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Sky Harbor Aegis | 6 November 2015

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/6/15=/\=

Chirakis -> 1 February 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 30 minutes.

Chirakis -> The time is 0930 hours, 9:30 am, Aegis local.

Chirakis -> Aegean's away team (everyone aboard) is about to beam into one of the target planet's caverns.

Chirakis -> Dr. Pavilion and LtCdr Lawliet are at the shipyard with the alien.

Chirakis -> @ for Aegean

Chirakis -> # for Shipyard

Chirakis -> * for Missouri

Chirakis -> Nothing for Aegis

Chirakis -> ::hands the mic to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> All active players on Aegean will beam down. NPC still run the ship.

Kallah Ramson -> Any questions?

Kallah Ramson -> Then let us begin.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson -> ::CnC, still working::

mimipavilion -> #::at the shipyard, about ready to talk to the alien::

Chirakis -> ::wandering the CnC::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::stepping onto the TR pad, wearing the necessary gear for radiation/atmosphere conditions.::

Schawnsee -> :: in medical watching over the place while Mimi is away::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::sips his third cup of coffee::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ This is my least favorite type of mission.

Tarisa -> @ ::In the TR, making sure her gear is on properly.::

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::steps onto the pad as well:: Exploring? ::to Nijil::

Chirakis -> ::stops to survey the commerce deck, resting her hands on the railing::

Alexis McFarland -> ::with Annisha, finishing combing her hair::

Scott Coleridge -> ::in his office, noticing that Ramson engineered it so that she left just as a large amount of important paperwork was due::

Annisha -> I can't see, how does it look?

Kallah Ramson -> @ Everyone ready?

Tarisa -> @ At least we are not dropping onto the planet's surface like last time.

Tarisa -> *moon's

Dacia Sandero -> @Yeah sure

Alexis McFarland -> Done. Looks...Romulan?

Tarisa -> @ ::Stands on the pad.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> # I stayed behind last time.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Energize.

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::leaning back in the command chair, staring into space::

Annisha -> I'm growing it out, but it's taking so long...

mimipavilion -> #::walks over to where the alien is and presses the comm:: Why did you tell us to run?

Alexis McFarland -> Oooh. How long you gonna grow it out?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Inspecting the local ships for any security issues ::

Annisha -> :: Goes and tugs her Alexis' hair :: At least this much.

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien>::turns away::

Kallah Ramson -> @::shimmers down::

Dacia Sandero -> @::beams down::

Tarisa -> @ ::shimmers::

Alexis McFarland -> You have awhile to go then.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Beams down ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::shunts a message to maintenance, noting that the replicators on deck 42 are still slow::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> (or local ships.. perhaps there are ship shops)

mimipavilion -> #::scrunches face:: I don't even know what species you are, but should who or what should we be running from?

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTION> Away team beams into a large underground cavern, colored an ethereal blue by bioluminescence foliage all around.

Dacia Sandero -> @ Ooooh. Pretty.

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::slightly taken aback:: Scans didn’t show this.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Looking around for anything out of the ordinary ::

Chirakis -> ::then moves on to her own console::

Tarisa -> @ ::Looks at the pretty colors.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Inspects the plants ::

Chirakis -> ::Just to make sure he is alive and well, she sends a tactical report to Commander Coleridge:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Hears his PADD, checks it ::

mimipavilion -> #::waits to see if it responds to her question::

Cptn d'Ka -> * Lei'ri> ::watching his captain::

Scott Coleridge -> ::hears his console beep with another report:: Oh, joy.

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTION>Among the normal cave features are massive tree like trunks growing from floor to ceiling. Segmented plates cover them with a bioluminescent glow shining between the plates.

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::inspecting the bio-luminescence. Taking scans.. (Si)

Cptn d'Ka -> * They are well, Commander. ::turns to face his executive officer:: No need to worry.

Cptn d'Ka -> * Lei'ri> ::forcefully relaxes with a nod::

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> ::blue sharp color patterns:: fill fall. Fate. Inevitable fate.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ I bet my parents have never seen anything like this..

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Sends an acknowledgement message to Chirakis ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Plenty of life it seems. Are you picking anything else up?

Chirakis -> ::looks up to the acknowledgement::

Annisha -> So.. do I need any other improvements?

Tarisa -> @ ::Looking up at the trunks, curiously.::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Lays on Annisha's lap and gazes at the ceiling:: I wonder what kind of place Dacia and Nijil are visiting. Hope it's pretty and Dacia bring me back something.

Alexis McFarland -> Hmm. I don't think so. ;:looks at Annisha::

mimipavilion -> #Fate. From who? Who will end our existence? Your people?

Scott Coleridge -> ::gets up from his desk and stares out of his window, wondering where the Aegean is now and what they've found::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::cracks his knuckles, moves on to the next transport::

Chirakis -> +Cayne+ Report position.

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> ::Orange glow:: and ::blue ripple:: who join will bring freedom.

Annisha -> My father did not say, but I think he did not know. :: Wondered if Lexy has been to Bubbly's too many times ::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Chirakis+ I'm on the commerce level doing a morning rotation.

Alexis McFarland -> I’m not fat.

Chirakis -> +Cayne+ Carry on.

Schawnsee -> :: making the rounds in sickbay::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::asks again:: Anything else on scans?

mimipavilion -> #Freedom from what? An organization? A joint group like the Dominion?

Dacia Sandero -> @Hmm. Getting a lot of scans.. but I'm doctor, not a scientist.

Dacia Sandero -> @::smiles::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Well then, what do make of this habitat?

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::walking around one of the trunk like structures::

Scott Coleridge -> ::starting to realize that he has actually been enjoying the moments of crisis more than these interstitials of calm, because in crisis he doesn't have the luxury of worrying::

Dacia Sandero -> @ Very interesting, good climate and protection from the elements.

Cptn d'Ka -> * Mr. Doland, inform the fleet to take a standard border patrol pattern.

Tarisa -> @ ::Checking.:: Other than the extensive plant life, I have yet to determine anything else. Scans do point out that the cave continues in that direction. ::Points.::

Cptn d'Ka -> * Doland> Aye, sir. Moving into standard border patrol pattern. Passing the word.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ This cave is structurally sound, if that helps.

Tarisa -> @ Also there does not appear to be any residual radiation from the gas giant here. The caverns must be shielded.

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> Freedom. Simple freedom. ::purple pattern with swirls::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::Nijil:: That's good to know.

Tarisa -> @ Or maybe it is being absorbed by the plant life, which is why they are giving off this glow.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Interesting.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Let's move deeper into the cave.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Waves in the air in case she's watching.. of course she was ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ And be alert.

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> Freedom ::blue hues:: would not understand.

Annisha -> So what now Alexis? My hair is done.

Alexis McFarland -> What do you want to do? Anything in mind?

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::stands to wander the bridge, checking the chrono as he passes::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Does keep the place lit up.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Marching along with the others ::

Dacia Sandero -> @ That it does, wonder where it comes from?

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::Follows the others::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::moving into an even larger cavern, the trunks the size of giant redwoods::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Are these going to get any larger?

Annisha -> Hmm. Park? Pester old man Cayne? Swim in the park and get kicked out?

Dacia Sandero -> @ Probably. Just hope we can find out way back?

mimipavilion -> #Who is part of this freedom group?

Kallah Ramson -> @ I wonder if they grew to fill the space or made the space by their growth.

Alexis McFarland -> All of the above, sound interesting. Although that pond is freezing cold.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::Chirakis:: Captain, a scientist on USS Toronto sends her regards.

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> Will learn soon. Very soon.

Annisha -> You know sometimes when I speak to you it's like you are light years away..

Chirakis -> ::wanders over:: Dr. Feretti?

Fletcher Jackson -> Yes, Captain.

Chirakis -> Send it to my console.

Alexis McFarland -> I feel the same way too, sometimes. ::huggg::

Fletcher Jackson -> Sent, ma'am.

Annisha -> Can we visit Betazed sometime? I want to travel..

Chirakis -> ::moves back to her console, sits, and sends a reply::

Alexis McFarland -> Sure.. I have lots of family there I can visit. We can go swimming in Janaran Falls.. water there at least is nice and warm.

mimipavilion -> #::glares at the alien:: Where are your people

Alexis McFarland -> I think Dacia has a cottage there.

Annisha -> And everyone can read my mind and laugh at my ears...

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Goes to touch one of the trees ::

Alexis McFarland -> I don't know about laugh at your ears part...

Fletcher Jackson -> Ma'am, we also have the standard window report from Captain Kirsch, reporting status quo.

Tarisa -> @ ::Her inner self i quite happy now, looking at all the trees.::

Scott Coleridge -> ::exits his office onto the CnC::

Chirakis -> ::looks over:: Forward to Commander Coleridge.

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::watches Nijil touch the tree::

Chirakis -> ::stands:: Commander.

Chirakis -> Captain Kirsch of USS Toronto reports status quo in sector.

Scott Coleridge -> What are we forwarding to me?

Chirakis -> Standard report, top of the hour.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Careful. I... sense... fear.

Schawnsee -> :: returns to her desk and starts filling out reports::

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::stops his wandering to stare out the viewport, and while he stands there, his expression changes::

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien> the call is answered. ::blue circle patterns::

mimipavilion -> #::notes its silence:: Anything else I should know

Dacia Sandero -> @ You sense that too, eh Captain?

Kallah Ramson -> #ACTION>::Proximity alarms sound, triggered throughout the Defense Grid::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: His padd beeps :: Uh oh

Tarisa -> @ ::Curious glance towards Kallah and Dacia.:: Fear? Could the plants be aware?

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::moves to Lei'ri:: Commander, alert the QRF.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Fear? In the trees?

Cptn d'Ka -> * Lei'ri> Yes, Captain. ::nods to Tan::

Dacia Sandero -> @ Perhaps, Tarisa. I can't tell exactly where it's coming from, but I can sense it all around me.

mimipavilion -> # what do you mean

Kallah Ramson -> @ It's alien. But, fear is rather universal.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: pats the tree trunk :: Great.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Chirakis:: Very good. What about—Uh

Scott Coleridge -> ::hears the alarm beeping:: Is that a proximity alarm?

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien>::random color patterns form all around, not just near its face as before::

Fletcher Jackson -> Yes, Commander.

Chirakis -> ::her eyes jerk to the tactical screen::

mimipavilion -> # what is going on

Kallah Ramson -> @ACTION>::Spider like branch reaches down and picks Nijil into the air::

Dacia Sandero -> @ Whatever it is, is most likely fearful of us. We are after all, intruding in their native pla-- Ahh!

Chirakis -> ::steps to tac::

Dacia Sandero -> @::steps back towards the others::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Hey hey hey!

Chirakis -> ::checking... and checking... and checking:: It makes no sense, Commander. Defense grid is triggered, however...

Annisha -> Oh not again?.. Another lockdown :: hugs Alexis in despair ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Everyone back.

Kallah Ramson -> @::moves clear of the trunks::

Tarisa -> @ ::Hops back as she just saw Nijil get plucked into the air.::

Dacia Sandero -> @ So, it is the plants. They're sentient?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Hangs in the air :: Well, don't pat the trunks

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::Steps away from the foliage::

mimipavilion -> # +aegis+ pavilion to aegis

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Chirakis+ What's the situation?

Kallah Ramson -> @ Nijil, stay calm. Don't fight it.

Chirakis -> Resetting the defense grid.

Scott Coleridge -> ::crosses to his station, accesses sensor feed:: Hmm

Fletcher Jackson -> +Pavilion+ Aegis here, go ahead.

Alexis McFarland -> Well, at least I managed to get breakfast before the lockdown this time. ::Snuggles Annisha::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ I don't want to fall from this height.

Alexis McFarland -> I knew it was worth it to wake up a little early...

mimipavilion -> # +Fletcher+ what's going on.

Annisha -> :: Gets up :: Let's go see what's going on... :: goes to the door ::

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::curious expression::

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION> Grid Subspace sensors ripple, as if something was trying to come through.... everywhere.

Dacia Sandero -> @ No, you'd most likely not survive the fall.. or break your spine and be paralysed for life.

Chirakis -> Something is attempting a subspace entry.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Thanks for the words of encouragement Dacia... you could always catch me..

Chirakis -> Alert the fleet, Mr. Jackson.

Scott Coleridge -> ::frowns:: Not again.

Dacia Sandero -> @ I'd need someone's help to catch you. I fear I'm not strong enough to catch you myself.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::sends out an alert to Toronto:::

Scott Coleridge -> Red alert.

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTION> ::branch holds Nijil nearly to the cave ceiling before slowly lowering him down far away from the trunk::

Chirakis -> Red alert, aye.

Chirakis -> *redalert*

mimipavilion -> # + Fletcher+ hello

Chirakis -> Defense on full.

Alexis McFarland -> Another red alert. Why can't these happen on a school day?

Tarisa -> @ It is letting him down?

Annisha -> :: Grabs Alexis hand :: Come on...

Fletcher Jackson -> +Pavilion+ Stand by, Doctor.

Alexis McFarland -> Where are we going?

Scott Coleridge -> ::Jackson:: Get me Dr. Pavilion.

Kallah Ramson -> ACTION>Ripple fades, then ripples again, this time centering near the shipyard

Fletcher Jackson -> Aye, Commander.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::tap..tap::: She's all yours, Sir.

Dacia Sandero -> @ That's good. Maybe it knows he meant no harm?

Annisha -> For my quarters, then to see what's going on.

Chirakis -> Alerts around the shipyard, Commander.

Annisha -> :: Takes her hand ::

Tarisa -> @ It would seem that way. Are you able to communicate with it?

Alexis McFarland -> ::holds Annisha’s hand and goes with her::

Kallah Ramson -> @ACTION>::Another branch, from trunk near where Nijil was set down reaches down and pushes Nijil away from itself::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Dusts himself off :: Well, that ride was not worth waiting for.

Fletcher Jackson -> +Pavilion+ Stand by for Commander Coleridge.

Dacia Sandero -> I'll try. ::tries to establish a telepathic link to the plants, a standard peace greeting::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ Hey hey... watch it

mimipavilion -> # + Fletcher+ ok

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ I'm set to be bonded and not rightly attracted to trees...

Scott Coleridge -> +Pavilion+ We're getting indications something is trying to emerge from subspace, Doctor. Did you get anything out of our guest?

Kallah Ramson -> @::smiles slightly::

Annisha -> :: Gets her little backpack on and her boomerang

Annisha -> :: Hands Alexis a lemon energy bar ::

Kallah Ramson -> @Doesn't seem overtly hostile.

Dacia Sandero -> @ I think that I shall never see, a poem lively as a tree...

mimipavilion -> # +Scott+ that we are to expect visitors who wish us harm

Dacia Sandero -> as lovely as a tree*

Tarisa -> @ ::Smiles as she watches the tree's movements.:: Daena would love this.

Alexis McFarland -> Thanks but I already ate. ::hands Annisha a Blubby wrap::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Moves a bit closer to that tree again, puts out his hands :: I mean au no harm. My bark is worse than my bite... :: waits ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTION>::Branch lowers down towards Tarisa, gently moving towards her but stops short::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Looks towards Tarisa ::

Dacia Sandero -> @ No. They don't seem to be. ::projects a peaceful aura, not meaning the trees any harm::

mimipavilion -> # +Scott+ why?

Tarisa -> @ ::Watches the branch.:: Hmm? ::Tail swishes curiously about.::

Scott Coleridge -> +Pavilion+ The subspace emanations are closing in on the shipyard.

Scott Coleridge -> +Pavilion+ Did it give us any indication it would negotiate?

Annisha -> :: As she goes to exit her quarters the door won't open.. :: Dang it.. we are trapped in my place now.

Dacia Sandero -> @ It didn't grab you.

Alexis McFarland -> Again?

Kallah Ramson -> #Alien>::glowing patterns increase, as if it's chanting something in it's color bases language::

Cptn d'Ka -> * ::faint smile::

Schawnsee -> :: looks from her filing t ssss::

Annisha -> I can get us out of this... :: smiles evilly ::

Alexis McFarland -> I'm sure you can,

mimipavilion -> # ::looks at the alien:: get me out then.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ If you hug it, it will lift..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 11/6/15

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Well played.

Chirakis -> TBS Captain?

Kallah Ramson -> We'll pick it up from there.

Chirakis -> No TBS. Notes for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> Logs about personal thoughts and reaction to events would be good.

Scott Coleridge -> How many people are on the shipyard right now?

mimipavilion -> 2

Chirakis -> Mimi and Lawliet

Chirakis -> Or do you mean all personnel?

Scott Coleridge -> Yes

Kallah Ramson -> Player wise. I forget the crew compliment of the shipyard if that's what you're asking. Couple hundred as a quick guess.

Chirakis -> Anything else?

Chirakis -> Seeing none, crew *dismiss*

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