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USS Challenger 09.07.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last time, the Challenger crew were enjoying their shoreleave on Earth. Captain Ja'Lale has received details for the next mission from Admiral Johnson. Shoreleave however will still continue.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 6 hours.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ANy questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson -> ::with Sylvanis::

John Randall -> ::in his brother's private craft, heading for his homeworld of Centaurus to spend time with his family::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::setting a new land-based record for the most shops having shoe sales::

Cassie Granger -> ::in the Canadian Rockies, undisclosed location::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smiles as she brings out two medium sized crates out for Kal to see.::

Derrick Sabin -> ::back on board ship, worn down with 48 hours of non-stop sightseeing::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::walking around the streets of San Francisco, enjoying some downtime after his meeting with Admiral Johnson::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Still walking with Cassie somewhere in Alberta ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns:: What's that?

Cmdr Rinax -> ::on the bridge, watching the crew check back in::

John Randall -> Rick> ::in the pilot's seat:: So, how long do you have, big brother?

Dyan Sylvanis -> My toys. ::She pops them open, revealing a couple of back pack like devices. Picking one up, she straps it onto her back and makes sure it's secure.::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::lugs her purchases around, wonders if she'll have to beam back up via the cargo transport::

Hunter Matheson -> ::watching::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::frowns, getting a ton of requests for cargo hold space::

Cassie Granger -> ::At the end of the path there is lodge is just being finished. It looks like it's livable::

John Randall -> ::shrugs:: A few days at most; I think the captain is still waiting on orders for our next mission.

Cassie Granger -> *is a lodge

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] What is that ahead?

Cassie Granger -> Main building. Those others are campers' cabins, still to go up. ::nods:: Farther down the path, here, our campers are camping out.

Derrick Sabin -> ::cleans up in his quarters, changes from civvies back into a uniform:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::walking down the Pier, near the port::

John Randall -> Rick> ::glances over at him:: Good, one of the manifolds in this thing is giving me trouble; I can't seem to locate where it is. Take a look at it for me, huh?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: No one ever told you why they really call me Silverhawk. Bet you thought it was just because of the hair. ::Spreads her arms out, and metallic wings emerge from the pack.::

Cmdr Rinax -> Gosh at this rate, we are going to run out of space in the cargo hold. ::chuckles::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I just had a small cabin.. this seems a lot of work.

Hunter Matheson -> Whoa... ::yeah, he's impressed::

Cassie Granger -> ::steps::then onto the porch:: Watch your step, Commander.

Dyan Sylvanis -> These are Melondri made. Most teenage Melondri get these when they are old enough to fly.

Cassie Granger -> ::door swings open, monitored by a "camper"::

John Randall -> ::smiles:: You always did have a ulterior motive for everything, little brother. ::dodges a punch from Rick, laughing::

Hunter Matheson -> So, they really fly?

Gretchen Hanson -> ::sweet-talks a mag-lev out of the cargo bay tech and uses it to float her bundles down the passageway to her quarters::

Hunter Matheson -> I mean, you fly with them on?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Nearly topples as she advised him not to. ::

Hunter Matheson -> Like ::flaps:: a bird?

Cassie Granger -> ::steadying him::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Do they have coffee in this place?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Hating being so fragile, but could not think of a better person to help.

Cassie Granger -> Was just going to mention it. ::turns:: Sergeant? ::he moves off after securing the door::

John Randall -> ::Rick comes in sight of the Centauran spacedock; coordinates with the tower, and lands the craft; it's mid-afternoon on Centaurus::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Laughs:: No. Like this. ::Shoots off into the sky with a burst of from the pack. She does a couple quick turns and loops before coming back down.::

Anastasia Poldara -> ::wandering the decks of Challenger, avoiding sickbay::

Cassie Granger -> Rustic furniture, open beam made from local forest wood.

Hunter Matheson -> :::whoa::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::sends a message to the Captain:: "What's ETA for the ship to disembark? I will alert the crew that haven't returned from shoreleave. Cargo space is at a premium this shopping trip."

Cassie Granger -> But very comfortable. ::assisting him to the couch::

John Randall -> Rick> You bring your sunglasses, Johnny?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Nods ::

Hunter Matheson -> That's like... Captain America, right?

John Randall -> ::nods, taking a pair out of his civilian shirt pocket, and puts them on::

Cassie Granger -> Sgt> ::puts a mug next to Morrison, one for Granger::

Hunter Matheson -> It's.. frickin' awesome.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Confused.:: Like who? ::The wings retract back into the back.::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Thanks.

Hunter Matheson -> Oh, this Captain America. Something from a couple centuries ago.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] So.. where was I?

John Randall -> ::the brothers exit the craft, and head for the terminal; much to John's surprise, his mother is there; he runs to her, and they hug::

Dyan Sylvanis -> Was he a Marine?

Hunter Matheson -> Had these things that help him..

Hunter Matheson -> Don't remember.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: takes a drink ::

Cassie Granger -> Naussicans, taking you underground.

Cassie Granger -> brb

John Randall -> Denise> Johnny, it's so good to have you home, son.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Grabs the other pack, holding it up for Kal.:: Give it a try?

Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. sure.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Right. So they escorted me to an underground facility to fix an extraction machine.

John Randall -> It's good to be here, Mom. You look wonderful. ::kisses her on cheek::

Cassie Granger -> ::relaxes, listening while she sips::

Hunter Matheson -> ::fumbling a little, trying to figure it out:: This thing safe without training?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Grins.:: Don't worry this one has been set to starter power levels. It won't go as near as fast as mine. ::Helps Kal put it on.::

John Randall -> ::the family walk to their ground car, Rick hops into the pilot's seat, and they whiz off::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] There were a lot of weary people walking about. The foreman came over, said his name was Devlin, Darin.. something.

Hunter Matheson -> Yeah. Like Wings for Dummies. ::grin, liking the help::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I was going further into the operation. They looked so tired.

Cassie Granger -> Weary? As in worn out, over worked? Tired.

Hunter Matheson -> ::wiggle:: Kind of awkward. Take long to learn to use it?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Not like they were slaves, just overworked.,

John Randall -> ::five miles later, they pull up in front of the Randall homestead; John stares at the house, memories running through his head::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::receives the comm from Cdr Rinax:: +Rinax+ We should be ready to disembark in a few days.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Not really. Like I said most children get these. ::Starts going through the hand controls and arm and body movements. The gets to the last part.:: Most important, and this is absolutely last resort. ::Points to the ripcord on left shoulder.:: This is the emergency chute.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] So, they moved me past a large door then to an even larger extraction unit.. look like it had no power.

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ Ahh, you are available. Great! I'll alert the crew. Any other refits coming our way or inventory?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Rinax+ Quite a lot of supplies we're getting eh

John Randall -> ::they exit the ground car, and walk into the house::

Hunter Matheson -> Emergency chute. Got it.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Got everything?

Hunter Matheson -> Guess so.

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ Not exactly Challenger supplies, sir. Most of them are personal cargo storage requests~! ::chuckles::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: You'll be fine. ::Hands him a helmet.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::checking out the controls:: So why don't we have this in Fleet?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Rinax+ ::chuckles:: So, I see.

Hunter Matheson -> ::pull, tuck::

John Randall -> ::looks around as he enters:: This is just as I remember it, Mom. ::shakes his head:: I don't know how you do it.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I went to work.. Maybe an hour had passed, perhaps two.

Cassie Granger -> ::watches his expressions::

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ I will find room, until they all arrive. Then they will have to make room in their quarters. We'll make things ship-shape for when you return. Anything else I can do for you?

John Randall -> Denise> Well, go put your things away, darling, and I'll make us some tea.

Dyan Sylvanis -> I'm not really sure. But being an Ace pilot and leader of a squadron, I pulled some strings and had a special feature installed in Shadow 1 before coming to Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Rinax+ There should be enough space in the bays for their stuff.

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ Acknowledged, sir.

John Randall -> ::nods, and walks down the hall to his bedroom; shakes his head again as he enters, it was almost as though he never left::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] The repair was going to take a bit of time. But things did not seem on the up and up. Too many guards. Not a Federation operation, or Coridan for that matter.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::prays no one brings on board the proverbial elephant::

Hunter Matheson -> So...I press this button?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Steps back a little bit to give Kal some space, then puts on a pair of flight goggles.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::goggles?::

John Randall -> ::puts his things away, and goes back to the living area, then goes out onto the back deck, and sits in his favorite lawn chair::

Dyan Sylvanis -> Yes now open your arms and then do a liftoff motion.

Hunter Matheson -> ::flips down the visor for goggles::

Hunter Matheson -> Flap.

Hunter Matheson -> ::flaps::

Hunter Matheson -> Whoa... ::as he rises::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: sips :: I needed a sample, figure if Starfleet can intercept a vessel heading to one of the coordinates on that map perhaps the two can be linked. I said I needed to get on the sorting side of the machine.

John Randall -> ::his mother brings him a glass of sugar-free peach tea, his favorite, and sits in a chair next to him::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smiles.:: There you go. ::Takes of as well, soaring straight up over the trees.::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I poked :: he smiled :: around to see if I could find something like a sample to bring back with me,

Hunter Matheson -> ::looks down, then takes off after her::

John Randall -> Denise> So, how long can you stay, honey? ::sips her tea::

Cassie Granger -> Sample of the soil?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] After a bit of fishing around I found a small crystal

John Randall -> ::drains half his glass in one big gulp:: Not sure, Mom; the captain was supposed to be receiving orders for our next mission.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Since the mineral formed around the same time in the same place we could identify the rest sitting in a cargo vessel by a quick comparison process.

John Randall -> Denise> Well, hopefully it won't be too soon. It's good to have you here, Johnny; you've been away too long.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Taps the earbud she has on to activate the comm to Kal's helmet.:: Best thing about these is they adapt. The jet doesn't run constantly. It will allow you to glide.

Hunter Matheson -> ::soar... dip... flip... Immelmann::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I hopped out and fixed the machine, then before I was escorted to the surface a guard saw the dilithium fall out of my pocket.

Cassie Granger -> ::pretty much knows the result of that one::

John Randall -> ::nods:: I do miss being here sometimes, Mom. But, I love my job, too. I'm the assistant chief engineer now.

Hunter Matheson -> So..I'm supposed to glide. ::glides, barrell roll:

John Randall -> Denise> ::shakes her head:: You've come a long way in a short time, son. I'm very proud of you.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] They did not know if I was a spy, thief... but they wanted to find out.

Cassie Granger -> Why would they think you were a spy?

John Randall -> Thanks, Mom. So, tell me what's been going on with you. ::listens and sips his tea as his mother fills him in on the latest around McIverton::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Is quite impressed.:: Not always. ::Her jets open up as she zooms past Kal.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::zooms to keep up::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I don't know, perhaps they'd had problems earlier with infiltration

Hunter Matheson -> ::comes along side:: We need these in Fleet.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Then they did this... :: Morrison stood up and began to remove his shirt ::

John Randall -> Denise> Now, Johnny, I want to ask you something. You tell me about that mission you went on to Vulcan. I heard rumors that there were Romulans there. You tell me. ::looks at him sternly::

Cassie Granger -> ::cup down, forward lean::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: The lashes were pronounced. Doctors said he could go back later for better construction ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::adding to the Challenger's cargobays full of useless stuff, Captain Ja'Lale emerges from a local shopping plaza with some bags full of stuff:

Cassie Granger -> Looks like Naussican work.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::sends a message to the Challenger Crew, but not by COMM:: "The USS Challenger requests your presence when we depart in approx 67 hours. Please have all of your gear aboard and be ready to shove off in 65 hours." - signed Cmdr E. Rinax.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I would not answer their questions.. :: he shook while continuing to speak ::

John Randall -> ::sighs:: Mom, that mission was classified top secret by Admiral Baldwin. I'd be breaking my oath if I were to tell you.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Yes it does.

Dyan Sylvanis -> It would make things a little easier, wouldn't it? ::Rises and rols over to Kal's other side with ease.::

Cassie Granger -> You've seen Starfleet medical?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: He put his shirt back on loosely :: I would not tell them.... I would not tell them anything.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::just has the larger stuff transported to his quarters::

Dyan Sylvanis -> *rolls

Cmdr Rinax -> ((Then you'd have to shoot her, Randall. LOL))

Hunter Matheson -> Yeah. ::childlike grin::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Shopping for useless souvenirs you'll forget about and will collect dust in the back closet is something everyone does visiting cities like these.

John Randall -> ::his communicator chirps, and pulls it out of his pocket, reads the text message from Rinax:: Well, I have about 2 days here, Mom, then I have to report back to Challenger.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: nodded :: I am to see them again in a week. After all of the broken bones and lashes you think that would be more pain than one could bare ::

Cassie Granger -> Sgt> ::approaches, waiting::

Cassie Granger -> We all have a breaking point. Yes, Sergeant?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::reads the message from Rinax:: That's about right. +Rinax+ Hey, don't forget to take some time off yourself.

Cassie Granger -> Sgt> Message from Challenger, Captain. ::hands it to her::

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ I"m square this shoreleave, thanks Captain.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] It's the...the memories that hurt the most. :: waits ::

John Randall -> Denise> ::pouts:: Oh, I was hoping it would be longer. ::sighs:: But, at least you're here for 2 days. We'll just have to make the most of it. ::smiles at him::

Cassie Granger -> ::nods to the Sergeant:: Send an acknowledgement.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Good news?

Cassie Granger -> We have 67 hours to report.

Cassie Granger -> Little under 3 days.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +RInax+ All right. Sounds good, see you in 67 hours then.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: His heart sank like a pair of cement shoes ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> :;Doesn't see the message as her comm is in the tent, and she flying in the air.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::likewise::

John Randall -> ::finishes his tea, and hears his brother call for him:: Well, I promised Rick I'd look at his plasma manifold for him. We're going to the dock, Mom. Should be back in about 2 hours.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I'll have to make due then.

Cmdr Rinax -> +Captain+ Good travels, Capt.

Cassie Granger -> ::sits back:: Personnel here will take good care of you, Commander. If you need a doctor, we can furnish that. At this point, it's best you don't report anywhere.

John Randall -> Denise> All right, you two be careful. I'll start supper while you're gone. ::kisses him as she rises out of her chair, and goes into the house::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Hops onto his hoverbike for a nice roadtrip down the Pacific Coast Highway::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I wondered if I would need to change my appearance.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::alerts the crew:: +Shipwide+ We will disembark in 67 hours. Crew on shoreleave have been asked to get onboard within 65. Please prepare for the onslaught of a full compliment during that time.

Cassie Granger -> They'll contact you if it's necessary. The sergeant, here, is your personal... bodyguard, for lack of a better word.

John Randall -> ::sits a moment longer, staring out at the landscape beyond the back yard::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Does a few twists and turns as she climbs.::

Hunter Matheson -> What's the max altitude for this?

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I wish you could stay... you are the only one I really trust.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Well, maybe that Hok fellow

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::merges with traffic and begins to head down the coast south::

John Randall -> ::gets out of his chair, and meets his brother at the ground car; they zoom off toward town::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::glad for the news of departure, disappointed it's not sooner:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: He held her hand for a moment with a frightened look in his eye, then let go ::

Cassie Granger -> ::strange, but she understands:: Staying behind isn't an option for me, Commander. Orders beyond my pay grade.

Cassie Granger -> As for Hok, he's not trained.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] We all have duties to perform.

Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] No, and too talkative

Cassie Granger -> ::grin:: I'll grant you that.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job everyone... So, unless you want to continue your shoreleave activities in sim, our TBS will be 65 hours with crew ready to head back to the Challenger as we begin our 10th anniversary!

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