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Sky Harbor Aegis | 19 June 2015

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/19/15=/\=

Chirakis -> 23 January 2388

Chirakis -> TBS was 4 days.

Chirakis -> The time is 0600 hours, 6:00 AM, Aegis local.

Chirakis -> Ramson's away team is 3 days into negotiations; they are making progress.

Chirakis -> Cayne & Co. are investigating the alien presence.

Chirakis -> USS Missouri is en route to Aegis with the rescued crew of USS Vladivostok.

Chirakis -> Starfleet Surgeon General Admiral Gren DeJariov has arrived at Aegis.

Chirakis -> @ for Aegis.

Chirakis -> # for Aegean.

Chirakis -> Nothing for away team.

Chirakis -> ::hands the mic to Ramson::

Kallah Ramson -> ::cough:: Anyway. Questions?

Kallah Ramson -> Then let's get started.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> # ::assisting Coleridge, enjoying the interplay::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::CnC... again...stashes his popcorn::

Jylliene -> #::on Aegean bridge, sipping her coffee, at ops::

Kallah Ramson -> ::in the government area, standing in a formal waiting area before the next round of meetings::

Dacia Sandero -> # ::in sickbay, brewing up some tea::

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::steps off the shuttle and passes through security::

CdrBrown -> @::on the CnC, in uniform (his usual vest option instead of full tunic) having had his comission reactivated the other day::

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::in bed with Annisha::

mimipavilion -> @::waiting for the Admiral to get through security::

Lawliet -> ::walks into the lobby and walks up to Ramson:: Morning Commander.

Kallah Ramson -> Morning.

Scott Coleridge -> #::enters the bridge::

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::exits security, seeing Dr. Pavilion:: Ah, Doctor. Good to see you again.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::extends his hand::

Lawliet -> Tell me, who's idea was it to meet this early?

CdrBrown -> @::turns:: Mr Jackson,, report

Jylliene -> # ::nods to Coleridge::

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: Likewise, Admiral ::extends her hand and shakes it::

Scott Coleridge -> #::Jyliene:: What's the latest word from the away team?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::doing his thing:: All clear, Commander. Everyone seems to be obeying the law today.

Kallah Ramson -> The planets I'm afraid. 23 hour rotation makes the mornings just come earlier and earlier.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Admiral DeJariov just arrived.

Jylliene -> # The last update was that the negotiations were proceeding, and some progress being made.

Dacia Sandero -># ::looking over some data regarding the Horta::

CdrBrown -> @ What a relief. people behaving. Admiral DeJariov.... surgeon general, right?

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::expression turns stoic:: Although the circumstances could be better.

Kallah Ramson -> But it should be worth it today.

Tarisa -> ::On the surface with Commander Cayne.::

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: True.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Yes, sir.

Kallah Ramson -> We may finally get some answers.

Scott Coleridge -> # Hmm. Let's hope that everyone is negotiating in good faith.

Lawliet -> I would give notable words of advice, but I'm afraid it's too early for me.

Jylliene -> # Let's hope.

Kallah Ramson -> ::smile::

Chirakis -> # ::minding her business at science::

Dacia Sandero -> # ::pours some tea into her cup and bites into a Jaffa Cake::

CdrBrown -> @ I assume the VIP quarters have been set up

Adm DeJariov -> @ Has Missouri arrived? ::falls in step with her::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::checks:: Yes, sir. All set and ready to go.

Kallah Ramson -> ::notes an aid waving them in:: Looks like they're ready for us.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Say, Commander, I have to ask... why is he here?

Kallah Ramson -> ::heads towards the meeting room::

Scott Coleridge -> #::Chirakis:: And how about our mysterious freighter? Any less opaque or mysterious this morning?

CdrBrown -> @ ::nods:: good good.

mimipavilion -> @No not yet. Their doing scans of the area where they found the crew and making sure the area is secure. You know... protocols, given the circumstances.

Chirakis -> # No less opaque, Captain. Even Aegean's sensors do not penetrate.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::nod:: Of course.

Lawliet -> ::walks with Ramson:: Perhaps these words will help..."Those who negotiate have already lost."

CdrBrown -> @ Not really sure how much we are supposed to know or not know, but as far as I know, he is here to make sure the Vlads survivors are taken care of.'

Adm DeJariov -> @ I assume you have a secure area where we can discuss this?

Scott Coleridge -> #Greeaaaaat.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::stops working:: Uh, yes sir. Sad situation, but glad they're on their way home.

Kallah Ramson -> I won't tell my step sister you said that. She's an ambassador... and a Cardassian.

Kallah Ramson -> ::enters the room::

Scott Coleridge -> #::takes a seat, begins to prepare to twiddle his left thumb—drawing it out, of course, pacing himself so he doesn't have to switch to the right thumb too soon::

CdrBrown -> @::nods::

Lawliet -> ::enters in with Ramson::

Chirakis -> # Commander Cayne should be able to gather enough information.

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: There's a vacant office on the CnC we can use

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::nod::

Kallah Ramson -> ::takes a seat::

Lawliet -> ::sits next to Ramson::

CdrBrown -> @::begins going through the daily reports on his PADD::

Chirakis -> # ::brow shoots up:: Captain... there is movement around the freighter.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Studying a PADD of data ::

Jylliene -> # ::watches the usual info - well, the usual type of info, though nothing was exactly "the usual" here.::

Jylliene -> # ::hears::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> ::sits down:: Morning, morning. I believe we made great progress yesterday and I hope we can have a complete agreement by the end of today.

Annisha -> @ :: Annisha is lying there staring at the ceiling, wondering why she's been sleeping so much ::

Chirakis -> # ::Jylliene:: Can you zoom in on the area?

Scott Coleridge -> #::takes a moment to realize Chirakis is talking to _him_, not used to this "captain" business::

mimipavilion -> @I'm sure you would like to drop off your things in the VIP Quarters we have ready for you.

Scott Coleridge -> # What kind of movement are we talking about? People on foot? Loading equipment?

Jylliene -> # Working on it. On forward view.

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::is just asleep.. likes being asleep::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> But I know there's an issue you want addressed, Commander Ramson.

Adm DeJariov -> @ My assistant, MSGT Rodriguez, will take care of it.

Jylliene -> # ::zooming and enhancing::

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: Understood.

Adm DeJariov -> @ Thank you, though. I would appreciate a good cup of coffee. Not replicated, if you have it?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::Um... coffee:::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> I have asked Secretary Shaz to join us. He is in charge of our security force.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::and pastry::yeah, pastry::

Chirakis -> # ::studies the image::

mimipavilion -> @Well, the CnC break room has some good coffee or you can choose from one of our vendors on the concourse.

Dacia Sandero -> # ::mmm.. Yorkshire tea and jaffa cakes. So good her player is almost tempted to order some on Amazon::

Adm DeJariov -> @ The CnC will be fine.

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: If you'll follow me.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> ::leans forward:: You've asked about the Horta that once ruled this world.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: To Tarisa :: We have no little information on these new players in the game.

Adm DeJariov -> @ Which I have not seen yet, and from what I have seen of the new station, Starfleet spared no expense. ::follows::

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> I have been reluctant to hand over any of that information as much involves ongoing litigation.

mimipavilion -> @Believe me it was worth it.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: With his group, listening ::

Adm DeJariov -> @ Especially for this area of space.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> But. ::Looks over at the Administrator:: I have been persuaded to do so in order to foster our first ties with an outside power.

Chirakis -> # Has any of you seen anything like these beings?

Lawliet -> ::takes the minutes with his PADD::

mimipavilion -> @Agreed ::enters the tl, waits for the Admiral to enter before ordering it to the CnC::

Tarisa -> ::Nods.:: There is still so little to go by.

Chirakis -> # ::slips in a datacrystal to page through it::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> What is your speciality Tarisa?

Tarisa -> About everything in this situation

CdrBrown -> @ ::turns to jackson:: send a note to all dept heads. Operations meeting for tomorrow, 0900, CnC conference room.

Jylliene -> ((Are they a different race than planetside?))

Chirakis -> # (they are)

Tarisa -> My primary study in the academy was geology.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Yes, sir. Um... ::Puts his cup down::

Scott Coleridge -> #::stops twiddling the left thumb:: Hmm

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz>::waves a hand:: ::Aids come to the table with data slates:: These are all the records of crimes and individuals we have.

CdrBrown -> @Just the usual weekly meeting that we have missed the last few weeks....

Jylliene -> # ::shakes her head:: Not like any I recall seeing from my admittedly limited time on - well, below - the surface.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> You must have an admiration for the Horta then. :: smiles ::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::OPS, tomorrow, 0900, CnC conference::sends:: Done, sir.

Kallah Ramson -> ::takes a slate and briefly reviews the contents::

Scott Coleridge -> # Not ringing any bells.

Tarisa -> ::Nods with a little tail swish.:: They are very fascinating.

Chirakis -> # ::throws one up on the screen:: Similar to this, though different garb.

mimipavilion -> @::arrives at the CnC, with the Admiral:: Here we are, sir.

CdrBrown -> @ ::looks over:: Admiral on Deck!

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::steps out and takes a moment to look around::

mimipavilion -> @::steps out::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::ten hut::

Adm DeJariov -> @ Impressive, Doctor. ::crew:: As you were.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::sits::

mimipavilion -> @Thank you sir.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> We have noted the ones that have escaped our justice.

CdrBrown -> @::nods and returns to his usual routine of PADD reading::

Chirakis -> # This one was taken by an observer who was watching another vessel.

Jylliene -> # Do we know anything about them?

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::Sleeps on Annisha::

Chirakis -> # They are taller, their garb is of a different color and wound differently ::turns:: No, we do not so far, except that they might be from Breen space. But they keep themselves completely covered, from head to toe.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::wanders the CnC:: If you don't mind?

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> While I have given you this information in part to assist in these talks, I have my own agenda as well.

Annisha -> @ :: grrs :: (w) Why can't your hair be shorter..

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> ::turns, looking somewhat surprised::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: notices the tail :: Can't say I've ever worked or had to spy on anyone of your species. :: he sighed :: Anyhow...

Lawliet -> ::looks up at that statement::

Jylliene -> # Hm.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> ::stands, which seems to make the other Guild representatives nervous::

mimipavilion -> @::admiral:: Please. ::Fletcher:: Ensign Jackson, can you please get Admiral DeJariov a cup of coffee?

Chirakis -> # ::Coleridge:: May I suggest we monitor and record?

Alexis McFarland -> @zzz..

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> To insure the peace of mind of our citizens there are those on this list that MUST meet justice.

Scott Coleridge -> #::Chirakis:: Agreed

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::snaps up, attn:: Sir!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Wonders what justice he means ::

Scott Coleridge -> Could we send a stealth probe in for a closer look without attracting attention?

Jylliene -> # ::does the necessary::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::nod:: Yes, ma'am. ::adm:: Pastry, sir?

Dacia Sandero -> # Hmm. ::Sips her tea, reading some medical journals::

Jylliene -> # Recording.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::bemused smile:: No, thank you, Ensign. Coffee. Black.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::smart nod:: Yes, sir.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> And my informants have learned that YOU are harboring one of these on your starbase!

Tarisa -> ::Tilts her head curiously.::

Chirakis -> # ::thought:: Dr. Sandero is aboard?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> What do we know? They don't want to be studied. Hard to scan.

CdrBrown -> @Admiral, I will have our M&R Department get with your assistant to conduct any routine maintenance to your vessel, if that is ok with you?

Lawliet -> ::keeps eyes on Shaz::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::returns with the brand new Aegis mugs and hands it to the admiral::

Adm DeJariov -> @ Thank you, Ensign. And thank you, Commander. It should be minimal.

Jylliene -> # She is ::to Chirakis::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Any time, sir. Just.. say the word.

Adm DeJariov -> @ Of course. Dr. Pavilion? An office?

Tarisa -> ::Nods.:: Most seems to prefer seclusion.

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: Follows me, Admiral.

Annisha -> @ :: Annisha turns her head to watch Lexxy, well, sleep ::

Chirakis -> # Perhaps she can give us some insight into these beings?

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> Accused # 118. Believed to have orchestrated the deaths of 20 miners who tried to break the Horta mining ban.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::follows;:

mimipavilion -> @::heads to the back and into the vacant office::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::whew::

Jylliene -> # ::glances to Coleridge:: Shall I call her up?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::sits, rtd:::

Scott Coleridge -> #::nods:: Let's see if she can help.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> These souls tried to claim a small part of the wealth the Horta horded from all others. And they were murdered in cold blood.

mimipavilion -> @::waits for the doors to close behind the admiral and seals them:: The room is secure Admiral.

Jylliene -> # ::nods:: +Sandero+ Bridge to Dr. Sandero.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::nods, takes a comfortable seat::

Adm DeJariov -> @ How much have you been told, Doctor?

mimipavilion -> @::takes a seat::

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> Then their families had their trade licenses revoked. That in itself was a death sentence on this world.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Raises his hand ::

Chirakis -> # ::watching the few aliens that are milling around the freighter::

Dacia Sandero -> +Jyliene+ Yes, go ahead?

mimipavilion -> @About the Vladivostok.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> 118's actions were one of the prime reasons for The Guild taking action and liberating this world.

Adm DeJariov -> @ Especially about her crew. However, before we begin..

Adm DeJariov -> @ I am not here to observe, Doctor. I am here to help.

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::Curled up asleep::

Jylliene -> #+Sandero+ Please report to the bridge, Doctor.

Adm DeJariov -> @ To assist you.

Dacia Sandero -> +Jyliene+ On my way.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> And You have help smuggle 118 away from justice.

Chirakis -> # They walk with a strange gait...

Dacia Sandero -> # ::Finishes her tea and heads up to the bridge::

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz>::turns to Nijil::

Chirakis -> # Not full stature..

Nijil tr'Korjata -> When did the Horta get to this world?

CdrBrown -> @Last time a Surgeon General visited a deep space outpost, they held a medical conference there the following year.... think you can handle one Mr. Jackson?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::tappitytaptap::and his coffee is cold::

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: I will admit that I am a bit over my head, but not by much.

Dacia Sandero -> # ::arrives at the bridge::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator>::fidgeting wildly::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::double-take:: Conference, sir?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Me? Handle a... ::blink::

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> That has been lost to time.

Scott Coleridge -> # It's possible they're used to a different gravity.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Uh... not sure what you mean, sir.

Jylliene -> # ::nods to Coleridge::

Chirakis -> # ::nod:: True.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Is it safe to say before anyone else, presuming that has not been lost to...time?

Jylliene -> # Doctor. ::greeting Dacia::

Dacia Sandero -> # ::Nods: Jylliene. Good morning.

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator>::trying to regain control:: The early days of settlement here were hard and record keeping the last thing on anyones mind.

Chirakis -> # ::grin:: or they have to duck to get through the doors on this planet.

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> Our earliest records that mention the Horta also mention others looking to escape the Breen.

CdrBrown -> @ well, someone needs to handle booking everyone, making sure guests have the right quarters... that one admiral doesn't have a better view than another..

Adm DeJariov -> @ So, what have you been told? :;sips;:

Jylliene -> # We wondered if you might be able to take a look at the beings on the screen.

Jylliene -> # ::to Dacia, then glancing to Coleridge again::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ And that's the tactical officer's job, sir?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Settlement you say? The Rihan people have kept records for over a millennia, and even after our world was lost.

CdrBrown -> @::goes back to reading his PADD, waiting to see the panic fill Jackson's brow::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::thinking he'll apply for an outpost instead::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> There are several races that claim to be the original settlers, including the Horta. Some believe it was a single ship with many different races.

CdrBrown -> @it is the low ensign in operation's job, Mr. Jackson.. and you are it.

Dacia Sandero -> # All right. ::Looks at the screen::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::all kinds of emotions pass over his expression::

mimipavilion -> @::nods:: That there 70 survivors, all of which were diseased, malnourished and exposed to frostbite. Also, there were 9 more dead.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ But.. I'm TAC, sir. Just taking OPS for a while....

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Well someone had to be first, and they would have claim over this world and its resources.

Chirakis -> # The aliens, Dr. Sandero. Why would they cover themselves fully?

CdrBrown -> @and who knows when everyone will return. if everyone will return.... for now, you are it

Adm DeJariov -> @ Any information on the autopsies, or are they leaving that to us?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> The Captain and and I could get so little information about their ship, there must be records on this planet of their practices.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> As was said, there is no one with a clear valid claim to being first.

Dacia Sandero -> # They seem to be hiding something. Possibly something illegal?

Chirakis -> # Every one that we have monitored covers the body completely.

Chirakis -> # Different colors for different groups or ships, but completely covered

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I believe this needs to be investigated.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::sweats::

mimipavilion -> @I believe that there were no full autopsies, but there are samples coming in. The samples are believed to have helped those who were diseased.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::nod:: Then these must be from Dr. Shazarim.

Dacia Sandero -> # Ahh. Possibly to keep track of them, then.

Chirakis -> # Like a uniform?

Dacia Sandero -> # That is a possibility, yes.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ;:yeah, an outpost sounds great right about now::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> Are you alright Tarisa?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> (I am investigating the aliens in the strange ships right?)

mimipavilion -> @;:nods:: I'm waiting on a prelim report to get a better idea of what we're dealing with. We can run a further detailed analysis on the samples here.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> Past claims are meaningless! The Horta claimed the whole planet. That claim has been revoked! The Guild now administer the wealth of the planet so that all can have a claim.

Chirakis -> # (you are)

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> But these specters of the past, these Horta that escaped justice threaten that hope.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::nods, sips::

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz> You bring the Horta you have to us and we can continue these talks.

Kallah Ramson -> Shaz>::turns and marches out::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Revoked by who? A revoked claim is a claim in and of itself. Was there a mediator in this clearly legal procedure? A disinterested party?

Chirakis -> # Any idea why they cover their faces and heads?

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> ::facepalm::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: mutters :: Not going to happen.

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> I am sorry for that.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::TAC::OPS:: conference::gets more coffee::

Dacia Sandero -> # To mask their true identities, I would imagine.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Seems his friend had skipped her catnap.. now he wished he had not thought of that ::

Alexis McFarland -> @ Jaffa cake.

Annisha -> @ :: Smiles as her friend is in REM sleep :: Ninjas, secret agents, space truck drivers?

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> While The Guild does put importance on seeing justice on the former Horta masters, our security forces are obsessed with it.

mimipavilion -> @So, anything else I should be aware of, sir?

Chirakis -> # (Is Cayne close to the freighter?)

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::returns to his post, mug in hand::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> (He can be)

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> We waited to the end to bring them is, fearing something like this.

Dacia Sandero -> @ ::dreams she's a Space Truck Driver, driving across Space in her Space Truck. Has over 2100 hours invested into that dream::

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::dreams she's a Space Truck Driver, driving across Space in her Space Truck. Has over 2100 hours invested into that dream::

Annisha -> @ :: Moves over to her side and whispers in her her :: (w) Convoy....

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::deep breath, then a sigh:: No, Doctor. You know as much as I do, and the rest will come when Missouri arrives. ::checks the chrono:: In a few hours, I would hope

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> ::looks around the room:: We are fully ready to finalize all our agreements made so far. But, we need the support of the security force to make it binding.

Adm DeJariov -> @ In the meantime, a tour of your medical facility?

Chirakis -> # ::watching::

mimipavilion -> @One can hope. ::unseals the doors:: I was about to mention that.

Chirakis -> # ::spots Cayne, says nothing::

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::mumble:: 10-4 good buddy.

Lawliet -> Why would you need their support? Don't you oversee them?

Kallah Ramson -> ::looks to Nijil and Lawliet::

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::stands, leaving the mug behind::

Annisha -> @ :: laughs :: (w) I don't know what that means...

mimipavilion -> @::gets up and heads to the doors:: But first I need to get an update.

Jylliene -> # Are there any races that you can think of offhand that would stand out by way of height and would want to keep any such involvement here secretive?

Alexis McFarland -> @ Roger that.

Jylliene -> # ::making a total guess just to get some ideas going::

Adm DeJariov -> @ Of course. ::Follows her out::

mimipavilion -> @::enters the CnC:: Ensign, update.

Chirakis -> # I can think of many.

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> It is an... equal partnership. ::forces smile::

Dacia Sandero -> # As can I. Name any species, really.

CdrBrown -> @::looks over to see if Fletcher can regain his composure::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::stands:: Yes, ma'am. All is quiet. Ships are standard procedure.

Jylliene -> # Are any of them more likely than others to be here?

Lawliet -> I see. ::looks back to Ramson::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I don't know what came over me.. I had an extra dose of coffee and... :: smiles :: Must have been he coffee.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::still thinking about the conference::

mimipavilion -> @Anything from the Missouri?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ No, ma'am. Not yet.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Oh, and Admiral? I'll be on top of everything for that conference.

mimipavilion -> @::nods::

CdrBrown -> @::turns around, buries his head in his padd::

Jylliene -> ((LOL))

Dacia Sandero -> # Probably not Klingons or Romulans... unless they're interested in rocks.

mimipavilion -> @::looks at Fletcher, then to Brian:: Commander, care to explain?

Jylliene -> # But they wouldn't be needing to be that hunched over, either, would they?

Adm DeJariov -> @ Conference? ::looks to Mimi::

Kallah Ramson -> ::exhales:: In an effort to answer all concerns may I recommend we conclude these negotiations on our starbase. We would like to invite your delegation to Aegis. You can directly question the Horta there yourselves.

CdrBrown -> @at lunch. Admiral, will you be joining us in the officer's lounge?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Uh.. yes, sir. Admiral, sir. The conference you're planning here?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: walks around as if uninterested in the vessels around him ::

Dacia Sandero -> # No, most likely not. Ferengis maybe, nah... no real monetary value here really.

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::then to Brown::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator>::blink::

Adm DeJariov -> @ ::suspicious::

mimipavilion -> @I think a certain commander is play a joke on a naive ensign.

Jylliene -> ((Maybe I should ask, do the beings look unusually short, or are they at standardish height right now, hunched over as they may be?))

Chirakis -> # There is an open door on the far side.

Chirakis -> (Unusually tall, covered in cloth, wrapped around their bodies and faces)

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Tries to look drunk, as he mills around the side of the ship ::

Chirakis -> # (move awkwardly)

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::glanceglance::

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator> We... we will take that under consideration. We should best adjourn for now.

CdrBrown -> @ that one lasted longer than expected, shorter than hoped

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Falls down and pretends to cough, gets himself up on a strut of the frieghter, door close ::

Dacia Sandero -> # ::squints at the screen:: It's so hard to get an ID On them.. Nausicans perhaps? They seem to be pretty tall.

Kallah Ramson -> Administrator>::stands and heads for a door with others, quickly talking among themselves leaving the away team in the room alone::

Kallah Ramson -> ::pondering:: Thoughts?

Adm DeJariov -> @ Of course, Commander. I would welcome it.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne -> :: Makes a quick dash into the freighter ::

mimipavilion -> @Bad joke overall, Commander Brown. ::turns to Fletcher:: There is no conference set happen here Ensign.

Chirakis -> # (Think Star Wars - those beings in the desert?)

mimipavilion -> @Shall we head to Sickbay sir.

Annisha -> @ :: Smells Alexis' hair.. was that rosemary? ::

Dacia Sandero -> (sand people)

Lawliet -> I question who exactly has the power here on this planet...and what do they intend to do with it.

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::embarrassed, but not embarrassed, conflicted, glad, confused...wishing he hadn't said anything::

CdrBrown -> @anyhow, weekly ops meeting with dept heads tomorrow at 0900, Doctor

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::parsley sage rosemary and thyme::

Fletcher Jackson -> @ Yes, Commander. Word's out.

mimipavilion -> @Fine.

Chirakis -> (sand people, yes)

mimipavilion -> @::enters the tl::

Annisha -> @ :: Nevertheless, she smelled that of a delicious dish ::

Kallah Ramson -> They are working out their own system and it's not our place to question how they go about that. It's rarely a straightforward process.

CdrBrown -> @ Mr Jackson, i will owe you a drink later.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> 6/19/15

Chirakis -> Yes, I got wrapped up in the sand people and didn't watch the time.

CdrBrown -> shucks... drink offer came after the pause. sorry jackson

Chirakis -> Anything you wanted to add before the pause, Cdr Ramson?

Fletcher Jackson -> @ ::snap::

Kallah Ramson -> Got my comment in just in time.

Chirakis -> Excellent. TBS?

Kallah Ramson -> I will let you pick that. Got lost in yelling bureaucrats so not sure what time Aegean folks need.

Chirakis -> ::chuckle:: Aegean folks?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I was playing Nijil tr'Korjata, Lawyerpants...

Chirakis -> Do you need extra yelling time, Commander Ramson, or are you finished for now?

CdrBrown -> next week, Nijil tr'Korjata, DDS

Kallah Ramson -> Finished. If short TBS we will resume waiting for the Guild answer. If long, we may be enroute back to Aegis with the delegates

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Next week... I really think you should ask for the gas. Too many Bajoran sweets lately... tsk tsk

Chirakis -> Let's make TBS 6 hours, then. USS Missouri will have arrived at Aegis and Aegean will be en route.

Kallah Ramson -> So, however much snooping time is still needed for y'all.

Kallah Ramson -> ::nods::

CdrBrown -> ?

Chirakis -> Thank you for the fill-in logs this week. Commander Brown?

CdrBrown -> expected travel time of Aegean and are they still in radio silence with Aegis during their return

Chirakis -> Cdr. Ramson?

Kallah Ramson -> An update will be send when we leave the nebula.

Kallah Ramson -> Travel time is just under 3 days at warp 8.

Kallah Ramson -> ::glad she did the math earlier today::

Chirakis -> I will get a "let's get on the same page" log out this week.

Chirakis -> We have the merging of three plots here, so it's needed.

Chirakis -> All the pertinent information will be there.

Chirakis -> Any more questions or comments?

Chirakis -> Dr. Sandero, I will pass through Canada one of these days and collect.

Chirakis -> If nothing else, crew *dismiss* Happy Father's Day to you fathers.


Annisha -> Use it in the bathroom...use it in the kitchen..

Fletcher Jackson -> Night

Annisha -> Now I have to do an ad.

Alexis McFarland -> I could be the spokesperson

Annisha -> Are you going to shampoo your hair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...

Chirakis -> Now I have to merge those plots... hm...

CdrBrown -> it smells so good, you will just be sniffin?

Chirakis -> Ms. Korjata, that is worth a kick.

Annisha -> Blu would have.

CdrBrown -> One big magic edit to merge plots... or flash forward 3 months, we are all on a beach sippin margaritas

Chirakis -> I am tempted.

Chirakis -> And miss all the fun, Commander?

Annisha -> I think that goes past the bonding...

Chirakis -> I'm still waiting for the Coleridge - Chirakis log.

CdrBrown -> true.... station is too shiny new to be blown up

CdrBrown -> so it should be fun

Kallah Ramson -> ::Jyl:: This plot is reminding me of the Hnoiyica and how we would get a plot and a half done a year.

Jylliene -> Boy howdy.

Kallah Ramson -> Of course a number of those were my fault as well. :)

Jylliene -> Eh, no complaints. It was fun, there were just noooo short plots.

CdrBrown -> well, inspector just showed. time for me to go see why he is 4 hours late

Jylliene -> Good luck!

CdrBrown -> night all

Chirakis -> I'm a reality GM, in case you didn't notice .

Chirakis -> Night, Commander.

Alexis McFarland -> Goodnite

Chirakis -> He's 4 hours late because he wanted to keep you up tonight.

Chirakis -> Inspectors are like that.

Jylliene -> :D

Dacia Sandero -> lol

Chirakis -> Well, I do have a little experience with maritime inspectors.

Chirakis -> Although they needed a chopper to get to location, so they didn't just show when they wanted to.

Jylliene -> Yeah, that would change things a smidgen.

Chirakis -> Just a smidgen.

Chirakis -> So, next week it will be 1 PM.

Chirakis -> Same day.

Chirakis -> Strange, I was trying to explain this plot to a friend, and found it was so convoluted, no wonder everyone is a little confused.

Kallah Ramson -> Lots of moving parts.

Dacia Sandero -> Oh yes

Chirakis -> True. And now they merge.

Jylliene -> I'm trying to focus on my parts only, heh. Figure it's all Jyl would know about anyhow.

Chirakis -> And I believe Cayne and Chirakis will be ordered to return to Aegis because of the Missouri's cargo.

Chirakis -> True.

Dacia Sandero -> Same with Dacia

Chirakis -> Except when someone like me decides to make Jyl look at aliens she knows nothing about :D

Jylliene -> Will there be some kind of .. LOL

Jylliene -> I'll brush up on my "History" channel stuff before next time, so I can be properly prepared.

Chirakis -> I'm thinking, "Well, they walk. They are alive. They look...different."

Dacia Sandero -> Night night

Jylliene -> Anyhow, will there be some kind of command staff meeting or something after we all get back together on Aegean?

Scott Coleridge -> I don't even pay attention to the parts _I'm_ involved in, Jyl :P

Chirakis -> ::snort:: And that does explain a lot.

Kallah Ramson -> ::facepalm::

Jylliene -> Even if just said to have happened during the TBS, to give us a chance to bring our folks to know what's happened and such?

Kallah Ramson -> Yes, we will all have been updated during the TBS.

Chirakis -> Sorry, that did not compute at all, Jyl.

Jylliene -> Thanks. :D

Chirakis -> You want to read what you wrote up there?

Jylliene -> Just meant, will there be some meeting so that wee can start out next week assuming that our folks are up to speed.

Chirakis -> Ohhhh..

Jylliene -> Can we assume that there was a command staff meeting in the interim or something.

Chirakis -> Up to Kallah.

Kallah Ramson -> We should start the sim playing host to The Guild delegates while also churning through the collected data.

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