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Sky Harbor Aegis | 20 July 2014

Chirakis -> Stand by for the brief. 15 present.

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/20/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 6 November 2387

Chirakis -> TBS was 2 days.

Chirakis -> The time is 0800. Everyone is on duty.

Chirakis -> We have new arrivals:

Chirakis -> Alexis McFarland

Chirakis -> Commander William J. Marx, Chief of Security

Chirakis -> Kelsa Viegnor, SF Cptn (Ret.)

Chirakis -> We have a new florist and perfumeria.

Chirakis -> CSCI Lawliet is using the holodeck to investigate our strange experience.

Chirakis -> Drs Pavilion and Schawnsee are investigating it from a medical perspective.

Chirakis -> Anyone not on Aegis adopt a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> Seeing none..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> ::on the C&C::

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay::

Annisha -> @ :: Dematerializes on the pad of the Nei'rrh with her friend Alexis ::

Jylliene -> ::C&C::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in sickbay, helping with the analysis::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::somewhere, that she will determine when the children show::

Annisha -> @ Was that not the best?

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::Appears on the Nei'rrh with Annisha:: Oooooooh!

Lawliet -> ::working between his office and the holodeck for two days straight...currently in his office::

Revon -> ::At Tactical; somewhat energetic today, it seems.::

Chirakis -> ::pacing::

will_marx -> ::in his office, getting it...comfortable:: Who doesn't believe in office chairs?

Alexis McFarland -> @ That was interesting.

Jorahl -> ::in main engineering::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::is definitely not on the Nei'rrh::

Jylliene -> ::sips coffee, with added whipped cream today::

Lawliet -> ::checking and rechecking historical information from the Starfleet Database::

Annisha -> @ I've been told this is a Charon class shuttle, high warp, meaning the streaks of the stars are longer, cloaking device to monitor Federation busybodies...

Dacia Sandero -> ::Sipping some tea, pouring over her reading::

Jylliene -> ::looking through the usual reports and requisitions and scheduled arrivals and departures::

will_marx -> ::grumbles, while placing a naginata on hooks on the wall above the credenza::

Alexis McFarland -> @ Awesome. Can it do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs?

Lawliet -> ::reaches for his cup of coffee...it's empty

Annisha -> @ :: Gives her friend a walking tour :: The Romulans have bougth up all of the green metal in the galaxy, so all of their ships are green.

mimipavilion -> ::trying to make sense of the encounter everyone had::

Chirakis -> ::watching ships come and go::those in holding pattern are not happy::

Alexis McFarland -> @ Really? Then why are Klingon ships green too?

Annisha -> @ Parsecs? That's a measure of distance

Alexis McFarland -> @ Just keeping you on your toes

Annisha -> @ Uh, different shade of green.. grungy green rather than olive green

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::exits her office::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Hello, Mimi. ::approaching her::

KelsaViegnor -> ::having had a good first day, humming as she walks the floor this morning, checking on stock::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Elsewhere around the station, Nijil gets a curious beep on his beeping padd ::

Lawliet -> ::looks down at his desk piled with PADDs:: Maybe I should focus on something different for awhile.

Alexis McFarland -> @::furrows brow:: Really? Green is green

mimipavilion -> ::hears Amanda and looks up:: Oh hi Amanda.

Amanda Davis PhD -> You look well this morning.

mimipavilion -> thanks

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::looking around:: Where is Dacia?

will_marx -> ::hooks a katana above the naginata::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: He figures a message from Jylliene.. a love note? "Hope to see you soon?" "Did you leave the replicator on when you left this morning?" ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::working in the lab::

Jylliene -> ::sends vector and clearance out to an incoming cargo ship::

Chirakis -> (Excellent, Commander Marx. Display the items prominently.)

mimipavilion -> I think in one of the labs.

Annisha -> @ What?

Lawliet -> ::with a weak composure, walks out of science and into the nearby turbolift:: Sickbay.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Oh. Well, then how is she getting along with her new charge, Alexis?

Alexis McFarland -> @ What?

Jylliene -> (I need a weapon for my office wall. Oh wait... ;) )

Annisha -> @ Green is the best.. most plants are green, er, slime is green.

mimipavilion -> I think she's doing good.

Alexis McFarland -> @ Mountain Dew is green.

Kallah Ramson -> ::finishing some reports and an iced coffee while seated at a cafe::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks at his padd, someone has entered the Nei'rrh ::

Alexis McFarland -> @Green...ish.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::sigh of relief:: Good. It's difficult having a child, and not having experience.

Annisha -> @ Would dew from a mountain be clear?

mimipavilion -> ::nods::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Actually, it's difficult raising a child when you do have experience.

Lawliet -> ::the turbolift reaches it's destination and walks across the corrider into sickbay::

mimipavilion -> ::smiles:: True

Alexis McFarland -> @The can is green too.

Chirakis -> ::steps toward OPS:: Lieutenant, anything unusual today?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Jy+ Korjata here, can you confirm someone entereing the shuttlecraft Nei'rrh?

Jylliene -> Nothing at the moment. The scheduled arrivals, and -

Chirakis -> ::hearing the comm::

Jylliene -> I spoke too soon.

Jylliene -> ::glances at Chirakis::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::sighs::

Lawliet -> ::spots mimi across the way and walks up to her:: Doctor Pavilion.

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ Standby.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Exits the lab and heads over to Dr Mimi::

mimipavilion -> ::sees Lawliet walk in:: Hello

Jylliene -> ::looks through::

Chirakis -> ::looks to Jylliene:: The Nei'rrh.

Annisha -> @ :: Opens the door to the bridge of the Nei'rrh :: Here we are, where the magic happens. :: spans her arms wide ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::looking up:: Hello, Dacia.

Amanda Davis PhD -> How are you doing?

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ Nobody went there using the station transporters. They would have had to have used its system. Which means...

KelsaViegnor -> ::packages a small bottle of perfume and sets it aside to send off to the first client she had::

Annisha -> @ The commander sits in this chair here, the pilots sit up there.

Lawliet -> ::bit tired:: Sorry to bother... ::yawns:: ...you, but I was wondering how your investigation was coming?

Dacia Sandero -> Hello, Amanda.. Mimi.. Mr LAwliet.. ::Amanda:: I'm doing okay, thanks. You?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Listens ::

Alexis McFarland -> @ Ahh. Like Federation shuttles.

Amanda Davis PhD -> I'm well. But Lawliet, you don't look too well.

Jylliene -> ::glances upward, sighs lightly:: +Nei'rrh+ Aegis operations to Nei'rrh. Annisha, are you in there?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Jy+ The door was not breached either.. the Nei'rrh's transporters.

Lawliet -> ::to Amanda:: I've been working for the past 48 hours.

Chirakis -> ::waiting::

Annisha -> @ :: Stops in her tracks ::

Chirakis -> ::listening::

Alexis McFarland -> @ You gonna answer that?

mimipavilion -> It's same, more or less, the only thing we have are the brain waves.

Revon -> ::Raises a brow, but then relaxed. Doubtful of anything but.::

Alexis McFarland -> @ I would, but I don't read Romulan

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::looks to Mimi::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Jy+ What is happening?

Lawliet -> ::looks back at mimi:: The brain waves?

Annisha -> @ :: Goes up to the pilot chair ::

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ I think a certain girl boarded.

Annisha -> @ I can here them, but this screen is different.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: There were two waves a faint one from when we were still here, but a stronger one when were also there.

Lawliet -> ::yawns again::

Alexis McFarland -> @ I best just sit here. With my luck, I'd end up pressing the self destruct or beam me out into space

Jylliene -> +Nei'rrh+ Aegis to Nei'rrh. Please respond, or face boarding.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Jy+ Oh... the necklace.... lock the shuttle, lock out the controls. I'm on my way

Revon -> ::Chuckled heartily.:: Shall I send in the troops?

Chirakis -> ::without turning:: Mr. Harada. Inform Commander Marx we have a breach in the shuttle bay. ::stern::

Lawliet -> Two waves? Is that possible?

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ Right away.

Revon -> Aye, ma'am.

mimipavilion -> Shouldn't be, but it is. Dacia you got anything to add.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::pulling a wheely chair over for Lawliet::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits his maintenance tube and heads to the C&C ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Please, sit down, Lawliet.

Jylliene -> ::transmits the signal to access the Nei'rrh systems and lock it down::

Revon -> +Marx+ Come in, Chief: Sensors indicate an apparent breach in Shuttle Bay security; specifically the Nei'rrh.

Jorahl -> ::observing::

Lawliet -> ::looks at Amanda:: I'm fine Aman...Counselor.

Annisha -> @ The self destruct is a command level control which I don't have. :: taps on the comm, but no response ::

Dacia Sandero -> All of the brain waves I analysed were all the same. Not much to add, I suppose.

Revon -> +Marx+ I'm doubtful it's anyone but a child. Nonetheless, I've got two officers already vectored to investigate.

Lawliet -> Wait? The same? All brain waves were the same?

will_marx -> ::was already out of his office:: -=Harada=- Understood. I'll take a look as well

Chirakis -> +Shuttle Bay+ Chief of the Watch. You have a breach. Shuttle Nei'rrh. Take all caution. Lock it down. Commander Marx is on his way.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Looks like we're at a bit of a stand still.

Alexis McFarland -> Similar readings, anyway

Dacia Sandero -> (Ahh, that was Dacia)

Chirakis -> Chief> +Chirakis+ Aye, Captain. Locking down.

will_marx -> ::enters the lift:: Shuttlebay, Nei'rrh docking bay.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: After a swift trip in the lift, he exits into C&C ::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Good morning everyone..

Chirakis -> A> Nei'rrh is surrounded by armed personnel, waiting for Marx.

Annisha -> @ Perhaps we should get out now... :: goes to the exit, but it won't open. ::

Lawliet -> ::rubs his eyes:: Doesn't that mean a single entiry may have been responsible for that second brain wave?

Jylliene -> ::to Nijil:: Probably want to change the codes to the Nei'rrh. And perhaps to anything else Annisha might have seen you use. If it is her in there.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Meets Marx at the lift personally.::

Revon -> Cordelia > Hail, countryman. We're ready to breach on your orders.

Alexis McFarland -> @ Uhh.. hmm. ::Raises brow:: Try beaming us out?

will_marx -> ::exits, pulls a century old Type 2 phaser out of his holster:: What have we got?

Lawliet -> We did have that encounter with a telepathic entity. Maybe it was the cause?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Captain, permission to teach a 10 year old a lesson?

mimipavilion -> Yes, it is.

Chirakis -> ::Jylliene:: Lieutenant, shuttle bay on auxiliary screen.

Annisha -> @ :: Goes to those controls :: Nothing..

Jylliene -> Yes ma'am.

Dacia Sandero -> I would think that is the case.

Revon -> Cordelia > Confirmed intrusion of the shuttle; unknown assailants. Harada says it's probably nothing. You?

Jylliene -> ::pulls it up::

Jylliene -> I think she's already going to get the lesson of a lifetime, Nijil.

Chirakis -> ::nijil:: I thought that is what we were doing. However, if you have an additional thought, coordinate with Commander Marx.

mimipavilion -> I think this is pretty much a closed case for now.

Dacia Sandero -> ::nods::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Sits down :: Give my remote control of the shuttle, tell security to stand clear

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::watching Lawliet's eyes close, then open, then close::

Lawliet -> ::to mimi:: What can you determine about this "second" brain wave? Anything unique?

will_marx -> ::nods:: Override the hatch, take flanking positions and cover me as I go in.

Chirakis -> ::Nijil:: Allow Cdr Marx to call the shots, SubCommander.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks to the Captain :: I withdraw my request.

Jylliene -> ::reassuring smile to Nijil::

Chirakis -> ::nod:: You will come into the picture soon enough.

Chirakis -> And yes, your input is valuable.

Jylliene -> ::tries to reassure herself as well::

Revon -> Cordelia > You'll want these. ::Hand Marx a pair of thermal goggles. Pulls down her face-mask and orders the troops to stack up.:: Breach, smoke, and clear. On the Commander's mark... ::Nods expectantly.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I will likely be in trouble as well Captain.

Chirakis -> That depends, SubCommander.

Annisha -> @ :: Tries to look out the viewport window ::

Chirakis -> Stay here, and we shall see.

mimipavilion -> That it was faint, more likely a subconscious memory, but that's all. Mr. Lawliet, I should tell you now, that with you exhaustion I'm going to order you to your quarters for the next 24 hours.

will_marx -> No smoke, no pyro.

Dacia Sandero -> ::sitting in the chair:: See anything?

Dacia Sandero -> ^ Alexis

Annisha -> @ :: looks :: Not from this one

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Pulls up her mask.:: But sir... ::Sighs with disappointment.:: Very well: Open and clear. We're right behind you, sir.

will_marx -> ::ignores the thermals:: Pop the hatch.

KelsaViegnor -> ::assists a new client who has arrived::

Alexis McFarland -> @ You sure it was okay to beam over here?

Lawliet -> ::eyes wide open:: What? I just...fine Doc. Just one more question before I go.

mimipavilion -> No your not and what is your question.

Annisha -> @ Not anymore, they know we are in here, or just me.

will_marx -> ::goes through...pistol at the low ready::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::very concerned about Lawliet::

Dacia Sandero -> ::glances at Lawliet with concern::

Lawliet -> ::takes a slow breath trying to focus:: Could you replicate the process?

Amanda Davis PhD -> (gmta, Dacia)

Dacia Sandero -> (heh)

will_marx -> ::enters the aft portion of the shuttle:: Clear!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Nijil watches as events unfold ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::grabs a tricorder::

Annisha -> @ :: Hears something ::

Revon -> Cordelia > Confirmed! ::Slinks through the craft, rifle at the same.:: I hear voices round that corner. Watch yourself.

Alexis McFarland -> @ What was that?

mimipavilion -> the brain waves we detected were from everyone who went, that we scanned.

KelsaViegnor -> ::steers the man toward the lavender for relaxation, begins to question him to find the right blend for him::

Annisha -> @ :: Goes to Alexis to shield her:: Stay behind me.

Annisha -> @ (w) Company

will_marx -> ::enters the cockpit...sees the girls::

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::walks behind Annisha:: (w) Yes.

Lawliet -> But...could you physically do it? Recreate the second brain wave?

will_marx -> ::mutters something in an obscure dialect of Mandarin::

Jylliene -> ::watches the viewscreen, biting her lip subconsciously::

mimipavilion -> No, no one can.

will_marx -> What are you two doing in here?

Annisha -> @ :: give a curious look :: I've not met you before.

Lawliet -> ::looks off to the side and stumbles...balances himself:: Thanks Doc.

Alexis McFarland -> @ It's your shuttle. ::Shrugs at Annisha:: I've not met anyone here.

Annisha -> @ I was showing her around, giving her the slip of latinum tour

will_marx -> I'm the new Security Chief, Commander Marx.

Annisha -> @ Good for you, what happened to the old one>?

will_marx -> And you're in a restricted area, young lady.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ Report.

mimipavilion -> ::lawliet:: To bed with you, now. And that is an order.

Kallah Ramson -> ::finding fuel usage reports rather pointless for an AQS powered vessel, but finishes the last report::

Revon -> Cordelia > And I'm Lieutenant Thomps-... Ah.

Annisha -> @ :: Held her necklace, then let it go ::

will_marx -> He's been reassigned.

Alexis McFarland -> Unforunate.

Lawliet -> ::looks up at Amanda:: Would you mind, Counselor?

Annisha -> @ Reassigned to the homeworld?

Amanda Davis PhD -> Not at all, Lawliet.

will_marx -> -=Chirakis=- Captain, two juvenile females are in the shuttle, one Romulan, one Human

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::Hurries to steady him::

Annisha -> @ My friend is innocent officer..

will_marx -> I don't know.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ Have they the proper credentials?

Lawliet -> ::puts his arm around Amanda:: Thanks...

will_marx -> ::holsters his phaser::

Alexis McFarland -> @ I would've thought so. ::Smiles::

Annisha -> @ Do you wish to go on the tour too?

Kallah Ramson -> ::stands and moves towards the lifts::

will_marx -> No, I've had my tour of the station.

Annisha -> @ :: Holds Alexis' hand ::

Jylliene -> ::sighs in slight relief::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::steadies him, one arm around his waist, the other holding his arm over her shoulder::

Alexis McFarland -> @::glances at Annisha as she grabs her hand::

mimipavilion -> ::Amanda:: Make sure he gets there in one piece.

Annisha -> @ Let her go, it's me you want Commander.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Oh, I will.

will_marx -> Its time to find your guardians and discuss with them where you should and shouldn't be.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ Commander Marx. Have they the proper credentials?

Lawliet -> ::with Amanda's help, walks out of sickbay and into the turbolift:: Computer...you know who I am. My quarters.

will_marx -> ::shakes his head:: No dice.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::glad she has been working out lately::

will_marx -> ::growls at the interruptions from the C&C::

Revon -> Cordelia > Come, come. ::Motions them along with a soft smile. Somebody needed to play "foil", after all.::

Annisha -> @ I know how to fly this thing you know? Be she could do the kessel run in 11 parsecs..

will_marx -> -=Chirakis=- Stand by, Captain.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ Standing by.

Kallah Ramson -> ::enters the CnC. Notes everyones attention to something::

mimipavilion -> ::shakes her head and heads to her computer to makes a note to the captain that Lawliet is off duty for 24 hours due to exhaustion.

Jylliene -> ::sips coffee::

Lawliet -> ::slightly leaning against the back of the turbolift::

mimipavilion -> ::*

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm.. Interesting. I do hope he'll be okay.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks at Jylliene ::

will_marx -> Out of the shuttle now. Both of you.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::still supporting him::

Chirakis -> ::watching and listening::

Annisha -> @ :: Starts to walk out of the shuttle with Alexis in tow ::

Alexis McFarland -> @ ::Follows along, still unsure what's going on::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> And to think I was going to scare them a bit.

Lawliet -> ::takes a few deep breaths as the turbolift stops and they walk out::

will_marx -> Cordelia, get their indenticards when they get into the hangar

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::the lift stops:: Here we go...

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::helping him along:: Lawliet, I have the feeling that your problem is more than fatigue.

Jylliene -> ::glances back at Nijil and nods, then turns back to the screen::

Annisha -> @ (w) They should reduce your sentence, 2 years tops.. out before you are 12 at the very most.

Kallah Ramson -> ::gives reports to a passing crewmen::

Lawliet -> ::looking down at his feet:: I'm sorry.

Annisha -> @ :: Steps down the aft cargo hold door ::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Waves off the bristle of guns, holding laughter all the way.:: Aye, Chief. You two got your ID's?

Alexis McFarland -> @ (w) I'm too cute to go to juvie ::follows Annisha out of the shuttle::

mimipavilion -> ::starts make a report about the case::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Don't be sorry ,Lawliet. If we know what you experienced, we may be able to help.

will_marx -> ::does a quick look around the cockpit of the shuttle, making sure there's nothing out of place::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::comes to the door to his quarters:: You'll have to open it.

Annisha -> :: drops the @ :: You don't have the ears for it Alexis

Alexis McFarland -> HMm.

Lawliet -> ::stumbling into his quarters:: I..know..and I'm sorry.....Amanda.

Chirakis -> ::wondering what Marx has in mind::

Revon -> Cordelia > Oi, Annisha. ::Firm.:: I'll need some ID, if you can.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::helps him stumble towards the private area and his bed:::

will_marx -> ::exits and secures the Nei’rrh::

Annisha -> :: Reaches into her pocket...:: I have this thing with a picture of my father in it.

Lawliet -> ::falls onto his bed:: I know...I am so sorry.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::pulling his feet onto the bed:: May I get you something?

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Growls, but accepts.:: You're lucky everyone knows him. And you, little lady? ::Raises a brow at Alexis.::

Lawliet -> Forgiveness....

Annisha -> I'm Annisha Laeh t'Korjata

Amanda Davis PhD -> Forgiveness? From me?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::sits on the edge of the bed, next to him::

Lawliet -> ::takes a few breaths and nods::

KelsaViegnor -> ::After packaging the oil and diffuser for the client, bids him good day, then returns to inspecting the shelves for traces of dust::

Annisha -> :: Looks at Alexis, lets go of her hand ::

Alexis McFarland -> I only arrived here 2 days ago.. I don't think I have an identicard yet.. but I do have my Federation Social Security card ::produces it from her bag::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Of course, Lawliet. I forgive you.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Well, the necklace works.

Lawliet -> NO!

Amanda Davis PhD -> Whatever it is, I forgive you.

Lawliet -> I mean...

Annisha -> (Social security, plays well into the discussion earlier)

Lawliet -> I know...at least I think I do.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Looks it over.:: Fair enough. ::Turns to the Chief.:: Well, sir? What's the verdict on these pint-sized trailblazers?

Jylliene -> So it seems. You'll need to get it back. Or deactivate it for a while.

Jylliene -> A long while.

will_marx -> Standby.

Chirakis -> ::to them both, without turning:: Excellent idea.

Annisha -> :: Thinks: Just wait til I grow up.. you will be the first ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::listening::

Lawliet -> I can sense...feel everything and everyone. I've always been alone...for a long time.

Alexis McFarland -> ::Raises a brow::

will_marx -> -=Chirakis=- Captain, we've got Annisha t'Korjata and Alexis McFarland.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ What is your suggestion, Commander?

Jylliene -> ::groans, murmurs:: She dragged someone else with her? Elements, child.

Annisha -> @ :: Standing there, never once putting her head down ::

will_marx -> -=Chirakis=- Have Ops get ahold of their guardians, and have them report to the shuttlebay.

Lawliet -> When I'm with...::mumbling::...it seems like I don't have to be.

Chirakis -> +Marx+ Consider it done.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> What? Finally she has a friend.. or a captive.

Kallah Ramson -> ::glances at Nijil::

Chirakis -> ::looks to Jyl:: Inform Dr. Sandero to report to the shuttle bay.

Jylliene -> ::smirks at Nijil:: Better get down there.

Jylliene -> ::nods to Chirakis:: Right away.

Chirakis -> ::turns:: SubCommander, your presence is required in the shuttlebay.

Lawliet -> ::takes a couple more deep breaths::...I just, don't know how.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Raises his hand :: On my way

Jylliene -> +Dacia+ Ops to Dr. Sandero

Wes Roberts -> ::watching the excitement from his office, snorts and shakes his head::

Dacia Sandero -> ::working on her scans:: +OPS+ Dr Sandero here, go ahead.

Amanda Davis PhD -> +Mimi+ Mimi, I think you need to come to Lawliet's quarters.

Jylliene -> +Dacia+ You're needed in the shuttlebay, to receive your young charge.

Revon -> ::Chuckles. Waves to Nijil as he goes.::

Amanda Davis PhD -> +Mimi+ He's more than tired. There is something wrong.

mimipavilion -> ::concerned:: +Amanda+ Understood.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits into the lift :: Shuttle bay with the Nei'rrh

Dacia Sandero -> +OPS+ Uhh.. okay. On my way.

mimipavilion -> ::grabs a med kit, entering a tl, ordering it to Lawliet's quarters::

Chirakis -> ::sigh of exasperation::

Lawliet -> ::grabs Amanda's shoulder:: No. I'm sorry...for you. At least, I think I should be. ::drops his arm and passes out::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: The lift stops on the shuttle bay level. He gets off and walks into the bay ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::feeling his pulse, checking his temperature with her hand::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Mimi:: I need to head to the shu... ::sees her leave, turns to Nurse Ratchet:: Mind looking after the place? I shan’t be too long... hopefully.

Amanda Davis PhD -> +Mimi+ Hurry.

will_marx -> ::looks at Annisha:: There are other ways to give someone the nickel tour, young lady.

Jylliene -> I hope this isn't too much a sign of things to come.

Dacia Sandero -> ::heads out to the lift, calling for the shuttle bay::

Annisha -> It's gone up to slips of latinum...sir.

mimipavilion -> ::after a few minutes arrives at his quarters and enters:: What's wrong.

Alexis McFarland -> I wish it hadn't. I miss those days.

Amanda Davis PhD -> I'm not sure. He just passed out.

will_marx -> Tomato, tomahto, young lady.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Sees Annisha in the distance standing beside another girl about her age ::

KelsaViegnor -> ::finds a few spots on one of the bottles, immediately shines it to an immaculate gleam::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Waves both of them down as they exit their lifts.::

Dacia Sandero -> ::enters the shuttle bay shortly after Nijil::

mimipavilion -> ::starts scanning Lawliet::

Chirakis -> ::Jyl:: I understand that raising children is an adventure.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Hears footfalls behind him :: Doctor, the other one yours?

Dacia Sandero -> ::sees Alexis and Annisha, glances at Nijil:: Yeah, that's right. Wonder what's going on?

will_marx -> You should be lucky I'm going to let you off with a stern warning to not do this without authorization again.

Jylliene -> I prefer adventures to start out in a bit more mundane a fashion. Sitting in a cafe or something of that nature.

Chirakis -> If that is true, then you have quite an adventure ahead of you.

Jylliene -> ::sighs::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Walks toward his daugher :: Annisha lilkly used the shuttle transporter to enter teh Nei'rrh

Lawliet -> ::laying on his bed...sound asleep::

Jylliene -> ((Your party is all sitting in a tavern...))

Chirakis -> I agree. However, we do not dictate our destinies.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> ((Walk north))

mimipavilion -> ::finishes her scan and turns to Amanda:: He's fine Amanda. Lawliet is just mentally and physically exhausted.

Dacia Sandero -> How'd she do that?

will_marx -> SubCommander, Doctor. I take it these two are your charges?

Amanda Davis PhD -> As far as I can tell, he's just asleep. He doesn't seem to have fever, but his pulse is high.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Yes, the mastermind no doubt is mine

Dacia Sandero -> ::nods at Will:: Yeah, what's happening?

Kallah Ramson -> ::was just sitting at a cafe, ponders if that counts::

Jylliene -> No. But we can try to direct them, that the path to our destiny may be somewhat clearer and smoother.

Dacia Sandero -> Aww.. Poor Alexis just along for the ride?

Chirakis -> True.

Chirakis -> And let us hope that this experience will help direct them.

Annisha -> Daddy...

mimipavilion -> Like I said exhaustion. Probably overloaded his empathic abilities.

will_marx -> Unauthorized transporter use within the station, accessing a restricted area without authorization or adult supervision

Jylliene -> As you said.

Chirakis -> ::finally turns to face her:: Were I in charge of security and not Mr. Marx, I would have treated them as any other intruder.

Alexis McFarland -> ::still a bit confused with the going ons::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Also not knowing to disable the Nei'rrh's internal alarm system within moments of dematerialization. Sloppy work Annisha.

Chirakis -> So we should be grateful that CDR Marx is in charge. He has experience with children. I do not.

will_marx -> (<- has three children)

Jylliene -> I understand that. And I am grateful.

Annisha -> Dad... I forgot.

mimipavilion -> :looks at Lawliet:: We should get him in a more comfortable sleeping arrangement on the bed.

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Carry on. ::turns toward her CnC desk::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Of course.

Jylliene -> ::nods:: Thank you Captain.

Amanda Davis PhD -> So, exhaustion.

Dacia Sandero -> ::covers her mouth with her hand, stifling a chuckle::

will_marx -> SubCommander, I'd much rather she *not* use the transporter aboard the Nei'rrh without due cause

mimipavilion -> ::starts pulling him towards the head of the bed:: yep

Annisha -> Commander, the blame is partly mine. I gave her a homing figurine in times of emergency.

Amanda Davis PhD -> He said over 48 hours. And apparently consumed with the experience some of you had.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::helping Mimi arrange him::

KelsaViegnor -> ::continues to clean the shop, already still rather clean to begin with. Seeing another client enter, greets them, and begins to assist::

Lawliet -> ::gives off a sigh of relief as he's laid properly::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::fluffs the pillow, etc, etc::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I'm aware of the protocol. Annisha, I need the necklace.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::removes his shoes/boots and pulls up the covers::

mimipavilion -> 48 hours of no sleep. No wonder he was out of it. ::takes off his uniform jacket::

Lawliet -> ::whispers::.....sorry.

mimipavilion -> ::softly:: sleep

will_marx -> ::looks at Dacia and Nijil:: You'll also need to have identicards made up for them.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::whispers:: I'll stay here with him, Mimi. There is a comfortable recliner in the corner.

mimipavilion -> ::Amanda, quietly:: Let's go.

Dacia Sandero -> I put in a request to OPS when she arrived.

Annisha -> :: Hands over the necklace ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> I don't believe he should be alone.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Alright, but don't stay too long. ::grabs her gear and leaves::

will_marx -> ::nods::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I think you need more lessons on proper shuttle maintenance, don't you think Annisha?

Annisha -> :: nods ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::examines his environmental settings and sets them as he would::

Jylliene -> ((Cleaning with a toothbrush?))

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Pockets the necklace ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::smirks and hugs Alexis, telepathically... It's OK.. You didn't know.::

mimipavilion -> ::walks back to the tl and orders it back to sickbay::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::settles into the recliner::

Lawliet -> ::gives off deep, steady breaths::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Let's see.. realignment of the cloaking coils?

Chirakis -> ::pondering the situation and very glad Marx is here::

will_marx -> And just so you know, if I catch either of them in a restricted area again, you'll be signing them out of a holding cell.

Annisha -> That's eas-

Nijil tr'Korjata -> By hand...

Chirakis -> ::beginning her report::

Alexis McFarland -> ::looks back up at Dacia, then Annisha::

Lawliet -> ::slightly::...Amanda...

Annisha -> But that will take hours and you can't stop in the middle.. aww

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::stands, moves quietly toward him, not sure if he is awake::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives back at sickbay and puts her gear away::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Doctor Sandero, I would wager yours is innocent and guilty only of blindly following a rihan girl.

will_marx -> SubCommander, if you're going to have her do that, make sure that your daughter accesses the bay the *normal* way.

will_marx -> And have Operations place her on the bay access list.

Lawliet -> ::whisper::...what do you think of...::drifts off once again::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I'd have her do it in an EVA suit if they would fit her.

Dacia Sandero -> ::smiles:: I figured.. but go a *little* easy on her. Kids will be kids afterall.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::hums a soft lullaby, one that her mother sang::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::sitting by his bed::

mimipavilion -> ::goes back to her report::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Annisha, go to your room.. and you won't be able to use the lifts..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> 6/20/14

Chirakis -> Well played.

Jylliene -> ((Hush little baby, don't say a word, momma's gonna buy you a new warbird...))

Lawliet -> lol

Amanda Davis PhD -> Ha!

Dacia Sandero -> lol.

Chirakis -> TBS will be one day.

Chirakis -> Time for Annisha to at least get half her job done.

Chirakis -> I thank those who wrote logs. They were enlightening.

Chirakis -> Welcome, CDR Marx.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> They were good.

Dacia Sandero -> Yay.. welcome aboard.

will_marx -> Thank you Captain.

Chirakis -> You saved the girls from my wrath.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Your first crisis Commander Marx

will_marx -> And it won't be my last

Dacia Sandero -> You handled it well

Chirakis -> Questions or comments from command?

Chirakis -> Indeed he did.

Wes Roberts -> None

Jorahl -> None

Chirakis -> From the crew?

mimipavilion -> no

Jylliene -> Nope.

Lawliet -> none

Dacia Sandero -> Nope

Chirakis -> Very well, crew *dismiss*

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