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RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 051708.10 - Season 22

RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 051708.10 - Season 22

The crew has made preparations to get underway and towards the Justarus Shipyard Station after t’Ksa has completed the transfer of the children back to guardians on the planet, and those that can na be placed we plan to take to Justarus while we pursue the enemy.


KhreRiovtRex: BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex: BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex: BEGIN SIM


KhreRiovtRex: :: sitting hrrau the center seat:: Koga, do you have our course set in?

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Ie, our course has been plotted in. We're ready to go.

KhreRiovtRex: Has medical transferred the children yet?

KhreRiovtRex: If na, fhaen contact tKsa and tTemarr to find out an ETA for departure

Laehval tTemarr: (t'Ksa - I'll spare you the PM since you're on mobile. You want to start with the transport? Or have them already down on the planet?)

m_k_tksa: ((all but three are on the planet. Those three are stuck with us))

Laehval tTemarr: (( Gotcha. ))

KhreRiovtRex: (cool)


m_k_tksa: ::working on the problem of who's to foster the remaining children::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval stood in medical, glad it was a lot less chaotic, but frowning over the three children that still remained.:: Could io of your nurses keep them?

KhreRiovtRex: (those not here get volunteered first! Send them to Stinger for NDAk...lol)

STSF Seiben: (lol!)

KhreRiovtRex: (like dumping tribbles on the Klingons!)

KhreRiovtRex: Koga, once we get underway, it will be imperative that au keep an eye on that scanner we installed letting us see the Othan stealth ship hulls.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Ie, will do.

STSF Seiben: +Medical+ Oira to medical - please advise once we're ready to depart.

KhreRiovtRex: (looks like we lost tksa)

Laehval tTemarr: +Bridge+ The children with families have been transported to the planet. We are ready to get underway.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: We're good to go.

m_k_tksa: Why are au so apprehension about them?

KhreRiovtRex: ::overhears:: Menkha, we should have been long gone. Get us underway Koga, make directly for Justarus. I'm fairly certain looking at their exit trajectories, they will swing well around that sector, knowing we have a strong presence still there.

m_k_tksa: And the have na problem being around the staff. But I do not want to force the duty on one who is uncomfortable.

STSF Seiben: ::engages course:: That certainly wouldn't surprise me.

Laehval tTemarr: I... do na know how to interact with children.

Laehval tTemarr: ::Slight face.:: I did na know how to interact with children even when I was a child. They are just so... small. And they act strangely.

m_k_tksa: They are Rihan not an alien species. Au just talk with them. Be gentle and kind. Smile.

KhreRiovtRex: (ha!)

STSF Seiben: (lool)


STSF Seiben: ::Sticks to their course, and keeps a close eye on scanners as well::

Laehval tTemarr: Smile? That is a lot to ask. ::Frowns.:: Ah... why do they always wish to touch? They have such grubby hands and sticky fingers.

KhreRiovtRex: Koga, what is our current status with regards to our weapons systems? t’Temarr is busy at the siuren, so I do na wish to bother her. We will be restocking once we arrive at the Shipyards, so we'll need to have a fully listing of what is needed

STSF Seiben: I've received lists of supplies requested from the department heads. ::does a quick scan of weapon inventory:: We still seem to have an adequate supply of torpedoes and our disruptor arrays are working optimally, but we can definitely do with a restock and diagnostic.

KhreRiovtRex: I want a full load of armaments, extra if we have time to take them on. Be sure to lay in extra supplies as we may be away from anyplace that would be friendly to ch’Rihan once we get past Justarus. I would na put it past the Othan supporters to deny us even basic needs

m_k_tksa: They learn the world around them with those hands. Curiosity of how things work, how things fit together. Plus it helps develop fine and gross motor skills so they can develop the very same skills io might need to be, oh, say an engineer. Why those hands are

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: I'll put in a request to the Shipyards for extra supplies and weapon restock. ::works on it::

KhreRiovtRex: Ie, menkha work having that ready. I do want us as fully stocked as possible, including repair supplies that may be needed after battle.

KhreRiovtRex: Can au think of anything else we may need?

m_k_tksa: sticky and grumby? That's because of poor hygiene. They haven't yet learned that skill and as adults we have to teach it

Laehval tTemarr: ::She looked thoughtful.:: What do au think we should do with them? Send them to ch'Rihan?

m_k_tksa: Not until we've exhausted all avenues to find their families. If we have, them yes.

KhreRiovtRex: (Make them earn their keep, they can scrub those really small areas in the access tubes and passageways!)

STSF Seiben: ::thinks:: We seem to have a pretty comprehensive list. At this time, I'm not sure. Though I'm sure we'll think of more before we reach the Shipyards.

Laehval tTemarr: With na living matches from the colony, how will au continue the search? Galae's database? Colonial records? It seems a small chance that we will be able to find any io connected to them. I think it best to find a foster for them while the search continues.

m_k_tksa: Na match from this colony, but I'm hopeful that we'll find something in this sector. Most of these colonies are well established, but there is some movement between planets.

Laehval tTemarr: Do au think they were abandoned or taken?


KhreRiovtRex: After we resupply, we then will continue our pursuit, with just our 2 ships for now, we'll be vastly outnumbered. I'm hoping we can pick up a few more that they can spare at the Shipyards, but intel as highly guarded over subspace. we will have to wait until we arrive to get the rest of the information on ship numbers and crews.

KhreRiovtRex: I'd like to send patrols in various directions, working our way outward and taking back what we can, and making sure we have the strength to hold it. Once we start getting closer to Othan, our 2 ship will either need support, a diversion, that, or we sneak in with either the Stinger, Talon or both. Either way.... we put a stop to them.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Hopefully they'll be some Galae ships there eager for a fight.

KhreRiovtRex: it may be best to go after their supply locations and hit their shipyard hard.

m_k_tksa: I think they were breed. Possibly one or more of their parents either volunteered or were forced. There's too much trust in medical staff in these little ones, and too much information on experimentations to not be something.......something

KhreRiovtRex: If not, this may be a very short battle and mission

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: I agree. That should cause the most damage for them.

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval blinked.:: Au think they were created artificially for the purposes of experimentation? To what end?

m_k_tksa: Creating the ideal Rihan.

Laehval tTemarr: Better, faster, stronger? ::She looked back to the children with a new understanding.::

Laehval tTemarr: I wonder how many there were when they first started.


m_k_tksa: They been given medications that have affected their growth. These children might look one age physically but mentally are a different age. They have a different metabolism. Probably several other things that we would find out as we continue to study them. However, I am not in favor of using them a lab rats and would rather get them back in with their families for more natural development.

KhreRiovtRex: Koga, have au received word from au rihan after that battle? How did her ship fare in the battle?

m_k_tksa: The fact that I can rarely find information about their parents after these children are brought into the program leads me to believe that once they had to fill their end of the experiment they were for lack of a better word removed from the program

m_k_tksa: Which is why am looking for next of kin. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from that

STSF Seiben: My last contact with her was a few days ago. Her ship managed to survive the battle, though she did say repairs would most likely take a few days.

KhreRiovtRex: Menkha. Though she is with the Tal Shiar, her crew showed themselves to be honorable and standing up for our home world, and na supporting a coup against us all. She has fought well and this will be remembered. :: not forgetting however, Koga punching her, she'd deal with that later)::


ACTION:: The Talon and Stinger travel intermittently under cloak to prevent being tracked themselves and make their way towards the Justarus sector, nearing the sector as several days pass.


KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM


STSF Seiben: ::paused::

KhreRiovtRex: (Bounced us forward, if that's ok with all?)

STSF Seiben: Fine with me

m_k_tksa: Ok

KhreRiovtRex: Menkha

KhreRiovtRex: Hopefully we'll have a few more here next week. I'm going to try to be here myself, know it will be a hard day for me (would have been our 33rd wedding anniversary, but the diversion will be welcome)

KhreRiovtRex: Thanks for hanging in with the small group tonight and moving the storyline along all

KhreRiovtRex: Hope you all have a nice weekend and I'm going to let you get out of here so you get some rest.

KhreRiovtRex: Leah, anything before we go?

Laehval tTemarr: Night, all. Have a good weekend.

KhreRiovtRex: Crew Dismissed


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