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RES Talon Mission Briefing 51609.29 - Season 21

Ok...so a very brief recap from last week......


The Talon, like the rest of our fleet attacking the Galae Station in orbit over chRihan, has taken extensive damage, however have been providing cover so that our teams can re-take control of the orbital defense platforms, specifically, the 4 that were being turned to fire upon the planet and fleet.

tr'Shalor's team had taken out 2, t'A's team had taken out one and then returned to see if tr'Shalor needed assistance, forgetting the fourth. As there was not time for either to return to it, Talon had to take a shot at it, as it was in the best position to do so, but the blast unfortunately damaged us more, and will prevent us from trying to pursue the Othan Tal Shiar fleet, which appears to be abandoning the station while they have us hurt and unable to pursue.

Medical is flooded with injured, many of which were from the engineering dept.




RES Talon Mission Briefing 51609.29 - Season 21


The Talon has destroyed the 4th platform and the away teams have taken control of the others by force and were able to implement Pexil and Laeh's computer virus program. We must gather what remains of our forces, and roust the rest of the Othan from our station and take it back. However.....it may be a trap.






NDak -> ::Nearly growling:: Elements.

Koga S'Bien -> ::back in the RAC with tr'Shalor:

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to NDak:: If it is as au say, we've na torpedo's left, energy reserves and shielding is low and the amount of damage showing on the boards, it would be veruulish to chase them now. Perhaps what they were hoping

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie.

KhreRiovtRex -> Have the smaller ships give chase for a bit, force them out of the system, I'm ordering the main fleet to converge upon the station......being Talon over towards the repair dock. Once it's been cleared, we'll get to work on our repairs.....we need this ship in io piece....

M_K_tKsa -> ::in medical, trying to turn the tide of wounded however at this rate it's like bailing a rowboat out with a teaspoon::

NDak -> ::Nods, motioning to the disheren who'd arrived now that the battle had settled down and taken over the helm::

KhreRiovtRex -> We will have to have teams scan the station before we an fully use it again, and must assure that it's not rigged...though, I doubt they had much time to deal with such, they did na expect our small fleet to pack so much damage it would appear

KhreRiovtRex -> that...or their leaders are veruuls......

Lerak trPexil -> :: Working desperately in a wreaked engineering section with fewer crew ::

NDak -> Possibly both. ::grins::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Feeling a bit stiff, like cardboard, Laehval tried to make some sense of the mangled readings she was getting from the ship. They'd taken so much damage on all decks that it was easier to pinpoint an area that hadn't been impacted. Muttering under her breath, she started recruiting personnel from other departments to assist in cleanup and repairs.::

KhreRiovtRex -> Where is t'Temarr? She knows this ship better than anyone...she will have the best idea once consulting with Pexil on what they will need and the time to repair.

KhreRiovtRex -> We will na have time to make it like new at this point, but at least operational.

Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting::

tAehjae -> #:: making her way back toward the Talon to offer support;::

tr'Shalor> :: turns to Koga:: Nice work back there.. Elements, au pack a hard punch

Lerak trPexil -> :: The top of his head was singed with the recent plasma burst... contained, but still.. :: We have to get that fusion reactor going on the port ventral!

Koga S'Bien -> I do what I have to.

NDak -> ::Nods:: Once t'Aehjae is back aboard, I will have her D'heno begin sweeping the station for any obvious traps.


ACTION> Pexil gets some help in the form of muscle-bound meatheads that were good for some heavy lifting and/or sacrificing themselves for the greater good of the ship. His choice.


NDak -> ::He also wanted to address an issue from the attack, but he decided not to bring that up infront of t'Vatrix as she had many more important matters to deal with at the moment.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: sees them :: Go.. to the reactor.. I will reroute from here

tAehjae -> #:: getting closer to the : +Talon+ t’Aehjae to Talon, permission to land

KhreRiovtRex -> Once the station is cleared, transfer excess injured to the infirmary there, t’Ksa needs the space and time to work on the bioweapon issue, and not working on cuts and bruises

NDak -> ::Nods:: I will have t'Aehjae make it a priority.

NDak -> Talon> +t'Aehjae+ Permission granted.

KhreRiovtRex -> Menkha....and once that is taken care of, and the ship is in dock for repairs.... grant the crew permission to go look after their families and ensure that they are ok.


tAehjae -> #:: orders her pilot to take them into the bay:

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glad she wasn't working TAC any longer, she stood at the bridge's engineering console and continued aiding Pexil with Talon's repairs.::

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. I am going to have Issaha work on pulling as much information as we can about the fate of the crew's families.

NDak -> ::Frowns:: I do na like the idea of them beaming home to find their loved ios yy'a.

KhreRiovtRex -> Na all at once, but I'm sure au can workout a rotation. I have to contact the rest of the fleet. If au would excuse me ::nods to N'Dak, and heads towards her chambers, stopping for a siuren by t'Temarr.:: Talon will have first berthing in the repair frame....work with Pexil and devise a plan to fix what needs to be, but cosmetic work can be done later.....

Lerak trPexil -> Core... compute core... hull... :: hands out assignments :: Report back every hour.

M_K_tKsa -> ::running low on just about every concievable medicine and supply is forcing the medical team to get creative in their care techniques::

NDak -> ::Nods::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns back to NDak:: I do na either, however, if we do na let at least some of them find out, they will become distracted, anger and I do na need another mutiny.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced up and nodded briefly to t'Vatrix.:: We need it. Every system is overtaxed. We're going to have to shut down most of the ship to begin repairs.

NDak -> ::Soberly:: Ie, it will na happen again.

NDak -> ::He noticed t'A's RAC had docked:: If au will excuse me, rehkkai. t'Aehjae has returned.

tAehjae -> :: lands on the talon and exits the RAC::


NDak -> Helm> ::brings the Talon in line with the station::

tr'Shalor> Koga....ask Talon if we should come back to the ship, or head to the station to being security and operational sweeps

tAehjae -> ;:: makes her way out of the bay, heading towards the Oira

Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to fix something himself in the computer core :: I got to fix that system glitch.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits main engineering and enters a lift :: Main computer core...

Koga S'Bien -> Sure. +Talon+ RAC to Talon, we were inquiring if au wanted us to return to the ship, or to begin sweeps of the area by the station.

NDak -> ::Hears the comm and walks over to his chair, hitting the communication:: +Koga+ Head to the station. t'Aehjae and additional d'heno forces will be joining au there soon.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::Turns back to t'Temarr:: Just get her back in shape, so we can pursue and destroy the Othan..... They attack our world, our people's way of life, what it means to be Rihan..for what? Greed....power....na, na, na, na na na.....:: They now will find out, what vengeance is.... if I have to make their world burn, they will na ever do this to us again....

Koga S'Bien -> +N'Dak+ Understood.. we're on our way.

NDak -> (( The line must be drawn HERE! NO FURTHER! ))

Laehval tTemarr -> (( You broke your little ships. ))

Koga S'Bien -> Ok ::sets a course towards the station::

NDak -> (( I think I broke the big ship, too ))

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters the main core :: Ah, quiet. :: Pexil did not notice the bleeding from his head. It was not serious, or if it was he did not notice ::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns, and heads to her chambers, a strange thought in her head, that the move would have been more impressive had she been wearing io of NDak's capes::

NDak -> ::Glances over, hearing t'Vatrix, knwoing it was good for the crew to see her fire.::

tAehjae -> :: enters the Oira coming to attention at the sight of NDak:::

NDak -> Where is t'Aehjae...

NDak -> ::Looks up:: As if on cue.

tAehjae -> Right here rekkhai

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She watched t'Rexan leave and then glanced back to her console, checking status, before looking to N'Dak.:: Our sensors are all but useless. We are getting virtually nothing from the station. Passive scans show no sign of traps, but we need a more active sweep.

NDak -> (( I am sure we can get io for au, t'Vatrix ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (No capes!!)


Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to the sensor main processor ::

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. Perhaps we can use the RAC's to give us better sensor readings?

KhreRiovtRex -> (while they look flashy....they will be your downfall io day.....::makes note to add a -1 modifier to NDak's rolls involving capes and moving parts)

NDak -> (( Perhaps a long, flowing train. Au can have several hunky erein's follow around keeping it from touching the floor ))

NDak -> (( t'Vatrix can go into mourning like Queen Victoria! ))

NDak -> ::Glances back to t'Aehjae:: Ah, good.

KhreRiovtRex -> (he's na yy'a yet.....that we've been able to prove.....yet...... oh damn.....you're probably right...well crud)

Koga S'Bien -> ::checks course and relaxes in his chair as he set the autopilot towards the station::

NDak -> (( Think how good you'd look with the cute, tiny crown ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (don't push your luck mister, I know someone gunning for your seat)

KhreRiovtRex -> (glances across the bridge)


Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ I am in the computer core.. trying to restore sensors.

NDak -> ::He straightened his uniform and assumed a very sober look, cold and unmoving:: Au were supposed to deal with the second platform, but au did na. ::Frowns::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances back down to her console, though keeps an ear out, listening to t'Aehjae's dressing down.:: +Lerak+ What assistance do au require?

tr'Shalor> Let me check to see what we have left in the way of weapons and sensor materials. It might be best to park out here, and beam into the station...at some unimportant location that would na most likely na be booby trapped? Thoughts Koga?

NDak -> Aur failure to do so put us q'uii at risk and resulted in additional damage to us and the fleet. Do na let such a failure happen again. The risks are too high. ::He paused a moment, before taking an ISD out:: H'nah, but do na think me unkind or unfair. I have an important task for au, so that au may redeem auself before the Khre'Riov.

Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ I am going to string sensors together and I need au to have the consoles make sense of it.

NDak -> ::Hands her an ISD with the station's layout:: Have au D'heno head over to the station, S'bein and tr'Shalor are already there waiting for au.

Koga S'Bien -> I have to agree. We were lucky the last station was empty, but I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch. There should be some left in the armoury. But we should proceed with caution, for sure.

tAehjae -> :: nods:: Ie rekkai ::takes the ISD::


KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> +tKsa+ have au staff identify those that can be moved to the station for treatment once it has been cleared. Au need au time for research and to check on the hospital camp down on chRihan. Au do na need the added distraction of our injured, we have others that can handle this for au

NDak -> We need to do a thorough sweep to assure that there are na booby traps waiting for us before we take back operational control. Have au teams focus on command, engineering and particularly medical.

NDak -> We need to be able to begin transferring the wounded there so that t'Ksa can focus on the bioagent.

tAehjae -> :: nods;; Ie

NDak -> H'nah, snap to it.

tAehjae -> Ie :: turns on her heels and return to the lift::

Lerak trPexil -> :: He would have rather been with her right now.. of all times.. right now, but the Talon needed more repairs that is ever had ::

Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ String them together. I will follow your progress and manually program the nodes to accept the new configuration myself.

NDak -> ::Waits for the lift doors to close behind her, turns to Laehval who was also dealing with her own 'special' disheren::

tAehjae -> :: steps into the lift:: RAC Bay! ::taps her t'liss+ Dheno team return to the RAC for continued duty

NDak -> ::Wondering if they should have perhaps spaced the lot of them years ago when they had the chance, rhae the Gamma Quadrant mission::

Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ Beginning now...


M_K_tKsa -> ::purses her lips together because she does *na* want to respond to that comm with the thoughts going through her mind right now::

KhreRiovtRex -> :: hrrau her chambers reading reports from the rest of the fleet, they had taken quite a beating, however the day appeared to have been won, with the combined forces of Galae and Rihan Tal Shiar....however, it would be so, so easy for a spy to be nested amongst them::

NDak -> ::Of course, had t'Varix had that attitude when he was a trouble spot, he might na be standing where he was h'nah::

KhreRiovtRex -> (( :( we're trying to help you :( )

M_K_tKsa -> ::with her hands full, she raises a brow to a nurse who thoughtfully taps her t'Liss for her:: +t'Vatrix+ We will. Fhaen send word when it is secured. t'Ksa out.

Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ I did discover something, if I am reading a communication I got earlier correctly...

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her fingers flew over the console as she followed.:: +Lerak+ Ie?

tAehjae -> :: exits the lift in the bay and meets up with her team as they reload the RAC::

Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ I believe my family to be alive.

tAehjae -> #+Talon+ tAehjae to Talon Clearance to depart fot the station

NDak -> ::Takes back his seat, deciding that yy'aing the disheren's would na be good for moral or his work/life balance and sends a note to Issaha about seeing what he could find about the crew's families::

NDak -> Ops> +t'A+ Granted

Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ I doubt I'll get to them soon, but if au wish to..

KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: frowned hearing the response:: The woman who had once been io of her only friends, had become cool and distance ever since her rescue months ago. And L'haiy had na idea how to fix the situation, she had never been good at dealing with such issues. :: shaking her head, she went back to calculating the numbers of what they still had....ships, personnel, weapons, and trying to determine when they could give chase to the Othan. At least we had io thing going for us...... we knew where they lived......and they would regret that fact.::


tAehjae -> #:: gives the order to deprt:: We are to search the station for traps. Make it safe for tVatrix and tKsa to continue their work.

tr'Shalor> @ +Talon+ Koga and I are about to beam aboard the station and assist with the security sweep as well...tr'shalor ta'Khoi

Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and gets ready to beam out::

@ tr'Shalor> Koga...let's go. :: tosses him an ie'yakk and an ISD::

Lerak trPexil -> :: More connections to sensors come online ::

KhreRiovtRex -> Shoot first, ask questions later?

KhreRiovtRex -> (last chance)

NDak -> ::Glancing towards the chamber doors, he wondered again to the state of the Khre'Riov. Though he would never openly say or act upon it, he wondered how she was holding up considering. Perhaps she simply needed an io to talk to? Command was a lonely, isolating job and with the fate of her husband and child... he paused frowning. Perhaps later once things had settled a bit more he would go to her.::






Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

tAehjae -> ::paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Nice work all........sign up sheets to field trip home next week. Send your request to NDak and tTemarr and the reason for au leave. Secured areas will be given top priority

Koga S'Bien -> Yay

KhreRiovtRex -> Questions, comments, additions before we dismiss?

NDak -> Except for au Koga.

Koga S'Bien -> Aw :(

NDak -> Well maybe.

NDak -> If au are a good boy.

KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, your family is on the ship sitting to our port side...your home, is in the bio target area...

Koga S'Bien -> :D

KhreRiovtRex -> you might want to ship hop vs the planet trip...unless, you want to test it for us that it's ok? that is an option too

Koga S'Bien -> We'll see.

M_K_tKsa -> Gnight guys

Lerak trPexil -> Night

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, great sim and we'll see you next week...Crew Dismissed

Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight!

Laehval tTemarr -> Night, all.

KhreRiovtRex -> Leah, recover from your ribs

KhreRiovtRex -> make enough for everyone next time

Laehval tTemarr -> I would, but I'd probably eat those, too.

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