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Sky Harbor Aegis | 18 July 2014

Chirakis -> =/\==/\= Sky Harbor Aegis Mission Brief =/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\=7/18/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 7 November 2387 - Stardate 2387.313

Chirakis -> TBS was 5 minutes.

Chirakis -> Uncontrolled transmissions from Ealriana and Alrian continue.

Chirakis -> We are not insane. Yet.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> Those not on Aegis, choose a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Seeing none =BEGIN SIM=

Chirakis -> =BEGIN SIM=

Chirakis -> =BEGIN SIM=

Lawliet -> ::at his station in the CnC::

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay, hating the transmissions::

Chirakis -> ::without ear defenders, in the CnC:::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in sickbay, strongly considering some hard liqour::

Chirakis -> ::also considering the same::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Trying to get a grip on what this transmission is doing to Aegis.

Wes Roberts -> ::at his desk in C&C, ear defenders and foamies on it, next to a mug of coffee::

Revon -> ::Sitting at TAC, his head feeling like a blacksmith's anvil.::

KelsaViegnor -> ::in her shop, securing bottles to the shelves with putty::

mimipavilion -> ::lucky to have some Romulan ale in her quarters::

Jylliene -> ::C&C, with coffee, dark circles under her eyes::

Chirakis -> ::coffee is cold but that does not seem very important::

Chirakis -> ::Jylliene:: Time elapsed from the last transmission?

Annisha -> :: Checking her recording she made earlier ::

Lawliet -> ::rechecking the audio recording he took half hour ago::

Jylliene -> Ten minutes. Should be another anytime now. ::Grumbles::

Chirakis -> So it has come at ten minute intervals, precisely, or in general? ::sips::

Jylliene -> Transmission> Good morning and Yialrin, Ealriana se’Doria. In his Imperial Excellency’s name, the EBN brings you your morning broadcast. Let us first rise and salute our glorious capital, Kairan, which still triumphantly stands, in recognition of his Imperial Excellency’s presence.

Revon -> ::Narrows eyes.::

Jylliene -> In general.

Chirakis -> ::choke::

Alexis McFarland -> ::In her quarters, listening to the broadcasts::

Jylliene -> That was 9 minutes 45 seconds. And 3 tenths.

Jylliene -> To be very precise.

mimipavilion -> ::sighs::

Jylliene -> Transmission> The EBN is pleased to serve his Imperial Excellency in sharing with Ealriana both news and entertainment; his Imperial Excellency is well aware of the need to maintain the morale of the people and to show our enemies that they will not triumph!

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Thank you, Lieuten...

Jylliene -> Of course, ma'am.

Revon -> ::Wonders, does it count if he salutes with one finger?::

Wes Roberts -> ::foamies in, ear defenders on::

KelsaViegnor -> ::still affixing displays more securely, grumbling, earplugs in::

mimipavilion -> ::puts her ear defenders on::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Fvadt

Jylliene -> Transmission> To that end, we present to you in our usual morning cultural slot, the final act of the romantic drama “The Rogue and the Soldier”.

Chirakis -> ::mutter::

Lawliet -> ::listens in on the broadcast::

will_marx -> ::misses a step in the kata he was doing...and lands on his face::

will_marx -> ::mutters a few choices phrases in Joketsuzoku Mandarin::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::music plays the theme of the show, a rollicking song that swells dramatically, then plunges into a flowing, passionate melody::

Chirakis -> ::CnC:: Is there a pattern to this? Anyone?

Dacia Sandero -> ::sighs:: Lot of bloody good these do.. ::tosses her ear plugs in the trash::

Annisha -> :: Lays on her bed ready for the next broadcast ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::finishes cleaning up the dishes that fell on the floor.. glad they're all plastic::

Jylliene -> Sounds like a gavotte that turned into a kind of nocturne, but...probably not the pattern you mean.

Chirakis -> Gavotte? This word is not familiar to me.

Jylliene -> Not that I can discern beyond the ten minute or so gaps.

Jylliene -> A fairly lively melody.

Revon -> ::Can't help but smile.::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::male voice, apparently a narrator:: As our scene opens, a figure creeps along the shadows of the hedges of a well-manicured lawn, approaching the rear of a sizeable manor. The rogue Y’branshhth emerges from the shadows, glancing to the window.

Wes Roberts -> As long as its not all timey-wimey either, Lieutenant

Chirakis -> ::forced restraint:: I was not referring to the music, Lieutenant Kital. I was referring to the transmissions themselves.

Jylliene -> Yes ma'am. No, nothing beyond the time between transmissions.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Making sure the transmissions are being recorded ::

Alexis McFarland -> It's a trap!

Lawliet -> ::turns towards the Captain:: While it may not provide any answers Captain, but were receiving the broadcasts automatically. Not naturally.

will_marx -> ::stands, stretches, now that it's not jarring music::

Chirakis -> Has engineering found anything? Science? ::turns::

Jylliene -> Some seem to be some time apart, some seem to be mere hours, so far as what the broadcasts' elapsed time is.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::another male voice, in a loud whisper:: Birin!

Chirakis -> Explain, Mr. Lawliet.

Revon -> ::Turns his head as well.::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Narr:: A light grows brighter in the window, as a scarlet-haired woman appears at the panes.

Wes Roberts -> As long as we're not on the boundary edge of a Hasslein curve

KelsaViegnor -> ::bangs her head on the counter briefly::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::female voice - apparently Birin:: Y’bran!

mimipavilion -> ::rolls her eyes::

Alexis McFarland -> ::sits up in her bed, gasps::

Chirakis -> A Hasslein curve? ::annoyed at their extensive vocabulary::

Lawliet -> ::to the Captain:: Based off from what I can tell, these broadcasts are functioning like pages in a book. When one broadcasts day ends, the next starts minutes later. It's safe to say all these broadcasts are events that have already happened.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Y’branshhth:: Do you have the plans?

mimipavilion -> ::takes off her ear defenders::

Chirakis -> ::unable to focus clearly, listening to Lawliet::

Chirakis -> Already happened?

Jylliene -> ::ponders that, as she continues to work::

Wes Roberts -> But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Birin:: Right here. Father suspects nothing.

Chirakis -> ::growl:: Number One, that is not necessary.

Alexis McFarland -> Yes he does! He's behind the whole thing.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Narr:: Opening the window, the woman tosses something out to the waiting figure.

Annisha -> Romance? :: she say aloud ::

Wes Roberts -> ::shrugs:: I thought the Bard would be appropriate

Dacia Sandero -> ::giving out Aspirins for people with headaches from the feeds, as that's the best they can do::

Lawliet -> Yes. The way the broadcasters "start" and "finish" their broadcasts. Then a few minutes later, the same format.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Birin:: When will I see you?

Lawliet -> It's almost like we're hearing log entries.

Chirakis -> ::Lawliet:: And if they are, how old would they be?

Annisha -> :: Cries :: Be careful Birin.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Y’branshhth:: Tomorrow night. I and my men will upset his plans, and will see you to his throne. Sleep well, my love!

mimipavilion -> ::to herself:: Where are these transmissions coming from?

Alexis McFarland -> ::hugs her pillow:: Oooh. YOu can do it.

Lawliet -> ::Chirakis:: Hard to tell without index code. It's possible ones built into the transmission, but I'll need time to see if there is.

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Do it.

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Narr:: The two both retreat. As silence falls upon the lawn once more, another figure emerges - the guardswoman, Kiriane.

Lawliet -> ::nods and turns his chair:: Okay Computer, let's see what shes got.

Wes Roberts -> Although...it could be a spin on the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe.

Alexis McFarland -> Uh oh. I’ve always hated that Kiriane. ::narrows her eyes::

mimipavilion -> ::tries her best to do her work::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Kiriane:: Sloppy, Birin, to think I would never alter my rounds. Is this truly it, then? I will do as I must.

Chirakis -> A> sick bay is flooded with calls, complaints, you name it.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Realizes he does not like romance stories, or romantic comedies. His falls are comedy gold on their own ::

Chirakis -> Does the tale matter? ::serious::

Jylliene -> ::continues working, guzzling coffee::

Dacia Sandero -> ::sighs, administering what treatment she can give to the influx of patients::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Narr:: The night passes silently. In the morning, Birin rises. A knock sounds at her door.

Lawliet -> ::patches the active sensors array and diagnostic systems into the incoming transmissions:: Computer, begin recursive algorithm.

mimipavilion -> ::sighs at the calls, complaints, etc and starts organizing whos where and what the problem is, which is usually headaches::

KelsaViegnor -> ::sighs in some relief at the restoral of order in her shop::

Wes Roberts -> No, but a little literary criticism never hurt. Especially if the computer is recording it

Chirakis -> ::blank stare::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Birin:: My love! What are you do- ::the sound of a thud:: Y’BRAN!

Wes Roberts -> ::lets the blank stare go right over his head::

Alexis McFarland -> Oh no!

Wes Roberts -> And, besides, at least its not polka-disco or dubstep blues

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::narr:: The guardswoman steps out, having just dropped the rogue's already dead body to the floor. She eyes Birin cooley.

Chirakis -> Action> Fights break out on the Midway.

Dacia Sandero -> Ugh, so cheesy. But yet, so intriguing at the same time.

Jylliene -> (That's the 14:00 hour broadcast, Wes.)

mimipavilion -> ::once everything is slowly getting organized, she starts sending out nurses to the various locations to start dealing with the headaches::

Wes Roberts -> ((::grumble::))

Annisha -> :: Gasps :: Naaaaaaaaaa!

Revon -> ::Gets a ping on his console. Whirls about to Ensign Thompson's voice.::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Kiriane:: Your father will see you now, Birin.

Lawliet -> ::monitors the scan:: If there's a index code, than we might be able to determine where it came from.

Revon -> Go ahead, Cordelia.

Chirakis -> ::Roberts:: I'll take your word for it.

will_marx -> ::already on the move...if to just get out of his office::

Revon -> Cordelia > Sir! We've gotten multiple reports of scuffles breaking out across the midway. We are moving to detain and apprehend, over?

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::Narr:: The guard leads the woman away to her fate.

Revon -> +SEC-COM+ ::Rubs his temples.:: Seriously, though? It's just a two-bit radio show...

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::The theme repeats, this time, as a blaring stately march::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Feels helpless and a bit of a headache ::

Chirakis -> ::vain attempt to separate the transmission from the station communications::

Revon -> +SEC-COM+ Right, then: Hop to it.

Alexis McFarland -> Oooh. ::munches on some popcorn::

mimipavilion -> ::gives herself some aspirin to deal with the headache::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::host’s voice returns, with the sound of (apparently her own) applause:: And thus shall it be to any who would overthrow rightful rule!


Lawliet -> ::while the computer continues it's scan, he analyzes the transmission himself and begins reviewing it bit by bit::

Lawliet -> ::looks up::

mimipavilion -> ::hears the silence from the comms::

Jylliene -> Should have about ten minutes' peace. Hopefully.

Chirakis -> ::long exhale, leaning on the walkway railing::

Wes Roberts -> ::pauses for a moment, at the silence::

will_marx -> ::exits on to the CnC:: Mr Revon, status?

Revon -> ::Tosses the Chief a quick salute.:: Fights on the Midway, in case you hadn't heard. Squads two and five are moving in now.

mimipavilion -> ::contemplates going to the CnC to see if people need treatment for headaches::

Annisha -> :: crying, wants more ::

Alexis McFarland -> ::giggles::

Chirakis -> Action> More calls come into sick bay, some from the fights on the Midway, some in quarters.

will_marx -> ::nods:: As long as they aren't flinging people off into the central well.

mimipavilion -> ::grabs a kit and heads for the CnC:: Dacia think you can handle the calls.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Chirakis+ We are not farther along in stopping this menace Captain.

Dacia Sandero -> Yes, I think I can.

KelsaViegnor -> ::drinks the last of her coffee::

Chirakis -> ::tossses Lawliet a questioning look::

Dacia Sandero -> ::grabs her kit and heads to the midway first::

mimipavilion -> Alright I'll be on the CnC checking to see if the people there need treatment::

Chirakis -> +Nijil+ There must be something we can do. What is the extent of the transmission?

mimipavilion -> ::enters the tl and orders it to the CnC::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Grabs a humanoid by the shoulder, ripping backwards while a pair of midshipmen lock down his opponent.:: Alright you two, break it up! ::Narrowly avoids a hasty punch.:: ... 'Scuse you?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> A montage of spitting trumpets and twanging Triangos play a familiar trademark sound.

Annisha -> :: Looks up, smiling ::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives on the CnC just as the Transmission begins::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks around, holding his head ::

Chirakis -> ::turns, hearing the lift open::

mimipavilion -> ::sighs:: Anyone need a doctor.

Wes Roberts -> ::ear defenders back on::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: We've all been there. You both work. Father at the office working late hours. Mother getting the kids to four-dimensional tentacle ball. So who's going to sit on the egg or :: gulp :: eggs?

Dacia Sandero -> ::Arrives at the Midway as the new transmission starts, with a few other nurses::

Chirakis -> Not here, Doctor. The Midway may be in need, however.

Alexis McFarland -> Four dimension tentacle ball? That sounds fun!!!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Eggs?

Wes Roberts -> ::eyebrow::

will_marx -> ::eyebrow::

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: I'm aware. Just thought I should check here in case you need something for, let's say, a headache.

will_marx -> Bloody commercials

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Captain+ It is a very smart transmission. Able to rewrite our protocols

Revon -> +SEC-COM+ Avery Silverton > Chief, Commander, be advised: We're getting reports of domestic disputes across civilian housing blocks.

Chirakis -> ::well beyond the eyebrow stage::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: I'll tell you, but it's not a who, but a what.

Lawliet -> ::computer beeps:: What?

Chirakis -> +Nijil+ Who would be capable of doing that?

Dacia Sandero -> All right, let's form up some lines here.

Annisha -> What?

Alexis McFarland -> What?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Perplexed and expecting parent: *What* you talkin' about Trixlaufarocartroniss?

Revon -> +SEC-COM+ Avery > Probably related to that damned transmission... We'll do our best to prevent them, but we're spread pretty thin.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Chirakis+ No species that I know of at this power level.

Alexis McFarland -> Nice name

Lawliet -> That's impossible.

Chirakis -> +Nijil+ Find it. Chirakis out.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: That's right. Kick your mothers-in-law out of the cavern you call home and get the new thing in lazy egg laying incubation technology...

Chirakis -> ::turns:: What is impossible?

mimipavilion -> ::turns and enters the tl ordering it to the Midway to help::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: to himself :: What have I been doing...

Lawliet -> ::turns:: Captain....it's ancient.

will_marx -> -=Avery=- Coordinate with Mr Roberts' Chief of Security aboard the Revenge for more manpower.

Dacia Sandero -> ::organises some lines for the people needing treatment with the help of the nurses and some security goons::

Annisha -> I want to lay an egg, and love it and warm it and call it Ge'orge

Lawliet -> I mean...older than anything I've come across. I believe me, that's saying something.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: The Lazy Egg Warmer 4000 from Biismog.

Revon -> +SEC-COM+ Avery> Aye-aye, Chief. We'll do everything we can.

Chirakis -> How old, Mr. Lawliet?

Alexis McFarland -> Now I feel kind of bad for eating scrambled eggs for breakfast. ::Frowns::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Crowd: Oooooh!

Annisha -> Ahhhh!

mimipavilion -> ::mumbles:: Biismog. Biismog. Where is Biismog? ::arrives on the midway::

Dacia Sandero -> About 45,000 light years from Albuquerque?

will_marx -> Next we'll be hearing a spot for Milliways or Disaster Area's latest triple plutonium album

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: Oooooh! indeed. Now you can go about town, perform rites of passage and even forget about your young ones while our patented technology keeps your precious warm.

will_marx -> Security Dude> Is that a left or a right turn out of Albuquerque, Doc?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Less Perplexed Parent: My precious!? Aww, it must only work for so many hours, then it's back to sitting.

mimipavilion -> ::hears Dacia:: I'd say. What do we got here Dacia?

Jylliene -> (doesn't matter, they always miss the turn)

Revon -> LOL, Marx. ]]

Dacia Sandero -> Left, I think. But if you go past Gegasfran, you've gone too far.

Lawliet -> ::turns back to his results:: According to my scans, there's a degradation within the transmission. It predates the Aegis Asteroid Field.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: So much power in the transmission, must be something in the code ::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Announcer: No need to sit on the egg for 36 hours a day. No his turn, her turn or mother-in-law turn. It's your turn...for relaxation. Call now operators are NOT sitting by, they too work in comfort knowing their soon to be numerous young are not only warm, but Lazy Egg Warmer 4000 warm.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Mimi:: Most suffering from headaches and migraines, as well as bumps and bruises from fights that seemed to have occurred here in the midway

Revon -> Inoue Ogawa > ::Draws her phaser, meeting a combatant's gaze with eyes sharper than steel.:: You dare draw a blade in here? PUT. THE WEAPON. DOWN.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> Happy Parent: Thanks Biismog. I can now do the things I have always wanted to do. Smell painting, carnivorous canoeing and collecting rare isotopes. Thanks Biismog!

Chirakis -> ::forcing herself to think:: Predates the asteroid field?

Alexis McFarland -> Carnivorous canoeing? Ooooh.

Wes Roberts -> Carnivorous canoeing?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Transmission> No thank YOU. Won't you too call today and set up an in-home appointment. Also available in 134 colors and patterns. Batteries not included. Some assembly required. Void in Trans-Tennessee.

will_marx -> Sounds dangerous

Dacia Sandero -> ::Looks up:: That ... doesn't sound fun.

Jylliene -> Transmission> Yialrin, Ealriana se’Doria. In his Imperial Excellency’s name, the EBN interrupts to report that we have word of an attack upon Kairan. Giriel has acted once more. Relief efforts are already underway, with repairs also being made to the great capital’s shielding. His Imperial Excellency implores that we remain strong, as our greatest minds prepare a means to bring a swift end to the deplorable attacks of Giriel upon our peaceful realm.

Lawliet -> ::turns back to the Captain:: It's older than civilization currently in existence.

Annisha -> There are canoes on the holodecks.. if they could only eat the other kids

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Understood. I think the transmissions are messing with everyone and it needs to stop.

Annisha -> This is a strange show.

Wes Roberts -> ::sits upright::

Chirakis -> ::holds up a hand at the last transmission:: Attack?


Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Listens while he works ::

Dacia Sandero -> For sure... ::thoughts interrupted by the news feed::

mimipavilion -> ::hears the latest transmission:: Attack? ::starts treating the patients::

Dacia Sandero -> ::continues treating her patients:: Sounds serious

mimipavilion -> True.

Wes Roberts -> Either we're listening to an ancient version of the CBS Mercury Theatre's War of the Worlds or...

Chirakis -> Mr. Lawliet, continue your investigation. See if you can get a more exact date.

Chirakis -> ::Roberts, turning toward him:: Or...?

Lawliet -> Aye Captain. ::returns to his work::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Trying to run a pattern recognition on the last transmission ::

Annisha -> :: Waiting for more ::

Wes Roberts -> Captain, you know those regions of space, where you can pick up ancient Earth lightspeed radio transmissions?

Chirakis -> I do.

Wes Roberts -> What if that's what we're hearing

Chirakis -> We may be hearing an ancient earth transmission?

Chirakis -> This may be coming from earth?

Wes Roberts -> Not Earth, heavens no.

Wes Roberts -> Earth never had polka-disco or an egg warmer 4000.

Chirakis -> Thank Kahless.

Jylliene -> Lucky them.

Wes Roberts -> They had polka and disco. Just not together, Lieutenant.

Jylliene -> Well, at least that seems like an improvement over polka-disco.

Wes Roberts -> What if...

Jylliene -> ((Just think of the attire!))

Annisha -> :: Looks up at the speaker in the ceiling :: come on you lazy transmission

Chirakis -> ::visibly agitated::

Chirakis -> ::waiting for the if:::

Jylliene -> Transmission> ::static:: Morning and Yialrin, ::static:: overnight disrupted ::static:: A breakthrough promises to end ::static:: will broadcast the launch ::static:: three days’ time. Be strong, Ealriana! ::static:: Imperial Excellency!

Chirakis -> ::jerks::

Wes Roberts -> We're listening to the end of a civilization

Dacia Sandero -> It's getting worse...


Dacia Sandero -> Man> Yay!

Lawliet -> ::looks up again:: That's new.

Revon -> ::Strokes his chin, listening closely.::

mimipavilion -> ::hears the transmissions::

Chirakis -> The end of a civilization. And that last is not a dramatic presentation, it is a newscast?

will_marx -> ::nods::

Chirakis -> ::Lawliet:: And the transmission predates the asteroid field?

will_marx -> There are some old recordings that my step-mother has from the Eugenics War, that are almost as staticy. Even after being digitally cleaned up

Dacia Sandero -> ::continues treatment::

mimipavilion -> ::still treating people::

Chirakis -> ::nods:: ...and if it predates any civilization, how would we be hearing it now?

Lawliet -> Yes Captain.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (( Should have used Biismog Digital ))

Jylliene -> (( Yeah, yeah. They're expensive. ))

will_marx -> (She did. And wants her money back)

Wes Roberts -> Ripple in the time-space continuum?

Chirakis -> Which has occurred many times in this area.

Chirakis -> Mr. Lawliet, is that possible?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Launch....

Annisha -> :: Is a bit down :: Aww

Alexis McFarland -> Hmm. Doesn't sounds good.

Lawliet -> ::turns around:: Based off everything that's happened recently, I'd have to concur with that assessment. I would even go far as to say that the entire region has become unstable.

Annisha -> +Alexis+ Have you been listening? What's going on now?

Alexis McFarland -> +Annisha+ Annisha! It's cool! I want a holo-drum, and a Carnivorous Canoe.

Revon -> That, or perhaps a time-capsule of some sort? ::He keeps the musing to himself.:: It is hardly unheard of that the survivors of some earth-shattering cataclysm would fling a light into the future...

Chirakis -> The entire area is unstable? We are at risk?

mimipavilion -> ::sighs once more::

Lawliet -> ....Uncertain.

Revon -> Illuminate the way, so that their ancestors do not fall prey to the evils that felled their forerunners.

Chirakis -> Then find out, Mr. Lawliet. And quickly.

Wes Roberts -> As long as we're not sitting on a potential Hasslein Curve, I'll be happy

Revon -> ::He perished the thought.:: Ah, never mind it.

Chirakis -> Action> ships in the area, hearing the transmission, arm their weapons and prepare for an attack.

Chirakis -> =PAUSE SIM=

Chirakis -> =PAUSE SIM=

Chirakis -> =PAUSE SIM=

Chirakis -> Well played.

Chirakis -> TBS will be ten minutes.

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