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Sky Harbor Aegis | 11 March 2016

::retrieves several things from her desk and hands two to Commander Coleridge, and one to Captain Ramson:::

Chirakis -> ::respectful bow, and she moves away::

Kallah Ramson -> ::accepts and nods::

Kallah Ramson -> ::looks to Scott::

Scott Coleridge -> ::accepts the implements::

Kallah Ramson -> ::whispers to Scott:: You're not allowed to keep those for yourself. ::nudges him forward::

Scott Coleridge -> I have something for Tarisa.

Tarisa -> ::perks up.::

Scott Coleridge -> ::points::

Scott Coleridge -> ::at the mark::

Tarisa -> ::Steps up.::

Scott Coleridge -> Tarisa, you receive a Silver Medal for 25 consecutive sims. ::pin:: Congratulations.

Chirakis -> ::polite applause::

Tarisa -> Thanks

Lawliet -> ::applause::

Scott Coleridge -> And now Doctor Pavilion. You know the drill.

mimipavilion -> ::sighs and steps up::

Scott Coleridge -> Hey, you could easily save yourself by just not showing up one week.

mimipavilion -> True

Dacia Sandero -> ::golfclaps::

Scott Coleridge -> But no, I think at this point you would easily be able to buy a small planet, assuming Drankum hadn't replaced the awards with fake gold a while back.

Scott Coleridge -> Mimi, you have attended a whopping 350 consecutive sims. That's over 7 years' worth.

Scott Coleridge -> ::pins the Gold Oak Leaf::

Chirakis -> :;considers sending the doctor on a very long vacation as she applauds::

Scott Coleridge -> That's all from me.

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles:: Thank you Commander.

mimipavilion -> ::steps back::

Chirakis -> ::turns her attention to the captain::

Kallah Ramson -> At this point I believe Mimi is so weighted down by those awards I do not think she could go anywhere else even if she tried.

Chirakis -> Indeed. ::sigh::

Kallah Ramson -> Now for my shiney.

Kallah Ramson -> Dacia, if you would please step forward.

Dacia Sandero -> Ooh. ::Steps forward::

Kallah Ramson -> It is my honor to promote you to the rank of Lt. Commander.

Dacia Sandero -> OOh, thank you sir.

Kallah Ramson -> ::pulls out the pip::

Kallah Ramson -> ::considers aiming for bone or nerve cluster....lets the fates decide....JAB::

Kallah Ramson -> Congratulations.

Chirakis -> ::considerable applause::

mimipavilion -> ::claps::

Dacia Sandero -> Ah yes. Well, that's one perk of being a doctor. Thank you. :)

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps back and nods to Chirakis::

Chirakis -> Well deserved.

Chirakis -> ::returns the nod::


Chirakis -> =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 3/11/16=/\=

Chirakis -> 7 February 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 6 hours.

Chirakis -> The time is 1700 hours (5:00 pm) Aegis local.

Chirakis -> Our "guest" is wrapped around his favorite reactor. The area is restricted to essential personnel only.

Chirakis -> Captain Ramson is still considering the nature of our guest's future.

Chirakis -> SubCommander Korjata is in sick bay, recovering.

Chirakis -> ::hands the mic to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> Any questions?

Kallah Ramson -> Then let's begin.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Kallah Ramson -> ::in her office at the moment::

Lawliet -> ::in main engineering, still working on a means of communication with the "guest"::

Chirakis -> ::having just returned from her evening rounds after dinner, she exits the command lift and enters the CnC:::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in Sickbay, does another cursory check of Nijil and his bio-signs, makes some notes in her PADD then moves to check on another part of the sickbay::

Jylliene -> ::on the CnC at ops::

Shadow -> ::quiet;:

mimipavilion -> ::in medical, going over the end of day reports::

Jylliene -> ::nods to Chirakis as she enters::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: A light appeared in the distance, a moan crept from Nijil's mouth, and a pain covered his head like a wet blanket ::

Jylliene -> ::prepares reports and such to hand off to the next shift::

Chirakis -> ::returns to nod as she accesses the security console:: All is well, Commander Kital?

Lawliet -> ::runs a few simulations based on previous behavior::

Jylliene -> Thus far, ma'am.

Dacia Sandero -> Easy there Mr Nijil. Do you need anymore sedatives?

Dacia Sandero -> Not that you can respond probably but oh well, it can't hurt to ask.

Lawliet -> ::looks up:: Any thoughts Tarisa?

Annisha -> :: Annisha had found herself a little corner to sleep in, curled up like a cat ::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> More?

mimipavilion -> ::finishes up the reports and heads over to Nijil::

Alexis McFarland -> ::sleeping on Annisha, keeping her warm::

Jylliene -> ::was looking forward to checking back in at sickbay on Nijil's status::

Dacia Sandero -> He's stabilized but still seems to be experiencing pain or discomfort.

Kallah Ramson -> ::standing on the balcony, looking over the commerce zone::

Annisha -> Mmm, cabbages... :: still sleeping ::

Tarisa -> ::Had finished looking at the logs. Ears perk up when her named was called.:: Hmm? About communicating with him? You can simply speak to him.

Scott Coleridge -> ::in engineering, looking into things more on the energy side of the equation, but nearby and available if Lawliet and Tarsia need to pull him into the conversation::

Chirakis -> ::satisfied with that, she begins her normal security routine::

mimipavilion -> ::nods to Dacia as she walks up:: Nijil do you remember what happened?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Simulation...

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Ah, about dinner time ::

mimipavilion -> Right we had a simulation earlier today.

Scott Coleridge -> ::looking at the readings from the reactor, and from scans of the entity, and attempting to formulate a more substantial (no pun intended) hypothesis regarding the subspace domains of its origins::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Oh... Hmm.. Foggy....

Lawliet -> ::looks at the reactor:: We need to find a more reliable way. Everything so far has been "off".

Shadow -> ::still quiet::

mimipavilion -> Do you remember being electrocuted or shocked by something?

Chirakis -> ::notes that Cayne is eating... again::

Lawliet -> ::walks over to Scott:: Commander. Anything on your end?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I was... ugh, being turned inside out... pain...

mimipavilion -> Ok. Do you feel any pain now?

Chirakis -> ::checking in with the other security officers::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I don't know.. head hurts

Scott Coleridge -> Primary positive. Secondary positive.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Tell Foggy...

mimipavilion -> Alright ::concerned:: Foggy

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm

Tarisa -> ::Looks between the two officers.:: We were going to make a holo simulation for him to learn from.

Jylliene -> ::greets relief officer, gives a quick briefing::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Accident...ow

Scott Coleridge -> ((Has Cayne put on weight since taking this assignment?))

Chirakis -> (I am sure he has.)

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> (( He walks a lot.. his PADD tracks it ))

mimipavilion -> Nijil?

Chirakis -> ::sets more strict qualifying physical conditioning for her officers:::

Kallah Ramson -> ::quiet, listening to all the mental chatter flowing through the station. Can't pick out individuals, but getting a general sense of the "air"::

Lawliet -> ::thinks to himself:: I don't understand why we can't just send back to where he came from. He clearly doesn't belong here.

Scott Coleridge -> The holo-simulation would be worth a try, though it might take a while to strike upon something that works.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Foggy? Are you there?

Jylliene -> ::handing off the stations, nods to Chirakis on her way out:: Have a good evening, ma'am.

Chirakis -> ::steps away from her console, catching Jylliene before she leaves:: Captain Ramson is in her office, but Commander Coleridge?

mimipavilion -> Nijil you're in sickbay, not engineering.

Annisha -> :: Hears her father ::

Scott Coleridge -> The entity kept repeating phrases like "Primary positive," "secondary positive." I assume given its demeanour towards us, it considers "positive" in the same light we do.

Jylliene -> In engineering, I believe, ma'am.

Alexis McFarland -> Yes, he's awake.

Chirakis -> ::Nod:: Thank you. Carry on. I have the con.

Annisha -> Wha- oh!.. :: gets up ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::exhales. Turns and moves towards the office door::

Jylliene -> ::nods:: Yes ma'am.

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps out onto the CnC::

Lawliet -> But what does that mean? Primary Positive and secondary positive?

Alexis McFarland -> ::directly behind Annisha, peering over her shoulder::

Chirakis -> ::turns to Ramson:: Captain Ramson.

Tarisa -> Maybe ranks?

Jylliene -> ::nods to Ramson as well:: Captain. ::obviously by the TL door::

Scott Coleridge -> I wish I knew.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods:: Is all well?

Annisha -> Is my father de-electrocuted?

Chirakis -> All is well, Captain.

Scott Coleridge -> It appears to be pure energy; it feeds off energy. Almost certainly the subspace realm from which it hails is nothing but energy.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Anni...

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles to Jyl::

Chirakis -> I would say "too well" except that we have our share of anxiety for a while.

Scott Coleridge -> It's possible that its conceptual framework is entirely based on electromagnetic states.

Jylliene -> ::enters TL::

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm, I'm not sure. He should be.

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Dacia then Annisha:: I hope so sweetie.

Tarisa -> Which is why he refers to me as static.

Jylliene -> ::deep exhale, switches from "on duty" to "worry-about-Nijil" mode::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Anni..

Lawliet -> But what was it saying about me earlier? Didn't it say I was "negative"?

Annisha -> Father, don't call me that..

Jylliene -> Medical. ::TL whirrs into action::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Waves her over ::

mimipavilion -> ::waves Annisha over:: He's not thinking straight.

Scott Coleridge -> Well ... we can't all be winners.

Annisha -> :: is torn between Mimi and her father ::

Tarisa -> ::Stands up and walks over to the entrance to the now secured reactor room.:: We could ask.

Annisha -> Nah, au should see him at home.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Tarisa:: SubCommander tr’Korjata's last contact with the entity did not go well for him.

Scott Coleridge -> We need to be more cautious.

Annisha -> :: Goes over to her father :: I'm glad you are alright, what happened to au?

Jylliene -> ::enters medical::

Dacia Sandero -> True, but his thoughts might still be a bit .. foggier .. than normal. But still, he should be okay

Nijil tr'Korjata -> A simple mistake... I know what au went through...on that planet..

mimipavilion -> ::nods to Dacia::

Lawliet -> ::to Tarisa:: Agreed. Stand back. We can ask from over here

Tarisa -> As long as physical contact is not made, we would be fine.

Annisha -> Yeah, it bites the big element..

Dacia Sandero -> ::Checks some readings on Nijil's bio-bed::

Kallah Ramson -> How long do you believe we have before we are tested again by the "Alliance" as I believe the droid core called our attackers?

Alexis McFarland -> ::still behind Annisha:: Elemental.

Chirakis -> ::ponders that question for a while:::

Jylliene -> ::looks around medical, hears the familiar voices of Annisha and Nijil.::

Tarisa -> He seems to prefer not to be touched anyways.

mimipavilion -> ::Dacia:: How do his readings look?

Jylliene -> ::follows the sound of the voices::

Annisha -> Elemental :: to Lexi ::

Chirakis -> We have heard nothing from the Border Patrol concerning activity in that area....

Lawliet -> ::to Scott:: Shall we give it a shot?

Scott Coleridge -> As long as we stay well clear.

Chirakis -> Since their appearances are not regular, it is difficult to say.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Sheds a tear, both from his headache, and then a wave of emotion as to what his daughter must have went through ::

Lawliet -> ::nods:: Well it's your room.

Kallah Ramson -> The droids have perhaps bought us some time.

Chirakis -> Perhaps.

Dacia Sandero -> They're looking good. He seems to be improving and his bio-readings are normalising. Still, might be wise to keep him the night for observation.

Annisha -> :: Wipes his tear away :: It's alright.. just get some rest. :: kiss his cheek ::

Jylliene -> ::stands back, observing the crowd in/around Nijil::

Chirakis -> Captain.... ::thinking::

Kallah Ramson -> Yes?

Annisha -> :: Sees Jy and goes to hug her around the waist :: He was shocked, but he woke up. :: looking up ::

Chirakis -> Was there any indication of a command structure while you were there?

Dacia Sandero -> Good, the electrostatic field around Nijil seems to have dissipated.

Jylliene -> ::nods:: As I heard. It's good to see him awake. How are you feeling, Annisha?

Chirakis -> Was there any indication of one group having power over another?

Jylliene -> ::breathing a sigh of relief::

Chirakis -> Prominence at all?

Scott Coleridge -> ::enters the reactor room with them::

Tarisa -> ::Glances between the two again. her tail lashing about in anticipation.::

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Agreed. I think we should give him something for the headache wouldn't you say?

Shadow -> ::completely silent::

Annisha -> :: Looks down. :: Tired... :: rubs her eye :: I slept a bit, but was really warm for some reason.

Alexis McFarland -> Hmm, yeah I wonder why. ::to Annisha::

Dacia Sandero -> Some standard headache medication or a hypo should do it.

Kallah Ramson -> From the Treevians? No. I could not sense any one mind over the others.

Jylliene -> Hm. The climate controls should have kept the room comfortable.

Annisha -> Au? :: to Lexi :: Should have known... good thing you are not an Andorian.. they run really hot.

mimipavilion -> ::Nods:: Then proceed... Lt. Cmdr.

Alexis McFarland -> Oh, I know that first hand as well.

Jylliene -> ::chuckles slightly, rubs Annisha's back::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> JyJy :: calling her by the name Annisha often chose ::

Chirakis -> I was thinking more along the lines of the disparate groups we have encountered. Not just the Treevians, but the strangely covered aliens who attacked the station.

Jylliene -> ::startles a bit hearing that from Nijil:: Yes, e'lev?

Lawliet -> ::next to Scott::

Tarisa -> ::Looks around before calling out to Shadow.:: Hello? We would like to talk with you. Could you come out?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I'm sorry... my fault.. don't hurt the little misty thing....

Shadow -> ::accesses a console::

Jylliene -> There are no plans to hurt our guest.

Dacia Sandero -> ::administers a mild hypo for the headache:: There we go.. that should help. Come along Lexxy, let's give them their family time together, yeah? Where should we go for dinner, I wonder.

Jylliene -> ::ponders that::

Kallah Ramson -> I think I would have to be in close proximity to the Alliance fleet to tell that. I do not wish to be in that close of proximity to their fleet however. ::smile::

Annisha -> :: Turns to hug her friend :: I'll catch up with au later.

mimipavilion -> ::leaves the area and heads to her office::

Lawliet -> ::looks at the console::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Hugs Annisha:: Yes, laters..

Chirakis -> Nor would I want you to be, Captain.

Jylliene -> ::will relay that to Ramson later:: What happened?

Jylliene -> ::approaches biobed a bit closer::

Alexis McFarland -> ::smiles and nods politely at them and heads with Dacia to another part of the sickbay::

Shadow -> ::words begin to appear:: Power. Large.

Kallah Ramson -> However, from the intercepted message we received there does seems to be power structure.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> He.. it thought I was hurt.. from the game, but we just spoke, then I went to prop myself up and brushed part of his..form.

Chirakis -> ::considers that as she talks::

Jylliene -> ::nodding:: Is that what caused the shock?

Shadow -> Biologicals. Weak.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Still within earshot of Nijil, and makes a note of that in her PADD::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I think he is based on far larger energy levels than I though

Nijil tr'Korjata -> er thought.

Kallah Ramson -> They seem to force other worlds into a mutual alliance.

Scott Coleridge -> Your simulation idea.

Lawliet -> Is it asking for power or stating a fact?

Jylliene -> ::nods::

Scott Coleridge -> I wonder if there is a way we could teach _it_ to create simulations.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> If it is spotted, can au relay my recovery?

Scott Coleridge -> Rather than trying to teach it to communicate on our terms, could we give it the tools to show us its world?

Tarisa -> ::Ponders.:: Maybe if we give him access to the holodeck?

Jylliene -> ::nods:: Of course. I'll tell engineering right now.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I'd rather not be the instigator of an inter-dimensional incident

Shadow -> Biologicals. Many. Energies. Flow. Many. Parts. Weak.

Jylliene -> +Eng+ ::grins and nods to Nijil:: Jylliene to Engineering.

Shadow -> Positives. Powerful. Biologicals. Weak.

Lawliet -> One.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Larson: +Jy+ Here.

Shadow -> Must. Not. Contact.

Jylliene -> +Eng+ SubCommander tr'Korjata wishes to relay that he is recovering well to our guest, if it re-emerges.

Lawliet -> ::pulls Scott to the side:: I just had a thought.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Larson: +Jy+ Oh our Nijil is awake? That's good news. I'll tell the staff.

Scott Coleridge -> ::resists the obvious joke::

Chirakis -> ::thinking aloud:: The power vacuum produced by the absence of the Breen has called several groups to come forward and take over their masters' position, forcing others to obey or die.

Lawliet -> ::to Scott:: Could it be warning us?

Chirakis -> ::after a deep breath:: There must be others out there.

Annisha -> :: Standing there while Jy and her father speak ::

Scott Coleridge -> Warning us? About what?

Kallah Ramson -> I'm sure there are. Unifying these worlds in itself is not a bad thing.

Chirakis -> True.

Jylliene -> +Eng+ He is. If that could be passed along to the guest, that would be desirable. He does not wish to continue to worry it.

Jylliene -> ::if it is worried, she thinks::

Shadow -> ::an image appears on the console: Scott and a swirling mass of atoms::

Kallah Ramson -> History may look at them as bringers of peace.

Lawliet -> We've been working on the assumption on what it needs, but what if it isn't? What if it's trying to warn us about something?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Larson: We were worried about him. Can you tell him that? And yes, he gets wrapped up in worries.

Tarisa -> ::Looking at the image.::

Chirakis -> As many of the earth tyrants were peacemakers through force.

Jylliene -> +Eng+ ::glances at Nijil, nods:: I will. Thank you.

Lawliet -> ::looks at the image:: Atoms and yourself.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods::

Shadow -> ::the atoms move toward Scott, touch him, and he collapses::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I hope I did not scare either of au.

Scott Coleridge -> But what would it warn us about?

Jylliene -> ::ends com:: Well, we were, but you're recovering, and that's what matters now.

mimipavilion -> ::finishes dealing with the issues of the Children's Home, before leaving for the day::

Jylliene -> Engineering is glad to hear of your recovery.

Chirakis -> As for our part in this, we should expect to be conquered or die.

Tarisa -> Do the atoms represent you or your kind?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Feels his hair :: What happened to it..

Lawliet -> ::looks up:: Something more powerful than us.

Kallah Ramson -> ::smile:: I think I'd like to find a third option in there somewhere.

Annisha -> Au need a haircut of Bolian proportions.

Tarisa -> * ::to Shadow::

Chirakis -> As would I.

Shadow -> ::the atoms disappear and Scott is left on the deck::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> But they have no hai-

Annisha -> Right... :: smiles ::

Shadow -> ::the words appear:: Biological. Weak.

Scott Coleridge -> Maybe it's referencing what happened to Nijil.

Kallah Ramson -> For now we remain watchmen on the city gates.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Larson speaks to her team, letting them know to pass that message on if they see some kind of shadow misty thing ::

Lawliet -> Perhaps, but we need to talk to the captain about this.

Chirakis -> Indeed. And we, as the watchmen on the walls, prepare for the inevitable, with our shields and swords ready.

Tarisa -> ::Studies the atoms, taking an image. She then cross examines it with her PADD, seeing if the atoms are a known element.::

Annisha -> :: to Mimi :: Can I bring my father some real food.. from Bubbly's?

Shadow -> ::pure energy::

Annisha -> Home of the Bubbly Quarter Kilo Burger.

Tarisa -> Hmm...

mimipavilion -> ::heading out the door, hears Annisha:: Not right now. It would be a little too much on his system, but don't worry my staff will feed him.

Dacia Sandero -> ::her shift over for the day, they both walk around the food courts again::

Chirakis -> Captain, may I suggest we bolster the sensor array and prepare ourselves in case there is no one to come to our aid.

Annisha -> :: Turns to her father :: Hear that, they will feed au through a tube.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Tube?

Tarisa -> ::points to the atoms.:: Is this how you see yourself?

Jylliene -> ::takes Nijil's hand:: I think they have other ways of giving him food too, Annisha.

Jylliene -> ::grins::

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles:: There's a literary tradition on parts of Earth about great battles pausing for a moment of poetic contemplation. Unfortunately they rarely lead to an enlightenment that leads away from the following turmoil.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods:: Yes, always.

mimipavilion -> ::shakes her head and leaves::

Annisha -> Sounds like a time saver

Shadow -> ::silent::

Shadow -> ::then suddenly:: I. Positive.

Jylliene -> Yes, but efficiency is not always the goal.

Tarisa -> ::Smiles.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I am told there is Salsbury steak in my future

Chirakis -> Contact those who are in and around Aegis, brief them, and have them prepared.

Jylliene -> ...Maybe a tube would be preferable in that case.

Shadow -> Positive. Builds. Negative. Destroys.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> What? I've not heard of that food before.

Jylliene -> Eh. It's...food.

Annisha -> Bubbly, but they won't let ya

mimipavilion -> ::arrives home to a home-made Romulan dinner::

Scott Coleridge -> Let's imagine you're pure energy, in a world that is only ever energy. You subsist off energy.

Lawliet -> ::stands silently as he considers what the "guest" said::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Hmm

Scott Coleridge -> What if some energy is good for you ... and other energy is inimical to your way of life?

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 3/11/16

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Kallah Ramson -> I was afraid for a moment that "Eh, It's food" would be our last words. Those are never good last words.

Chirakis -> Something to ponder.

Chirakis -> Heh. I usually wait for an opportune moment.

Chirakis -> Captain Ramson, TBS?

Kallah Ramson -> Let's bring us to the next day, late morning.

Chirakis -> Late morning - 1000?

Kallah Ramson -> Thereabouts, yes.

Chirakis -> Very well. Comments for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> I believe we will be moving forward in the overall plot soon. I had something in mind for tonight but think it will wait better for next week.

Kallah Ramson -> I encourage everyone to work on logs to delve deeper into shadow and the other goings on.

Chirakis -> Agreed.

Kallah Ramson -> I need to encourage myself on such endeavors.

Kallah Ramson -> That is all.

Chirakis -> Questions from the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> Don't forget the time change for those affected by such things.

Chirakis -> Ah, yes.

Chirakis -> Again, congratulations to Dr. Sandero, and to Tarisa and Dr. Pavilion.

Chirakis -> Crew *dismiss*

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