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Laehval had just activated the evacuation alarms to release the door locks and flush those in hiding out, as the sealed rooms would have tripped open. Hoping to find the Governor, or any remaining Othan forces, our security teams move in quickly to assist. Meanwhile, t’Ksa and Pexil are making their way towards Laehval's group, and still yet must investigate the item that they had shipped back to the Talon.






tAehjae: :: making her way into the area with the Dheno teams::


Lerak trPexil: :: with t'ksa ::


STSF Seiben: @::On Talon's oira, monitoring the ATs::


Lerak trPexil: :: meanwhile, on Talon, an engineering team has decrypted an initial set of communication protocols ::


KhreRiovtRex: :: Watching from behind some of the dheno, as groups of people began to move from the various locked areas, some grudgingly, but forced to do so, with the doors all spun open


Laehval t’Temarr::: Laehval shut off the alarms and motioned to t'Aehjae.:: Get these people organized. We need to scan each one of them.


Lerak trPexil: :: said team echoes their findings to the oira, and Koga. ::


NDak: ::Keeping a hand on his ie'yakk as they came out::


m_k_tksa: ::in the basement of a medical center investigating life signs;: Behind that door.


tAehjae: IE rekkhai :: starts moving them as directed::


STSF Seiben: ::looks at the engineering team's findings::


Lerak trPexil: :: nods :: I will try to open it.


STSF Seiben: ::pores over the communication decryptions::


KhreRiovtRex: ::surveying the group for Othan insignia or the Governor, as she had met him a few times previously::


tAehjae: :: begins getting the people all lined up::


Lerak trPexil: :: toggles the locking mechanism ::


STSF Seiben: ::working on finding pertinent information regarding, such as origin, IDs, etc::


NDak: ::Also eying them, he kept an eye on t'Vatrix -- call it an old habit. He had, after all, been both her XO and Daise D'Heno::


Lerak trPexil: :: lock started to click open ::


NDak: ::Of course he had also sort of been tangentially involved in at least one... maybe two if you were being nitpicky... attempts on her life; but I mean, come on, the Squids only wanted her hand!::


m_k_tksa: This is either a bad idea. Or a really bad idea.


Laehval tTemarr: ::Directs the teams to start filtering the survivors through the scanners. She had a holo of the governor out and had the teams in search of him.::


Lerak trPexil: :: gets out his weapon :: I'll open it, be at the ready...


m_k_tksa: The one time I wish we had a dheno with us. ::has her disruptor out::


tAehjae: :: begins having the people move through the scanners:: IE Au Have to move through. ::nudges the person with her hand::


KhreRiovtRex: :: eyes those around the room, noting NDak and his group had joined them, nodding at him, then turns back towards the groups being passed by


Lerak trPexil: :: the door opens to reveal ... ::


Laehval tTemarr: ACTION> ... twenty Rihan children, huddled and scared. They all screamed in fear.


STSF Seiben: ::working with the engineering folks to get more info from the communications::


m_k_tksa: ::puts her weapon away once her quick scan doesn't indicate anyone about to try to fire at her:: Shhh....We won't hurt au. ::holds her hands out, trying to figure out how to calm a group of children::


Lerak trPexil: :: cover his ears :: Hey..


KhreRiovtRex: :: sees one that looked familiar, and starts to lunge at him through the crowd::


NDak: ::Makes his way over to Laehval::


Lerak trPexil: We need to get them to Talon.


KhreRiovtRex: Why au miserable excuse of a .......


m_k_tksa: Na, first we need to find out why they're here without their parental units. Don't jump three steps ahead. ::looking around to see who's the oldest::


tAehjae: ::sees tVatrix moving through the crowd and moves towards her::


Laehval tTemarr: ACTION> t'Aehjae's scanners go off, indicating that last person to be scanned was Othan.


STSF Seiben: Au guys getting anything? ::to engineering::


tAehjae: ::turns:; GRAB THAT IO!!


Laehval tTemarr: Children> ::Shrink back from t'Ksa and tr'Pexil.:: Othans! Othans!


STSF Seiben: ::increases comm power and begins to intercept the Othan comms::


tAehjae: HOLD HIM


NDak: ::Starts to open his mouth to say something to Laehval, but upon hearing, in succession t'Vatrix apparently pouncing on someone and t'Aehjae yelling he stopped and blinked for a few moments::


Lerak trPexil: :: engineering :: au should have a limited set of communication channels of theirs you can listen to now.


Lerak trPexil: I am na an Othan.


m_k_tksa: No, no....Galae. ::points to her t'Liss:: I'm a maenak. ::making sure her hands are visible and holding nothing:: My name is t'Ksa. This is Etre tr'Pexil.


m_k_tksa: Where are au's parents?


STSF Seiben: +Engineering+ Thanks for the help. ::tunes into one of the channels::


Laehval tTemarr: Othan officer> ::Stabs the dheno that came after him and tries to get lost in the crowd, pushing and shoving as he went.::


tAehjae: :: moves to take a hold of the Othan::


tAehjae: ::grabs him by the tunic and tries to push him to the ground::


NDak: ::Laehvall:: That escalated quickly.


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> ::Standing in front, holding a cane as a weapon.:: Parents? We do na have parents. Io of the nurses told us to hide here. We do na know where she went.


KhreRiovtRex: ::irritated that she's been blocked from reaching the fvai by all the dheno, but at least satisfied that they had stopped him


Laehval tTemarr: Othan officer> ::Slashes at t'Aehjae with his blade.::


Laehval tTemarr: Ie... quickly.


m_k_tksa: No parents? ::looking around to each of them, trying to read their reaction:: How long have au been here?


Lerak trPexil: She was wise, but we have na seen anyio else yet.


STSF Seiben: ::switches channels and listens to the comms::


KhreRiovtRex: N'Dak..... stop that io..:: pointing to t'A and the blade the fvai was pulling from his boot::


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> ::Blinks at her.:: Forever?


tAehjae: :: gets a flesh wound on her arm then leg swipes the Othan putting him on the ground::


NDak: ::Nods, and unholsters his ie'yakk, firing towards the Othan veruull's hand::


Lerak trPexil: Days?


Laehval tTemarr: Othan officer> ::Hits the ground hard. Gasps for air, momentarily stunned.::


m_k_tksa: ::kneels down, more at the level of some of the children's eye level:: The nurse couldn't have moved au

down here for too long. What was the last thing au remember?


Webmaster: ACTION>> Talon receives a priority encrypted communique flagged for t'Vatrix's eyes only.


STSF Seiben: They seem to be disarray now that the away teams are... ::gets comm::


STSF Seiben: +t'Vatrix+ Talon to t'Vatrix. We've received a priority communique for au. For your eyes only.


tAehjae: :: binds his hands, her blood driping on his back, then pulls him to his feet::


STSF Seiben: ::the Bond song 'For Your Eyes Only' now playing in his head... and yours too now 


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> ::Squints.:: Ships came to trade, but they weren't trading. They started killing and raiding and taking what they wanted.


tAehjae: :: moving the Othan towards Ndak and t’Vatrix::


m_k_tksa: Then what happened?


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> And then... buildings were burning and people were screaming and running everywhere.


KhreRiovtRex: +Koga+ Acknowledged...io siuren


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> And some people were getting taken and... and... dying...


KhreRiovtRex: (haha seiben)


Laehval tTemarr: Othan officer> ::Struggles as the dhenos put restraints on him, but gets a cuff to the head for his trouble.::


m_k_tksa: And what happened to au's parents?


Lerak trPexil: :: feels an exhaustive sorrow ::


NDak: ::Glances over to t'Vatrix having not caught everything , but trains his attention on t'Aehjae and the Othan veruul.::


tAehjae: tVatrix Do Au wish to speak to this veruul??

Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> ::Squints.:: We never had them... parents. Just nurses. And maenaks.


KhreRiovtRex: :: growls at them:: Just yy'a that io.....he was on chRihan, when I was held......and that io, used an agonizer on me, when au were all held below....


m_k_tksa: ::finding that part of the story a bit odd, but hopes they can find some of the records in the computers::


KhreRiovtRex: Laehval, N'Dak....I need to return to the ship....can au handle this mess? Let me know if au find the Governor....he's most likely just as guilty. He was always pandering to those that had the most funds


m_k_tksa: We need to get au out of here and somewhere safe. Hopefully where we can get au back with the maenkenn staff who with au all.


KhreRiovtRex: +Koga+ Beam be back to the ship immediately


Laehval tTemarr: Ie, Rekkhai.


Lerak trPexil: This seems more complicated than we first thought.


tAehjae: :: nods to tVatrix :: as au wish :: points her weapon at the veruul ::


Laehval tTemarr: We will keep au informed.


STSF Seiben: +T'Vatrix+ Ie.. beaming au back now.. ::initiates transport::


Laehval tTemarr: t'Aehjae, send that prisoner to the Talon and continue with the scans.


Lerak trPexil: +Talon+ Pexil here, do au read?


NDak: Ie.


tAehjae: :: stops just short of firing :: Ei rekkhai


Laehval tTemarr: Oldest child> ::Nods soberly, seeming to have an innate trust of doctors. She slipped her hand into t'Ksa's.::


tAehjae: :: to the Othan:: Au are io lucky veruul::


STSF Seiben: +Pexil+ Ie, we read au. Need anything?


Laehval tTemarr: Other children> ::Cluster around the two. One of the little boys tugs on Lerak's tunic and holds up his arms, wanting to be picked up.::


m_k_tksa: ::gives her hand a gentle squeeze:: I'm t'Ksa. What's au's name?


tAehjae: :: hands the prisoner to io of the guards for transport and moves back to the scanners::


KhreRiovtRex: ACTION:: Hteij back to the Talon, and heads to her chambers


STSF Seiben: +Pexil+ allo?


tAehjae: Put him in the brig for interrogation by tTemarr.


tAehjae: :: to her dehno"::


Laehval tTemarr: Hara> I'm Hara. I'm the oldest.


Laehval tTemarr: Hara> Do au have any food? We're hungry!


Lerak trPexil: +Koga+ sorry, we need to beam a group of children up to the Talon.


NDak: ::Glances to Laehval:: My d'heno are going to continue to sweep the compound. Io of the disheren I interrogated mentioned he may have held up in io of the lower chambers to try to wait us out.


STSF Seiben: +Pexil+ Children? Yeah, how many?


Laehval tTemarr: ::She nodded to N'Dak.:: Ie, we need to find the governor.


KhreRiovtRex: :: nods to Koga and enters her chambers, moving over to her terminal::


STSF Seiben: ::nods to t'Vatrix as he prepares the transporter::


Lerak trPexil: :: looks at t'ksa for confirmation :: How.many are there Ksa?


NDak: ::motions for his d'heno to join him as he heads towards the inner workings of the compound::


m_k_tksa: ::does a count of squirming children:: 20. ::stops:: No, 21.


Lerak trPexil: +Koga+ 21


KhreRiovtRex: Etreeh, show contents of priority io message for Khre'Riov t'Vatrix,.... Dev,Dev. Kri, io, io Dev


m_k_tksa: We'll get au feed and cleaned up. When was the last time au ate?


STSF Seiben: +Pex+ 21. OK. I'll have to beam au to the cargo bay transporters. As au are aware, that's the only way we can beam that many at once.


Laehval tTemarr: Hara> ::Shakes her head.:: Don't know. We had rations, but... we ate them. ::Quietly.:: Jad had thirds, the greedy gut!


STSF Seiben: ::activates that transporter and prepares for transport::


tAehjae: :: pulls off a part of her tunic and wraps it around her bleeding arm and continues her duties as ordered::


STSF Seiben: +Pex+ Stand by


NDak: ::He stopped at an etreeh panel to look at the compound's layout::


m_k_tksa: ::trying not to laugh:: Well, that simply wasn't fair, was it. ::nods in all seriousness:: Listen up everyone, we're going to go somewhere where we can get help and food. Is everyone ready?


tAehjae: :: carefully watching the scans as they move through::


STSF Seiben: ::initiates transport of all 21 once he's able to isolate each signature for the transport buffer::


Lerak trPexil: +Koga+ medical teams to the talon transport site then.


m_k_tksa: ((Did you also take Pexil and myself?))


NDak: ::looking at a particular passage that did na seem to follow the standard pattern, rhae most planetary compounds::


Laehval tTemarr: ACTION> The children and t'Ksa and tr'Pexil are all beamed back to the Talon.


NDak: H'nah, if au were going to have a hidden bunker...


STSF Seiben: (Yes, unless you just want 21 kids on the Talon by themselves lol::


Webmaster: ACTION>> t'Vatrix's message is in text only. It simply says "Words of my demise are greatly exaggerated. I look forward to finally being able to see au soon.


STSF Seiben: ::summons medical teams over::


Lerak trPexil: T'ksa, we can beam back to where we were


KhreRiovtRex: :: staring at the screen....having been half ready to argue with some politician back home, finds herself suddenly week in the knees, and reaches for her chair, before her knees give out::






NDak: (( Na. Leave Pexil with the Kids ))

NDak: (( Good birth control ))

Laehval tTemarr: Babysitter!

m_k_tksa: There's an idea, N'Dak

Laehval tTemarr: Mr. Mom

STSF Seiben: (Ie, tr'Pexil loves kids !)

Lerak trPexil: Years later National Lampoon's tr'Pexil Vacation

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