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USS Challenger 11.23.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger crew was in the conference room, meeting with Tyrellian officials in discussion of what they had found on the outpost they had visited. It was said, that a civilian freighter had spotted a Klingon ship decloaking nearby a few days ago among other things. TBS was zero IIRC.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cassie Granger -> ::in the conference room::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::also in the conference room, staring at the Tyrellians:

Hunter Matheson -> ::ditto::

Gretchen Hanson -> (reiterating her suggestion that got cut off at the end of last weeks's sim) Could this have been an accident?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sees he will have to route a few more calls ::

Artemis -> ::In the conference room, still decked out in his workout gear, a towel around his shoulders::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> The explosion at the outpost? I suppose it is possible. Anastasia Poldara -> ::still stuck in meeting land::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> But judging by the surveillance footage, it seems unlikely.

Artemis -> Wouldn't signs of an accident been more obvious? Surely we would have picked them up by now...

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sitting at his comm station, looking like a he's sitting at a technologically advanced organ ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::In CR, sitting next to Kal. Her tea was starting to get cool.::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::leans in to the Captain's direction, in a low voice:: Could we speak privately a moment, sir. Without the Tyrellians, I mean?

Hunter Matheson -> ::enjoying the company::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellian Official 1> ::judging by his rank insignias on his uniform is clearly high up there in rank:: Unlikely, I'd say. All of the evidence you submitted seems to suggest otherwise.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (m) Yes, of course, doctor.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If you'll excuse me...

Cassie Granger -> ::watching the Tyrellian's body language::

Cassie Granger -> ::taps the feed to send it to CMTAC::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Watching the very active communication lines throughout the ship ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::heads to a secluded area of the conference room with the doctor::

Hunter Matheson -> ::leans toward Sylvanis, still picking at the scone:: (w) Got any ideas?

Cassie Granger -> ::taps her slate, asking Hok to mute the transmission::

Cassie Granger -> ::play nice Tyrellian hold music::

Gretchen Hanson -> Captain, there's nothing in the medical scans that show anything other than asphyxiation of the station crew. My diagnosis is a very slow drop in the O2 levels, and why their sensors didn't pick up on it is part of the problem.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Leans over, quietly.:: I think it's clearly a set up, but I can't figure out by who.

Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: Same here.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Hok mutes the transmission ::

Gretchen Hanson -> Now, if there was an accident, malfunctioning sensors, accidental or otherwise, and a cover-up to follow, the rest that we've seen is window dressing.

Hunter Matheson -> :;shrug:: Personally, I don't think it has much to do with a major party.

Hunter Matheson -> Too sloppy.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Raiders or another party.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: I agree. Hunter Matheson -> Um.. could be. But they didn't take anything, did they?

Hunter Matheson -> ::pick, sample::

Dyan Sylvanis -> Unless they were a hire.

Gretchen Hanson -> The question becomes, why would the Tyrellians cover up a problem on the station, and try to blame it on the Klingons?

Hunter Matheson -> (w) Hire for what, though? Seriously, who wants an outpost like that? Unless it was more than an outpost.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If it was the Tyrellians. What would they have to gain by stirring the pot like this? Especially given their close proximity to Kronos

Cassie Granger -> ::listening to the exchange between Kal and Dyan::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Somehow, I doubt they are responsible.

Gretchen Hanson -> The answer to that sir, is above my pay grade. Cptn Ja'Lale -> And mine it seems.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Right, or an inside job even. I think we've potentially missed something.

Gretchen Hanson -> In any case, the scene has been staged.

Hunter Matheson -> ::pops a piece into his mouth:: Someone went postal?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, clearly. They certainly didn't do a very good job of it, though.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Could be, or the outpost had some information someone else didn't want leaked.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::nods her agreement, and waits for the Captain's direction::

Dyan Sylvanis -> I would like to know what we found on their sensor logs and hardrives, but no one has said anything.

Hunter Matheson -> Or... ::another piece:: someone was there for something else than listening. Yeah, me, too.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Well, regulations would state we wait for Starfleet for our next steps, but I fear in this case, that'll be too late. We should head into the nebula to investigate futher.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anything else, doctor?

Anastasia Poldara -> We didn’t find anything of interest. That’s the problem.

Gretchen Hanson -> No, sir. Just didn't want the Tyrellians to gather that we might be catching on to them.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Was there any signs of tampering?

Hunter Matheson -> Dunno. ::finishes up, brushing the crumbs into his napkin:: They haven't said and it's not in my MOS. Hunter Matheson -> I'm just the driver. ::grin:: Or you are sometimes.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: A wise precautionary move. Thanks doctor. I'll keep that under consideration. Let's get back to the meeting.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::follows the Captain back to the conference room table::

Cassie Granger -> ::taps her slate again for Hok to unmute comm to Tyrellia::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Turning his head as he listens to a conversation, then speaks to the party on the line :: I don't know when they can fix the shower in there, I will contact engineering on your behalf.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::heads back to the conference room table:: Just went over a few things with the doctor. Resume conference call, please.

Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Aye, sir.

Cassie Granger -> +HOK+ Resume the call.

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Grang+ Aye... :: taps :: Resuming

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sorry abaout that, gentlemen. A few ship matters. Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> ::slight hint of annoyance of being placed on hold:: No problem,Captain. Now as we were saying, we may have a bit of a lead for you: Roughly 36 hours ago, a civilian freighter reported detecting a ship decloaking on their sensors. Appeared to be of Klingon origin.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> The ship was located in the nebula cluster near the border into Klingon space. Cassie Granger -> ::notes the "appeared"::

Artemis -> ::Mutters to himself:: Just what kind of 'Civilian' ship was this. You need more than your average sensor gear to detect a ship dropping from cloaking

Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Sadly the ship appeared briefly on their sensors, about a few seconds or less, so they were not able to get a detailed scan of the ship. But the freighter is nearby an enroute to Starbase 79 not far from here.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> The captain indicated that he is willing to cooperate with us and can share sensor info if you wish.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Casually listening into the call, for diagnostic purposes ::

Cassie Granger -> ::also notes the sensor penetration of the nebula::

Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Ja'Lale:: Captain, I would like to request that information, sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Interesting. ::steeples fingers:: Perhaps we should pay them a little visit then. Is there anything else?

Hunter Matheson -> (w) ::Dyan:: You got any sensors that penetrate a nebula when a ship is decloaking?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Indeed. The freighter is too far to be contacted at our current location, so we best catch up with them as soon as possible.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Nothing else right now. We will let you know if we find anything else. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks around:: Any more questions for the Tyrellians or in general?

Cassie Granger -> Not at the moment, sir.

Hunter Matheson -> ::negative::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: One of our birds has an advanced sensor suite in it.

Gretchen Hanson -> Would I be correct that the direction of SB 79 is away from the scene of the crime?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good. We'll conclude our meeting then. It was a pleasure to speak with you and we thank you for your assistance. ::To T1::

Hunter Matheson -> (w) How advanced?

Hunter Matheson -> (w) Like SPECOPS advanced?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: Maybe.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> It is slightly out of the way, yes. We should catch up with the freighter before they get too close to SB 179 to minimize travel time to the nebula field.

Hunter Matheson -> ::grin::

Hunter Matheson -> (w) We're cut from the same cloth, remember?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> A pleasure captain. Goodluck in your hunt. Tyrellia out. ::screen goes blank::

Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Ja'Lale::

Gretchen Hanson -> Just curious as to what might happen at the outpost while we’re conveniently away.

Cassie Granger -> ::nods agreement::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Right, meeting dismissed. Please take your stations. Mr. Hunter, please plot a pursuit course to the freighter at the coordinates the Tyrellians provided you. They should already be in your console. Warp 7

Hunter Matheson -> ::stands:: Aye, sir. Stealth mode?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Readies his Klingon protocols ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> What if we drop a probe off on our way?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I agree, makes one wonder what else we're missing. ::Matheson:: Yes... stealth mode. Gretchen Hanson -> ::merges with the flow out of the room, heads for the TL:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::smart nod:: Aye, Captain. ::moves out immediately::

Artemis -> ::Stands, and follows the rest out to the bridge::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> To the nebula? Yes, I'd like you to get on that as soon as possible. ::to Ana and Dyan::

Hunter Matheson -> ::taps Ens Lackey to resume his duties, then slips into helm::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Launch probe when ready.

Anastasia Poldara -> ::sighs, not pleased by the amount of unknowns involved in this next stage of the mission:: Understood. ::hopes that will help.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Gets up and disposes of her now cold tea. She then heads for the door.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::course laid in::

Cassie Granger -> ::stands, waiting for the captain to exit first::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::returns quickly to the bridge via TV magic:: Engage when ready, Mr. Matheson.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Watches the main viewer ::

Hunter Matheson -> Aye, aye, Captain. Engaging warp 7, course as requested.

Cassie Granger -> ::following, taking an empty station for monitoring::

Anastasia Poldara -> ::returns to the bridge::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Stops over by Cass.:: I'll get Chief Barnes to prep the Eagle in case we need her eyes.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Keep your eyes peeled on those sensors, please. ::to Artemis::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Nodding at Granger ::

Artemis -> ::Relieves the Ensign, and taps three keys on the console as he sits down::

Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Good idea, Lieutenant.

Cassie Granger -> Prime her package.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.::

Cassie Granger -> Load it up.

Artemis -> ::Ja'Lale:: Aye, Captain

Hunter Matheson -> ::frowns, checking the course::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Heads for the lift, taking it down to the flight deck.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::swivels:: Captain? Not sure I like this course.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger jumps to warp towards the slower moving freighter.

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns back to verify it, then frowns again::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> What's wrong, Lieutenant? ::to Hunter::

Hunter Matheson -> ::engages stealth as soon as they hit warp::

Hunter Matheson -> (Gunny, sir)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Sorry!)

Hunter Matheson -> Well, sir, it's into the heart of the nebula, and navigation is dicey at best.

Hunter Matheson -> I sure would like to know how the hell they got those coordinates with the low level tech they have.

Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes?

Hunter Matheson -> Just makes me uneasy, Captain.

Cassie Granger -> ::turns:: Lieutenant Sylvanis is priming a package that should alleviate that problem, Captain.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Makes me uneasy too. We should approach with caution. At least it should not take long to catch up with them.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods to Cass:: Hope it helps.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Arrives at the flight deck and has Chief Barnes prep the Eagle with full sensor package.::

Cassie Granger -> +Sylvanis+ Granger to Sylvanis.

Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Go ahead Captain.

Cassie Granger -> +COM+ See if you can engage that package without leaving the flight deck. There should be a way. Coordinate with CMTAC.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: In stealth mode, communications in and out are cut off, listening to internal comms ::

Derrick Sabin -> (?) I'm confused.. Is SB 79 in the nebula? On the other side? Or a different direction altogether? I thought we were going after the civvy freighter?

Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Without leaving the deck?

Artemis -> I have to agree, Captain. The needed equipment that would pick up the scattered Tachyon particles involved in Cloaking through something as dense as this nebula is something I would never expect to be on an unarmed and unprotected Civilian freighter...

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (You on the bridge, Sabin?)

Derrick Sabin -> (no, just asking for clarification)

Cassie Granger -> COM+ If possible. I've informed CMTAC and verified your clearance.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (ahh.. SB 179 is not in the nebula, but the freighter we are trying to get to is... as the Klingon ship may or may not be as well... why the freighter is in said nebula is unknown at this time)

Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Understood. :;Looks to Barnes::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I'm guessing it's either lost, has navigational problems, or is trying to lead us into something we don't want to get into.

Cassie Granger -> ::Ja'Lale:: Suggest yellow alert, sir.

Chirakis -> (Have a good evening, Challenger.)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yellow alert. Hunter Matheson -> ::braces for the klaxon::

Artemis -> ::Brings shields to standby for post-warp::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Activate counter-cloak measures when safe to do so.

Hunter Matheson -> Countermeasures activated.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (5 minutes)

Hunter Matheson -> (We have a TAC officer?)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (YEs, Artemis is our Tac)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Working out a plan with Barnes::

Artemis -> (waves)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((lol Where have you been Kal?))

Hunter Matheson -> (Mybad. All yours, Artemis)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (lol.. I know, it's late)

Hunter Matheson -> (Watchin' you, ma'am. Got me all distracted. ::smirk::)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((::facepalm::))

Artemis -> (Hey, I just considered it a team effort)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Freighter appears on sensors; about an hour out from at this speed. Artemis -> :;Ja'Lale:: Captain, if we do actually get inside the nebula, our sensor range is going to be extremely limited

Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> It's suicide and you know it.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Comms will be down...

Artemis -> Freighter in range, but still not close enough to determine status

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: I believe Science is working on a probe to enter the nebula for us.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Shrugs.:: Yeah well, get me a better plan then it won't be. But until then it's all we have.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Ana+ What's the status on the probes?

Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Captain, I have an idea, but you aren't going to like it.

Cassie Granger -> +Dyan+ Lay it on me.

Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Probe is ready, Captain.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Please launch probe when ready. Hunter, drop us out of warp.

Hunter Matheson -> Dropping from warp, aye.

Hunter Matheson -> :::puts on the brakes::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Probe launches into the murky nebula..

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks... great job everyone. Next week, we'll see what the probe finds. TBS will be 1 hour.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Or is that too long? Any other questions or comments?

Cassie Granger -> What should we find in that hour?

Cassie Granger -> Think it might be too long, maybe?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hopefully more signs of the freighter. I kind of agree, actually. Let's change the TBS to 20 minutes then?

Cassie Granger -> Roger that.

Dyan Sylvanis -> That works

Derrick Sabin -> (?) I'm still murkey on the location of the nebula, the Starbase, the "normal" route to said SB, and if the freighter was ever really going there?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS is 20 minutes.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I have a map of that area... I'll send it out via the mailstring this week

Dyan Sylvanis -> My guess is there is a nebula in between Tyrellia and the starbase.

Artemis -> Can we make sure I am on that mail-string please?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Correct.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, sure.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Never! You stay out of the loop.

Cassie Granger -> Yeah ,sorry about the miss, Artemis.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I have your email so I will be including you in it as well. lol.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I really do need to update it.. I 'll also send that as well.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anything else? Artemis -> Be careful, Dyan, or you might see a light tap of phaser fire on the next shuttle you take out ;)

Dyan Sylvanis -> You'll have to hit me first

Cptn Ja'Lale -> With next week being the US Thanksgiving weekend, if you can't make it, it won't be counted against you. We'll continue our plot as usual if there are enough players to play.

Dyan Sylvanis -> I should be able to make it

Artemis -> I'll be there

Derrick Sabin -> Should be there. See you next week.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hope you guys enjoy your turkey and football.

Cassie Granger -> I should be there

Dyan Sylvanis -> night night

Hunter Matheson -> Same here.

Hunter Matheson -> Night guys

Gretchen Hanson -> Night all.

Cassie Granger -> Have a good one.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Night all. Cassie.. :)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK, great. Hope you enjoyed watching, Jas. You're welcome to join us again next week either in the gallery or as a player. PM me next week before the sim if you want to play.

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