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USS Challenger July 28, 2017

USS Challenger Mission Briefing: 28 July 2017 - The Challenger was powered down and masked as a freighter to lure in the Orion Pirates which was reported to be attacking ships in the area. When we left off, sensors detected five pirate ships in the area and quickly approaching. The pirates have so far shown no signs they've detected Challenger's actual signature. TBS was none, IIRC.

Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson: ::helm, making like a freighter::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Almost there.. ::checking out the ships' positions::
Dvokr chim Hok: We may be in the midst of being surrounded.
Hunter Matheson: ::Captain:: Scramble Shadow, or is it too iffy?
Dyan Sylvanis: ::At Tactical:: I wouldn't recommend it in this nebula. The fighter's shields aren't modified.
Hunter Matheson: ::nod:: Yes, ma'am.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Be ready to raise shields once they're close enough. ::ponders at Hunter:: It'd be cutting it close.. how soon can they launch?
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods:: Yes. You're right, I think. I think we can manage with those smaller ships.
Dvokr chim Hok: They may be as blind as we are if the gas density is enough
Hunter Matheson: Helm ready for evasive maneuvers at your command, Captain.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: The pirate ships enter Challenger's sensor range, though due to interference with the nebula may be hard to accurately target.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::hears a beep:: Ok. Now. Shields up.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Execute evasives, targeting the lead ship.
Dvokr chim Hok: Captain, we may need to be careful about moving here, The wake we create could give away our position
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Raises shields
Hunter Matheson: ::checks the reading:: Executing evasives now. ::press::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods:: So noted. We'll have to move quickly then.
Hunter Matheson: Strap in. Could be a rough ride.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Targets the ships.:: Weapons ready
Hunter Matheson: ::checking Syl's targeting, matching evasive maneuvers::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: The trap had been sprung; Challenger quickly manoevres out of the nebula and fires a volley at the lead ship. The other ships scramble erratically.
Hunter Matheson: ::bringing the ship to bear on the lead ship, giving her a good line of execution:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION> ::thanks to Hunter's piloting, Dyan has a good position to cause significant damage to the lead ship, which disables their port nacelle::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Moving power around ::
Hunter Matheson: ::taking cues from TAC:::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Fires when she gets an opening.::
Hunter Matheson: ::Syl::: Coming around to make a hole.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: The remaining pirates group together and fire back at the Challenger.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Tosses in his seat ::
Hunter Matheson: ::snort:: Stupid guys. Clumped together. Like a turkey shoot.
Hunter Matheson: Hang on, going through the center.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::Nods:: I suppose they're not used to having the ships they attack fire back at them..
Hunter Matheson: ::Syl:: You like starboard or port side better?
Dyan Sylvanis: Port. ::Fires at the cluster.::
Hunter Matheson: Coming around to bear on port side.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Nods.::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::holds on and watches the viewscreen::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Concentrating on his console ::
Hunter Matheson: ::zooms through the cluster, bearing to port::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Fires all phasers.::
Hunter Matheson: Um... think you have a new calling, ma'am. ::continues through, then pulls up for another run:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Challenger fires upon the cluster of ships, much like fish in a barrel. The ships sustain more heavy damage.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Once clear, she fires aft torpedoes.::
Dvokr chim Hok: We are coming out of this better than I expected.
Hunter Matheson: ::Syl:: Taking attack form Foxtrot. Hold on.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Well, doubtless five medium sized fighter ships won't stand much chance against an Excelsior class. Don't wanna brag, just sayin'
Hunter Matheson: ::grins as he takes aim at the disabled ships again:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Two of the ships go boom
Cptn Ja'Lale: The resulting explosion takes out a third. Only one ship now remains in operable condition.
Hunter Matheson: ::blinks at the brief, but spectacular flash onscreen:::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Hok continues to shake around ::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Fires on the last ship.::
Hunter Matheson: ::zooms by:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Dyan's shot hits its mark, disabling the last ship.
Dyan Sylvanis: All ships destroyed or disabled.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Two ships remain undestroyed, heavily damage. Faint lifesigns can be detected in both.
Hunter Matheson: Stand down attack, Captain?
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::Nods:: Yes, stand down.
Hunter Matheson: Standing down attack, aye.
Hunter Matheson: ::Syl, quietly:: Good shooting.
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Smirks.::
Hunter Matheson: Now, if you could only do as well on the range, we'd be a pair.
Hunter Matheson: (someone going to say something about the lifesigns?)
Hunter Matheson: (pretty sweet to get a few prisoners)
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: There are seven life signs on both ships, all Orion.
Dvokr chim Hok: Power to transporters... any females?
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: All males.
Dyan Sylvanis: Security has been sent to the transporters.::
Hunter Matheson: Holding position.
Dvokr chim Hok: (that's a real buzz kill there Captain)
Hunter Matheson: (heh)
Cptn Ja'Lale: (lol)
Cptn Ja'Lale: Beam them out once you have a lock, then let’s get out of here
Hunter Matheson: ::plots course away from the nebula::
Hunter Matheson: ::several alternate routes, just in case:::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: They beam out the pirates and depart the nebula.
Hunter Matheson: Set course for...?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Set a course back to the star base,
Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir. Back to base.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Wanna go check on our prisoners?
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Dvokr chim Hok: paused and see most in a sec
Cptn Ja'Lale: OK. TBS is a few hours. Sim dismissed.

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