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Sky Harbor Aegis | 3 July 2015

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 7/3/15=/\=

Chirakis -> 26 January 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 3 days.

Chirakis -> The time is 1800 hours, 6:00 PM, Aegis local.

Chirakis -> Everyone is back on Aegis.

Chirakis -> Captain Ramson is Commanding Officer; Mimi breathes a sigh of relief.

Chirakis -> Medical teams are treating the crew of USS Vladivostok.

Chirakis -> Science will soon be helping medical find out what made the crew ill.

Chirakis -> Alexis and Annisha are in deep doodoo.

Chirakis -> ::hands the mic to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> Technically an unofficial sim, we seem to have a quorum though.

Kallah Ramson -> However I've just driven halfway across the continent and sim time is 6pm, therefor after alpha shift.

Kallah Ramson -> This should be a nice relaxed, settle back into the station sim.

Chirakis -> Let us hope.

Kallah Ramson -> Unless the coffee kicks in and I start blowing things up.

Kallah Ramson -> That can happen.

Chirakis -> ::cough::

Kallah Ramson -> or not.

Kallah Ramson -> Um. Any questions.

Kallah Ramson -> Then let's go.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Lawliet -> ::in the turbolift heading to sickbay::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::wrapping up his shift at OPS - CnC:::

Chirakis -> ::in her quarters, checking a few things::

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay, looking over the patients, before heading out::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::snags a few leftover pastries on his way out::

Jylliene -> ((It's been 3 days, where Annisha and Alexis released from sickbay?))

Jylliene -> ((were, I mean))

mimipavilion -> (yes)

Lawliet -> ::steps off the turbolift and walks past a few crewmen before walking into sickbay::

Kallah Ramson -> ::in her office, which was the original CO office, but then switched to the XO, and now switched BACK to the CO::

Chirakis -> (However, they violated protocol and must face the consequences.)

Dacia Sandero -> ::in sickbay, finishes her shift::

Jylliene -> ((Of course.))

Lawliet -> ::walks up to mimi:: Doctor.

mimipavilion -> ::turns to Lawliet:: Yes, Lawliet.

Chirakis -> ::looking around, it feels strange that she is in a VIP room instead of the CO quarters::

Scott Coleridge -> ((If you need some carpeting in that office, Kallah … I know some guys.))

Jylliene -> ::in cafe in commerce zone, looking over wedding plans::

Kallah Ramson -> ::reviewing the "situation" that has been left her::

Fletcher Jackson -> ::into the lift, moving off shift::

Chirakis -> ::exits her quarters for the commerce deck::

Dacia Sandero -> Ahh. ::leaves the sickbay and heads back to her quarters::

Lawliet -> I understand it while we were away there was some health issues. I wanted to know if there was anything I should know.

Dacia Sandero -> Nice quiet shift. ::exits sickbay::

Annisha -> :: With her friend ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::walking along the commerce deck, just glad he's finally back on Aegis::

Alexis McFarland -> ::finishes up today's homework::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Having a nice bite to eat in the commerce level ::

Chirakis -> ::exits the lift on the commerce deck, pausing for threat assessment::

mimipavilion -> Well, apparently the crew became allergic to the substance that was found in their digestive tracts. From what we can tell, it's made of primarily of animal and plant products held together with humanoid saliva.

Kallah Ramson -> +Chirakis+ Captain, would you visit me in my office when your schedule allows.

Jylliene -> ::drinking a cup of tea. Because sometimes you need something different::

Fletcher Jackson -> (Oh. That's bad, doc)

Annisha -> Let's get a bite to eat before we head back.

Chirakis -> +Ramson+ Of course, Captain. Is now convenient?

Jylliene -> ((Not feeling snackish anymore. Thanks, Mimi.))

Lawliet -> What symptoms did they experience?

Alexis McFarland -> Sure. What do you want to get?

mimipavilion -> (Sorry Jyl)

Jylliene -> (( :D ))

Chirakis -> ::spots Cayne, but he seems content::

Kallah Ramson -> +Chirakis+ That would be perfect.

Jylliene -> ::enters a message on her PADD, nodding to herself::

Chirakis -> +Ramson+ On my way.

Annisha -> Something new. :: walks along ::

Chirakis -> ::about face into the lift:: CnC.

Chirakis -> ::wondering if her access is still active::

Alexis McFarland -> Allright. Let's see what's there.

Scott Coleridge -> ::kind of avoiding engineering because of all the paperwork that has piled up in his office during his absence::

Kallah Ramson -> ::deep breath, looking around her office. Though the same office, attire, and dressings as when she was XO, the room suddenly left different. Maybe it was the new tower of PADDS she had to go through::

mimipavilion -> ::thinks and looks over the PADD in her hand::

Alexis McFarland -> ::walks around the food court, looking at the various stalls and restaurants::

Chirakis -> ::exits to the CnC:::

Annisha -> :: Goes to the commerce level :: Oh.. :: pulls up something around her neck :: I put this one again. :: reveals an amulet ::

Chirakis -> ::notes an empty XO office, which seems strange::

Ethan Neufeld -> ::is tucked away somewhere on the midway, nursing a drink and watching foot traffic as he thinks::

Alexis McFarland -> Is it that amulet that can transport you back to your dad's ship?

Chirakis -> ::or perhaps an empty CO office::

Scott Coleridge -> ::finally chooses a cafe that appears to be new since he left::

Kallah Ramson -> ::taps a button, her office door opens:: In here Captain.

Scott Coleridge -> ::ducks in, mulling in his mind the best way to dispose of the paperwork::

Chirakis -> ::moves in that direction, pausing at the door:: Captain.

Annisha -> It's a family thing.. and look :: she pulls it up to her chin and turns it around, then pulls out another thing around her neck :: I have two, but this other one has an image of my parents..

Kallah Ramson -> Please enter.

Chirakis -> ::eyes sweep the room as she steps in::

Jylliene -> ::sips her tea::

Kallah Ramson -> A little different than you left it.

Chirakis -> Indeed.

Kallah Ramson -> ::stands from the floor mat she uses as a desk::

Alexis McFarland -> ::checks out a cafe:: Ahh. But let's not try that again. I think we've been in enough trouble for that sickbay stunt... though Dacia doesn't really care too much.

Jylliene -> ::glances up and spots the girls::

Alexis McFarland -> Ooh, it's Jylliene.

Annisha -> They are a bunch of stuck ups. We were only there to help people. Who doesn't like kids.

mimipavilion -> Basically, they were malnourished, extreme exposure, and what appeared to the Missouri was disease, but now we know that wasn't the case. Some symptoms that they had were fevers, fatigue, and the such as if it were any normal allergic reaction, but the rest we don't know. I hope you were able to get the samples and started running them.

Alexis McFarland -> Yeah, she said those protocols were a bit pants... her words.

Annisha -> With those ears? Nah, these are my real parents.. though I do see the resemblance.

Kallah Ramson -> I'm not big on furniture, but the pillows are quite comfortable. Would you like a seat?

Kallah Ramson -> ::moves over to the small table with sitting pillows around it::

Annisha -> :: Sits at a big table far too large for the two of them ::

Chirakis -> Thank you. ::settles onto a pillow::

Annisha -> :: waves at Jylliene ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::peruses the menu, waves at Jylliene as well::

Kallah Ramson -> ::takes a seat with the pillow propped under her side.:::

Jylliene -> ::waves back, smiles, but keeping a definite eye on them::

Kallah Ramson -> Well, Starfleet did leave me in an interesting situation here.

Kallah Ramson -> They like doing that, don't they.

Lawliet -> All the relevant data was sent to my office and lab. I just wanted to get your opinion before I looked into it. Is there any future risk? Chance for additional victims?

Chirakis -> ::glancing around the room, that she is back here still feels awkard:: Standard operating procedure, it seems.

Jylliene -> ::sends message through the PADD to Nijil - Annisha and Alexis at cafe where I am. Meet here ASAP.::

Jylliene -> ::sends location with it::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Watching a pair of trouble makers ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::enjoying this … what is it? He's actually not sure::

mimipavilion -> ::shakes her head:: If there were, the Missouri crew would still be here and sickbay closed off to the general population.

Kallah Ramson -> As well as Mr Roberts I am also missing a chief of security.

Chirakis -> (Keep an eye on them, Commander.)

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Laughs :: And then... :: gets a message :: Bah.. duty of another kidn calls..

Chirakis -> That could be a problem.

Kallah Ramson -> Yes, it is.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits where he is and heads to the commerce level ::

Chirakis -> If you are looking for someone to take that position, I have a few suggestions.

Kallah Ramson -> And they are, as usual, slow to send aid and reinforcements to this neck of the woods.

Scott Coleridge -> ::notices Jylliene and the children nearby, wonders if everyone is just easing back into things::

Alexis McFarland -> I think I'll get this. ::selects a cheeseburger combo from the menu::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Wonders if he is allergic to peanuts as he eats a handful of Denobulan cashews ::

Kallah Ramson -> I would love to hear them.

Scott Coleridge -> ::ponders how mad Jylliene would be if he just "lost" all his paperwork::

Lawliet -> Very good. I'll be in the science lab for the next two hours working on the matter. If you find anything else out, please let me know.

Annisha -> Au are going to get phat on those things

Ethan Neufeld -> ((Heck of a way to find out, Cayne.))

Alexis McFarland -> I won't. I don't eat them everyday -- just once in awhile.

Chirakis -> I have noticed that LtCdr Wright is very capable, as is Sr. Ltn Gateway.

Chirakis -> After those two I would choose Sr. Ltn Sinjen.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: I'll relay the message to my staff, as I'm going off duty. But I'm sure you understand, considering the last few days or so.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: makes his exit onto the commerce level, greets Jylliene ::

Jylliene -> ::nods to Nijil as she sees him enter the cafe, waves him over.::

Dacia Sandero -> ::heads towards the commerce level to the cafe where everyone was at, enters soon after Nijil::

Lawliet -> Of course. Good night Doctor. ::turns around and leaves sickbay::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gives Jylliene a peck on the cheek :: You rang?

mimipavilion -> Goodnight.

Kallah Ramson -> If this was a standard port of call I do think any of those would make a fine Chief.

Lawliet -> ::heads into the turbolift:: Science Lab One.

Jylliene -> ::indicates the table Annisha is at:: I think we're due for a chat with our daughter. As well as seeing that the usual protocol is followed for consequences for the medical bay incident.

Dacia Sandero -> Oh, didn't know everyone was going to be here. But then, this is a new place.

Ethan Neufeld -> ::relents and resumes reading on a tablet the stress management articles required by Starfleet's member wellness program::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Waves at everyone::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Takes a seat and orders a chicken wrap::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Smiles at the 'our daughter' line :: I don't think it was much of a stunt if you ask me.

mimipavilion -> ::heads to office and drops off the padd, then heads to the commerce level, notifying Loxil that she'll be eating else where::

Kallah Ramson -> However Wright is a ground based tactician. Fine as long as we never leave the station. Gateway and Sinjen would have to do a lot of learning on the job. I can't have that right now.

Fletcher Jackson -> ::sprints out of his quarters in loose civilian clothes, ready to hit the high life::

Kallah Ramson -> I need experience and a knack for the oddities we face.

Lawliet -> ::gets off the turbolift and walks into the science common area::

Kallah Ramson -> ::looks at her and smiles::

Chirakis -> ::nod:: And there are oddities.

Jylliene -> They had quarantined patients in there. Not the time to be making a social call, no matter how innocently intended. And in this case, I don't think they meant anything by it. But it could have been very bad.

Chirakis -> ::then catches her smile::

Chirakis -> ::knows the smile and is now suspicious::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Just need to lay down the :: sighs :: new ground rules

Jylliene -> ::nods::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives on the commerce level and goes to one of the Romulan diners::

Kallah Ramson -> ::pulls out a PADD:: I had a little talk with a couple of folks in SI.

Chirakis -> ::flatly:: Did you.

Dacia Sandero -> Security around sickbay would've been a lot more stringent if it were. Just throwing that in. ::smiles and orders a green tea as well::

Jylliene -> ::ponders:: Is there a place where she could help part-time, do you think, outside of her studies?

mimipavilion -> ::orders one of the soups::

Kallah Ramson -> I did. It seems for the time being they want you stationed here to keep an eye out on resent changing events.

Lawliet -> ::walks into the lab and puts on his lab coat:: Computer, display compounds involving the recent illness outbreak.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> She has an interest in medical.. and hurting people hand-to-hand... security?

Chirakis -> ::deep breath::

Dacia Sandero -> Marine Medic?

Alexis McFarland -> Ooooh!

Scott Coleridge -> ::pondering what the long-term fallout of this situation with the Horta refugees could be, and whether he might ever get some Horta engineers::

Kallah Ramson -> While I'd be happy for you to skulk around and share a drink with me ever so often, it's best if folks keep busy. Something to pass the time between disasters.

Kallah Ramson -> ::hands her the PADD::

Annisha -> :: Eats something she got randomly ::

Jylliene -> Do you think that'd be appropriate for her age and experience? ::quizzical - well, almost incredulous look::

Chirakis -> ::reluctantly receives the padd, and after maintaining eye contact for a long moment, she begins to read::

mimipavilion -> ::gets her soups and eats/drinks it::

Alexis McFarland -> ::Smiles and moves her napkin aside when her burger arrives::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> She got me down shortly after we arrived.. Accident I'm sure.

Chirakis -> I see... ::not exactly what she expected::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Let's see.. she likes writing.. says she has all of these stories in her head screaming to get out

Jylliene -> Yes, well, you're not that difficult to floor, all told.

Chirakis -> ::hands the padd back::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: gives her a look ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::simply tilts her head::

Annisha -> :: Bites into a green vegetable looking a lot like a tiny tree ::

Jylliene -> You seem to like it on your back. Stories, you say?

Dacia Sandero -> ::eyes Lexxy's burger:: Ahh to be a kid, and have that kind of metabolism. ::giggles::

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiling, takes the PADD back::

Lawliet -> ::takes a seat and looks through the analysis::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Ie, me turning into an alien woman on a far away time and place, me flying the Nei'rrh

Chirakis -> You seem pleased, Captain. So pleased, in fact, that if I did not know better I would think that someone in SI-5 owed you one.

Dacia Sandero -> That.. sounds interesting.

Jylliene -> Interesting. ::ponders that::

Kallah Ramson -> I think the situation was mutual to many parties involved.

Alexis McFarland -> I helped proof-read.

Chirakis -> ::deep breath:: It does make sense, however.

Kallah Ramson -> I was hoping you would think so.

Jylliene -> ::grins at Alexis:: Perhaps some outlet for the writing?

Chirakis -> Should I change uniforms, then, or remain as I am?

Alexis McFarland -> Probably.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I guess I go to adventures on this other world

Alexis McFarland -> As an alien woman.

Kallah Ramson -> I will let you choose your attire.

Chirakis -> ::nod:: thank you, Captain.

Kallah Ramson -> Thank you.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Watching the now four of them ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::begins to stand::

Alexis McFarland -> ::stifles a laugh::

Chirakis -> ::stands::

Kallah Ramson -> ::extends hand::

Kallah Ramson -> And welcome back onboard.

Dacia Sandero -> ::smiles at that::

Chirakis -> ::receives it in her usual firm shake, and merely nods;:

Jylliene -> ::ponders:: Wherever did you get those ideas, Annisha?

Kallah Ramson -> Now, to see to another matter.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Five of them :D ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::steps towards the door::

Ethan Neufeld -> ::eyes the waitress that replaces his empty cup of herbal tea with a fresh cup::

Chirakis -> ::moving toward the door:: I am assuming my codes are reinstated, and that I should report as soon as possible?

mimipavilion -> ::finishes up her soup, pays and leaves the diner::

Chirakis -> ::at the door::

Annisha -> His dreams... he talks in his sleep and I record them when he enters that eye movement mode

Kallah Ramson -> +Coleridge+ Commander, please report to the CnC.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods:: They are.

Chirakis -> Thank you, Captain. I will take command tonight, then.

Dacia Sandero -> And your stories are based off that? Creative.

Chirakis -> ::exits and moves to the lift:::

Jylliene -> ::chuckles:: I must be out cold when he's saying *that*.

Jylliene -> ::pats Nijil on the back::

Chirakis -> ::exiting on the commerce deck, now ready for something... very strong:::

Annisha -> The adventures of Nijil, Space Rihan

Dacia Sandero -> ::orders a red wine as well::

Scott Coleridge -> +Kallah+ On my way.

Annisha -> Oh you have said something too, but nothing to write about

Chirakis -> ::wandering toward her usual haunt, spotting the waiter who knows her preferences::

Scott Coleridge -> ::finishes his … whatever it is … and discreetly exists the cafe::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Chuckles at Annisha's comment:: Lucky you?

mimipavilion -> ::stops near the tl and starts feeling the heartburn kick in:: Of definitely going to feel that for the rest of the night. ::enters the tl::

Annisha -> I hear he has a girlfriend on the other side...

Jylliene -> As amusing as the thought of publication of such a collection might be, I was thinking of activities that might better familiarize you with the protocol on Aegis and allow you to contribute to the crew in a more positive manner.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I what?

Dacia Sandero -> Like drawing maps at the shipyard?

Jylliene -> I'm sure most have dreams of other people from time to time.

Lawliet -> ::sighs:: Universal allergic compounds.

Scott Coleridge -> ::riding the TL, like you do::

Annisha -> :: Both of her necklaces are out, both the bird and the amulet ::

Chirakis -> ::and on her way there, she notices the Korjata family enjoying their dinner::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives near her quarters and heads to them::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Girlfriend?

Jylliene -> That might be a good idea, but the shipyard is a ways out. I'd prefer something on Aegis itself.

Chirakis -> ::passing by, she takes a detour:::

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm..

mimipavilion -> ::enters and is greeted by Loxil and their house staff::

Dacia Sandero -> ::receives her wine, takes a sip::

Scott Coleridge -> ::exits the TL and enters the CnC::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: a little embarrassed :: She jumps from thing to thing all of the time.

Kallah Ramson -> Commander. Sorry to drag you up here after hours.

Scott Coleridge -> ::shrugs:: I wasn't doing anything important.

Kallah Ramson -> I have a couple of problems I need your assistance with.

Chirakis -> ::their restaurant is, of course, a shortcut to her bar::

Scott Coleridge -> ::pales slightly:: What? Has something gone wrong?

mimipavilion -> ::gets everything in order with them::

Chirakis -> ::approaching them, stops in greeting::

Kallah Ramson -> Mr Roberts left his old office in need of a remodel. He sure loved putting that hard wood floors everywhere.

Scott Coleridge -> I _told_ them to keep an eye on Fusion Reactor 3 …

Alexis McFarland -> Yes. Annisha does that.

Jylliene -> Yes, as is clear - but there's a time and a place.

Scott Coleridge -> Oh.

Kallah Ramson -> ::hits a button to open the office::

Kallah Ramson -> He took all his stuff, but the floor and .... I don't know what it'll take to cover up that paint.

Annisha -> :: shows everyone her amulet :: Look, lt's like it's encased in fire. I was told it keeps perpetually warm.

Kallah Ramson -> And of course Command has us shorthanded as usual.

Chirakis -> :::not wanting to interrupt the conversation::

Jylliene -> Channel the energy for good, if you will. Productive outlet that won't lead to uncomfortable discussions with the captain, or security, or who knows whom.

Scott Coleridge -> Yes … there was a time when we—uh, myself and a colleague—were quite enthusiastic about the station upholstery.

Scott Coleridge -> How do you feel about aubergine?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> She likes the boomerang..

Chirakis -> ::notices Annisha::

Dacia Sandero -> Oooh, very pretty. ::looks at Annisha's amulets:: A gift from your parents?

Jylliene -> ::notes Chirakis, smiles slightly and nods to her::

Alexis McFarland -> Dacia bought me a boomerang too

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Commander, SubCommander.

Chirakis -> May I interrupt one moment?

Kallah Ramson -> Whatever you feel comfortable for your office, Commander.

Jylliene -> A boomerang might be an interesting weapon to use, but I'm not ha- ::stops::

Jylliene -> Of course.

Lawliet -> ::thinks:: Synthoal wouldn't do this. This had to be caused by original compounds.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: nods :: Yes Captain.

Chirakis -> ..to speak with Annisha?

Ethan Neufeld -> ::mentally pauses as tablet shuffles to "Goodby Dear I'll Be Back in a Year" in his wireless earbuds, and smirks a bit before returning attention to the article on the screen::

Jylliene -> By all means.

Dacia Sandero -> ::nods at Chirakis::

Scott Coleridge -> Well, I would—wait, what?

Jylliene -> ::gestures toward Annisha::

Annisha -> What? :: goes to get up :: Alexis, they have caught me and found my secret stash...

Alexis McFarland -> Oh no! It wasn't me!

Chirakis -> ::bends down to Annisha's level and speaks in Romulan:: No, Annisha. Please sit.

Chirakis -> May I ask about your amulet? It's very unusual?

Kallah Ramson -> It's typical to ask if someone is ready for a promotion to executive officer. We don't have that luxury right now. You are my new XO.

Annisha -> Alright.. :: clutches her amulet ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::blinks::

Chirakis -> May I ask where you got it?

Annisha -> :: Goes to take it off her neck ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::somewhat hesitant smile:: Hah. Ahaha.

Ethan Neufeld -> ((LOL, Scott.))

Alexis McFarland -> (lol)

Annisha -> My parents :: looks at Jy and Nijil :: My real parents.

Scott Coleridge -> ::raises his finger:: Oh, that's good, Captain. You had me going there for a moment.

Dacia Sandero -> Was just asking that myself.... thought as much.

Chirakis -> Your parents. Do you remember them?

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles:: I do like to play around every so often. ::smile leaves her:: But I had my fun with Captain Chirakis already. I'm serious.::hands him a PADD::

Annisha -> Well, my mom was always serious.. sturn.. just like the holoengrave on the back of the amulet..

Scott Coleridge -> ::accepts the PADD, more out of reflex than conscious awareness of the situation:: I … um … ::sighs::

Lawliet -> ::sets the computer to keep calculating the data as he walks out the lab and into his office::

Chirakis -> The holoengrave on the back? ::as though she would like to see it:::

Annisha -> They worked together for people many did not like.

Chirakis -> For whom did they work?

Annisha -> :: hands the amulet to Chirakis ::

Chirakis -> ::takes it carefully, turning it over::

Annisha -> :: afraid to say ::

Chirakis -> A very handsome couple.

Scott Coleridge -> You must really be desperate if I made it to the top of your list….

Chirakis -> Tal Shiar?

Annisha -> Yes, they were agents of the Tal Shiar.

Chirakis -> ::hands it back to her:: And they trained their daughter well.

Kallah Ramson -> Perhaps. Or I need someone who knows this station and it's crew, it's history, and everything else that's totally possible to happen around here.

Ethan Neufeld -> ::player rolls to "Boogie Woogie"::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: chokes on his sandwich hearing Tal Shiar, seems that listening to device he was merely playing with worked too well ::

Scott Coleridge -> ::winces:: Ah. That.

mimipavilion -> ::relaxes::

Chirakis -> ::shifts to high Romulan:: You should be proud of your heritage, Annisha. Never be afraid of your lineage.

Kallah Ramson -> And someone who's not going to try and keep me on the sidelines as some XO's try to do with their Captains.

Chirakis -> ::and again in High Romulan:: Do you understand what I say?

Scott Coleridge -> I knew I should have slipped up a little more often. ::poking his head into the office::

Kallah Ramson -> Or at least I hope not.::smile returns::

Annisha -> Au know some of the old tongue.. Nijil does too.

Lawliet -> ::takes a seat and goes through the personal reports while he was away::

Scott Coleridge -> So … um … this would be my office, then?

Kallah Ramson -> It is.

Chirakis -> Good. Then do not forget it. ::stands:: Thank you, SubCommander, Commander.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: nudges Jy :: (w) any idea what this is really about?

Jylliene -> Of course.

Scott Coleridge -> So whoever you put in charge in engineering is going to get my old office down there, right? With everything in it?

Jylliene -> ::nods to Chirakis::

Chirakis -> I will leave you to your dinner. Please pardon the interruption.

Chirakis -> Jolan tru.

Jylliene -> And to you.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nod::

Alexis McFarland -> ::nods::

Scott Coleridge -> ::under his breath:: Oh, Nijil is going to hate me….

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> 7/3/15

Chirakis -> Well, now, several events.

Chirakis -> Congratulations to Commander Coleridge, who is your new XO.

Dacia Sandero -> Yay.

Kaspian -> ::claps::

mimipavilion -> ::claps::

Ethan Neufeld -> ::golf clap::

Chirakis -> And fear Captain Chirakis, who is now CSEC. ::evil grin::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: spits :: What!?

Dacia Sandero -> Ooooh!

Ethan Neufeld -> Heh.

Scott Coleridge -> It's a … topsy turvy world.

Chirakis -> Indeed it is.

mimipavilion -> ::claps:: Yay!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: spits :: What!?

Dacia Sandero -> ::golfclaps::

Chirakis -> Captain Ramson, TBS?

Lawliet -> uhhh.......

Chirakis -> ::chuckles at Lawliet:::

Kallah Ramson -> Time enough to put us midday tomorrow.

Chirakis -> Midday tomorrow it is.

Chirakis -> Comments for the crew?

Kallah Ramson -> Thank you for all your service and I hope we can serve this sim as well as those who have gone before.

Chirakis -> I have no doubt of that Captain Ramson.

Chirakis -> Questions or comments from the crew?

Ethan Neufeld -> Heh, figures "Stop Watching the Clock" would start playing.

Jylliene -> Popular cafe.

Dacia Sandero -> Yes, it seems so.

Annisha -> Good tea, nice house

Dacia Sandero -> Annisha's also pretty popular too.

Ethan Neufeld -> ......

Ethan Neufeld -> ::reigns in thought....::

Annisha -> I would have accepted "also pretty"

Dacia Sandero -> lol,

Chirakis -> Seeing none of consequence, crew *dismiss*

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