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The crew is shaking down the ship following repairs and monitoring the ongoing repairs of less minor systems that did not have to wait to be completed at the Galae repair docking frame. Various tests have been underway, and a condition red had been sounded, brining t'Vatrix to the oira to watch the team's progress. Department heads are to have reports ready detailing the progress of the refit and re-crewing.






KhreRiovtRex: :: watched as the Maenak quickly took her leave to the lift tube yet again::


STSF Seiben: ::testing out flight controls and other things::


KhreRiovtRex: t'Temarr, how are the proficiency ratings going?


Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, test the cloak next, but contact engineering to warn them first. They'll need to monitor our power flow network. ::She looked to t'Rexan.:: So far, we are testing within normal standards.


STSF Seiben: ::Nods:: Ie, of course.

STSF Seiben: +Engineering+ Oira to Engineering. We're about to test the cloaking device. Keep an eye on the power flow, please.


KhreRiovtRex: Menhka. Have au found anything that has concerned au so far?


Lerak trPexil: +Oria+ Understood


tAehjae: ::: on the Oria going over results of her last training session::


STSF Seiben: Activating cloak.. now. ::presses the button, activating the cloaking device::

STSF Seiben: ::Monitors status from the OPS console::


Laehval tTemarr: Na, as of yet. There are minor systems still to be repaired, but our essential systems are functioning at our prior efficiency or higher. They have made several upgrades in engineering -- all of which we desperately needed.


KhreRiovtRex: tAehjae, :: waves her over::


tAehjae: :: steps over to tVatrix:: Rekkhai?


KhreRiovtRex: :: looks back over to Laehval:: I will accept au expertise on the matter, if au say it was needed, then the time taken was well used. Keep me apprised of any issues or equipment that we may need to gain access to


Webmaster: ((Figured it out))


KhreRiovtRex: ::turns back to t'Aehjae:: Have au had a chance to start looking over the new crew files? Many records were lost or temporarily offline.


Lerak trPexil: :: Navigating around some of the new changes ::


KhreRiovtRex: Most Galae will be true, but I do na doubt that we have at least a few collaborators or traitors in our midst.


STSF Seiben: Power readings are good so far on my end.

KhreRiovtRex: Keep an eye on them, work up what background au can, and take au findings to tTemarr. She will evaluate and work with au on crew personnel issues.

KhreRiovtRex: I'm assuming t'A, that au have limited access to many of the new crew until we get a better background check?


tAehjae: I have some of them Rekkhai, I will rekkhai


STSF Seiben: ::looks at the readings and makes a "not bad" kind of face::


Laehval tTemarr: +Lerak+ t'Temarr to Engineering. How are the other systems holding up with the cloak engaged?


KhreRiovtRex: I was told au stopped by earlier, but I was busy at the time. What was it that au wished to speak of?


tAehjae: IE rekkhai very limited


KhreRiovtRex: :: watching the interaction between Laehval and the rest of the bridge crew::


tAehjae: Just what au have said here rekkhai.. to inform au of their limited access


KhreRiovtRex: :: notes that the woman had come a long way from when she would only truly speak with her engineers, to having the confidence to run the oira::


m_k_tksa: ::in medical after her quick jaunt to the oira::


Lerak trPexil: +oria+ there are signs of out of specification... Logging and will correct


STSF Seiben: +Pexil+ Understood. Keep us appraised, yeah?


KhreRiovtRex: Do na let me keep au from au work t'Aehjae, but if au suspect anything, fhaen let tTemarr know.


tAehjae: IE rekkhai. I will retire to Man Dheno to complete my searching


KhreRiovtRex: Laehval, how much speed can we maintain while under cloak?

KhreRiovtRex: Have we tested that yet?


Lerak trPexil: :: sending parties to search out the ship for out of spec items ::


Laehval tTemarr: Na yet. ::She nodded to Koga.:: S'Bien, au heard her. Strain our systems while we are under cloak.

Laehval tTemarr: If it will fail, it will fail during that time.


tAehjae: :: turns heading back to the ift::


STSF Seiben: Ie rekkhai.. ::gradually increasing speed, watching power readings as the ship's speed increases::

tAehjae: :: enters the lift:: Dheno


KhreRiovtRex: :: trying to make an effort to be rhae the oira for a bit, as the crew must have thought she had left the ship, she had spent so little time with them. However, she was finding it difficult to concentrate on these minor issues. She had io purpose in the pathetic mockery that had become her life.....and she would see it done. it might na be the rest of her life


m_k_tksa: How did the red alert test go? ::sitting on a biobed, watching the extended legs of the menak trying to adjust settings from under it:;


KhreRiovtRex: but she would see it done. She had sworn to the elements, but then again, the elements be damned for letting this happen in the first place


STSF Seiben::: increases speed to full power, but not quite going to plaid::


KhreRiovtRex: :: with the exception of NDak, she had actually had very little interaction with any of the crew, since they had brought her back after the excursion on the home world

KhreRiovtRex: not since they had brought her back tied up again......and now she had to get comfortable with trusting them again


STSF Seiben: Seems more stable at speed than before, so far..


tAehjae: :: return to main dheno and to her desk to complete her work::


KhreRiovtRex: she had spoken to tTemarr and NDak about doing just that, and each had noted they wanted to speak with her, but neither had. And as for the Daise Maenak, she continued to be sour and avoid her as if she had some: sort of terrible deadly disease


STSF Seiben: +Pexil+ How's it holding? Noticing anything out of the ordinary?


Lerak trPexil: +oria+ I am shutting down the secondary eng console on the oria. It may have a faulty node causing extraneous outbursts through the cloak. I'm coming up to personally attend to this.


Lerak trPexil: :: grabs a kit and replacement components and heads to the oria ::


STSF Seiben: Hm. +Pexil+ Understood.

STSF Seiben: Hmm. I suppose there's always teething issues on new upgrades,


Lerak trPexil: :: lift time later Pexil emerges on the oria ::


m_k_tksa: Maec> Na bad. Just a few...........kinks. ::grunts as he tries to twist a few nuts into place:: We need to reprogram re of the beds. I'm trying to get the panel back on this one.


KhreRiovtRex: t'Temarr..... I wish to inspect the some of the outposts and stations as they radiate out from homeworld.


Lerak trPexil: :: says little to anyone before accessing the panel


Laehval tTemarr: Push it a bit higher and make it a bumpy ride. I'd like to test out the inertial dampers.


KhreRiovtRex: We do na know if they just ran, or if they are stripping, destroying everything in their wake.... we will find out nothing sitting here. Put us on course for the nearest outpost along the route back towards Othan space


STSF Seiben: Aye aye...:: increasing speed further still, watching the power readings steadily rise::


KhreRiovtRex: Au may continue au testing along the way


Laehval tTemarr: ::She glanced at t'Rex.:: Ie, Rekkhai. We can finish our tests along the way.


m_k_tksa: Maec> And did t'Temarr say anything about the crew reports? ::throws the sonic device back into the tool kit before leaning out from under the biobed::

m_k_tksa: Na, but I saw her eye brow raised when she got to page thi. ::folds her arms::

Lerak trPexil: :: scans the components behind the console, his feet sticking out the bottom as he works in the guts of it ::


Laehval tTemarr: (( She said that we could only afford to keep half of the crazy ones. ))


KhreRiovtRex: Oh, and tTemarr, consult the shipping routes with Koga, see what other prime targets there might be. Give my thanks to Pexil for the ship being hrrau menhka condition during this test. Au have the oira......


m_k_tksa: ((So we're 1 over our allotment - we thought the eccentric crazy was more fun that the homicidal crazy))


Laehval tTemarr: ::She glanced to Lerak, or what part of him she could see beneath that console.::


KhreRiovtRex: :: gets up and heads back to her chambers...... she didn't really feel a part of anything anymore....::


Lerak trPexil: :: hears what he thinks is his name and a compliment, but the console seemed to muffle the noise ::

Lerak trPexil: :: The hours must have been getting longer as  time dilation increased the more one worked. ::


m_k_tksa: I still say you cheated with that flip call. Admit it, you had a weighted coin.


Laehval tTemarr: ::She glanced at t'Rexan's door as she disappeared into her chambers and frowned. While she knew the woman had lost much and had the right to be sad, she wondered just how long she was going to sulk.::


m_k_tksa: Maec> I did not. I won fair and square. ::standing up and dusting off his slacks before taking up his cane again and the repair kit handle::


Lerak trPexil: Oof :: exclaimed Pexil, hitting his head inside the console as he worked on the floor ::


Laehval tTemarr: ::They needed their Enarrain back, not the ghost of a woman she'd become. Sighing, she looked back to the tests, glancing at the power readings as the ride began to strain their systems. There was so much to do before they engaged in another conflict. S'Bien, that is enough.


KhreRiovtRex: :: the door shut behind her and she crossed back to the window to stare back off into space and ponder what she had done to the elements, to have had not just io bad lifetime, but to have been thrust into a second, where she must abide in solitude.. She could barely imagine that she was hoping that NDak would even stop by from


STSF Seiben: Aye . Slowing her down. ::gradually decreases the speed back to normal::


KhreRiovtRex: the Stinger, as after all they'd been through, he seemed to be the only io willing to work with her::


tAehjae: (( ha same problem as last week. Saw everyone elses line but nothing I tyed showed to screen refresh did not work))


STSF Seiben: ::heard a muffled thump, wonders what that was, oh well::


m_k_tksa: ::soft sigh, feeling rather bad for the fact that the Kheinsa still needed some support, however minor, after Talon's fire, the firefights, battle and trip to the planet had na helped:: Au and I need to work on PT exercises tonight.


KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM


KhreRiovtRex: Great job everyone, glad you all could get into the room. t'A, we'll note that problem and I'll let Webbie know to look at it when he gets home in a bit.

KhreRiovtRex: Ok...so, we're heading off to check to see if things are ok, if still held by Othan, if never had been held by Othan, or if had been damage/destroyed by the fleeing ships

tAehjae: ok also the line that says type your message here never disappears. I cannot read the first few words I type becaus its over them.

KhreRiovtRex: Will also have to worry about additions of our own crew, and how everyone is able to handle going after those that did this to our planets

KhreRiovtRex: Thanks tA will let him know

KhreRiovtRex: Ok, Laeh, do you have anything?

Laehval tTemarr: Nope. Nice sim, all.

Laehval tTemarr: Have a great weekend.

KhreRiovtRex: anyone else?

m_k_tksa: Gnight everyone 

KhreRiovtRex: Crew Dismissed!

KhreRiovtRex: Good night and have a nice weekend all......be ready to start getting into some action

STSF Seiben: Ooo goodnight !

tAehjae: night all


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