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Sky Harbor Aegis | 27 May 2016

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 5/27/16=/\=

10 February 2388

TBS was 1 hour.

The time is 1500 hours (3:00 pm) Aegis Local.


Aegis is on complete lockdown. Only essential personnel are allowed to wander the station. Decoys have disrupted order inside and outside the station.

The diverted fighter and its pilot have returned to the station.

Nei'rrh is dealing with a chroniton explosion after finding the stealth destroyer, USS Byron, dead in space, status of the crew unknown.


Chirakis -> ::nods to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> Any questions before we begin?

Kallah Ramson -> And we do have a lot going on, so...want to make sure no one is completely lost.

Kallah Ramson -> None? Okay. ::nods to Chirakis::

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Kallah Ramson -> ::on the CnC::

Jylliene -> ::CnC::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in Sickbay, helping with the investigation::

Chirakis -> ::in the security complex, pouring over any and all information she has on An-Ward, which is not much:::

Tarisa -> $ ::Trying to back the Nei'rrh away from the disturbance.::

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay, investigating::

Scott Coleridge -> ::in the bay where the fighter was stored with his team::

Chirakis -> ::it is a curiously elusive planet, secretive despite the diverse population::

Tarisa -> $ Miana> ::Still playing games with Alexis and Annisha.::

Chirakis -> ::and she wonders how they kept to themselves when such a variety of species escaped the Breen::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Checking the status of the hull, engines, and cloak ::

Tarisa -> Mithraan Delegates> ::Still secure in VIP quarters.::

Alexis McFarland -> ::playing whatever game with Annisha and Miana, watching Annisha::

Annisha -> Anyone want to play more Spin the Dagger?

Scott Coleridge -> ::has two members going over the fighter cockpit with a fine-toothed tricorder, while he inspects the command logs sent between the fighter and Aegis for signs of tampering::

Alexis McFarland -> I don't mind.

Tarisa -> $ Controls are slow to respond...

Chirakis -> ;:and yet, their location is hidden, difficult to find and not noted on any navigational charts, which are usually quite extensive;::

Jylliene -> ::Still going over lists of arrivals/departures to see if anyone stands out::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ Au have the conn, I have to go back and reset the cloaking field..

mimipavilion -> ::pouring herself over the video recordings of the facility especially the pharmacy stock and equipment::

Tarisa -> $ ::Nods as she still tried to maneuver the ship.::

Chirakis -> ::there must be a connection, something that will link the Alien Alliance to the murder to the missing delegates:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Dramatic music as the camera follows Nijil to the engine room where the cloaking device was ::

Tarisa -> Miana> Ok.

Scott Coleridge -> D'Brill> ::jumps down from cockpit:: Commander, we can't find anything unusual up there. No foreign devices, no anomalous energy signatures.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ I need a probe launched with a message..

Chirakis -> ::she straightens up, thinking that this could be an unlikely coincidence, yet a coincidence nonetheless::

Tarisa -> $ +Nijil+ Alright. What is the message?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ If we are in the open we might as well use it.

Dacia Sandero -> ::going over some records as well::

Chirakis -> ::there is one person who might know..:::

Scott Coleridge -> ::D'Brill:: And the flight recorder?

Tarisa -> $ ::Readies the probe.::

Chirakis -> +Jeralla+ Madam Envoy, pardon the interruption. Are you available at the moment?

Jylliene -> ::eyes about swimming at this point from re-reading and re-checking data::

Annisha -> We should still play, we don't know enough about au Miana...

Jeralla -> +Chirakis+ I am available.

Tarisa -> $ +Nijil+ The probe is ready.

Scott Coleridge -> D'Brill> That's the thing, sir ... according to the flight recorder, the only nav instructions came from direct pilot input. There were no stored triggers in the system. The "pilot" input the coordinates and engaged the drive manually--or so the recorder believes.

Alexis McFarland -> Ie.... ::eats a handful of potato chips:: ;:muffled:: We do na...

Chirakis -> +Jeralla+ ::having spelled it correctly this time:: May I speak with you concerning the... situation?

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Nods.::

Dacia Sandero -> ::quietly looking over records, files and such::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Works as time is running up ::

Jeralla -> +Chirakis+ Yes. I am currently in my quarters. Where would you wish to meet?

Scott Coleridge -> ::frown:: And if there is no sign of external influence, no sign of tampering with the recorder, then the "pilot" must indeed be our pilot. Huh. I wonder what security got out of interrogation.

Chirakis -> +Jeralla+ The place of your choosing, Envoy.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ Alright.. two songs... "At Last" then...

Scott Coleridge -> Good work. Finish up here--double check everything.

Jeralla -> +Chirakis+ I will prepare a drink and await you here.

Chirakis -> +Jeralla+ On my way, Envoy.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ ah, then "Still haven't found what I'm looking for.."

Scott Coleridge -> ::steps away:: +Ramson+ Coleridge to Captain Ramson.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ In that order... let me know when you are ready.

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Go ahead.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: The Nei'rrh is mostly drifting in a slow reverse ::

Tarisa -> $ ::Sets the probe with the appropriate message.:: +Nijil+ Ready

Annisha -> :: Spins the dagger ::

Chirakis -> ::As she turns, she spots the pilot, still sitting in the interrogation room, the CAG pummeling her with questions:::

Dacia Sandero -> Ahh, man. Getting nowhere here.

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Watching the dagger.::

Alexis McFarland -> ::watches the spinning dagger::

Chirakis -> ::the weariness shows on her expression:::

Annisha -> :: Lands on Annisha ::

Jylliene -> ::sighs, rubs her temples, and picks up her cup, about to take a drink before realizing it is empty::

Alexis McFarland -> So what're you going to have yourself do?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ Now!

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ My team and I have examined the errant fighter thoroughly and found no external explanation for its actions. As far as the recorder is concerned, the pilot was in full control of the craft the entire time.

mimipavilion -> ::notices something odd in the pharmacy stock from the previous week, a person who doesn't belong, the person is good at keeping their face hidden:: Who are you, mystery person?

Tarisa -> $ ::Launches the probe.::

Chirakis -> ::stops by the main room and speaks to Cayne:: I will be with the Envoy, Commander. We are not to be disturbed unless the station is under attack.

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ And no chance those records were tampered with?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Resets the cloaking field ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::looks at the records:: Indeed. That is the question.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Looks up :: Good thing that never happens.

Chirakis -> ::eyes him a moment before she realizes it is sarcasm:: Indeed.

Chirakis -> ::steps into the command lift:: VIP quarters.

Annisha -> Okay Miana... :: sighs :: Au can ask me for a truth, or dare me to...dare.

Chirakis -> ::within seconds she steps out, checks the security detail that are spread at equal intervals along the gangway;::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Places a vitality trace on Chirakis ::

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ Not within a 5-sigma confidence, sir. Have they finished talking to the pilot?

Tarisa -> Miana> Hmm.. ::Thinks as her tail lashes back and forth, looking to Alexis for an idea.::

Chirakis -> :::approaches the envoy's door::: *Chime*

Alexis McFarland -> ::smiles, has lots of ideas going through her mind::

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Still being debriefed. So far their story is the same, fighter acted on it's own.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: The Nei'rrh ripples in and out of view, then sparkles, flickers a bit, wait, no, now it glisens, then fades to darkness, or as much darkness as the nebula allows ::

Jeralla -> Enter

Jylliene -> ::fetches another coffee, breathes in the aroma.::

mimipavilion -> ::captures the frame and sends a copy to Security and Command staff, as well as keeping a record for herself:: At least we found something of use, Dacia.

Dacia Sandero -> Yes, it's better than nothing. And it is a start.

Annisha -> I mean, are au curious about the ears? :: points to hers :: Hey, we both have pointy ears!

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ So we have an escape pod that launched by itself that no one launched, unless security has managed to find useful security footage. And a fighter that acted on its own that was in pilot control the entire time.

Alexis McFarland -> I'm the odd girl out here.

Chirakis -> ::the door slides open and she enters, gives a polite nod as the door closes behind her:: Envoy.

Jeralla -> Please, have a seat.

Annisha -> Truer words were never spoken..

mimipavilion -> True. I think security will have a better chance of figuring out who it is. I hope.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Goes to the engines and sees what the issue is there ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::soft chuckle:: Yes, let's hope.

Chirakis -> ::nods politely and sits, but not before checking the room to be sure that it is up to the standards that she expects of VIP quarters:::

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Did we ever track down if a shuttle was actually missing or where it might be?

Tarisa -> Miana> Um... How about... ::Her tummy rumbles.:: I dare you to get us yummy food. ::Smiles happily.::

Alexis McFarland -> I like that dare!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ +Tarisa+ How are au holding up? I need to 'clean' the nacelle interconnects.

Alexis McFarland -> We're out of chips.

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ Not as yet, as far as I know. What about that freighter that was the target of the transporter signal from the escape pod?

Chirakis -> Thank you, Envoy. I will not take much of your time. I have some questions concerning An-Ward and the delegation.

Jeralla -> ::nods::

Tarisa -> $ +Nijil+ Helm is still slow, but we are now cloaked once more.

Annisha -> More like slave labor... and I know what that's like... :: walks :: Replicated or other?

Alexis McFarland -> Whatever you have?

Jylliene -> ::returning to her station, sips her coffee, and glances back over the potential-persons-of-interest list she had accumulated::

Tarisa -> Miana> Too bad the guard outside can not get us food from the Commerce.

Chirakis -> In the course of our investigation, I must admit, there is very little evidence of anything besides that the Administrator was murdered. Have you any idea why that would happen? His contacts with unwelcome species or groups, perhaps? Disagreements among the delegates?

Alexis McFarland -> Not that the commerce section is open to make us the food.

Annisha -> Replicated then.

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Frowns.:: Yeah...

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Well, it was not properly documented. I think they were trying to do some illegal trading. But, nothing to indicate damage of this nature.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Sets the interconnects to reset themselves, goes back to the bridge ::

Annisha -> :: Works the replicator for something they would not normally get ::

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ So if we didn't find the missing delegates there, then they are probably still on the station.

Alexis McFarland -> I wanted to go to Gronk's for a slice of fried chicken pizza.

Jeralla -> There was disagreement with his colleges. That can be typical. I believe there were still some power struggles going on behind the scenes on An-Ward.

Chirakis -> Would you explain?

Tarisa -> Miana> What is piz..za? ::Tilted curious look.::

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Most likely. Or, found someway off that we can't track. Or at least not while occupied with all these other events.

Alexis McFarland -> Oh, you poor thing. It's cheese, pepperoni and tomato sauce on baked dough. But get the New York thin crust. Chicago deep dish pizza is just a fancy quiche.

Jeralla -> There was no unified platform the delegates were working from. At first I assumed this because they have had no real negotiations with other worlds.

Annisha -> Alright... Pizza

Jylliene -> Or can't track quickly. As long as they got enough of a head-start, they could be well out of reach by the time we'd sort through all of the various events.

Alexis McFarland -> New York Style!

Annisha -> :: Gets the pizza from the replicator, which made it very hot :

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ I'd like to change tactics, devote my resources to helping Cayne search the station more efficiently. If we find those delegates, we're much closer to unravelling this mess.

Annisha -> New New York?

Alexis McFarland -> Yes, New New York.

Annisha -> :: Brings the pizzas over ::

Jeralla -> The Chairman seemed to already have failure of the talks in mind.

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Still confused, but goes along with it.::

Jylliene -> ((ignore my comment if Ramson isn't on the CnC))

Jeralla -> Anything less than handing over the Horta on a silver platter was unacceptable.

Chirakis -> I see.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods to Jyl::

Chirakis -> Was there any mention of the Alien Alliance? The reason I ask is that we have knowledge of their presence on An-Ward, and suspect that they are trying to gain a foothold in the area via that planet.

Kallah Ramson -> +Scott+ Do it. Get with Jylliene as well.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Looks at the weather map, and sees something coming in.. a short sequence ::

Scott Coleridge -> +Ramson+ Acknowledged.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ It will take a few moments to get full power back. One thing though, the anti-chroniton shield held.

Jeralla -> None. I assumed that there were factions in this region they were wary of. I believe the Administrator was eager to gain allies in case any of these proved hostile.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ Coleridge to Cayne. What's your status?

Alexis McFarland -> ::takes a slice of the NNY pizza and takes a bite:: Not bad, for replicated pizza. Whose turn was it again?

Chirakis -> ::ponders that for a moment:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ I'm getting something in on the weather map, investigating the murder.

Annisha -> Miana's

Dacia Sandero -> ::going over the medical files and cross referencing with the medical database::

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ The weather map?

Chirakis -> Were the others - the Chairman and the Cashier - amenable to gaining allies?

Alexis McFarland -> Your spin, Miana. ::chews on a gooey trail of cheese from the pizza::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ What I call this giant status board of the Aegis sector.

mimipavilion -> ::Dacia:: Find anything odd with those.

Tarisa -> $ ::Nods.:: That is good.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ Any sign of the other two delegates?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Sees the engines come back to life :: There we go.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ No, and that's...disappointing.

Dacia Sandero -> Not sure, not a lot going on. Let's dig a bit deeper.

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Sniffs the pizza a moment before taking a little nibble. Then she takes a big bite, cheese trailing everywhere.:: Yummy! ::Spins the dagger, while trying not to get cheese on it.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ :: Looks at Tarisa :: If au could back us off on the reverse vector we came in on...

Tarisa -> $ ::Nods as she begins to reverse.::

Annisha -> I think we have a Pizza Weiner..

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ What have you tried so far? I don't want to suggest I can do your job for you, but I'd like to help expedite the process. Have you determined their last known whereabouts?

Alexis McFarland -> ::giggles::

mimipavilion -> ::nods, watching, looking::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Biometric, all internal sensors.

Tarisa -> Miana> Hmm? ::Looks at them, a string of cheese hanging from the corner of her mouth.::

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm. This second chap. Some of the medical records don't seem to match up properly. Forgery? Altered entry? Can't tell at this point.

Annisha -> :: Lands on Alexis ::

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Does seem odd.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ Assume sensors are compromised. A room-by-room search, while more reliable given a lockdown, is far too time-consuming.

Alexis McFarland -> Oh me. Well, okay. Truth or dare?

Annisha -> Truth...

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ I am having the computer evaluate the video sensor feed and I think there's been tampering.

Jeralla -> The Chairman did not see us as a viable ally. I believe he thought we would just be like the Breen. The Cashier was the most out of his element and only brought up anything when trade agreements came up.

Alexis McFarland -> OK.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ I'm not surprised.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: A message comes in to Jylliene ::

Dacia Sandero -> Yeah, hmm.

Jylliene -> ::hears the beep, startles slightly, then checks the message::

Chirakis -> And the Administrator? What allies were he interested in?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ I would wager the answer you seek is in that segment of data

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ I have another idea. Assuming at least one of the delegates is involved in the murder, then if they have also caused the disappearance of themselves and the other delegate, they must have had to work to set this up.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ Most likely, though they still hold the advantage.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ Perhaps if you construct a corpus of the delegates' movements over the past weeks, we can see if there are any patterns to indicate where they might be now. Places they visited--or, places they conspicuously didn't visit, according to our compromised logs.

Jeralla -> He was the most diplomatic. So of course, throughout the talks he acted as if we were the only ones they could ever consider as an ally.Politics as usual.

Annisha -> What did au first think of me, a Rihan, longtime enemy of the Federation? :: big eyes ::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ Would they have not planned for that as well?

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Eyes Alexis.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ Tarisa, what are we seeing on sensors, limited as they are, about the Byron? :: Looking at the live image now ::

Chirakis -> I would assume, then, that the Chairman had a problem with an alliance with the Joint Allied powers. Would that be a correct assumption?

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ No plan is perfect. We don't need an exact location; we just need a probabilistic model that will tell us which parts of the station we should most intensively search.

Alexis McFarland -> Hmm, I didn't think you an enemy, since all I remember from the Romulan wars are history lessons from class, but I thought you were cute ... and a little illogical since I did spend a few years on Vulcan.

Jeralla -> Yes.

Tarisa -> $ It appears completely without power. I can not actively scan without endangering our cloak.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ Ie, and passive scans will not show anything.

Chirakis -> ::after considering that for a while:: The Chairman was forceful in his ideas, and the Administrator was the diplomat, with the Cashier in the middle, then?

Jylliene -> ::hears the songs playing, and speeds them up - as well as lowers volume - listening::

Alexis McFarland -> Cute and illogical. ::beeps Annisha's nose::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ I just don't know how close we can get, if at all. :: pauses :: Do we know where the chronitons came from?

Annisha -> Cute? :: gives a snarl expression :: Really? I'm trying for ruthless and cunning...

Alexis McFarland -> Ie

Annisha -> :: spins ::

Tarisa -> Miana> ::Giggles.::

Jylliene -> ::ponders::

Scott Coleridge -> ::another idea:: +Cayne+ You spend a lot of time tapped into the less savoury elements of our population, do you not?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ I'll assign a detail to each delegate.

Jylliene -> ::has the computer search the database to find the titles of the songs::

Jeralla -> Yes. Actually, a reasonable mix of delegates. Very lively. Not like normal Federation teams that agree too much... or my normal assignments that simply want to kill us all.

Tarisa -> $ ::Frowns, shaking her head.:: No, but it was an explosion of some sort. A mine perhaps?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ Are you asking if I have someone on the lower levels? :: smiles, naturally not seen in audio ::

Jylliene -> ::mumbles something about needing to introduce him to Trill music sometime::

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ I'm asking if you know where the smugglers conduct their business. A station this size, there must be blind spots, even when our sensors aren't compromised. Where would you go if you wanted to hide out?

Jylliene -> Captain, message from the Nei'rrh.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> $ A mine? That's new. See, normally they are in torpedoes so they pierce shields.

Chirakis -> ::she seems to be at an impasse, but she still asks:: Lively enough that it might have gotten out of hand, Envoy? That it might have led to murder?

Kallah Ramson -> They find something?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Coleridge+ There is a strip of interference that spans several levels..

Jylliene -> I'm not entirely sure. They've arrived, and they may have found something, but not quite what they were sent to?

Jeralla -> There is little doubt of it, seeing that we have a body. ::takes a sip of her drink::

Jylliene -> Blame Nijil's affinity for Earth music.

Chirakis -> Indeed. ::stands:: Thank you, Envoy, for your time. If you think of anything else, please do contact me.

Scott Coleridge -> +Cayne+ Let's start there, then.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 5/27/16

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Well done.

Chirakis -> Captain, TBS?

Kallah Ramson -> Let's see, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or longer?

Kallah Ramson -> What time are we at now on station?

Chirakis -> We are now at 4pm

Kallah Ramson -> Then let's go ahead and bring us around to morning of the next day.

Chirakis -> Very well. Thoughts for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> None.

Chirakis -> Crew, questions for your captain?

Scott Coleridge -> I will be absent next week.

Chirakis -> So noted.

Tarisa -> I imagine it will be uneventful for us during that time?

Kallah Ramson -> That depends. I'm open to ideas if you come up with something you'd like to pursue.

Chirakis -> If there is nothing else, crew *dismiss*

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