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USS Republic Simlog 51507.20 - Season 23

USS Republic Mission Briefing 51507.20 - Season 23


Dr Hentrick had went to attempt a reversal on Jas and himself, everyone else was getting patched up in medical, Blu was waking up, and a surprise guest has been beamed aboard and is headed towards sickbay.


Begin Sim

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Begin Sim


Heather Jamieson -> .Lobby: :: waves ::

Transporter Chief looked over at Jax:: Sir....were you expecting this?

Heather Jamieson -> :: Attending to Blu ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::monitoring things from up in the bridge::

Christina_Nickles -> :: guarding the area where Kwai is not allowing anyone except doctors inside::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::in sickbay, waiting for the boss to become coherent::

STSF_BluRox -> Dr Hentrick> ::grabbing his lab coat back from Jas to put around himself:: Need to find your own buddy...

Rue Wydown -> ::looking at the PADD, shaking her head:: This is a bloody mess. Oi. ::glances at her escort:: This isn't going to end well, is it?

Jas -> ::rises from the floor and looks over to Jax:: I think I'll head back to medical now, no use waiting around here.

August Jax Robinson -> I learned long ago just to go with it

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::is mercifully asleep right now::

STSF_BluRox -> Transporter chief:: Uhm...perhaps....you should take one of the maintenance coveralls....so you're not...walking around like that...::points to now uncovered Jas

Dr Hentrick> He's probably right....you might get away with that as a lizard, but definitely not as a human

Jas -> ::considers it for a moment before taking a coverall and putting it on:: I suppose that's not too bad of an idea...

Rue Wydown -> ::enters sickbay and looks around curiously::

Jas -> ::makes his way out of the transporter room and heads for sickbay::

STSF_BluRox -> ::Sitting up: Why am I here and not in the holodeck? ::spots Will: Did you catch her?

Christina_Nickles -> :: looks up hearing the doors open not recognizing the newcomer::

Heather Jamieson -> :: At Blu's side ::


LtCmdrRobinson -> Yeah, we got her boss. She did take out half of the cargo bay in the process, but the ship still flies.

STSF_BluRox -> ((some of you have met her before, she was here back when we had the flying waffle))

Jas -> ::striding through the halls::

Rue Wydown -> ((Everyone but Jas :) ))

STSF_BluRox -> (ie: all except Jas I believe have met her)

Jas -> (( Woohoo - club of one ))

STSF_BluRox -> (trust me Jas, so is she....so is she!)

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Hentrick:: the Captain is next correct?

Rue Wydown -> Whotcha ::grinning as she spies first Christina standing near a force field.

Christina_Nickles -> :: looks back in on Kwai seeing her asleep , turns back to Rue::

Jas -> ::walks into sickbay as the door swishes open::

LtCmdrRobinson -> She poisoned you pretty good, Admiral. But looks like you'll live.

Dr Hentrick> She's going to be much more involved..these others...they had a simple rna replacement and dna splice...she however, had multiple layers of the prep. It's going to take several rounds...and pray that it has some effect. J'Rom was adamant that he perfect her and not have her stolen from him again.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Maybe not the best time for a medical staff shortage, but we got by.

Christina_Nickles -> :: sees Jas enter wondering who that is::

20:25 Heather Jamieson -> :: Gets a medical tricorder and scans Blu per the earlier instructions ::

STSF_BluRox -> Blazes...how long have I been here?

August Jax Robinson -> ::frowns::


Jas -> ::briskly strides over to a cabinet and retrieves himself a medical tricorder::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Few hours. Not too long.

Rue Wydown -> Cat got your tongue luv? ::tilts her head at Christina::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Scanning with that hand device ::

Christina_Nickles -> No sir. :: straightens her stance::

Christina_Nickles -> Sorry sir no one allowed inside except for Dr Hentrick or the Admiral

Rue Wydown -> What's with the man in the maintenance overalls raiding the medical cabinets ::nods towards Jas:: Or has the Admiral lightened the dress code around here?

Rue Wydown -> :immediately has dreams of dress-down Fridays::

Jas -> ::walks past Christina to check on the Admiral, oblivious to the conversation about him::

Christina_Nickles -> If I’m not mistaken that’s one of our Doctors. He had been turned into a lizard.

STSF_BluRox -> I'm really getting tired of this being shot, getting poisoned thing.......See that it doesn't happen again Will...

LtCmdrRobinson -> I will promise no such thing, Admiral.

Christina_Nickles -> Looks like the transformation was reversed.

Rue Wydown -> Doesn’t look so lizardry to me. ::watching him:: Shouldn't you...I don't know.....check for some ID?

LtCmdrRobinson -> The doc and Jax are working on fixing the mutation on Jas as we speak. Hope to hear some results shortly.

STSF_BluRox -> Why are there so many people here?


August Jax Robinson -> {{They are all waiting in line to shoot you next}}

Jas -> ::walks over to Blu and Will:: As they have. How is the Admiral doing?

Christina_Nickles -> My orders are to maintain guard on the Captain. I am not to leave this post.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Several of us were in a small....explosion. It’s all sorted tho

STSF_BluRox -> Who the blazes are you? ::looking at the man in the maintenance coveralls::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::turns around:: It worked? Outstanding.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Looks like we'll be able to turn Kwai back to normal very soon.

Jas -> ::nods to Will:: Hopefully so. Feels good to be back to normal.

Rue Wydown -> Lemme get this straight. I'm getting confused here. Either you’re supposed to guard the sleeping Captain. Or you’re supposed to not let anyone into sickbay. Which is it? Or is it both? And if so....why did you let some stranger you don't know, or not sure of, just waltz right in, and yet you tell me, with a command shirt on, I can't enter?

Dr Hentrick> ::loooks to Jax:: Thank you for your assistance. We should probably get back to sick bay to make sure we got everything reversed.

Jas -> ::Blu:: I am the newest of your medical personnel aboard the Republic, Admiral. Only this time I am lacking a tail.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::spots Rue as well:: Looks like we have guests as well. That cant be good.

STSF_BluRox -> :: still a bit groggy from the meds::What? Will, do you know this man? The only new doctor I know of is that Gorn-like man

Heather Jamieson -> :: Nods to the Admiral, then goes to Jas, looking over him carefully :: Jas... how do you feel?

Christina_Nickles -> Sir I am not to allow anyone to open this force field with the exception of the Admiral or Dr Hentrick. Commander Robinson was near the admiral to keep her safe.


LtCmdrRobinson -> Did you not read the personnel files from the mutated folks we brought over, Admiral. This is Jas, the legit version.

Rue Wydown -> Where *is* the Admiral?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Looking much better, by the way Jas.

Jas -> ::frowns at Will's comment:: I was 'legit' before, just more... scaley.

STSF_BluRox -> In case you just missed it Will...I 'am' just waking up....and I've had little time to look over files..you brought back 2 lizard doctors, and now I see 1 human in a jumpsuit

Jas -> ::nod to Heather:: Quite well, thank you. I finally feel like I belong on this ship.

Christina_Nickles -> :: nods towards the Biobeds where Will is standing and the Admiral is sitting:: Over there Sir

August Jax Robinson -> ::Follows Hentrick::: What kinda Doctor are you anyway?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Sorry boss. This is the original version of Jas. Doc Hentrick is down in the transporter room with Jax, sorting out the mutation problem.

STSF_BluRox -> Here....help me up..I hate sickbays, I need to get out of here and back to my bridge

LtCmdrRobinson -> Which it looks like they've solved.

Christina_Nickles -> She has just woken up from being poisoned by the Captain

Rue Wydown -> Thank ye. ::trying not to sigh, still doesn't undertand the logic, by maybe someone else can explain it to her,....starts towards the Admiral and company::

Heather Jamieson -> :: pats Jas' face :: You look a lot better... I need to get back to the Admiral.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::helps her up:: You sure you are up for moving so soon, boss?

Dr Hentrick> My specialty is Xenobiological Genetics


Heather Jamieson -> Admiral, I don't believe you are released yet. :: looks to Jas ::

STSF_BluRox -> Did I ask you Heather? And since when is your station in medical?

Christina_Nickles -> ::maintaining her post, not allowing the field to be lifted until Dr Hentrick returns::

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks around the busy room around her wondering if they've contained Kwai back in the isolation room, and spots another vaguely familiar face:

Rue Wydown -> Actually, the question should be "Since when do you follow medical advice?" ::toothy grin::

STSF_BluRox -> Blazes..what is she doing here?

Jas -> ::watches the exchange with mild curiosity::

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome back Commander Wydown

STSF_BluRox -> What brings you to our lovely picnic this day?

Heather Jamieson -> I am helping Admiral.. :: puts away the medical scanner ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> I am not sure Admiral, I wasn’t notified of any visitors.

Rue Wydown -> Weeeelllll.......looks like you got into a spot of trouble and HQ sent me to help you sort it out.

Christina_Nickles -> :: relaxes her stance slightly after the commander walked away and quietly sighs::

Heather Jamieson -> :: goes back up to Jas :: I'm not sure how much I can help Blu Doctor... ::

STSF_BluRox -> :: Looks to Will:: It's seems we have one here, perhaps a few.:: noting both Jas and Hentrick....as she knew neither of them as they now appeared:

Rue Wydown -> Whotcha, Mr Robinson. ::another toothy grin:: Been on Risa lately?

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks into Sickbay with The Doctor::

Jas -> ::lowers his voice to speak to Heather:: She seems to be stable now. I think it best we simply keep a close eye on her condition in the meantime...

LtCmdrRobinson -> Not for awhile. The last attempt to sneak past our lifetime ban there didn’t work out so well.

STSF_BluRox -> We're fine. A few of our people got themselves into a bit of a quandary, but we've managed to retrieve them all at this time, evidently have started the reversal procedure on some, and are dismantling some of the base that we had hunted down. However...I think that security, may have to review some of their procedures about unknown personnel boarding the ship and access to sensitive areas though


Rue Wydown -> Yes, I remember. Something about illegal arms deals ::wrinkles her nose, remember the wild goose chase::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Good news is, looks like we have sorted our problems out. We'll have Kwai un-mutated shortly I'd imagine and we can get back to...normal

Rue Wydown -> Not quite. Admiral Y'Essey has ordered Kwai transferred back to HQ for medical evaluations. ::winces, knowing that will not go down well::

STSF_BluRox -> 40:19 can return the favor as much as putting time into medical/

LtCmdrRobinson -> She can go back for medical evals as soon as we un-mutate her Id imagine. She is not stable for transport in her current condition.

Christina_Nickles -> :: over hearing Wydown straightens back up again hoping that no one allows this to happen::

STSF_BluRox -> Excuse me? What does that old blow-hard have to do with this? He’s got no say over my ship or my territory. : mumbles about old paper pushing self-important fools::


Jas -> ::chuckles:: A change of pace would certainly be welcome.

Jas -> ::looks back and forth from Blu to Rue::

STSF_BluRox -> ::points to Jas and Hentrick:: Evidently, we can take care of it here...

Rue Wydown -> I don't think it's just him, luv. I think this goes all the way back to Vice Admiral Sandler and one of the general councils.

Heather Jamieson -> If you need me Doctor just call. :: exits sickbay ::

Dr Hentrick> ::steps up:: If I man.....That may not be entirely true...I was on the team that worked on her.....her change, was so confoundingly difficult, it will take much more than the easy transformation that we did on the doctor and myself

Rue Wydown -> Captain Grant is waiting for her to be transported over to the Langford. They have a secure containment field set up for her.

Christina_Nickles -> :: listening carefully to what’s being said::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sits up the rest of the way and swinger her legs over the end of the table:: I'm 'not' going to let anyone just take my XO, and make some large pet science project out of her


Heather Jamieson -> +Kasuga+ Heather here, where are you?

Jas -> ::observing the proceedings attentively::

Christina_Nickles -> :: smiles slightly hearing the admirals comment::

Rue Wydown -> Um....::knows this news is also not going to go well with Blu::....well.....she's not exactly your XO right now, luv. In light of the current circumstances, HQ has relieved her of duty and assigned a new temporary XO to fill in.

STSF_BluRox -> I'll not have StarFleet science and medical poking and prodding her and pinning her out like some gone wrong science project

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Heather+ I'm on the bridge. Where are you?

STSF_BluRox -> Wait......what? They can't do that.....

LtCmdrRobinson -> Also, I am fairly certain its illegal for the Fleet to take anyone for medical experiments. Which is what they mean by "medical evaluation"

STSF_BluRox -> and besides, I have a temporary XO....Jax has stepped up to the spot

August Jax Robinson -> ::Nudges Will to Hush::

Heather Jamieson -> +Kasuga+ Just out of sickbay. The Admiral is awake. I'm coming up.

Rue Wydown -> HQ determined that since you were in sickbay, incapacitated, well...it's done, luv. ::hands over the PADD with the orders::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::Doesn’t like this at all::


Dr Hentrick> ::steps up again:: I think they are right....if they have the right equipment, I'd go with her to see what I could do to help reverse what we can of this...

Christina_Nickles -> :: peeks back in on Kwai then turns back to the conversation going on::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Doctor, they have no intention of helping her. If they did, they would let us do it.

Rue Wydown -> ::glances at Robinson:: You all don't have the right equipment to take care of her. I'm sorry. Neither physically or mentally at this point. She needs expert care.

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Heather+ Acknowledged. Glad to hear that

Heather Jamieson -> :: Enters a lift :: Bridge

Christina_Nickles -> ;: starts to speak out but silences herself before she gets herself in trouble::

Dr Hentrick> Besides, it was mostly my formulations that J'Rom was able to use to do this to her. All I ask, is that I be given some consideration if I'm able to help reverse what J'Rom has done. None of us knew what he had planned when this started...

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::waiting for the point in which they raise shields and start shooting other ships::

Rue Wydown -> That man should have been sectioned in the first place. Not sent to a cushy Fed prision.

STSF_BluRox -> :: Goes to stand, feels weak but is able to do so:: Will...take me to see her

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::holds her up:: Aye.

Jas -> ::watches on silently::


August Jax Robinson -> Are you asking for money Doc?

Rue Wydown -> ::glancing at Jas:: And you, what are you credentials? ::raised eyebrow at the jumpsuit::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Enters the bridge ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::walks her over to the containment area:: She is not quite ready to be moved anywhere, she had some injuries from the explosion. Nothing life threatening however.

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks....::turns to Wydown: I agree, it was too bad that there had not been a weapons discharge to take him out. But everyone had presumed he was dead after the Breen attack on Earth. Nobody even suspected he had survived that carnage.

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::curled up in a ball, asleep::

STSF_BluRox -> Is she sedated? Can I go in?

Jas -> ::turns to Rue and straightens at attention:: Medical cadet Jas, ma'am. Fresh out of the Academy.

Christina_Nickles -> ::to the Admiral:: She’s asleep at the moment. She was knocked out with gas not sure how safe it is but you’re the only one allowed to enter.

LtCmdrRobinson -> She is, but I'd rather not lower the field, boss. Not after what happened last time.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Walks on the bridge, heads to helm ::

Rue Wydown -> Why, might I ask, are you dressed like a tech instead of medical, Mr.........? ::letting him supply the name::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ((Nickles, I told you to shoot Blu if she tried to enter!!!))

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns back to Jas:: You forgot, you got promoted to Ensign a bit back

Ayumu Kasuga -> Hey, what's up?


Christina_Nickles -> ((LOL I don’t want to get killed))

STSF_BluRox -> Just let me in a moment. I’ll come right back out.....she’s obviously still out, especially if I know Will

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods:: One moment.

Christina_Nickles -> :: moves to the controls:: Ready when you are sir

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::goes to a panel and locks down sickbay::

Jas -> ::turns head to Blu:: Was I? Must be the transformation messing with my memory.. ::back to Rue:: Arten, Jas Arten. I was just transformed back from a lizard to my original state and this was the clothing available to me at the time.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at Nickles::

Christina_Nickles -> :: opens the field allowing Blu to enter::

STSF_BluRox -> ::nods and quickly enters the confinement area, walking over to the sleeping Kwai::

Rue Wydown -> Doctor Hentrick, is it? :glances at him: The Langsford is prepared to take you back as well to serve as an advisor, especially with how complicated this case is.

Christina_Nickles -> :: closes it behind her and watches closely::

Heather Jamieson -> Hoping things have calmed down. Doctor Jas is back to normal.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::phaser is out::


Ayumu Kasuga -> That's a good sign. Although, didn't they inject more stuff into Kwai than normal?

Dr Hentrick> Understood...though if we find we can't turn her back, the most humane thing will be to put the creature down before it can hurt anyone else. It's a killing machine....

Rue Wydown -> Mr Arten, a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps you could use the replicators in the CMO's office to fashion a proper uniform for you, aye? ::toothy grin to soften the blow::

Christina_Nickles -> :: over hears Hentrick:: She’s not a thing. She’s OUR Captain

STSF_BluRox ->:: looking over Kwai and notes the torn wing: Sorry about that...you moved and I caught you funny..

Jas -> ::smiles back at Rue faintly:: Aye, ma'am. I'll get on that right away.

Heather Jamieson -> I think so..

Jas -> ::turns and searches for the CMO's office for a moment before striding towards it::

Rue Wydown -> Yea, I don't think they'll be lettin' you do *that*. She is, after all, a Federation citizen. ::wondering if Hentrick needs to be sectioned as well::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I hope they can change her back. Who's our new visitor? I noticed the transport earlier.

Jas -> ::enters the CMO's office::

Rue Wydown -> ((Sectioned = sent to the funny farm/committed - if you haven't heard that term before))

STSF_BluRox -> :: quietly so the others don't hear her words:: I hate doing this kiddo, but I think they are right. We don't have the equipment to help you here. I'm going to allow Hentrick and the Langford to take you back to get you some help. I know you're strong, and can fight through this...besides, I need you here as my XO. Don't leave me here with the hippie too long.

Christina_Nickles -> :: turns back watching Blu’s interaction with Kwai::

Jas -> ::replicates a medical personnel uniform and changes into it::

Jas -> ::exits the CMO's office and rejoins the group::

STSF_BluRox -> ::carefully pats Kwai on the head:: though you have a lovely shade here, maybe you'll keep some of the coloring. I want you better Rian, that's an order::notes an antenna twitch and decides it's time to exit::

Rue Wydown -> ::still grinning from ear to ear, it's what Ralafeans do to charm their way through situations:

STSF_BluRox -> ::motions for Nickles to let her out::


Christina_Nickles -> :: allows the field to open letting Blu exit and closes it right away again::

Christina_Nickles -> Admiral We aren’t going to let them take her are we Sir?

Heather Jamieson -> I think it's one of their doctors.. Hentrick?

STSF_BluRox -> ::walks over to Wydown:: You may inform the Langford that they may transport the Captain to SF Medical to try to reverse the procedure. However I'm sending a few of my people along to make sure that she is treated with the respect she deserves and to keep me updated. Hentrick will go as well.

Rue Wydown -> ::hoping they won't argue further, because she'd had to point out a few more holes in their rebellious nature to keep the injured Kwai:: It's for the best, luv. For her. ::glancing at Christina::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::thinks Blu just lost her mind and lets it show in his face::

Christina_Nickles -> :: eyes get big hearing the Admirals orders::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::now thinks she may be a doppleganger, so he gives *that* look::

Rue Wydown -> Brilliant. I'll let him know.

Jas -> ::takes in the decision with a passive expression::

STSF_BluRox -> Tell them I expect her back to me asap....and if they do anything to harm her, they'll have to answer to me....and this crew. And this ship……

Rue Wydown -> Oh, I have no doubt. And you may keep me here as a hostage, if'n ye like ::toothy grin::

Christina_Nickles -> :: looks over to Will:: I don’t trust them Commander.

STSF_BluRox -> Will..I want you to assign two of your people to go with them to make sure she stays safe.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Nickles, as you were.

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns back to Wydown:: That's not funny....

STSF_BluRox -> :: already still has a headache, and sees the day isn't going to get much better

Ayumu Kasuga -> The other lizard guy, or ex-lizard guy?

Christina_Nickles -> :: shakes her head:: I still don’t trust them. ::soft voice::

Rue Wydown -> If you don't have a sense of humor about what life throws you.....::shrugs, in good humor::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Jax and I could use a vacation, and I haven’t shot any other Admirals yet. Is there one on this other ship we are sending Kwai to?

Jas -> ::starts clearing up any spent supplies around the sickbay and tidying the place up::

August Jax Robinson -> A trip would be night


Christina_Nickles -> :: turns to look back at Kwai ::

Heather Jamieson -> Other lizard

STSF_BluRox -> Not right now....we're not sure how long this is going to take....

STSF_BluRox -> Signal the Langford to let me know when they can take her aboard, and that they will have a small team accompanying her.

Christina_Nickles -> :: softly toward Kwai:: I don’t want to let you go with them sir but looks like I don’t have a choice. Just get better soon and get back here.

STSF_BluRox -> I mainly don't want some fool sitting there tapping the glass staring at her. I want her to have privacy and be left alone

Ayumu Kasuga -> Ah, okay

STSF_BluRox -> Where is Ayumu?....on the bridge?

LtCmdrRobinson -> I have a few folks who's tour is almost up. They might like a change of scenery. People I can trust.

Rue Wydown -> ::the Admiral is giving her some ideas, tilts her head and wonders what would happen if she just...........::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::hopes Kwai gets loose and eats everyone on that ship::

STSF_BluRox -> +Ayumu+ Call a meeting of the senior staff in the conference room....I want everyone there in 5 minutes. Understood?

Jas -> ::is thinking up getting food once the sickbay is all cleared up::

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Blu+ Understood, Sir.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::doesn’t like this at all::

Christina_Nickles -> :: turns back around to face the Commanders and the Admiral::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Hearing the call ::


STSF_BluRox -> Jas...you and Hentrick keep her safe until they are ready to transport...and find Hentrick some clothing...that labcoat just isn’t' going to do it.

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Sr Staff+ Please meet in the conference room in five minutes for a staff meeting.

Jas -> ::turn and nod to Blu before heading back into the CMO's office to replicate something acceptable::

Ayumu Kasuga -> We'd best be on our way, then.

STSF_BluRox -> Nickles..you may remain. Will..I want you with me...and bring Wydown with you, so she can be brought up to date on the situation here.

Rue Wydown -> +Langford+ Prepare for transport of the patient and her escorts.

Christina_Nickles -> Aye sir.

STSF_BluRox -> :turns and heads out, a bit unsteady on her feet, but otherwise seems normal::






Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused::

August Jax Robinson ((Cornner in it::Pasuused''"":""

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd::

Jas -> ::psd::

Christina_Nickles -> :: paused::

Rue Wydown -> So yeah - I'm temporarily switching characters so we can get Kwai 'healed' off screen. :)

STSF_BluRox -> Nicely done, and nobody streaking in Sickbay...

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::pats August on the head:: That’s my wife, not making any sense at all. Drunk as the day I married her.

STSF_BluRox -> (and it works with her upcoming vacation)

Rue Wydown -> Hehehehe

STSF_BluRox -> rofl Will

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol.

STSF_BluRox -> Ok... So we now have a human doctor, a new temp XO...sorry Jax, that was SF's idea

Rue Wydown -> ::whispers:: Don't tell Blu, but HQ sent Rue over to test her stress responses.

August Jax Robinson -> yupo

STSF_BluRox -> Any questions? Nobody is going to see me order Will to accidently shoot her right?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Burps:::.

Christina_Nickles -> I won’t hear or see a thing ;)

STSF_BluRox -> Alrighty then...... have a great week all, and Crew Dismissed

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