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Sky Harbor Aegis | 28 July 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 7/28/17 - 10:05 PM=/\=
6 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.096

TBS is 5 minutes. The time is 2305 hours (11:05:00 pm) Aegis local.
Aegean is in polar orbit, investigating an anomaly on the 4th planet in the p-Kappa 198 System.  A probe vanished as it sped toward the planet, then a small energy signal came from the opposite pole. A wormhole is suspected. At sim begin, the anomaly has stabilized, but is increasing in size.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Lawliet:@ ::on the bridge::
Tarisa: @ ::At her station on the Aegean.::
Chirakis: ::CnC, checking night watch:::
Jylliene: ::sleepytime!::
Dacia Sandero: ::returns to the sickbay, remembers that she forgot something::
Gila Orrak: @ :: Mutters :: p-kappa 198.... p-kappa 198.... :: sighs :: I know nothing of p-kappa 198Fletcher Jackson: @ ::holding steady::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: Watching all manner of scans ::
Alexis McFarland: ::puts down her PADD and flicks off her light. zYawns::
Kallah Ramson: ::still on the balcony of her office, still with a padd nearby with the latest reports from Aegean::
Dacia Sandero: @ Kappa
mimipavilion: ::in her quarters sleeping::
Scott Coleridge: @ Commander Tarisa, what's your next play?
KelsaViegnor: ::reclining, doing some idle research::
Chirakis: ::monitoring incoming reports from Aegean::
Annisha: :: Sleeping over at Alexis', much to the consternation of Jylliene ::
Dacia Sandero: @ :stands next to Gila, as I believe she was in Sickbay at the end of last week:::
Annisha: :: In her night gown, yawns ::
Alexis McFarland: Goodnight , Annisha. That was some good practising tonight.
Alexis McFarland: (Figured Jyliene would've appreciated not hearing Annisha's practising) 
Lawliet: @ ::looking through department reports::
Annisha: Yeah.... :: yawns :: I'm getting old... I should not be sleepy this soon.
Alexis McFarland: We all get old eventually.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: to Jylliene :: Seems we have the run of the place to ourselves....
Jylliene: ::zzchzzt::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I hope the computer can make more sense of these readings..
Tarisa: @ ::Watching the screen. Her tail flails back and forth as she tries to come up with a solution.::
Jylliene: ::dreaming of swirling cloud-like anomalies hovering over their wedding venue::
Dacia Sandero: @ Need help for anything... ::squints at Gila's pips:: ... ensign?
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::he decides to check the ability of Aegean to survive a wormhole through a planet, and doesn't have much success::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sees Jy is sleeping.. :: (w) Seems like a plan.
Dacia Sandero: @::shouts into the lab:: Yeah, don't worry Dave. I got this. Just came back to get my PADD..
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: gets his Rihan-Cool(tm) sleepwear on ::
Tarisa: @ The anomaly is growing. We need to find a way to slow or stop the growth completely.
Alexis McFarland: ::in her silky pink nightgown::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: You think we can affect this anomaly without putting the ship in danger?
Annisha: I'm trying to think of what song to play for them. :: slips into bed, covers herself ::
Scott Coleridge: @:: Tarisa:: Why?
Gila Orrak: @ :: Makes her way to engineering, enters ::
Annisha: One more... :: gets her tiny uke, starts to play ::
Alexis McFarland: Hmm. Have you picked a genre? Old Earth love song, or maybe something Rihannsu? Or Trill?
Tarisa: @ It could cause the gravitational forces to increase and destabilize.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::treats an ensign with a headache, then heads back to bed with her PADD::
Chirakis: ::she stops her wandering and makes a sharp turn to read the report screen, then steps to her console to make a few calculations:::
Annisha: :: Starts playing We're Going to be Friends.. ::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::Thankful the journey from sickbay to her quarters was a short one; she enters her quarters and slips into her bed, flicking on her PADD::
Scott Coleridge: @ True. I fail to see why that's our problem, though.
Lawliet: @ ::turns to Tarisa:: Based off your readings...will the anomaly continue to expand?
Gila Orrak: @ :: Stands in engineering and looks around ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Snuggles next to Annisha:: Not bad, your fingering's been getting better. ::watches her play:
Tarisa: @ ::Curious look.:: The forces could affect the planet in a negative way, potentially causing it to crack?
Tarisa: @ It is possible that it is still feeding off the energy we gave it, but that is unknown.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ How much energy?
Scott Coleridge: @ Observing the break up of a planetary body might be quite illuminating--from a safe distance of course
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::especially liking the "safe distance" part:::
Jylliene: (Amen, Fletcher.)
Tarisa: @ I thought our goal was to be able to explore the surface?
Dacia Sandero: @::presses a button on her bed, which slightly raises her upper body, allowing her to read her PADD comfortably, begins researching medical information about the area::
Gila Orrak: @ :: Walks and observes what the engineers are doing ::
Scott Coleridge: @ Our mission is to investigate and explore, as much as it's safe to do so. We're not in the business of fixing planets arbitrarily.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Asleep ::
KelsaViegnor: ::flips through several articles and research documents, adds information to a separate list::
Scott Coleridge: @ :: Lawliet:: Do you still favour a shuttle mission?
Chirakis: ::she struggles to quell her anxiety, wondering if they are already in danger since the communication lag is considerable:::
Alexis McFarland: ::Curls up and listens to Annisha play her song::
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> ON AEGIS - Reports come in to security of a suspicious Ferengi in the habitat zones
Jylliene: ((Chirakis = every mother, everywhere, while her kids are out for the evening))
Chirakis: (Indeed)
Lawliet: @ ::turns to Coleridge:: No Sir. As we have no evidence of foul play and the potential risk the anomaly is creating, we should pull back and observe from a safe distance.
Chirakis: ::turns to the security report::
Chirakis: ::then notification from the minions:::
Alexis McFarland: (BANANA!)
Scott Coleridge: @ All right. :: Tarisa:: Let's focus on continuing to investigate the anomaly and see if we can discover why our deflector burst affected it so.
Jylliene: (LOL Lexi)
Annisha: :: finishes ::
Chirakis: +Captain+ Permission to leave CnC for a moment or two.
Annisha: Time for sleep
Alexis McFarland: Hmm.. ::smiles:: Goodnight then.
Kallah Ramson: +Chirakis+ Granted.
Chirakis: Mr. Czechwz, you have the con.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> there is a banging on Mimi's door.
Scott Coleridge: @ Did we manage to get those surface samples from the other probe we dispatched?
Alexis McFarland: ::snuggles Annisha and closes her eyes::
Tarisa: @ ::Nods.::
mimipavilion: ;:stirs hearing a banging and gets up, walking out into the livingroom:: Who's there?
Annisha: :: Falls asleep :: Silly 'zoid...
Chirakis: ::steps into the lift:: Habitat zone, location of Ferengi.
Alexis McFarland: ::cheeky grin::
Kallah Ramson: Gop>::a young looking Ferengi bellows out:: Opportunity!
Kallah Ramson: Gop> And I only knock once. ::chuckles at his own joke::
Chirakis: ::steps out of the lift and strides toward the intruder::
KelsaViegnor: ::hears a distant yell, shrugs, returns her attention to her PADD::
Alexis McFarland: Opportunity for what? ::hears the yelling in the distance::
mimipavilion: ::looks out her door to see a ferengi: and opens the door: I'm not interested in your "opportunity." Now leave
Chirakis: ::stops behind Gop:::
Kallah Ramson: Gop> now now, you haven't even heard my offer.
Chirakis: ::grabs him by the collar::
mimipavilion: ::Gop:: ::sees Chirakis in the background:: Don't care.
Alexis McFarland: ::Shrugs then goes back to sleep::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: Looks :: Let me check Commander
Kallah Ramson: Gop> Ahhh!! Assault, assault!! Help!
Chirakis: This is a restricted area. You have no business here.
mimipavilion: ::stands there::
Chirakis: :::turns him around:: Remove yourself from this habitat zone, or you will be given another berth that will not resemble your own habitat zone at all.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> Restricted? Here? ::looks around::
mimipavilion: ::Gop:: Yes restricted
Chirakis: ::Gop:: Do not question me. Go.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> I'll go,I'll go.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Exits engineering, waves as she goes ::
Chirakis: ...and do not return.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> Many apologies. ::backs towards a TL::
mimipavilion: ::eyerolls::
Kallah Ramson: Gop>::toothy grin as the TL doors close::
Chirakis: ::Mimi:: You should have no further intrusion.
mimipavilion: ::still standing in the door and looks at Chirakis:: I hope so.
Scott Coleridge: @::Lawliet:: I'm thinking that if we have surface samples, perhaps some analysis of them could tell us if the planet's composition is connected to the anomaly.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ The probe is returning, pulling it into bay 2..
Chirakis: +Lt Leon+ Tag this life signal, and watch its movements. Let me know if there are any more problems.
Scott Coleridge: @ For example, what if we isolated a microscopic quantity of the sample in a force-field, then bombarded it with a small burst of the same energy we directed towards the anomaly?
Kallah Ramson: Gop> ::studying his diagram of Aegis:: ohhh, i see.
Chirakis: ::steps into the lift:: CnC
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: shrugs ::
mimipavilion: ::turns around, the doors close, and sees Loxil and the house staff:: Go back to bed
Jylliene: ::at Aegis ops, the updates (20 minute delay) arrive with information on the anomaly, etc., and are automatically patched through to science and command::
Chirakis: ::steps out, pausing for threat assessment:::
Lawliet: @ We could, but there's no guarantee what would happen. Perhaps if you used a shuttle craft to create a safe environment,
Chirakis: ::steps toward OPS:: Commander Kital?
Jylliene: (Kital is asleep. The info went through automagically, approved by whoever IS at ops at this shift)
Chirakis: (Ah. I wondered)
Kallah Ramson: Gop>::sudden banging on Kelsa's door::
Alexis McFarland: ::sleep sleep sleep::
Chirakis: ('tis my brain going numb)
KelsaViegnor: ::glance towards the door::
KelsaViegnor: ::stands::
KelsaViegnor: ::goes to the com:: ::presses:: Who is it?
Chirakis: ::steps down:: Mr. Czechwz, I have the con.
KelsaViegnor: ::ties her dressing-gown around herself a little more securely::
Kallah Ramson: Gop>Opportunity! Um, this is the civilian quarters... right?
Chirakis: Czechwz> Aye, Captain. You have the con.
KelsaViegnor: ::ponders that:: It is. ::figures what the great void, might as well see what's up..::
Scott Coleridge: @::Lawliet:: That's a good idea. It's only one suggestion, from an engineer's perspective. I'm interested in what approaches you two think are scientifically valuable.
KelsaViegnor: ::opens door:: Opportunity looks different than what I expected.
KelsaViegnor: ::looks down at the Ferengi::
Kallah Ramson: Gop> Ah, it always does. But i have a great one for you.
Chirakis: Lt Leon> +Chirakis+ Captain, the lifesign is now on the civilian quarters level.
Chirakis: ::losing patience, meaning that someone is about to lose his life:::
KelsaViegnor: So great that you interrupt the sleep cycle of a random stranger?
KelsaViegnor: ::eyebrow quirked::
Kallah Ramson: Gop> I represent the Greater Pan Galactic Trading Brothers Group.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Enters medical ::
Alexis McFarland: @Dr. Pepper> ::hears someone enter:: Hello?
KelsaViegnor: Do you happen to have a vending license?
KelsaViegnor: ::peers at Gop::
Chirakis: +Leon+ Have you received any calls for assistance?
Kallah Ramson: Gop> I have been sent this great distance to bring a special opportunity to a select few individuals we've picked out for their noticeable service and experience.
Chirakis: Lt Leon> No, ma'am.
Scott Coleridge: @::stands up:: We came here to investigate a mysterious reading, and we've found gravitational eddies and now maybe a w-wormhole. I'd say that's fascinating.
Gila Orrak: @ What? Oh, I am making my rounds.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> And i....um, a what?
Dacia Sandero: @Dr. Pepper> Oh, I see. ::nods:: Let me know if you need anything. Our Chief Medical Officer for the mission has already clocked off.
KelsaViegnor: Mm. You see, those who peddle.. opportunities...here need clearance to do so. Do you have a vendor's license?
Scott Coleridge: @ Despite the dramatic result of our deflector pulse, though, let's not start thinking of this as a problem, as something that's broken and needs to be fixed. We're not in danger yet. This is a phenomenon, something to be investigated, studied.
Chirakis: +Leon+ Very well. Keep a watchful eye, and at the first call, throw him in the brig. ::clearly tired::
Gila Orrak: @ Clocked off?
Scott Coleridge: @ :waves arm about the bridge:: The resources of this ship are available to you. Get creative. We have a nice mystery on our hands. Let's get some answers before our time is up.
Dacia Sandero: @Dr. Pepper> Uhh.. went off duty?
mimipavilion: ::goes back to bed herself::
KelsaViegnor: ::isn't really sure that they DO need anything of the sort, but is also pretty sure the Ferengi doesn't know that.::
Kallah Ramson: Gop> Ah yes. My organization was granted a broad charter with several governing bodies who see the value in what we offer.
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Gila Orrak: @ Oh, I am not familiar with human idioms.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: Watching tactical ::
KelsaViegnor: Mm. But not an Aegis vendor license, else you would have known exactly what I was asking about.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> If i could just step inside and show you ::begins to walk into the quarters::
KelsaViegnor: ::grabs his collar:: Listen here, opportunity.
Dacia Sandero: @Dr Pepper> Oh, I see. Should've kept that in mind.
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::listening to the conversation:::
Chirakis: Routine Security> ::hears a commotion, stops to watch and listne:::
KelsaViegnor: ::flings him around against the corridor wall:: You will go to your quarters, or I will pull your earlobes over your entire body and roll you down the hallway.
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::answers... go down, or not go down?::::
KelsaViegnor: Is that understood?
Kallah Ramson: Gop> ::smacks his head into the wall....falls limp::
KelsaViegnor: Oops.
Gila Orrak: @ :: To Pepper :: This is my first encounter with many species..
Chirakis: Routine Security> ::watching with interest:::
KelsaViegnor: A little too hard.
KelsaViegnor: ::shrugs slightly, glances around and sees security. Waves.::
Scott Coleridge: @::while he's waiting for the scientists to call their next play, he turns to Jackson:: Mr. Jackson, update for Aegis: 
Chirakis: Routine Security> ::slow approach::: problem, ma'am?
Fletcher Jackson: @ Aye, sir. ::listens:::
KelsaViegnor: I think Mr. Opportunity here may need a visit to medical.
Chirakis: Routine Security> yes, ma'am. I'll get him up there.
KelsaViegnor: And security after that. ::nods:: Thank you.
Lawliet: @ ::walks over to Tarisa:: Let's get those samples ready study.
Chirakis: Routine Security> ::crouches to check him over, then pulls him up by the arm:: Come along.
Tarisa: @ ::Nods. Yes Sir.
Scott Coleridge: @ "Polar gravitational anomalies have revealed wormhole-like behaviour after subjecting them to material and energy probing. Aegean has moved to safer distance while we consider our next move. Surface away mission seems unlikely, but we have remotely collected samples to analyze."
Scott Coleridge: @ Attach all our recent sensor readings and send.
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
KelsaViegnor: ::watches them move off, re-enters her quarters::
Fletcher Jackson: @ Aye, sir. Attaching sensor readings. Sending update.
KelsaViegnor: ::settles herself back in bed, looks up the Pan-Galactic whatever-that-was to see if there's any information at all about the 'organization'.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Science has a hold of the samples now after a successful transfer to their lab.
Kallah Ramson: Gop> ::mumbling:: no mama no, I'll pay the rent next week... I promise.
Chirakis: Routine Security> ::steps off the lift with Gop and brings him into sick bay:::
Chirakis: Routine Security> ;::sighs at the shift doctor, explains the situation, and says he'll wait until the boy's checked over:::
Scott Coleridge: @::Cayne:: Thank you, Commander.
Gila Orrak: @ Actually, my feet are hurting, so do you have something for that Doctor Pepper?
Jylliene: (I think rocks are like 7th anniversary or something.)
Dacia Sandero: @Hm. I think Dr. Pepper can help you with that.
Gila Orrak: @ I am not familiar with that person.
Scott Coleridge: @ I wonder if "rocks from the weird gravity planet" would be a suitable wedding present.
Lawliet: @ ::looks over at Coleridge:: Perhaps we can find something blue. You could consider it new, blue, and borrowed.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 7/28/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Very interesting.
Chirakis: And here I thought I could sleep through the sim.
Chirakis: Ah well. Captain Coleridge, TBS?
Scott Coleridge: Let's do until whenever the start of our next shifts would be.
Scott Coleridge: The morning of the next day or whatnot.
Chirakis: Excellent idea. How about a little later than that? 0800 Aegis time.
Scott Coleridge: That sounds fine.
Chirakis: Any comments for the crew from either captain?
Scott Coleridge: I'll just reiterate what I said in character, that interesting stuff doesn't necessarily mean being in imminent danger
Kallah Ramson: None.
Chirakis: Gop's mother will have to get him from detention.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
KelsaViegnor: (Get off my lawn)
Chirakis: Very well...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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