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USS Challenger June 2, 2017

USS CHALLENGER - 02 June 2017: The Challenger is now arriving at Starbase 79, I believe it was to off load the freighter crew they had picked up as well as receive new orders. TBS was 1 day. Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: BEGIN SIM
Caitlin Townshend: ::on the bridge, attempting not to look like she's eavesdropping on all the conversations::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: At Operations, or Ops.. every once in awhile he would have to take helm at the same time, but that was...unwise ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::it's fine, as long as you don't go driving thru nebulas at warp 8::
Dyan Sylvanis: ::Sitting at tactical.::
Cptn Ja'Lale: Cardboard Helm> We're approaching the station, sir.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods:: Good. Drop us out of warp. Mr Hok, please request docking clearance and inform our guests that we're arriving at the station.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::sends off his report of their encounter to HQ::
Caitlin Townshend: Captain, do you anticipate we'll be long at the starbase?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Hm, not this time. I believe we're primarily just going to be dropping off the freighter crew.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Challenger receives docking clearance from the station.
Dvokr chim Hok: That's unfortunate.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Yes.
Dvokr chim Hok: Townshend and I were going dancing later, but is it not to be.
Caitlin Townshend: ::goes a bit red at this::
Cptn Ja'Lale: But, I still think we'll get a few hours at least while we get restocked on supplies. They'll also give the ship a look over and fix anything that was damaged in our encounter with the pirates and nebula.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Hok needed a break from his Operations operation, and that comment was refreshing to say.
Dvokr chim Hok: There will be micro dents in the hull.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::nods:: The station is more the capable of tending to those. But still, a few hours' respite is nice.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Ja'Lale receives a hail to meet with the station commander up in his ready room.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Settling the engineering operations to station keeping ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::reading a message from the station staff:: Okay, so we have 12 hours for the staff to restock our supplies and repair the micro dents in our hull. Until then, you're all free to take liberty on the station. Meanwhile, I've been called to the station's bridge with what I hope is our next marching orders.
Dvokr chim Hok: Ha', caitlin mI' vISuq vIneH?
Dvokr chim Hok: :: knowing the translator would not get that ::
Caitlin Townshend: ::hears her name:: Sorry, sir?
Dvokr chim Hok: Klingon Ensign.
Caitlin Townshend: ((Lieutenant)) I don't speak it. Obviously.
Dvokr chim Hok: ((Congrats))
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Starts to get up from his chair, flexes his back to crack it :: Oh, that chair.
Cptn Ja'Lale: That's not bad. I can only say nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'? or "Where is the toilet?"
Dvokr chim Hok: No one knows Captain... no one knows where they are on any Federation vessel.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: He sighs, and wonders where the bar is on the station ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: It seems like humans don't use the toilet in this century, eh?
Dvokr chim Hok: Permission to depart for the station Captain?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Yes. please grant clearance for crew to take leave on the station. There's a nice bar in the commerce section... but we only have 12 hours, so don't go too overboard, yeah?
Caitlin Townshend: ::Hok:: Are you fairly fluent? I would love to learn it, but I could never find someone with the knowledge and the time to teach it.
Dvokr chim Hok: I am fluent enough, I know 12 in total...for a time when Starfleet needed communications officers.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ACTION: Freighter crew is off the ship. The injured crewman is ferried off the station's medical bay by the station's medical staff.
Caitlin Townshend: Wow, that's great. People think linguists must be good at languages, but it took me years to learn Vulcan, and I grew up there. I'm much more comfortable with the analytical side of things.
Dvokr chim Hok: SoHvaD QaQ pop.
Cptn Ja'Lale: covfefe
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::gathers his PADDs:: Well, enjoy your time on the station.. I'll just leave you with that. ::gets up and heads for the lift::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Why was he saying these things? ::
Dvokr chim Hok: Do you drink Caitlin?
Caitlin Townshend: ::smile:: I don't know about … dancing … sir, but I’d be happy to grab a drink and talk languages.
Caitlin Townshend: You don't by any chance play poker, do you…?
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::Takes the lift to the docking bay where he walks through the airlock and into the station::
Dvokr chim Hok: I have not played that, but I could probably learn. :: Gestures for her to go ahead to the lift ::
Dvokr chim Hok: Tellarites are a species of arguers
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Enters the lift ::
Caitlin Townshend: ::lets an crewman relieve her and enters the lift:: I need to figure out who runs the games on Challenger and get in on the action.
Dvokr chim Hok: I am not a grandmaster however
Caitlin Townshend: You have argument ranks? I suppose you run clinics too.
Dvokr chim Hok: I think it is some Commander...
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::passes through the station's concourse and towards the turbolift::
Dvokr chim Hok: There are contests, leagues... Vulcan's are a tricky bunch to play..
Caitlin Townshend: Are we talking arguments or poker now?
Dvokr chim Hok: Arguments :: the lift stopped and they could see the dock to the station, Hok walked towards it ::
Cptn Ja'Lale: (5 minutes)
Caitlin Townshend: Ah yes. ::walking with Hok:: Well I learned both from Vulcans, so I can hold my own.
Cptn Ja'Lale: ::enters the lift and calls for the station's control tower::
Dvokr chim Hok: :: Walks into the station and heads for the bar ::
Caitlin Townshend: Never really argued with a Tellarite before. You don't visit Vulcan very often. Can't imagine why. Must be the desert air…. ::sarcastic tone::
Dvokr chim Hok: I would likely win, just more experience. The environment there takes getting used to... ah a free table... :: goes to sit ::
Caitlin Townshend: ::takes a seat:: Have you been posted to Challenger long?
Dvokr chim Hok: I have been here for some time... and seen many crew leave.
Dvokr chim Hok: :: He looked a bit dour at that revelation. The bartend arrived :: What will you have Caitlin?
Caitlin Townshend: I'll take a Rigelian Slammer.
Dvokr chim Hok: Interesting choice. Warp Core Breach for me thanks
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Ja'Lale: Great job - we'll continue from there. We'll get our orders and a little shoshed for the trip to wherever we're sent to.
Cptn Ja'Lale: Any questions before we dismiss?
Cptn Ja'Lale: Magic. OK.. sim dismissed. We'll see you all next week. Goodnight!

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