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Sky Harbor Aegis | 14 April 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 4/14/17=/\=

24 March 2388

TBS is 1 hour. The time is 1100 hours (11:00 am) Aegis local. The Droid Core delegates have proposed joining forces to defeat the Alien Alliance. Senior staff has conferred on their proposals. We will move slowly and cautiously. The station remains at yellow alert.

At sim begin, Captain Ramson will be meeting with the delegates. Those who wish to attend may do so. Others may return to their duty shifts.


=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=


Annisha: :: Sitting ::

Fletcher Jackson: ::CnC, OPS:::

Kallah Ramson: ::looking over the PADD while standing outside the meeting room::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Also sitting ::

Chirakis: ::with Ramson, concerned about security:::

Tarisa: ::Still at the SCI console in CnC::

Jylliene: ::meeting room. Does not trust the cores to leave Ramson alone with them.::

Scott Coleridge: ::standing next to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson: ::tucks the PADD under her arm and enters the room::

Chirakis: ::slightly behind Ramson and Coleridge:::

Dacia Sandero: ::sitting in the meeting with the others::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Monitoring...still ::

Fletcher Jackson: ::slight sigh, thinking that things are too quiet:::

Lawliet: ::decided to remain with the senior staff to oversee the meeting::

Fletcher Jackson: ::moves on to station updates::

Chirakis: ::glances to Lawliet, glad he is there for his scientific expertise:::

Tarisa: Miana> ::In class with the others, wondering what the next subject was.::

Annisha: :: Looks at the clock :: Mmmm

Kallah Ramson: ::sees the Droid Chibi-Delegates chatting among themselves. It's almost cute::

Jylliene: ::almost.::

Kallah Ramson: ::takes her seat::

Chirakis: ::and half wondering if his El Aurian senses can puncture the droids' thoughts :::

Alexis McFarland: :: sitting next to Annisha in class:: Almost lunch time.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: Helping customers, feeling the slight tension on the station ::

Chirakis: ::sits with Ramson, opposite side from Coleridge:::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Ears perk up.:: yay lunch.

Annisha: It's the waiting hunger.

Fletcher Jackson: ::one message here, one message there, requisitions to the quartermaster, relocating families whose quarters need repair:::

Scott Coleridge: ::feeling uneasy, because they still have so much to learn about the droid cores' motivations::

Fletcher Jackson: ::whoever said that Starfleet was an adventure?:::

Kallah Ramson: DroidKallah (DK)> ::turns attention to the officers::

Lawliet: ::sits two seats down from Chirakis::

Fletcher Jackson: ::an adventure in pushing things here and there, maybe, but not a real adventure::

Kallah Ramson: We have considered your proposal.

Annisha: Sandwich?

Kallah Ramson: While we may eventually come to such a partnership, at this time we must refuse. We would like to offer a counter offer to work towards a meaningful alliance.

Fletcher Jackson: ::he's was hoping for a real adventure:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::like... something exciting:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::but it has to have donuts involved:::

Lawliet: ::listens to Ramson and focuses his mind on the droids::

Kallah Ramson: DK>::tilts head::

Jylliene: ((someone needs to open a Dunkins on the station. Fletcher will keep them in business single-handedly.))

Chirakis: ::her eyes wander toward Lawliet, and she taps her head, hoping he gets the idea:::

Annisha: ((Sorry, only Krispy Kreme))

Kallah Ramson: We would like to start by exchanging information.

Fletcher Jackson: ::sighs, continuing his work while he dreams of Krispy Kreme and Dunkins:::

Chirakis: ::but then, if he could "hear" anything, so would Captain Ramson:::

mimipavilion: ::listening to the conversation::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Cayne felt on edge, but the day has been rather uneventful considering ::

Kallah Ramson: DK> Well, not what we can in mind. ::delegates chatter among themselves for a moment::

Lawliet: ::looks at Chirakis with focus and looks back at the droids::

Kallah Ramson: DK> We can provide a information unit. They can link with your system and process whatever information you have.

Chirakis: ::then she checks each one at the table to judge their level of ease:::

Kallah Ramson: ::glances towards Scott::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: (test)

Scott Coleridge: We could make that work.

Jylliene: ::UNEASE::

Kallah Ramson: There will of course need to be some system safeguards in place.

Chirakis: ::her gaze returns to the Ramson Droid, wondering if they were privy to their command staff discussion::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Working ::

Chirakis: ::red flag at the "link with your system":::

Kallah Ramson: DK> As you see fit.

Kallah Ramson: ::worried this is going too smoothly::

Lawliet: ::looks out the window at the stars::

mimipavilion: ::assessing their humanoid forms and try to prevent any 'incidents' from happening::

Jylliene: ::surprised that went over okay, but figures they had to have the probabilities worked out of our offering some kind of alternative::

Annisha: :: Thinking of food ::

Kallah Ramson: At first we have 3 data sets of information to offer. We offer one to start with. You may choose tactical information, technical information, or social information.

Kallah Ramson: DK>::puzzled look::

Lawliet: ::closes his eyes for a moment and steadies his breathing… looks back at Ramson and DK::

Fletcher Jackson: Ha! Got one! ::taps away at the ops console, excited about something:::

Annisha: (w) Do au like costumes?

Alexis McFarland: ::looks at her chrono:: Only a few minutes left ::putting away her PADD::

Alexis McFarland: What kind of costume?

Fletcher Jackson: ::presses a membrane, then relaxes in his chair, relieved:::

Tarisa: ::Ears twitch as Fletcher calls out. She glances back at him.::

Annisha: Don't know that part, I was thinking for the bonding... dress up...

Kallah Ramson: DK> ::closes eyes for a moment and seems to be listening as if something was whispering into her ear::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: What did you get Mr. Jackson?

Fletcher Jackson: ::catching Tarisa's glance:: Oh. ::slightly embarrassed:: Sorry, ma'am. ::Tarisa:::

Lawliet: ::looks closely at DK::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Thinking of her lunch makes her tummy rumble too loud.::

Kallah Ramson: ACTION> The telepaths in the meeting room suddenly feel another presence....but like a mind talking in an unknown language

Fletcher Jackson: I was looking for temp quarters for a family that has major issues with their quarters and need repairs.

Tarisa: ::Curious.:: You said you got one, did you catch something?

Fletcher Jackson: Thing is, they have six kids, and it's hard to find temp quarters that large.

Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I see.

Kallah Ramson: ::blink, glancing to the others for a moment::

Jylliene: ::listens to discussion::

Lawliet: ::looks up and around the room::

Jylliene: ::and to the silence as well::

Kallah Ramson: DK> ::suddenly:: We will take the social dossier.

Chirakis: ::notes Ramson's expression, then turns to Lawliet, and he seems to have the same expression::

Lawliet: ::looks back at DK suddenly::

Scott Coleridge: ::notices something happening but isn't sure what's going on::

Chirakis: ::she follows his glance toward the droid:::

mimipavilion: ::also sees something happening and keeps her eye on the telepaths and the droids::

Chirakis: ::casually, she reaches to the padd at her waist and presses a button that will alert security to anything untoward:::

Kallah Ramson: Then we will make preparations to send you those files. I suggest a small recess while we make those ready.

Fletcher Jackson: So, anyway, ma'am. Sorry for the outburst. It's just taken me a while to hunt one up. And I got pretty excited.

Annisha: :: Still sitting ::

Lawliet: ::looks back at Ramson briefly and returns to DK::

Kallah Ramson: ::stands:: Please let us know if there are any resources needs, food, energy or the like for your stay.

Chirakis: ::stands::

Scott Coleridge: ::also stands::

Lawliet: ::stands::

mimipavilion: ::stands as well::

Fletcher Jackson: ::has a good stretch, then goes back to work:::

Annisha: :: Looks around ::

Kallah Ramson: DK> ::nods, then starts back chattering with the other delegates::

Kallah Ramson: ::turns and exits the meeting room::

Alexis McFarland: Hmm? ::Looks at Annisha::

Chirakis: ::exits with her, then stops to send a message to Cayne:::

Jylliene: ::exits with an inward sigh of relief::

Lawliet: ::follows Ramson and Chirakis::

mimipavilion: ::follows::

Chirakis: ::Cayne: Check all suspicious signals coming into and out of Aegis, trace, and keep the trace on:::

Dacia Sandero: ::Stands up and follows the others::

Chirakis: ::Ramson:: Captain, a moment?

Kallah Ramson: ::once out in the hallway, turns to Jyl:: Run a scan of this area of the station for any biological lifesigns.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Gets a message ::Notices activity ::

Jylliene: ::nods::pulls out a padd, starts the scan::

Kallah Ramson: ::turns to Chirakis:: I want a scan of their ship too, though let's try and not be noticed.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Now?

Chirakis: ::nods:: Yes, Captain.

Jylliene: ::shakes head:: Nothing aside from the expected. Known crew.

Scott Coleridge: OK, spill--they did a thing, didn't they?

Chirakis: ::replies - yes, now. And a scan of the droid ship, complete, but covert:::

Chirakis: Captain, Commander... I strongly suggest that whatever we discuss should be done in your office or in the secure security room.

Kallah Ramson: They did do a thing.

Chirakis: There we can block as much as possible.

Lawliet: ::listens to the three talk::

Kallah Ramson: ::nods:: To the CnC.

Chirakis: ::keeping one eye on Lawliet::

Kallah Ramson: ::steps towards the TL::

Chirakis: ::following::

Lawliet: ::follows Ramson and the others::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Reads said message ::

Chirakis: ::in the lift, she clarifies to Cayne > Covert level 1-A:::

mimipavilion: ::stands there as well:: What are your orders for medical Captain Ramson? We are ready.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Angry dome...

Chirakis: ::Mimi:: Doctor, this is not a good place.

mimipavilion: ::nods:: Yes ma'am. I'll be in sickbay.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Let's go...

mimipavilion: ::heads to another tl and orders it sickbay::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Gathering up her books ::

Chirakis: Please, Doctor. Accompany us to the discussion. That was not my intention.

Dacia Sandero: ::follows Mimi Back to Sickbay::

Kallah Ramson: ::quick ride in the TL and the step onto the CnC::

Chirakis: ::steps out behind ramson and Coleridge:::

mimipavilion: ::jumps in after telling dacia to go::

Jylliene: ::CnC, goes to ops::

mimipavilion: back to sickbay*

Fletcher Jackson: ::Nods:: Ma'am. ::moves to Aux OPS:::

Dacia Sandero: ::nods and enters the lift to sickbay::

Tarisa: ::Looks up as people begin to return to CnC::

Kallah Ramson: ::Mimi:: Gather what data we collected from the Treevians. We believe they are the source of the Droid cores.

Alexis McFarland: ::School bell rings or chimes:: Yay, lunchtime!

Scott Coleridge: ::spills out onto the CnC with everyone else::

Tarisa: Miana> ::gets up.:: Yay

Alexis McFarland: Where should we go?

Lawliet: ::follows the senior staff::

Kallah Ramson: ::Lawliet:: How would you describe that...voice.

Tarisa: Miana> ::Grabs her lunchbox from her cubicle.::

mimipavilion: ::nods:: understood. Is there anything specific I should look for? ::confused:: Voice?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Starting a scan of the surrounding space, making a panoramic reading ::

Lawliet: ::Ramson:: Almost...Godlike.

Kallah Ramson: ::ponders::

Chirakis: ::moves to Cayne:: (q) We need a level 1 scan of the Droid ship, covert level 1-A. Understood. Complete scan.

Chirakis: ::moves back toward the group:::

Alexis McFarland: ::grabs hers as well::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I will hide it within the surrounding scans.

Kallah Ramson: ::Scott:: The thing they did was make contact with something or someone else.

Scott Coleridge: What voice?

Alexis McFarland: ::walks with Miana and Annisha to the lunchroom::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Tummy rumbles again.::

Fletcher Jackson: ::knowing that Cdr Kital probably has more important things to do, he takes his load to the Aux console with him:::

Alexis McFarland: Didn't get a chance to have breakfast, Miana?

Lawliet: ::looks at the rest realizing what they missed::

Jylliene: ::apologetic smile for kicking him off main ops::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Shakes her head.:: I did.

Fletcher Jackson: ::He'll hit her up for donuts later on:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::gives her a no-problem smile:::

Alexis McFarland: Oh, I guess you Mithraans must have to eat a lot?

Lawliet: That's what concerns me Captain: they're droids. If they were receiving instructions, it would have been through some form of artificial communication.

Scott Coleridge: So the droid cores are getting orders from something or somewhere else.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Rotating the scans, coming upon their ship soon... ::

mimipavilion: ::looks at everyone:: That is concerning.

Alexis McFarland: ::finds a table in the cafeteria and sits down with Annisha and Miana::

Chirakis: ::Hoping they are in Ramson's office with her secure mode engaged:::

Kallah Ramson: The droids have worked rather independently from all we've seen before. But we know something created them. Something stepped in when we offered that information.

Tarisa: Miana> ::Finds an empty table and sits, popping open her box. Nods.:: Yes. High...Meta...metable....

Dacia Sandero: ::Gets back to Sickbay and tends to things there::

Alexis McFarland: Metabolism? Dacia told me about that word. She says I have a high metabolism too.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Seeing sensor activity

Lawliet: A cybernetic organism?

Tarisa: Miana> ::Pulls out two rice balls, and a curry bread. Then digs out her juice box and a pudding cup. Tails waves about in anticipation.::

Fletcher Jackson: ::shuffling all the work he had over there, he begins again... report, report, report Ramson, report chirakis, medical, medical, medical, medical... ::what the?:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Seeing food before her eyes ::

Tarisa: Miana> Yes. That's the word.

Fletcher Jackson: ::blink::

Kallah Ramson: ::Lawliet:: Possibly,

Jylliene: ::glance at Fletcher::

Tarisa: ::Ears can't help but swivel at the CnC conversation.::

Alexis McFarland: ::takes out her lunch, a container of pasta Dacia got from the food court the night before, conveniently still hot due to Alexis' climate controlled lunch box::

mimipavilion: ::listening:: How concerned should I be for the telepathic and empathic community of this station?

Jylliene: ::raise eyebrow::

Fletcher Jackson: ::medical, medical, medical... something must be going around the station or it's time for yearly exams:::

Jylliene: ::eyes back to her own console::

Fletcher Jackson: ::sending them all to medical, knowing that's not going to be a happy place for a while:::

Kallah Ramson: ::Mimi:: I think if that was a major possibility they would have already tried something. If they could have controlled me rather than replacing me they probably would have.

Fletcher Jackson: ::um.. engineering... security... security... medical, medical, medical:::

Scott Coleridge: Captain, if we could get them to do this again, when we are prepared for it, maybe we could track the origin of the communication?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Scanning the ship covertly ::

Alexis McFarland: ::mixes the Parmesan cheese in her spaghetti and meatballs::

Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Scott::

mimipavilion: ::nods::

Scott Coleridge: I'm not an expert in telepathy, but between me and Dr. Pavilion we should be able to come up with something.

Tarisa: Miana> ::Takes a big bite of rice ball.:: Mmm...miso.

Fletcher Jackson: ::some day they'll have a way to automatically send them on...:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::has a long think, then checks the settings:::

Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Scott:: I'll assist as needed.

Fletcher Jackson: ::facepalm.. no wonder:::

Fletcher Jackson: ::resets, and the reports go to the each department directly:::

Alexis McFarland: ::bites into her spaghetti:: That looks yummy. Did you get it at that Japanese place that sells those takoyakis?

mimipavilion: Agreed, considering the few members of the senior staff being telepathic.

Tarisa: Miana> Yes. ::Happily.:: And I discovered my new favorite thing. ::Holds it up.:: Curry bread!

Dacia Sandero: ::quite possibly still feeling uneasy as well given that she's also telepathic, but keeps working since it appears to be easing for her::

mimipavilion: As well as one of my senior assistants.

Alexis McFarland: Yummy!

Kallah Ramson: ::Lawliet:: If there is any meditation you need, begin it. I would like you to also be ready to... listen... for whatever's out there.

Chirakis: ::Ramson:: Captain, as you requested, Commander Cayne is scanning the droid ship for incoming and outgoing signals on all frequencies.

Alexis McFarland: I like their melon bread

Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Chirakis::

Tarisa: Miana> Oooooohhh...I need to try that.

Lawliet: ::nods:: Understood. I'll be in my quarters.

Alexis McFarland: Maybe we'll go there after school. That's one of my favourites there.

Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.:: yay!

Kallah Ramson: I'll see if I can come up with something else that requires a manual override of our guests.

Kallah Ramson: Let's get to work.

Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: Perhaps we could use Commander Lawliet or Dr. Sandero, have them "listen in" and hook up a cortical monitor.

Chirakis: ::nods, stands:::

mimipavilion: ::nods:: Dr. Sandero is in sickbay already. We could ask her to help.

Lawliet: ::gets up and heads for the door::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Anything at this point..

Scott Coleridge: You start working on that. I'll talk to Nijil, see if we can tweak the sensors to better scan the droid cores.

Chirakis: ::polite nod to senior command, and exits, moving directly to Cayne:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looks at Chirakis approaching ::

Chirakis: Anything?

mimipavilion: ::nods:: I will get started on that with Dacia.

Lawliet: ::walks out of the meeting and towards the turbolift::

Chirakis: ::she appears very concerned, uneasy, and any number of other descriptions:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Very little.. I don't think they are trying to do anything, but rather that it is naturally encrypted by the way they move power across their ship.

Fletcher Jackson: ::paging through things for the quartermaster, sorting and prioritizing::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Probably so they can survive a level of interference we don't have to worry about.

mimipavilion: ::exits, enters the tl and orders it to sickbay::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: I need to get closer.

mimipavilion: ::arrives in sickbay:: Dacia I need your help with something


Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: 4/14/17

Chirakis: Thank you.

Chirakis: TBS, Captain?

Kallah Ramson: Let's go with 2 hours.

Chirakis: Two hours. Anything for the crew?

Kallah Ramson: Nothing.

Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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