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Sky Harbor Aegis | 30 October 2015

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/30/15=/\=]

Chirakis -> 1 February 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 15 hours.

Chirakis -> The time is 0800 hours, 8 am, Aegis local.

Chirakis -> Commander Coleridge is in command of Aegis.

Chirakis -> With him are Cptn Chirakis, LtCdr Lawliet, Dr. Pavilion, and Cdr Cayne.

Chirakis -> Captain Ramson is on Aegean, now entering their target system.

Chirakis -> With her are LtCdr Kital, SuCdr Korjata, Dr. Sandero, and Lt Tarisa.

Chirakis -> USS Missouri and Task Force Alpha accompany Aegean.

Chirakis -> @ for Aegean

Chirakis -> Nothing for Aegis

Chirakis -> # for Missouri

Chirakis -> ::hands the mic to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> Any questions?

Kallah Ramson -> Let us begin.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> ::enters the CnC after making her station rounds:::

Kallah Ramson -> @::on Aegean bridge::

Lawliet -> ::walking into the CnC with a cup of coffee::

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::standing in the back of the bridge on Aegean, watching as they enter the target system::

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay making her rounds checking on patients::

Alexis McFarland -> ::yawns as she gets out of bed and meanders to the bathroom to do her bathroom things::

Jylliene -> @ Entering the target system, captain.

Lawliet -> ::takes a seat at the science station::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::bounds in from the lift, then stops short, seeing Captain Chirakis, gives an apologetic grimace, then takes OPS:::

Scott Coleridge -> ::nods at Lawliet:: Good morning, Commander. Have you or Pavilion made any more progress with the alien?

Kallah Ramson -> @ Good. Pilot, put us in orbit of our target.

Chirakis -> ::stares at Jackson, just for good measure::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Science, analyses.

Jylliene -> @ Pilot> Entering orbit vector.

Lawliet -> ::to Coleridge:: None as of yet Commander. I'm planning to check in with Doctor Pavilion in an hour; I wanted to be here when the Aegean is entering the target area.

Scott Coleridge -> ::tingles at sensing a staring contest developing::

Chirakis -> ::respectful nod to Cdr Coleridge, not to interrupt his conversation::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::hard swallow, pulling up the reports from shift change::

Scott Coleridge -> Good idea.

Alexis McFarland -> ::finishes brushing her teeth and begins to comb her hair::

Tarisa -> @ ::At her console, keeping an eye on the passive sensors.::

Scott Coleridge -> Speaking of which … ::turns to Jackson:: any updates from Aegean?

Lawliet -> ::nods at the commander's remark and focuses on the sensor telemetry::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::quick turn:: No, Commander. Nothing yet.

Fletcher Jackson -> USS Toronto is also monitoring their frequency.

mimipavilion -> ::finishes checking on the patients in her medical facility, goes to her office to check on the alien at the shipyard::

Tarisa -> @ Nothing out of the ordinary as of yet. Still on passive scans.

Scott Coleridge -> Hmm, if I recall correctly they should be arriving in the system around this time. They're probably just settling in, then.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Next to the engine core.. sort of kicked out of the bridge. ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ And analyses of the planet?

Fletcher Jackson -> Their comment to last shift was that they must be running silent. ::checks the chrono:: Aye, sir. They probably are.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Making his rounds ::

Tarisa -> @ The planet is a gas giant. Our target is the second moon, which is rocky, but able to support some life.

mimipavilion -> ::looks over the latest data::

Chirakis -> ::monitoring tactical, several smaller screens are alive with readouts concerning Aegis sector::

Annisha -> :: Curled up on the bed, sleeping soundly ::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Moves over to the cloaking device ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTION: Sensors pick up a "blip". too brief to locate.

Chirakis -> ::pulls up the disbursal of Task Force Bravo::

mimipavilion -> ::notes that the alien is slowly, but surely healing::

Jylliene -> @ ::continuing to monitor as they approach, hears the blip, glances toward science::

Alexis McFarland -> ::gets her hair they way she likes it, then makes Chester some food (i.e. replicates it) ::

Lawliet -> ::takes a sip of coffee while still watching the display::

Chirakis -> ::studies their positions::

Tarisa -> @ :;Ears perked up at the blip.:: Hmm?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Does some recalculation on the stress of the recent trip ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::knows it's a Sunday today, but wants to get to the food court as soon as she can to be able to get the limited edition Blubby Wrap before the breakfast crowd beats her to it::

Annisha -> :: Hugs a pillow tightly ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::exits and smiles, heads down to food court::

Jylliene -> @ Pilot> Entered orbit - stable and holding, Captain.

Chirakis -> ::steps back to Coleridge:: Commander, ::nods at the tactical displays:: Bravo is apparently running a standard surveillance grid, nothing out of the ordinary, but a precautionary measure.

Lawliet -> ::looks through some of the night’s reports::

Jylliene -> @ Did you get anything on that blip? ::to Tarisa:: Seemed terribly short.

Annisha -> :: In her sleep :: Would au like some yarn Tarisa?

Tarisa -> @ ::Frowns:: I did not...

Chirakis -> The only ships in system are transports, cargo, and the like.

Alexis McFarland -> ::Arrives at the food court, happy to see the queue to Blubby's is relatively short, orders some breakfast wraps, hashbrowns and juice, then heads back to her quarters::

Scott Coleridge -> ::Chirakis:: Good. Oh, and do you have an alert out to the inspection stations about mining droids?

Scott Coleridge -> It seems unlikely we ended up with the only two….

mimipavilion -> ::exits her office, and makes her to the CnC via tl, leaving the medical complex with Dr. Palmer::

Chirakis -> Aye, Commander. They are aware and will monitor droids closely.

Alexis McFarland -> ::sips her yellow Jumja Dew, which kind of tastes like banana::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Sees the computer is processing the passive scans carefully ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::still means to have words with Rov about that next time he shows up::

Chirakis -> Droids, meaning any coming into our area. The miners are also aware and will keep a close watch.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Yawns, Cayne did not sleep soundly ::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives at the CnC and exits the tl::

Chirakis -> ::turns at the sound of the lift and nods to Dr. Pavilion:::

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::quietly watches the goings on in the bridge::

mimipavilion -> ::nods to Chirakis::

Lawliet -> ::looks over and nods to Pavilion::

mimipavilion -> ::nods to Lawliet::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ACTIONS: Passive scans of the moon surface show a fair dose of radiation from the gas giant but can not penetrate more than 50 meters into the surface.

Scott Coleridge -> ::general nods all around::

Chirakis -> ::casually:: I trust you slept well, Commander.

Alexis McFarland -> ::Walks by Annisha's quarters:: Still asleep are we? That's like the only time... ::giggles

Annisha -> :: Still asleep :: I love au big marshmallow. :: starts nibbling the corner of the pillowcase ::

Tarisa -> @ ::Frowns, speaking quietly.:: Radiation interference...

Alexis McFarland -> But then, limited edition Blubby wrap.

Kallah Ramson -> @::closes eyes a moment::

Alexis McFarland -> And limited edition yellow Jumja Dew

Scott Coleridge -> ::Chirakis:: I did, actually.

Jylliene -> @::frowns, checks systems, making sure all is still as desired::

Chirakis -> ::acknowledging nod:: As did I.

Scott Coleridge -> ::small shrug:: I think not having an implacable alien ship bearing down upon us helped.

Kallah Ramson -> @ There's something out there. I can feel it.

mimipavilion -> ::walks over to one of the modular consoles and brings up the alien scans to compare and the such, considering she need the change of view::

Kallah Ramson -> @::turns chair aft::

Chirakis -> Indeed, it does.

Alexis McFarland -> ::Enters her quarters and turns on the holoviewer, watches some holo-cartoon::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Walking around the commerce area once more ::

Kallah Ramson -> @ ::Tarisa:: I take it the surface isn't that inviting?

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::forward lean:: Mr. Tan, notify Aegis that they are in system, encrypt and prearranged message.

Annisha -> :: Throws off her pillow as she tosses and turns ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Sets out the wraps on the table with the hashbrowns::

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> Aye, Captain.

Dacia Sandero -> @Hmm.

Annisha -> :: Asleep :: Where'd au go pillow :: licks lips ::

Tarisa -> @ :;Quietly as she picked up on the comment.:: Something out there? ::Looks at sensors.:: You are correct. Radiation from the gas giant.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Watches as the other engineers mill about the main engineering room of the Aegean ::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::blink, rereads::

Fletcher Jackson -> Capt.. I mean Commander. Incoming message from USS Missouri, encrypted.

Kallah Ramson -> @::turns to Dacia:: What precautions would an away team need to make for that environment?

Fletcher Jackson -> I think something's wrong with the decrypt.

Scott Coleridge -> ::Jackson:: Oh?

Fletcher Jackson -> It says "They called the ball," sir.

Dacia Sandero -> @I'd recommend EVA suits, depending on the level of oxygen on the surface and to protect against the radiation aside from the standard away team kits.

Lawliet -> ::looks over at Jackson's comment with confusion::

Kallah Ramson -> @ACTION:Blip

Scott Coleridge -> ::mouths "called … ball"::

Chirakis -> Aegean has reached her target, Commander.

Chirakis -> And all is well.

Scott Coleridge -> I clearly missed the latest codephrase memos….

Annisha -> :: Feels around and wakes up :: Ah!

Alexis McFarland -> ::lounges on the sofa watching her holocartoon and eating a wrap, still somewhat half asleep::

Scott Coleridge -> Signal our acknowledgement, Jackson.

Fletcher Jackson -> Aye, Captain. Sending now.

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Chirakis and Coleridge, thinking she must have too on the codephrases::

Tarisa -> @ There is it again. ::Tail swishes in excitement.::

Kallah Ramson -> @ There is what?

Jylliene -> @ ::furrowed brow::

Chirakis -> The phrases change daily, Commander. I will be sure that you actually received yours. They are proprietary to you and myself.

Alexis McFarland -> Mmm... so worth it. ::nomming her wrap::

Tarisa -> @ ::Ears swivel as she is focused on the screen.:: The blip.

Annisha -> My pillow.. I ate my pillow oh there it is on the floor. :: Her hair was messed up ::

Chirakis -> ::steps to her console to tap a few phrases::

mimipavilion -> ::shakes her head, thinking she missed this when she was in command, considering that she was the only senior officer here::

Kallah Ramson -> @ The blip? Can you elaborate?

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::looks to Tarisa curiously...oooh::

Chirakis -> They are on your console now, Commander.

Annisha -> :: Gets up out of bed still in her jammies and walks over to Alexis' ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::opens his mail to read through the codephrases, knitting his brow as he goes:: These are idiosyncratic.

Tarisa -> @ Unfortunately, no...

Scott Coleridge -> Who decides on these?

Cptn d'Ka -> # Tan> Aegis acknowledges, Captain.

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::nod::

Tarisa -> @ It does not stay in the sensors for long.

mimipavilion -> ::wants to respond, but keeps her mouth shut::

Chirakis -> Idiosyncratic?

Alexis McFarland -> ::hears someone approach and opens the door:: Wow.. you look like me when I wake up.

Scott Coleridge -> Very peculiar in origin.

mimipavilion -> ::continues looking over the data::

Alexis McFarland -> ::giggles and ushers Annisha inside::

Chirakis -> For good reason, Commander.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Well. Let's add our own blip to the mix. One active sensor burst. Let's see if anything shows up.

Annisha -> :: walks right over to the replicator :: Soomthing to wake me up.

Tarisa -> @ ::Nods and activates the burst.::

Kallah Ramson -> @::swivels in her chair back towards the main viewscreen::

Alexis McFarland -> Replicator> ::replicates a coffee, hot, black ala Janeway::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Jumps as a quick scan from sensors disrupts the cloaking field ::

Lawliet -> ::finishes his coffee and walks over to Doctor Pavilion:: Doctor.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Goes over to a window looking out into the void ::

mimipavilion -> Mr. Lawliet.

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::steps down from the command chair::

Lawliet -> How is your patient doing?

Kallah Ramson -> @ACTION: Scan shows signs of vast caverns under the surface. Some type of natural energy signals. Nothing noted in the space around us.

Alexis McFarland -> ::huggles Annisha from behind:: I Have some limited edition wraps from Blubby's. Don't know if they'll wake you up, but they are pretty tasty.

mimipavilion -> Holding his or her own. Still sedated. Slowly improving.

Scott Coleridge -> ((Is Alexis old enough to be drinking coffee??))

Annisha -> :: Shows a cracked smile as she took whatever beverage the replicator made :: Oh thanks Lexy. :: drinks ::

Alexis McFarland -> ((No lol.. Probably something Dacia programmed into the replicator))

Lawliet -> ::looks off for a moment:: What do you think "it" meant by "run"?

Scott Coleridge -> ((Oooh, bad girl.))

Annisha -> :: eyes wide, puckers lips :: Lemon

Scott Coleridge -> ::works at his console reviewing the latest readiness reports from each department::

Alexis McFarland -> ::sits on the couch with Annisha:: It tastes like lemon? ::Looks at Annisha's coffee::

mimipavilion -> ::thinks for a moment:: Probably meant run or be killed.

Tarisa -> @ I am getting details back from the moon now, but no sign of the blip.

mimipavilion -> or something like that.

Alexis McFarland -> ::Curls up in Annisha's lap.. yawns::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Let's see those details on the viewscreen.

Lawliet -> By whom? It's species or another?

Annisha -> I think it's an :: sips :: Energy drink.

Tarisa -> @ ::Puts the cavern details up.::

mimipavilion -> That is a good question.

Alexis McFarland -> It's coffee... Dacia usually drinks tea but she sometimes drinks it when she's really tired.

Annisha -> Au are heavy.. to many Bubbly's?

Kallah Ramson -> @ Interesting, if a bit incomplete.

Alexis McFarland -> I'm not heavy.. I'm only like 60 lbs!

Annisha -> What did the computer make me?

Alexis McFarland -> Coffee. The computer said I was 60 lbs when I weighed myself last night.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Can our transporters reach any of those caverns?

Chirakis -> ::checking the latest security report::

Alexis McFarland -> ::sips her yellow Jumja Dew::

Lawliet -> Shall we beam over to the Shipyard and see if it'll talk again?

Tarisa -> @ I believe so.

mimipavilion -> Wouldn't hurt.

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::curious as to what the scanners will find::

Annisha -> :: Puts down the cup. :: It's bitter.

mimipavilion -> ::closes out the console sending the info back to her desk in medical::

Alexis McFarland -> Try replicating some cola then?

Lawliet -> ::follows the doctor::

Kallah Ramson -> @ Find a promising target. We'll do another sensor burst in that area.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Pilot, alter course after all further sensor bursts.

Alexis McFarland -> Actually.. ::runs off to the fridge and comes back with a can of cola:: Here we are.

Alexis McFarland -> Your hair is all messy..

Annisha -> Why don't you just replicate it.. My what. :: Runs her fingers through her hair, and her finger gets stuck ::

Alexis McFarland -> You need to get that hair spray Dacia got me... my hair isn't all poofy like that when I wake up anymore.

Kallah Ramson -> @Ops, ready needed equipment for an away team mission.

Schawnsee -> ::in medical::

Alexis McFarland -> ::still has her arms around Annisha::

Tarisa -> @ ::Carefully picks out an ideal location.:: I believe I have a suitable place.

Jylliene -> @ Yes ma'am.

mimipavilion -> ::lawliet:: Let me see if Kat is in medical.

mimipavilion -> +Kat+ Pavilion to Schawnsee

Schawnsee -> +Mimi+ Schawnsee here

mimipavilion -> +Kat+ Lawliet and myself are returning to the shipyard to talk to our alien patient/visitor. I left Dr. Palmer in charge of medical unless you are there and have since relieved him of that post.

Chirakis -> ::begins her standard wandering through the CnC::

Schawnsee -> +Mimi+ I have returned for the time being Be careful Doc

Annisha -> I suppose au can fix it?

mimipavilion -> +Kat+ Will do.

Chirakis -> ::hears the words shipyard and alien, and gives a quick glance to Coleridge::

Alexis McFarland -> Ie. Shouldn't be a problem.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Sees the notice for an away mission ::

Chirakis -> ::approaching Mimi:: Doctor.

Alexis McFarland -> ::runs off to get the hair spray::

mimipavilion -> Captain.

Chirakis -> I will ready a security team to go with you.

Chirakis -> Do not leave before they arrive.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: We will wait.

Chirakis -> +Cayne+ Commander Cayne, ready a protection detail to accompany Dr. Pavilion and Cdr Lawliet to the shipyard.

Kallah Ramson -> @ Continue mapping with random sensor bursts. The away team will depart in a half hour.

Lawliet -> ::looks at Pavilion and back at Chirakis::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> +Chirakis+ Right away Captain. :: closes channel ::

Cptn d'Ka -> # ::notes the sensor bursts coming from Aegean's target area::

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Lawliet:: Relax.

Chirakis -> ::Mimi:: They will meet you at the transporter room.

mimipavilion -> ::Chirakis:: Thank you.

Alexis McFarland -> ::starts to fix Annisha's sticky hair::

Annisha -> :: Wondering if hair spray was the right solution.. felt tangled ::

mimipavilion -> ::makes her way to the transporter room::

Lawliet -> ::to Pavilion:: Not yet.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 10/30/15

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Captain, TBS?

Kallah Ramson -> 30 minutes.

Chirakis -> 30 minutes. Comments for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> We'll start off with the away team preparing to beam down....

Kallah Ramson -> All active players on Aegean will be going...

Kallah Ramson -> That is all.

Chirakis -> Questions or comments from the crew?

Chirakis -> Seeing none, crew *Dismiss*

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