa: ::Watching her project as she applies a variety of energy beams on different samples.::
Chirakis: ::more interested in Garand's report:::
Jylliene: It doesn't, but thank you. ::grins::
Scott Coleridge: ::Lawliet:: Oh? Oh. Sure. Would you like to repair to my office?
Tarisa: ::A few of the samples poof into a cloud of dust within their containment fields.::
Gila Orrak: They are.. challenging. I was really buffeted around on the ship. The ship kick my kiester.
Dacia Sandero: ::looks around sickbay, moving about treating people::
Lawliet: Of course.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Are there any Trill women's clothing that accents the spots?
mimipavilion: ::goes and treats people as well::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I don't get to look in many holo catalogs
KelsaViegnor: They definitely can. I recall a mission or two that led to bruising from rough transports.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Humms as they walk.::
Alexis McFarland: ::Looking around::
Jylliene: Some, but oddly, not usually from Trill designers.
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Captain, I'll be in my office if I'm needed.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Guess it would be like fashion for my ears.
Jylliene: Exactly.
Lawliet: ::follows Coleridge into his office::
Chirakis: ::when the door closes, she approaches Captain Ramson:::
Gila Orrak: Oh, the scents were wonderful... smart that they could change with the mood of of the reception.
Chirakis: ::quietly:: Captain, have you a moment?
Scott Coleridge: ::sits down in his chair, which squeaks slightly, and gestures for Lawliet to sit if he likes::
Jylliene: There's a Betazed designer who has risen to some recognition in that area.
Alexis McFarland: ::ventures into the food court, looking at the different vendors::
Lawliet: ::takes a seat, while putting his cup of tea off to the side::
Kallah Ramson: ::turns:: Yes?
Nijil tr'Korjata: So are you sure au want to take the Nie'rrh to our... what they call.. honeymoon.?
KelsaViegnor: ::smiles:: It was an interesting challenge.
Scott Coleridge: So what's on your mind?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Overwhelmed.:: Ooohhh...I forgot there were so many choices.
Jylliene: Well, I'd rather take it than wait for a common transport.
Jylliene: Is she not ready for the trip?
Lawliet: Well I was just wondering if you had any opportunity to relay my request to Command.
Chirakis: ::confidentially:: Commander Coleridge seems out of sorts given his decision to accept or decline his post as Captain of the Orville.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh she's ready, I am just afraid what my crew down on the flight deck have done to her.
KelsaViegnor: It's a matter of finding out what will happen at the event, then layering the shorter and longer lasting scents appropriately.
Chirakis: You had been called aside when he received the word, and his reaction was not quite normal.
Alexis McFarland: I think some new places opened up recently.. I don't recognise some places, like that one ::points to a small Klingon food stall::
Gila Orrak: :: looks as someone approaches :: Oh, they are bringing our coffee now. :: takes the cups from the barista. :: nods ::
Chirakis: I am concerned, Captain.
Scott Coleridge: Not as such, given the tight turnaround between our abrupt arrival back here and the wedding. Captain Ramson and I haven’t properly had a chance to debrief yet.
Gila Orrak: I brought you your favorite hot beverage, or what I think is your favorite.
Kallah Ramson: Concerned he might actually accept the assignment?
KelsaViegnor: ::accepts:: Thank you. ::smells:: You have an excellent memory.
Chirakis: Concerned in general.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Puts her arm in Alexis'.:: I will let you choose. You always pick yummy things!
Chirakis: Personally, I do not believe it is a good choice. However, it is his decision to make.
Gila Orrak: Part of the job...or at least a Glin back on Cardassia thought so
Scott Coleridge: Have you had any additional thoughts now that you've been a second-in-command?
Lawliet: I see. ::takes a sip of his tea:: I'm familiar with certain aspects of the test, but perhaps you could describe it in more detail. What would I expect if I were to take it?
Lawliet: Additional thoughts?
Scott Coleridge: Yes, was it what you expected?
Alexis McFarland: ::smiles:: There's a French bakery nearby that sells yummy pastries and stuff. Dacia took me there once.
Tarisa: Miana> Mmm...
Lawliet: I will admit, the prospect was challenging and there was a moment or two where I wasn't certain what I should do. Still, I believe this is still a course of action I want to take.
Jylliene: I'm sure she's in proper order for our trip, assuming you did request clearance to take her.
Kallah Ramson: ::smile:: I believe any choice he makes will prove an educational experience.
Alexis McFarland: ::leans closer to Miana as they head to the bakery::
Jylliene: ::closes her satchels::
Chirakis: Of course, as his commanding officer, you have the power to keep him here. However, yes, it would be an educational experience.
Scott Coleridge: ::spends several more minutes discussing this with Lawliet::
Gila Orrak: :: drinks ::
KelsaViegnor: ::sips::
Chirakis: 10:45 PM
Tarisa: Miana> ::Purrs and her tail swishing about as the approached the bakery. Sniffs the sweet air.:: It smells so yummy!
Jylliene: ::glances at Nijil::
Scott Coleridge: ::exits his office after Lawliet::
Kallah Ramson: One advice I will give him.... not to question what might have been if he'd made the other choice. Those doubts never serve any good.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION: Romulan Warbird decloaks just outside Aegis defense Grid. Transponder signal IDs the craft as the Ma'ev, part of the Romulan recon fleet working in Alliance space.
Alexis McFarland: Mm, yes! ::sits down and orders an egg & cheese croissant and some pastries::
Jylliene: ...Nijil?
Chirakis: ::hearing the ping from her console, she looks at the tactical display:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: thinks :: I know they did something...
Chirakis: I believe we have company, Captain.
Scott Coleridge: ::approaches Ramson and Chirakis as the ping goes off::
Jylliene: Who did what?
Kallah Ramson: ::looks towards the status boards::
Chirakis: ::steps back:: Commander. ::polite nod to Scott:::
Tarisa: Miana> :;Also orders a savory croissant, along with a sweet pastry.:: My Neemah has had one of these before. She called it a bear claw.... :;Tilts her head.:: But it does not look like the claw of a bear.
Fletcher Jackson: ::checking the corridors and clears one for the Ma'ev:::
Kallah Ramson: None of the Romulan ships were scheduled to resupply yet.
Alexis McFarland: I wonder why they call it that?
Jylliene: Nijil?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Takes a bite. Perks up.:: I do not know, but it is delicious!
mimipavilion: ::still treating people for hangovers::
Kallah Ramson: I wonder if they found something interesting.....again.. :::glances towards Scott::
Nijil tr'Korjata: The other engineers.. I bet they put something on or in the Nei'rrh
Scott Coleridge: Hey, don't look at me. It's your week to command the Aegean.
Chirakis: Transponder is verified, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::smiles::
Jylliene: They'd better not. I don't think Jorahl would like modifications made to his ship.
Alexis McFarland: Yummy. My Neema usually orders tea, but I think it tastes kinda bitter unless you put a lot of sugar in it.
Kallah Ramson: Hail them.
Fletcher Jackson: Hailing frequencies open, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: Aegis to Ma'ev, welcome back. We were not expecting your return yet.
Jylliene: ::had made the request for the Nei'rrh herself, not having seen one go through, and not wanting to start out her life married to a Romulan on Jorahl's bad side::
Tarisa: Miana> Mine does too. Lots of tea. ::Grins.:: But I think that is because she is not allowed to have...um...coffee?
Kallah Ramson: Ma'ev> ::no reply::
Fletcher Jackson: No reply, Captain. Continuing hail.
Alexis McFarland: Coffee is pretty strong and it keeps you awake
Jylliene: ::keeping the contents of THAT reply from the SubCommander to herself::
Nijil tr'Korjata: I think they like me, but one can never tell really.
Scott Coleridge: Are they on approach to the station?
Fletcher Jackson: They are, Commander. Just outside the grid.
Jylliene: ::chuckles slightly:: Ready?
Tarisa: Miana> I think it makes her really hyper.
Kallah Ramson: Ma'ev>::maintaining approach at 1/4 impulse::
Kallah Ramson: Put the ship on main viewer.
Fletcher Jackson: On the main viewer.
mimipavilion: ::finishes up with her last patient:: Dacia I'll be on the CnC.
Alexis McFarland: ::sips some juice:: I guess coffee does that to people. My dad drinks lots of coffee and it makes him go faster
Jylliene: ::heading for the door::
Chirakis: ::steps to the TAC console:: Tactical shows nothing extraordinary. Approach at 1/4 impulse.
Dacia Sandero: Okay
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggles.::
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> The warbird appears on screen, it's hull blackened is several places.
Alexis McFarland: ::giggles as well::
mimipavilion: ::steps into the tl and orders it to the CnC::
Chirakis: They have been in combat.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC a few moments later::
Kallah Ramson: Scan them.
Chirakis: Scanning...
Kallah Ramson: ACTIONS> No lifesigns detected onboard
Chirakis: No lifesigns.
Scott Coleridge: That's not good.
mimipavilion: ::looks around and sees the screen and is concerned by the looks of the romulan ship and hears Chirakis::
Kallah Ramson: No, no it's not.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I'm sure it's fine
Scott Coleridge: Recommend we dispatch a ship to take it in a tractor beam.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: goes to kiss Jylliene ::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Scott:: Do it
Jylliene: ::smooch at the door:: Shall we?
Chirakis: No evidence of weapons engaged.
mimipavilion: ::walks over to Kallah:: What's happening?
Nijil tr'Korjata: So, au are to keep Kital as a professional title I understand? :: gets their bags ::
Scott Coleridge: ::Jackson:: What's the nearest Task Force ship?
Fletcher Jackson: Task force Aegis is the nearest one, sir.
Jylliene: Professional. For sake of clarity.
Kallah Ramson: ::mimi:: Romulan ship has returned...minus her crew.
Fletcher Jackson: Approximately... 12 hours out at max warp.
Jylliene: ::steps through the door::
mimipavilion: ::nods:: I take it we are still gathering information at this time.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Fletcher Jackson: And they are headed this way.
Chirakis: Interesting.
Chirakis: And yet we have had no word from Missouri or Iowa.
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Do we have someone who can get us the command codes for the ship, so we can remotely stop it?
Chirakis: ::Scott:: I have them.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I am glad I took some things to the ship beforehand... the lotion, err...
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: Attempt a computer link and order a full stop.
Kallah Ramson: ::Scott:: I’m actually still registered on active duty with the Romulans so, yes i do.
Chirakis: :::accesses, slips in her chip, and begins an override, then hands the console to Ramson:: All yours, Captain. You are more familiar.
Alexis McFarland: mm ::bites into a danish::
Kallah Ramson: ::sends command override code.....WArbird comes to a halt::
Kallah Ramson: ready an away team commander
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 9/15/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: TBS?
Kallah Ramson: 30 minutes. Should be enough time for the new couple to escape before we get thrown back into red alert.
Chirakis: Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: None
Chirakis: I would like to commend the crew of Aegean once again, for their distinguished service.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: seeing none, crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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