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Alien Alliance Attack
Sky Harbor Aegis | 12 August 2016

Chirakis -> =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 8/12/16=/\=

Chirakis -> 13 February 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 5 minutes.

Chirakis -> The time is 1330 hours (1:30 pm) Aegis Local.

Chirakis -> Commander Coleridge is in command.

Chirakis -> Aegis' shields are down.

Chirakis -> The Alliance gains ground, attacking Aegis and diverting the D-7 with an unknown countermeasure.

Chirakis -> The RSE has entered the battle.

Chirakis -> The Mithraan fleet has arrived with tetryon weapons and have delayed the second Alliance wave.

Kallah Ramson -> Another addition, the Romulan force is holding the second fleet at bay. Mithraan fleet is attacking the ships of the first fleet that were retreating.

Tarisa -> Yeah. Mithraans were on the 1st wave.

Kallah Ramson -> If no questions let’s begin

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Tarisa -> none

Chirakis -> *::Drakkor, taking a beating:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Headache, but beginning the chase ::

Tarisa -> @ ::On Aegean's bridge at her console.::

mimipavilion -> ::on the CnC::

Kallah Ramson -> @::stands up suddenly as she sees Aegis' shields drop::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::CnC:::

Scott Coleridge -> ::on the CnC, having arrived there between 1 and 5 minutes ago::

Scott Coleridge -> ::arrived just in time to see the shields go down::

Tarisa -> ((One other thing. Sorry. I think the remainder of the fleet stuck in the chronoton field was about to appear.))

Chirakis -> (true)

mimipavilion -> ::sighs as she sees the shields go down::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Fire...Fire all weapons. Take those ships down!

Jylliene -> % ::grumbles a curse, half in Romulan, half in Trill, as Aegis's shields fall:: Redouble the attack - let's get those ships distracted

Chirakis -> (So, added to the melee, we have resurfacing fleet that need fueling.)

Dacia Sandero -> ::looks up and feels the shaking:: Hmm, I don't like that.

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::flops back into the command chair:: +COM+ All ships engage. Target their weapons.

Scott Coleridge -> Tactical, weapons status.

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::Chirakis:: Stabilizer is failing. Attempting correction.

Jylliene -> % Give them everything we've got and then some. Target weapons

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % :: Looks at the shield drop :: (w) Annisha...

Tarisa -> Mithraan Fleet> ::Taking shots at the Alliance Fleet, putting themselves between them and the station. Mithraan fighters begin launching from the larger cruisers and lone battleship.::

Jylliene -> % +Aegean+ Alpha, acknowledged.

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Alliance ship at the center of the fleet drops shields and begins beaming over troops onto Aegis.

Annisha -> :: Goes to her display and tries to pull something about what's happening up ::

mimipavilion -> ::relieved that Scott is here::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Stand next to Annisha and watches::

Fletcher Jackson -> The RSE is holding the Aliens, Commander. The Mithraan fleet is attacking retreating ships. We have dephasing things all over the place. ::Looks up at the tac screen::

Tarisa -> @ I am detecting transporter activity from the enemy fleet.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % Captain, transporter signals detected.

mimipavilion -> ::takes a look at the OPS console:: Not good.

Jylliene -> % ::repeated grumblings:: Anything else we can throw at them?

Scott Coleridge -> Reroute power from shields to weapons. Hopefully engineering can restore them sooner rather than later.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Tactical, keep firing. Science can you jam their transporters?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Goes between the mess of conduits and post lining this section of the station, going after the saboteur ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::Coleridge:: Intruder alerts, several levels, mainly engineering.

mimipavilion -> Confirmed. We're being boarded.

Chirakis -> * ::trying to hold Drakkor on course:::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Mimi:: Doctor, coordinate with damage and sector control to make sure people are secured in the shelters in the interior of the station. We're about to have more hull breaches.

Annisha -> :: Looks at Alexis :: Something's wrong...

Tarisa -> @ I will try. ::Attempts to scramble transporter beams with a rotating jamming field.::

Scott Coleridge -> Has anyone heard from Commander Cayne?

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Two Alliance ships explode from the constant assault.

Alexis McFarland -> I can feel it as well. Do you know what it is?

Fletcher Jackson -> Last report, he was searching the lower decks for the delegates.

mimipavilion -> ::nods starts coordinating with damage and sector control, telling them shelter people in the interior of the station::

Fletcher Jackson -> Should I sound intruder alert, Commander?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Running :: +CnC+ In pursuit of the intruder.. I... ah! may be some distance behind him.

Fletcher Jackson -> +Cayne+ Copy.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Jackson:: Yes. And then once Dr. Pavilion confirms sections are evacuated, transfer power from life support in those areas. We might as well restrict where the intruders can board us.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::Pulls his location up on the map::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % We need to focus our offense on one ship at a time..

Fletcher Jackson -> Aye, sir...

Annisha -> Au have a better feel about this than I do...

Scott Coleridge -> Can we use transporters to lock on to the intruders and beam them into secure holding?

Jylliene -> % Then do it. The most powerful one.


Fletcher Jackson -> Attempting to, Commander.

Alexis McFarland -> Intruder alert? Hmm. ::concerned::

Scott Coleridge -> ::coordinating with engineering on status of the shields::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Another Alliance Ship explodes. All of them drop shields and begin beaming over troops. Jamming is slowly them slightly.

Dacia Sandero -> ::works to secure the sickbay::

mimipavilion -> ::gets the final update:: All personnel and civilians are in the interior shelters.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % We have to get other ships to follow suit... :: takes a console, sends a suggestion to the tactical of each ship to concentrate fire on one ship at a time to take them out one by one.

Tarisa -> @ Aegis is reporting intruder alerts. Jamming is slowing them down, but they are still getting through.

Annisha -> :: Alexis and Annisha remain in the Korjata quarters ::

Chirakis -> ACTION> Intruder alert continues to sound.

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Aegis internal sensors start going dark in spots troops have beamed into.

Fletcher Jackson -> Internal sensors are going dark... raising containment fields in those areas.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Stops short of coming into the sight line of a new set of intruders ::

Scott Coleridge -> Heh, at least we know where they are … for the moment.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Ducks back in :: +CnC+ We have new arrivals...

Fletcher Jackson -> +Cayne+ Be advised. Containment fields going up in your area.

Kallah Ramson -> @+Aegis+ Status over there?

Fletcher Jackson -> +Cayne+ Aye, sir.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +CnC+ Yes, I hear them, and they are working on defeating them.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::shifts some duties to Aux Tac:::

mimipavilion -> +Ramson+ We're being boarded.

Annisha -> Let me get something....

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> 5 Alliance Ships left, taking heavy damage as they beam the last of their troops and crews to Aegis.

mimipavilion -> +Ramson+ We're attempting to contain.

Annisha -> :: Goes to a safe of her father ::

Tarisa -> Captain Telah> +Aegis+ ::Female Mithraan with bright red hair appears on screen.:: This is Captain Telah of the Mithraan flagship, Yuka's Light. We have detected enemy transport onto your station. Do you require additional assistance?

Chirakis -> ACTION> Drakkor spins out of control, they end up crashing on an asteroid that just unphased.

Kallah Ramson -> @::Tarisa:: Can we lock onto any of the intruders?

Alexis McFarland -> ::stands behind Annisha::

Scott Coleridge -> +Telah+ Captain Telah, this is Commander Coleridge. We would appreciate additional security personnel to bolster our teams if you can spare them.

Annisha -> :: brings out a case :: There's a weapon in here... and I'm gonna get it..

Tarisa -> @ ::Nods.:: I can try. ::Starts locking on.::

Alexis McFarland -> Is it a boomerang?

Annisha -> Na, a gun..

Tarisa -> Telah> +Aegis+ Of course. They will be arriving shortly. Can we have coordinates so as not to confuse your security officers?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Peeks out to see some of the intruders still working on the containment field ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::thumbs up to Coleridge:: I'm on it, sir.

Scott Coleridge -> +Telah+ Affirmative, standby.

Fletcher Jackson -> Sending coordinates now.

Kallah Ramson -> @+COM+ All fighters, finish off the Alliance ships. All other ships dock with Aegis and secure the area.

Scott Coleridge -> +Engineering+ We need shields back!

Jylliene -> % +Aegean+ Alpha, acknowledged.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % The are almost out of ships...

Jylliene -> % Helm, get us back to dock on the double.

Alexis McFarland -> Oh

Kallah Ramson -> @+Aegis+ Aegean, Alpha, and Beta are coming into dock. We'll secure the commerce zone.

Chirakis -> * ::head spins:::

Annisha -> It's locked...

Tarisa -> Mithraan Fleet> ::A few of the larger ships drop back to assist with beaming Mithraan security on board the station. The lighter frigates and escorts, along with fighters begin picking off the remaining Alliance.::

Fletcher Jackson -> +Ramson+ Copy.

Jylliene -> % Helm, standard dock trajectory. The rest of you, grab sidearms and get ready.

Fletcher Jackson -> +Flight OPS+ Be advised, Aegean, Alpha, and Beta are arriving to dock.

Kallah Ramson -> @::stands back up and moves to Science:: Any luck locking onto them?

Scott Coleridge -> ::feeling better knowing that the ships will be back and Ramson will be returning soon::

Tarisa -> Mithraan Delegation> ::Remains in their quarters, with Subeh standing vigilant from within. Danu and Yda are in the bedroom, comforting Miana.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Jackson:: Cayne mentioned the intruders were trying to break past our fields. Are you able to detect these subversion attempts?

mimipavilion -> ::takes a deep breath relaxing a bit knowing the ships are returning and that Ramson is also returning::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::receives confirmation:: +Ramson, Jorahl, Kital+ Flight OPS has you wide open to dock where you can.

Tarisa -> Dr. Y'shta> ::Assisting Dacia in sickbay.::

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::taking a deep breath:: Thytrin?

Tarisa -> @ I have managed to get a few locks.

Chirakis -> * ::teeth clenched:: I'm fine...

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Sees there are only three making an attempt at the confinement field that lay before them ::

Jylliene -> % +Aegis+ Acknowledged. We'll be home soon.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Beam any you can into secure areas and neutralize any weapons in transport.

Cptn d'Ka -> * +Missouri+ Lock on and beam two.

Kallah Ramson -> @Aegean> ::comes in and docks::

Tarisa -> @ ::Nods, doing so.::

Cptn d'Ka -> =Lie'ri> Acknowledged.

Jylliene -> % Nijil, grab me a weapon while you're there.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % Aye.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Get as many as you can then join the defense. You have the bridge.

Chirakis ->ACTION: Chirakis and d'Ka are beamed to Missouri. Medical meets them at the TR.

Kallah Ramson -> @::turns to exit the bridge and head towards the docking ramp::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Slowly opens the hatch with fortunately does so without a sound... stands up behind them and... ::

Jylliene -> % helm> ::docking::

Tarisa -> @ Yes Captain. ::Continues to beam what she can get.::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Fires three shots :: POW POW POW... :: The three crumple to the ground ::

Jylliene -> % Alpha> ::docks::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::Coleridge:: Shots fired. Deck 142.

Tarisa -> ::Mithraan Ground forces meet up with Station security.::

Jylliene -> % Helm, power down and grab a weapon when you're done. We're securing commerce.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +CnC+ The three I have encountered are down.

Fletcher Jackson -> It's Commander Cayne, sir. Engaging the intruders.

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps back onto Aegis with a full guard:: Secure the area.

Scott Coleridge -> Oh good.

Fletcher Jackson -> +Cayne+ Copy.

Jylliene -> % ::gets weapon from Nijil, heads toward lock to board Aegis::

mimipavilion -> ::checks on damage control and engineering::

Scott Coleridge -> Let's shift our efforts to restoring internal sensors across the entire station.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> % Where are we to go? Tempted to get Annisha, but that's not our orders exactly.

Jylliene -> % +Alpha shipwide+ Go to commerce as soon as you're on board Aegis. Mithraans are on Aegis assisting us. Good luck, all.

Jylliene -> % The sooner we secure Aegis, the safer she'll be. Commerce decks.

Tarisa -> @ ::Finishes up with what she can, then leaves the bridge to join the fight.::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::nods to Coleridge:: +SEC+ Enable full sensor access across the station. Report

Jylliene -> %> Alpha > ::all board Aegis::

Chirakis -> = ::waves off the medical personnel::

Jylliene -> ::heads toward commerce deck::

Cptn d'Ka -> = ::exits the TR,, headed toward the bridge::

Jylliene -> ::to Nijil:: Happy hunting, e'lev ::somewhat grimly::

Cptn d'Ka -> = +Lie'ri+ Commander, alter course to protect Aegis at all costs.

Cptn d'Ka -> = Lie'ri> Altering course to Aegis, aye.

Tarisa -> ::Exits Aegean with a couple security. Her weapon ready, she makes her way out of the docking port.::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Mimi:: How do our casualties look?

Kallah Ramson -> ::stops a group moving in the distance:: Over there. ::finds a secure location and aims phaser::

Kallah Ramson -> stops=spots

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: nods to Jy ::

Jylliene -> ::takes cover as she spots movement; takes aim::

Cptn d'Ka -> = ::steps onto the bridge:: I have the Con. Order all security to prepare for boarding Aegis. Set fighters on Aegis perimeter.

Chirakis -> =following d'Ka::

Cptn d’Ka => Lie’ri> Captain has the Con. Mr. Tan, relay to security. ::moves to XO::

Tarisa -> ::Manages to catch up with the Captain's group.::

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Scott:: Last report was 53 minor injuries, 49 severe. No fatalities.

Annisha -> :: After some struggle and a few choice words, she manages to open the case ::

Fletcher Jackson -> Commander, Missouri is altering course to defend Aegis.

Jylliene -> ::exchanges fire::

Scott Coleridge -> I expect we'll have more incoming as fighters and the support ships return, but that's good. ::nods at Jackson::

Annisha -> Ah, there is it.. :: takes it in her hand, charges it :: Father taught me a bit about it, not how to get into the case though.

Alexis McFarland -> Hmm

Annisha -> :: Looks at Alexis :: Get behind me.. now we wait

mimipavilion -> Plus, those who get injured while retaking the station, if that.

Kallah Ramson -> ::hears shots fired and start taking fire from the intruders.::

Jylliene -> ::to Nijil:: Try not to die.

Jylliene -> ::slight grin at him::

Tarisa -> Mithraan Fleet> ::Takes up defensive positions around the station. Fighters mix with Starfleet fighters to screen the area. A couple support ships go out to areas where the powerless starships, now appearing, to assist them.::

Alexis McFarland -> ::gets behind Annisha, hugs Annisha and kisses her cheek:: For luck.

Jylliene -> ::peeks out and fires again::

Annisha -> :: gives her a look ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Shrugs:: No?

Annisha -> It's fine.. but don't let me fall asleep either.

Tarisa -> ::Takes cover as her ears flip back.::

Jylliene -> Remind me to get more target practice in.

mimipavilion -> ::takes a seat:: I doubt that I'll be getting to medical anytime soon. ::looks at Scott: Have you been checked out by medical, Commander?

Chirakis -> ACTION> Missouri beams security to the indicated areas of Aegis and joins Aegis security in the cleanup.

Jylliene -> ::exchanges fire again, strikes an intruder (cue Wilhelm scream)::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Laughs as he fires in turn :: Dead men make lousy bondmates.

Scott Coleridge -> ::shakes his head and then sits down, finally feeling the weight of his exhaustion:: No time.

Jylliene -> Indeed.

Tarisa -> ::Returns fire.::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Moves on, figuring he has lost sight of the original intruder ::

Fletcher Jackson -> Commander, Captain Chirakis and d'Ka report aboard Missouri. Request best positioning for defense.

Kallah Ramson -> ::pegs an intruder that peaked around the corner::

Jylliene -> ::continues firing::

mimipavilion -> When you get a chance, go directly to medical my orders or I can check you out now, assuming the CnC has a medkit.

Chirakis -> = ::D'Ka:: I must get back to Aegis.

Cptn d'Ka -> = ::nods:: When we can.

Scott Coleridge -> Have them take up a position near the engineering section. It will be the most vulnerable in case of another attack.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::turns:: Due respect, Doctor, it is not safe for the Commander to leave the CnC.

Fletcher Jackson -> In fact, in an intruder alert, the CnC is secured.

Scott Coleridge -> ::holds up his hands:: Guys, guys, no need to fight.

Jylliene -> Going forward to that pillar. Cover me.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::looks to Coleridge, then Mimi, then turns back to his console:::

Scott Coleridge -> I will get checked out as soon as we have the chance to do so.

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> A large group of intruders begin rappelling down the inner core of the Commerce Zone towards the Park below

Scott Coleridge -> ::points at the centre of the CnC:: But maybe we could get that troupe of elephants out of here?

Jylliene -> ::makes a couple of shots, then hurries forward and behind a pillar::

Scott Coleridge -> ::weak attempt at humour::

mimipavilion -> ::glares at Jackson:: Thank you sir.

Jylliene -> ::starts aiming for the rappelling lines::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Applies cover fire... ::

Jylliene -> ::firing at the lines::

Tarisa -> ::Fires as well.::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::fingers fly over his console as he fields chatter from various areas:::

Scott Coleridge -> What's the status of our phased assets? Have they all returned?

Jylliene -> ::glances back at Nijil, points up at the lines::

Fletcher Jackson -> Aye, sir. They are refueling.

Jylliene -> ::continues fire::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> A few Alliance troops splat to the Park floor. Other who land more safely begin setting up something.

Kallah Ramson -> ::moves to the railing::

Tarisa -> Mithraan Support Ships> ::About halfway through refueling.::

Jylliene -> +CnC+ Intruders doing something at the park.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Arrives at the commerce level ::

Fletcher Jackson -> +Jylliene+ Understood.

Jylliene -> ::highly doubts it's a festival::

Scott Coleridge -> ::frowns:: Can we get that area on screen?

Tarisa -> ::Trying to get a better view.:: I can not tell what they are setting up...

Kallah Ramson -> Riflemen! Take those out. ::points down to the park::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::taptaptaptap:: +Jylliene+ We're on it.

Cptn d'Ka -> = Mr. Doland, put Missouri at the best defensive Posture. Coordinate with Mr. Sojek.

Jylliene -> ::moves forward and starts firing down at the indicated targets::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Alliance troops fall like flies....not a lot of cover.

mimipavilion -> ::tries to get the feed up in park::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Joins Jylliene ::

Chirakis -> = ::agitated:::

mimipavilion -> ::gets the feed up and puts it on screen:: There we go sir.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::shifts to the aux security console, accessing sensor systems:::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Last Alliance troop on park falls.

mimipavilion -> I think.

Jylliene -> ::exhales slightly, starts looking for additional targets::

Tarisa -> ::A few Mithraan Guard arrive at Ramson's location.::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::Pulls it up on an available screen on the CnC:::

Tarisa -> ::With the troops clear, she tries to get a better vantage point on what they set up.::

Jylliene -> Can you tell what those things are? ::to Nijil, as she continues looking for other intruders to approach::

Scott Coleridge -> Doctor, not to belittle your medical talents, but you may have missed a calling in operations. Between you and Jackson, it's almost as if Commander Kital is still here. Almost.

Tarisa -> ::Carefully begins to climb down. A couple Mithraan Guards following.::

Kallah Ramson -> Get a team down there and find out what that thing is.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> If it was me I'd do something to obliterate the station..

Fletcher Jackson -> ::too busy to hear, trying to get a fix on everyone::

Scott Coleridge -> ::squints as he studies the screen::

mimipavilion -> Don't try to flatter me. I'm married.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Cayne joins Jylliene and Nijil ::

Scott Coleridge -> I wonder … were they just building a conventional bomb or was it something worse?

Tarisa -> ::Once at a safe distance, she drops down and begins to examine the device.::

Jylliene -> Well, that's what I'd be afraid of; just a matter of whether it's better to take it out by fire, by transporter, or hope that we killed them all before they could finish setting it.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::blue dots merge on red dots all over the station:::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Device suddenly lights up.

Tarisa -> ::Ears perk up as she backs off.::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::his head jerks up:: Commander...

Jylliene -> ::more Romulan and Trill mixed grumbled curses::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Looks down :: That's not good..

Scott Coleridge -> Yeah, I saw that.

Fletcher Jackson -> This doesn't look good.

mimipavilion -> ::still watching the screen:: I don't know. If I remember my park viewpoint... Not good at all.

Jylliene -> +CnC+ Can we beam that thing out?

Scott Coleridge -> ::Looks to Jackson:: Can we?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> I can teach you more curses when this is over...

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> A sudden Flash and a large number of civilians are suddenly beamed into the park area around the device.

Jylliene -> ..the void?

Jylliene -> ::blinks::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::madly works the console:: No, Sir. There's a field around it.

Fletcher Jackson -> Holy...

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Jackson, then back the screen:: Umm... what the...

Fletcher Jackson -> Commander...

Scott Coleridge -> Of course there is.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::looks up at the screen:::

Fletcher Jackson -> No... nonono...

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> A Voice Booms from the device"Lay down your weapons or this device will detonate.”

Tarisa -> ::Winces at the bright flash. Then glances around as civilians are around her.::

Fletcher Jackson -> Aw sh--...

Jylliene -> Could use some of those curses now. ::to Cayne::

Fletcher Jackson -> :::searches the console for a solution:::

Kallah Ramson -> ::looks down...stops several children that always seem to be in the middle of the trouble right beside the device::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Says something neither of them understands ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::looks up towards Jyl and Nijil::

Fletcher Jackson -> I... can't stop it, Commander.

Jylliene -> That's Annisha.

Scott Coleridge -> ::waits, watching::

mimipavilion -> Now what.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Ie, and her friend.

Kallah Ramson -> Hold fire!

Alexis McFarland -> ::looks at device::: Ooh, flashy.

Fletcher Jackson -> The children... ::voice trails off::

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 8/12/16

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Very well played.

Chirakis -> Captain, would you like to clarify what just happened?

Kallah Ramson -> The device set up on the park level has beamed a large number of civilians out of the habitat area below the park into it's blast zone. The Alliance fleet has been stopped, but their troops are spread out across the station.

Scott Coleridge -> Are the troops all one species?

Kallah Ramson -> No, several species.

Kallah Ramson -> Any other questions about the situation we find ourselves in?

Chirakis -> Do we know who are in the blast zone?

Tarisa -> I was one.

Kallah Ramson -> Yeah, a few known faces have been spotted in the crowd.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Alexis and Annisha

Chirakis -> Okay, then..

Chirakis -> Tonight is the last game of Season 21.

Chirakis -> August 18, 1995 Aegis was launched.

Chirakis -> Next week we begin Season 22. 21 years of saving the galaxy I think is pretty good.

Chirakis -> Seeing no more questions, thank you all. Have a safe weekend. Crew *dismiss*

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