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Sky Harbor Aegis | 23 June 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/23/17 - 10:03 PM=/\=
31 March 2388 - Stardate 2388.090
TBS is 24 hours. The time is 1400 hours (2:00 pm) Aegis local.

Something strange has been detected in the p-Kappa 198 system.
Aegean is being fitted with a science pod for an exploratory mission.
Captain Ramson will remain on Aegis.
Dept heads are to submit a list of assigned mission personnel.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Dacia Sandero: ::in sickbay doing stuff::
Chirakis: ::in her office, perusing the list of personnel:::
Jylliene: ::CnC::
mimipavilion: ::in her office, going over the list of personnel::
Kallah Ramson: ::on the cnc::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: at tactical ::
Tarisa: ::On CnC::
Alexis McFarland: ::with Annisha and Miana::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Still playing in the tree.::
Chirakis: ::finalizes it, then exits to the commerce area:::
Lawliet: ::in his office working on the personnel list::
Alexis McFarland: ::Dangling off a tree branch::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Annisha swings ::
Chirakis: ::wanders casually toward the perfumery, looking for one particular person:::
Chirakis: ::enters the shop and is immediately overcome with almost overwhelming scents:::
mimipavilion: ::finializes her list, then goes into main medical::
Tarisa: ((Now you know how I feel when I walk by that shop.   ))
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila:: inhales a bottle a bit too much. Sneezes.... Ah choo!
Chirakis: ::after she regains her composure, she begins to check the shop as though she were a patron:::
Chirakis: (I definitely understand, Tarisa)
Alexis McFarland: ::climbs down next to Miana::
Chirakis: ::hearing the sneeze, she moves in that direction and spots Gila:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) oh my stars!
Jylliene: ::checks the usual reports, preparing for adjustments to rosters and such::
mimipavilion: ::walks toward Dacia::
Chirakis: ::looks around:: Is there a problem, Glinn?
Tarisa: ::Keeping an eye on the sensors.::
Chirakis: You seem to be quite allergic for having taken up the perfumery trade.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) no problem. We were sold very concentrated oils...
Scott Coleridge: ::enters the CnC, having always been in his office and totally didn't just materialize into existence::
mimipavilion: ::to Dacia:: hey
Lawliet: ::finalizes his personal list and submits it::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Grins.:: Too bad I can not hang by my tail. I have seen creatures capable of doing it.
Chirakis: I noticed that some of them were highly concentrated. They would make excellent weapons, some of them. ::slight grin:::
Alexis McFarland: So have I. They're cool.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) I'll have to mix it with more oil. Bet it would explode
Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: How are the mission rosters coming?
Dacia Sandero: Hello
mimipavilion: I take it things have been relatively calm out here.
Chirakis: More oil? That is how these scents are manufactured?
Kallah Ramson: ::looking over the mission specs again::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) a free races in this quadrant use oils as weapon fuel.
Chirakis: ::chuckle:: And I would not be surprised at that.
Chirakis: Tell me, Glinn. Are you content working in the perfumery?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) Can I get you something Captain? :: A paddle it two of study materials lay on the sales desk behind her ::
Chirakis: ::notes the study materials:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) it's relaxing work, at least until I get acclimated to Starfleet operations.
Chirakis: ::also noting that no other patrons are present, which is satisfying, regarding the conversation she has initiated::
Dacia Sandero: Yes, pretty quiet today.
Chirakis: Um... and I see you have been studying. In fact, some would say that you study exceptionally focused and determined.
Jylliene: ::scott:: Not finalized yet. Still waiting for the assignments from the department heads.
Chirakis: At least, that is what I have heard.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: dabs her finger in another oil, then places some on the back of her neck ::
Chirakis: (Tell me it is not the captain's neck.)
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) keeps me in the game, as much as reading will let me.
Lawliet: ::takes the opportunity to catch up on some paper work he's missed over the past few days::
mimipavilion: Hope you don't mind that I'm going to send you on this upcoming mission.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: (that's the After Aegis log series...))
Dacia Sandero: Oh? Yeah, I don't mind.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Stands like she is on a balance beam, before she starts climbing down.::
Chirakis: (Good recovery) ::nods:: And do you believe you are ready to move forward, then, or do you believe you need more study?
Alexis McFarland: ::extends her arms out and follows Miana::
Jylliene: ::wonders if Nijil will be going, seeing that the projected time for the mission would mean that any delay in the crew's return could result in missing the wedding::
Chirakis: ::her arms cross in a contemplative, relaxed pose:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) I can be as kind as Starfleet regulations let me, if that is what you mean. :: Smirks ::
mimipavilion: Ok good. Hopefully the mission will be easy.
Chirakis: ::chuckles:: Fair enough.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Shimmies safely down the tree, hopping down to the ground on that last little foot.:: Yay
Alexis McFarland: ::jumps down behind Miana:: Hup
Chirakis: It seems that Lt Garand believes you are ready to move on, and several others, including the one who will be your immediate superior.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Grabs her dress from where she laid it and runs over to where Annisha was swinging.::
Chirakis: If you believe you are ready, then I would say that you are.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggling along the way.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) really? I've not even gotten the results of that test I took.
Chirakis: If so, put those.... scents down, raise your right hand, and repeat after me...
Chirakis: I have the results. That is all that matters.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) when do we leave?
Chirakis: Raise your right hand, and repeat after me.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: gives her a look and raises her right hand ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Giggles as well, after Miana::
Dacia Sandero: I hope so too.
Chirakis: I, Gila Orrak, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the United Federation of Planets against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: I'm going to suggest to Captain Ramson that we run more drills while Aegean is away so that people can practice in their alternate assignments.
mimipavilion: Well, then I better go send my list of personnel going.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) I, Gila Orrak, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the United Federation of Planets against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Jylliene: That sounds like a good plan. ::nods to Scott::
Chirakis: ...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: ((I, copy and paste...))
Scott Coleridge: Once you know the new roster, cross-reference it with the schedule for the next week and let me know which times would be least disruptive.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
mimipavilion: ::goes to her office and sends her mission list::
Chirakis: ::she opens her hand that has held the ensign insignia all this time, steps forward, and pins it on her collar:::
Dacia Sandero: OK then, better prep for the mission.
Chirakis: ::offers her hand to shake::: Welcome to Starfleet, Ensign Orrak.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: looks at the insignia ::
Lawliet: ::finishes his paperwork and leaves the office::
mimipavilion: ::from her office:: sounds good.
Chirakis: The quartermaster is ready with your uniform. Report to Commander Cayne as soon as you have put it on and have affixed the proper insignia.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: shakes :: Thank you Captain. I must be the most over qualified Ensign in the fleet.
Dacia Sandero: When do we leave?
Chirakis: I would have no doubt that you are.
Alexis McFarland: ::reaches Miana and hugs her from behind::
mimipavilion: ::goes to her office door:: I believe in two days. Let me double check.
Scott Coleridge: ::goes back to his station::
mimipavilion: +Ops+ Pavilion to Ops.
Chirakis: ::after a firm shake:: See the master at arms for your phaser and phaser rifle. A mission awaits you.
Lawliet: ::enters turbolift:: CnC.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) Cayne? I've heard some things.
Dacia Sandero: Oh, okay. Lots of time..
Jylliene: ::Scott:: The projected mission length would put the end of the mission just days before my wedding.
Tarisa: Miana> hehe ::Purrs.::
Chirakis: ::nod:: I am sure you have.
Jylliene: +Mimi+ Ops here. Go ahead.
Chirakis: Now, move. I have more things to attend to.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) Right away Captain.
Chirakis: ::exits the store and enters the command lift:: CnC
mimipavilion: +OPS+ the upcoming mission, the departure date is in two days, correct?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: gathers her padds :: Kelsa, I might be away for a while
Lawliet: ::arrives at the CnC::
Jylliene: +mimi+That is correct.
Chirakis: ::the doors open in CnC, and she stops for threat assessment before stepping out::
Chirakis: 10:30 PM
Kallah Ramson: ::steps over towards scott::
mimipavilion: +Jyl+ Thanks. Pavilion out.
mimipavilion: ::Dacia:: It's in two days.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: heads out of the shop and to gather her uniform and weapon... ::
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Hello, Captain.
Dacia Sandero: Okay, thanks.
Kallah Ramson: hello.
Chirakis: ::::on the way to her console, she stops next to Cayne:: She is ready and she will report to you as soon as she is able, which should be within the hour.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Cayne noticed a +1 to the security roster ::
Kallah Ramson: With their wedding coming up it might be best to leave Jyl and Nijil here.
Lawliet: ::walks over to the science station::
Chirakis: :::logs on the the system, and finishes compiling her security detail list, that includes Commander Cayne and Ensign Gila Orrak:::
Tarisa: ::Ears perk up as Lawliet approaches.::
Jylliene: ::gives an inward sigh of relief::
Scott Coleridge: I concur. As she just mentioned, the end date is in close proximity to the wedding.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I'm not accustomed to adding personnel that can likely best me..
Dacia Sandero: That leaves it pretty close to Jylliene and tr'Korjata's wedding.
Chirakis: ::chuckles, hearing him::: As we age, there are more and more, Commander. ::quietly:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: She does not know who I am, or was...
Lawliet: ::to Tarisa:: How are the preparations coming for the mission?
Kallah Ramson: That leaves the mission short on experienced command and engineering.
Scott Coleridge: Mm-hmm. I think I know where this is heading.
Jylliene: ::thinks she knows, too, overhearing::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: meanwhile, Nijil gets wind of an upcoming mission ::
Chirakis: ::turns, having sent her personnel list to Captain Ramson:: Nor will she, unless you tell her. Concentrate on the present, Commander. She will need your firm hand and assistance.
Tarisa: ::Taps the console.:: Lab supplies have been packed and are ready for transport once the ship has the pod set.
Kallah Ramson: Yes. ::smiles:: See, that type of deductive reasoning is what this mission needs.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: ((do I hear Station Commander Korjata? ))
Scott Coleridge: ((Hey, if Nijil wants to trade jobs he is more than welcome to!))
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) Arrives at the quartermaster for her weapons.. ::
Chirakis: :::then she turns and notes, with interest, Commander Coleridge's expression:::
Lawliet: ::nods:: Excellent. Listen, what would you say if I told you to take point on this mission? As far as science is concerned?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) if this is off by even a millimeter, I'm coming back for a new one... :: Goes off ::
Chirakis: (Best check it before you leave Aegis, then.)
Alexis McFarland: ::Sits down at the edge of the pond and drinks a can of Jumja Drew::
Alexis McFarland: Dew
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: enters the uniform shop ::
mimipavilion: ::finishes up her new weekly schedule and sends it out to all who need it::
Chirakis: ::seeing that the captain and commander are deep in conversation, she moves around CnC, checking on various things:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Jumja Drew is a series of children's book about a young Ferengi boy and his adventures in profit ::
Tarisa: ((lol))
Alexis McFarland: (lol)
Chirakis: (::cough::)
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: (( dang, now I have to write one...))
Tarisa: ::Ear twitches a second. She looks at him.:: Sir?
Jylliene: ::starting to make preliminary quarters assignments for Aegean based on incoming rosters for the mission::
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: So, if you're saying you want me to command the mission, Captain, I'm not going to argue. Away missions aren't really my cup of tea, but there are worse things than taking a crew of highly-qualified Starfleet officers out on a scientific expedition.
Jylliene: ::and adjustments to rosters for Aegis::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: is now in her uniform. It feels strange..
Jylliene: ::also adjusts Gila's quarters assignment for Aegis based on her new position::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods:: i do want you to take command of the mission.
Kallah Ramson: This should be a simple science mission.
Chirakis: ::she stops to gaze down at the commerce level, catching the last bit of conversation between her two senior officers:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: leaves for her quarters ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Sitting next to Miana::
Scott Coleridge: ::holds up his hand:: No.
Scott Coleridge: Do *not* continue that thought, sir.
Scott Coleridge: Every. Single. Time. You are not jinxing this for me.
Lawliet: You would head science for the duration of this mission. I would need to clear with the Captain, but I don't believe it would be a problem. I would, of course, be present to supervise. Think you're up to the challenge?
Chirakis: ::then turns to answer a question:::
Kallah Ramson: ::smile:: Understood.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila )) :: walking through the commerce level.
Chirakis: ::she points out a few things, then listens to the lieutenant at the console and nods:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Cayne orders items for the mission ::
Chirakis: ::as he is satisfied, she moves on:::
Chirakis: ::and notes Ens Orrak, in uniform:::
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: If Jylliene isn't to accompany the mission, I'd like to take Mr. Jackson at least.
Tarisa: :;Nods.:: Yes Sir.
Chirakis: ::she approaches Captain Ramson, and waits politely for her attention:::
Chirakis: Jackson> ::slow, tentative turn:::
Scott Coleridge: ((Muwahahahaha))
Lawliet: ::nods:: Good. Wait here a moment. ::walks over to Ramson and Coleridge::
Chirakis: Jackson> ::orders hundreds of donuts immediately::
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Kallah Ramson: Okay, Jackson will be with you.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) enters her quarters
Chirakis: Jackson> ::thinks about that for a minute and figures that a science mission shouldn't be all that bad:::
Scott Coleridge: ::sees both Lawliet and Chirakis queuing:: Perhaps if you need to brief me further we can continue this later. ::nods::
Jylliene: ::ensures doughnuts will be in good supply on the Aegean::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Chirakis: Jackson> ::beams:::
Kallah Ramson: ::turns to Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::steps to Ramson:: Captain, only to inform you that we have a new Ensign, Gila Orrak. She will accompany Commander Cayne on the mission, as will two other security personnel. I have submitted the list to your console.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) :: removes her uniform and gets a needed shower
Chirakis: (Note: perfume is not regulation)
Jylliene: (Good to know)
Kallah Ramson: Good to have a new officer.
Kallah Ramson: Especially one with experience.
Chirakis: She will serve us well, Captain.
Chirakis: ::steps away to allow Lawliet access::
Kallah Ramson: ::looks to lawliet::
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila)) finishes her shower, puts her uniform back on
mimipavilion: ::goes over some other reports::
Lawliet: ::nods to Chirakis and turns to Ramson:: Captain, with your permission I would like Tarisa to head the science department for the upcoming mission. I think it's time she had more responsibilities.
Chirakis: ::steps to her console to give Gila access to the systems she will need, and permission to use the replication system for uniforms:::
Lawliet: I would be present to supervise of course.
Kallah Ramson: I think she's ready. permission granted.
Lawliet: ::nods:: Thank you Captain.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 6/23/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Tarisa: ::paused::
Chirakis: Well played.
mimipavilion: ::Freeze frame::
Chirakis: Captain, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: let's go with 2 days. We'll be loading up for the mission.
Chirakis: Two days. Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: none
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none..
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don't forget your towel.

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