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Sky Harbor Aegis | 13 June 2014

Chirakis -> And, with 15 present, let us begin.

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/13/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 4 November 2387

Chirakis -> TBS was 2 days.

Chirakis -> The time is 0800. Everyone is on duty.

Chirakis -> The away team is back from TKR-117; Nei'rrh is in the bay.

Chirakis -> Science and medical are still puzzling over what happened to a number of the crew, but we do know we were not dreaming.

Chirakis -> Engineering continues to tweak the station, now focusing on the defense grid.

Chirakis -> Pan Universe flight 001 is ready to dock at sim begin.

Chirakis -> Anyone not on Aegis adopt a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> Seeing none =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay going over the puzzle::

Jylliene -> ::C&C, ops, watches docking indicators::

Jorahl -> ::in main engineering, ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::in her office again::

Dacia Sandero -> ::working away at Medical, and pours over the brainwave scans of the crew::

Lawliet -> ::in his office::

Chirakis -> ::in her office, hiding from the hordes::

will_marx -> @ ::helping Xian and Ranko with the luggage, the kids and clearing out the stateroom::

Schawnsee -> :: walks into sickbay, grabs her lab coat and places it on as she walks over to Dr.Mimi::

Kallah Ramson -> ::walking the Commerce Zone::

Jylliene -> And there we go. Pan Universe 001 is docked. ::murmurs::

Neil Morgan -> ::in science, puzzling over the puzzle::

mimipavilion -> ::sees Kat:: Morning.

Schawnsee -> :: gets to Mimis door:: Hello Doc.

Annisha -> :: Annisha is toiling away in her father's quarters. Nijil had to sleep elsewhere for the past two days ::

KelsaViegnor -> @::makes her way to the docking port, reviewing the directions to the commerce decks.::

Schawnsee -> Anything yet on the away team?

Chirakis -> ::standing in her customary observation stance, staring out the window to the docking area::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: In the bay with the Nei'rrh... sweet sweet Nei'rrh ::

Lawliet -> ::gets up and walks out into the conference area seeing Morgan:: Ensign, do you have any talent with art?

Wes Roberts -> Cargo handlers> ::begin offloading incoming cargo, stores, etc. from the flight...including multiple cargo containers and a large wooden crate, all labeled "Marx"::

Jylliene -> ::sends a heads up message to the Captain's console confirming the arrival of PU001.::

Neil Morgan -> ::looks up:: Sir?

Dacia Sandero -> # United 1588> ::approaching Sky Harbour Aegis.. the pilot drops out of warp and slows:: +Aegis+ Good day, Aegis Command. This is United Flight 1588, heavy. Requesting docking clearance and refueling.

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: Art. How proficient are you?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: She's a little flighty, disappears without notice, and likes green ::

Chirakis -> (And I never noticed what letters that would produce ::facepalm::)

Jylliene -> ::glances at her console, reviews list of expected ships::

Chirakis -> ::hears the ping, notes the arrival of good old PU001::

will_marx -> ::exits the craft, family in tow::

Neil Morgan -> As in drawing?

Schawnsee -> Dr Mimi? Anything yet on the away team?

Lawliet -> More like attention to detail.

Dacia Sandero -> Nothing here. ::shrugs::

Jylliene -> +United 1588+ Aegis ops to United 1588. Standby for approach clearance.

Neil Morgan -> Oh, I'm good with that, i suppose.

Kallah Ramson -> ::enjoying the active view of the area. Much going on, but not crowded as the old station::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> There, good as new... :: He patted the nose as he circled Nei'rrh ::

mimipavilion -> They all came in for scans when they got back. We're looking at them now.

Dacia Sandero -> #United 1588> +Aegis+ Roger that.

Lawliet -> Good. Follow me. ::walks past Morgan and out into the corridor::

Jylliene -> ::nods as she confirms the arrival::+U1588+ Transmitting approach vector now. Welcome to Aegis.

Neil Morgan -> ::logs off his console and quickly follows Lawliet:: Where are we going?

will_marx -> Ok. I think the guest quarters are this way. We'll get squared away, and then I need to report in

Schawnsee -> ::looks over her shoulder:: What were they complaining of?

will_marx -> Xian and Ranko> ::nod, looking around::

Dacia Sandero -> #United 1588> +Aegis+ Acknowledged. Approach vector received. Thank you.

Annisha -> :: Getting the table just right. With the furniture out of the way and the lighting just so, everything was near perfect ::

will_marx -> Ranko> Definitely larger than the Arcadia.

mimipavilion -> Nothing. It had to do with what happened to us

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: The holodeck. Right now we working off speculation and theory. We need to establish a foundation for command. So you and I are going to recreate our experience.

Kallah Ramson -> ::takes a moment to view the docked passenger ship to her left, Aegean docked just visible down aways, and the other transport just coming into range::

KelsaViegnor -> ::disembarking onto Aegis, begins to make her way toward the location of the shop she was given, hoping her supplies are waiting as anticipated::

will_marx -> Xian> And a real open space park.

Neil Morgan -> ::thinks for a moment:: Hmmm...makes sense.

will_marx -> Xian> No more holodecks for practicing.

Neil Morgan -> Have you heard anything from medical, sir?

Annisha -> :: Now cooking, and she wanted to cook both of their meals, was something she could have had replicated, but the Klingon cook insisted she go old fashioned ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::emerges from her office for a breather::

Lawliet -> ::walks into a turbolift:: Nearest Holodeck.

Jylliene -> ::confirming lists of arrivals and incoming supplies::

Schawnsee -> :: scratches her head then turns to see Dr Davis:: ((I think)) What happened to us???

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: Not yet.

Wes Roberts -> Cargo handler> Looks like new staff coming. Damn would you look at all these crates...

Annisha -> :: Annisha clapped, the candles on the table and around the room lit up ::

Dacia Sandero -> #Alexis> ::in the window seat of the United flight, she looks up at the intercom:: Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Sky Harbor Aegis. For passengers disembarking, please wait until the plane comes to a full and complete stop before preparing to exit. Please place all trays and tables in their upright and locked positions. On behalf of United, we thank you for flying with us and hope you will continue to use United for all your space travel needs.

Jorahl -> (( I believe old fashion Klingon cooking is shoving it down your throat before it can bite you back ))

Jylliene -> ((LOL))

will_marx -> (Pretty much)

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::approaching Kat:: Honestly, Kat, I have no idea. It didn't happen to me, so I don't have anything to base it on.

mimipavilion -> Yeah the whole being in two places at once incident.

Chirakis -> ::pondering::

Annisha -> :: Glad Korath was not going to cook Mr. Cuddles ::

Lawliet -> ::steps off the turbolift as it reaches its destination and walks into the holodeck::

KelsaViegnor -> ::takes a lift to the appropriate deck, makes her way to the location, and enters::

Schawnsee -> Apparently I haven't been affected by anything If I have I have no memory of it

Dacia Sandero -> United 1588> ::enters the Aegis docking port, and slowly taxis into its docking port beside a Pan Universe SpaceBus::

Wes Roberts -> Cargo handler 1> We'll stick them over in holding, until we get where this Commander Marx will be quartering.

Neil Morgan -> How exactly are we going to do this, Sir?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::Mimi:: From what I understand, Mimi, you weren't in two places at once. You just did all you did in the matter of nanoseconds so we didn't notice.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +C&C+ SubCommander tr'Korjata reporting in. The Nei'rrh is ready to fly if needed. Fully operational.

Amanda Davis PhD -> That, or you made a trip to Narnia.

Lawliet -> ::turns to Morgan:: Let's start at the beginning. We were in a field and off in the distance was a city. Correct?

KelsaViegnor -> ::pulls out a padd and starts checking off the supplies that had been delivered in anticipation of her arrival. Bottles, reagents, flasks...::

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ Acknowledged, SubCommander.

Schawnsee -> OK now I’m confused. Narnia? Nanoseconds?? What in the heck happened??

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::Gathers her carryon luggage and begins to exit the spaceliner::

mimipavilion -> Well, subconsciously or whatever it happened to a group of us, it happened. And now to figure out how and why it happened.

Kallah Ramson -> ::moves from window shopping starships to the latest fashion in the shops::

will_marx -> ::kisses his wives:: I have no idea how long I'll be. Hopefully, I shouldn't be too long. And, with quarters assignment in hand.

Neil Morgan -> ::trying to remember:: Yes, I remember the city.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Indeed we do. That'll be fun, eh?

Lawliet -> ::snaps his fingers:: Exactly. Now remember what it looked like?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> +Jy+ If you can speak freely. Annisha still has not let me in my own quarters. I can't even break the lockout..could not even transport in. I was sent to the school instead. Any idea what she is doing, other than being naughty?

Amanda Davis PhD -> You know, Mimi, I really don't believe we'll ever know exactly what happened. But I've heard that you have some neuro scans that say you didn't dream. Is that correct?

Neil Morgan -> I wish we had at least some data from that place.

Lawliet -> Stay on topic Ensign. What did the city look like?

Schawnsee -> :: looks between Dacia and Mimi::

mimipavilion -> Yep.

will_marx -> ::heads for the nearest lift::

KelsaViegnor -> ::stepping into a back room, pulls out her supplies, and begins mixing several solutions, pouring each into decorative bottles as she finishes::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::exits the spaceliner, and enters into Aegis proper:: This place was bigger than I thought.. ::frowns::

Schawnsee -> Everyone Dreams You might not remember them but everyone dreams

Jylliene -> +Nijil+ None whatsoever.

Wes Roberts -> (And don't forget the singing that would make Paul McCartney weep)

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::the 9 year old brunette began to maneuver her way through the station, passing by the assortment of shops near the arrival terminal::

Neil Morgan -> ::scratches his head:: I'm not sure. I remember the light. It was weird.

Jylliene -> ((It's bigger on the inside))

Nijil tr'Korjata -> ((Everybody hurts))

Schawnsee -> Dacia? Did something happen to you also??

will_marx -> ::exits into C&C::

KelsaViegnor -> ::humming an old Elasian folk song as she works::

Lawliet -> Yes, but you're jumping ahead. The city kept changing. Didn't look the same to everyone else, but there were three things that did.

Kallah Ramson -> ::passes by the Terran style shops. Too boring. Likes the Orion fabrics, but current cuts aren't to her liking.::

Wes Roberts -> ::hears the lift doors open, looks up from his workstation::

Dacia Sandero -> ::sighs:: Yes it is. I experienced the same thing at that strange place. Just felt so real, man. I don't know... couldn't have been a dream.

Jylliene -> ::glances to the door, nods to the arrival::

Chirakis -> ::still in her office, staring out the window, pondering the meaning of the universe::

Annisha -> Korath > Remember, taste the food as you go along. It is dishonorable to serve a sour meal to ones mother and father.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::looks at her PADD, nobody seemed to pay notice to the fact a little girl entering into the restricted medical section.

Dacia Sandero -> ::

will_marx -> ::looks at Roberts, then at Jyl::

Lawliet -> ::looks at Morgan:: And they were....

Neil Morgan -> Euh...

Jylliene -> May I help you, sir?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::turns to see Alexis:: Hello. ::approaching:: How may I help you?

will_marx -> Lieutenant...Commander William Marx, reporting.

Jylliene -> Yes sir.

Neil Morgan -> ::thinks he might remember better if he was allowed to use all his senses::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::Closes her GPS app and puts away her PADD:: Uhh. Hello. I'm looking for Dr. Sandero.

Schawnsee -> :: sees Amanda then looks down:: a child?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::double-take from her to Dacia and back::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Yes. Yes, she's right here.

Wes Roberts -> ::face rub::

Lawliet -> ::sighs:: First, the spire. ::to computer:: Computer, open stone courtyard with a spire located directly at the center. Hight... ten meters.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Oh, Alexis! You've made it.

mimipavilion -> ::hears a child's voice and makes her way to the door of her office::

Schawnsee -> Dacia? Whos this?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::marvels at the resemblance::

Jylliene -> ::hits the com to the captain's office:: Ops to Captain Chirakis.

Dacia Sandero -> ::rushes over and hugs her cousin... or mother's cousin... however we're related::

Schawnsee -> :: looks down to the child:: Hello

Jylliene -> (sorry, insert ++ and stuff)

Chirakis -> ::press:: +Jyl+ Chirakis here.

Lawliet -> ::the holodeck materializes around them and a stone spire stands before them::

Annisha -> :: Annisha nods to Korath :: You have been a great help. What some say about Klingon's are not true. Korath > Truth can be hard to find amoung the lies. Now go see your doctor friend.

Jylliene -> +Chirakis+ Commander William Marx is here in the C&C, ma'am.

Chirakis -> +Jyl+ Send him in.

Annisha -> :: Annisha hugs Korath and heads out of Nijil's redecorated quarters ::

Chirakis -> ::unlocks the door::

Jylliene -> +Chirakis+ Right away.

Kallah Ramson -> ::pauses in front of a Pakled clothier. Sees wall to wall of the same exact suit, except for one display with a t-shirt inscribed with the Words "I'm with Stupid" :: ::moves on quickly::

Jylliene -> ::looks to the commander, gestures toward the captain's door:: Right this way, sir.

will_marx -> Thanks, Lieutenant

Chirakis -> ::steps behind her desk::

Lawliet -> ::walks up to the spire:: Now Ensign, this is important. I was overwhelmed at the time, did you notice any markings on the side of the spire?

Annisha -> :: Gets in the lift :: the sickly bay please

Jylliene -> ::accompanies him the few steps toward the door, then nods to him.::

Dacia Sandero -> THis is Alexis, my cousin's daughter. She'll be staying with me here on Aegis. Her parents are ambassadors in Andoria, which well isn't a great place for a kid like her, so she'll be staying here with me.

Chirakis -> ::allows the door to open when Marx approaches::

Dacia Sandero -> ::smiles and kneels down to Alexis' level:: Your flight was okay?

Schawnsee -> I see. Welcome aboard Alexis.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Thank you,

will_marx -> ::enters:: Commander William Marx, reporting aboard, Captain.

Chirakis -> ::steps around her desk:: Commander Marx. Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis.

will_marx -> ::with salute::

Annisha -> :: Gets off the lift at the sickbay deck and walks towards the bay ::

Schawnsee -> Ill leave the two of you to yourselves then.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> And yes... they had free soft drinks on the flight, but the french fries they served were too soggy. ::frowns::

Chirakis -> ::smart nod:: Commander.

will_marx -> Thank you, Captain.

KelsaViegnor -> ::starts setting some of the new bottles of the oils out on a shelf to sample, along with empty crystal and decorated metal bottles to select from::

Neil Morgan -> There may have been. Nothing that I recognized, though.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> That's United for you, I guess. :Shrugs::

Jylliene -> (Heh)

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits a different bay, secure in the knowledge that, for the time being, the Nei'rrh is in great shape.

Schawnsee -> :: walks back over to Mimi:: OK So you think you were in 2 places at once? and Dacia thinks the same thing?

Chirakis -> ::handwave:: Please. Have a seat. I have your credentials and your orders. :;sits behind her desk::

mimipavilion -> ::nods to Kat::

Wes Roberts -> ((Definitely not the old days of Continental))

Jylliene -> (Amen to that)

Annisha -> :: Enters sickbay ::

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Hmm. Wish your parents could've put you on a different spaceline

will_marx -> THank you, again, Captain. ::sits::

Lawliet -> ::sighs:: Alright, let's focus on the aliens. They didn't move and they were located around the entire area.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia & Alexis> ::turn and look at Annisha::

mimipavilion -> ::sees Annisha enter sickbay::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Computer, where is Annisha? ... Computer > Annisha is currently in sickbay

Schawnsee -> :: turns hearing the doors swish open again:: We are a busy place today Annisha just came in

KelsaViegnor -> ::Continues setting the central display with the samples::

Schawnsee -> ::to mimi::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Runs to a lift, enters :: Sickbay

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Hi, Annisha. What brings you to sickbay?

Chirakis -> ::relaxing in her chair:: So, I see you have quite a record. Science. Martial Arts. And now security.

mimipavilion -> Agreed.

Schawnsee -> Dacia? Are you taking care of Annisha??

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> ::chuckles::

Annisha -> Doctor D

Lawliet -> ::to Computer:: Computer, display humanoid lifeform. Hight, 3 meters. Skin color, blue.

Chirakis -> Like to jump around, to experiment?

will_marx -> Martial Arts was part of my background growing up on Rhydin, Captain.

Annisha -> :: Looks at Alexis... sizes her up ::

Dacia Sandero -> Uhh... no, not that I know of. Taking care of Alexis here is enough for me.. my quarters aren't big enough for both of them.

Chirakis -> ::listening::

Jylliene -> ::has a sip of her coffee::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Ooooh.. pointy. ::looks at ANnisha's pointy ears::

Lawliet -> ::walks around the life form inspecting it:: Darker skin tone.

Neil Morgan -> I'm thinking, sir, they clearly weren't dead. Why were they not moving?

Schawnsee -> No I meant with what brings her to Sickbay or do I need to help out?

will_marx -> I've got both a Masters in Stellar astronomics as well as Fleet and Industrial Security.

Dacia Sandero -> Oh.. ha ha . I don't know.

Kallah Ramson -> ::moving to a section just opened for newer shops. So much of the Commerce decks are still empty, but filling up at a steady rate::

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: Well, they never left the spot from which they were standing.

Annisha -> Hi smooth ears...

will_marx -> Although my primary focus at the Academy was Security

Schawnsee -> Let me know if you need me.

KelsaViegnor -> ::sets out other small jars with coffee beans in them; an old method of clearing one's senses, perhaps, but still effective::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Arrives on the sickbay deck ::

Chirakis -> And which do you prefer? Stellar astrometrics or industrial security?

will_marx -> Arcadia had a slot for a science officer, so I took it, before laterally transferring to security.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Hello. Live long and prosper. ::Vulcan salute:: No wait.. uhh.. you're Romulan, right? Joe lawn true.

Neil Morgan -> So, do we assume they couldn't move?

Schawnsee -> OK Mimi what makes you think or know that you were in two places at once? Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.

will_marx -> Security, of course.

Lawliet -> Computer, elongate the face and give the lifeform six eyes. Three on each side with each being directly on top of one another.

Chirakis -> Which is what brings you here.

will_marx -> Sciences is more of a hobby now.

will_marx -> ::nods::

Chirakis -> Tell me, Commander. Are you here by choice?

Wes Roberts -> ::has the random C&C runner bring a fresh cup of coffee::

Annisha -> I think my people make sure others don't live long and prosper.

Chirakis -> ::prodding him a bit::

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: They moved, just not much.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Annisha, this is Alexis my cousin.. I think. My mother is my cousin. Alexis, vice versa,

will_marx -> We're Starfleet, Captain. We go where Bureau of Personnel cuts our orders for.

Dacia Sandero -> Her mother is my cousin*

Annisha -> I'm Annisha... Ele-X-Iss?

KelsaViegnor -> ::also setting out stiff paper strips to allow clients to test the scents of combinations of various oils::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters sickbay, where the party is at ::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Enn-EE-Sha? And yeah, that's close enough. I've never actually met a romulan before.

Jylliene -> ::exhales contentedly as the coffee kicks in::

Lawliet -> ::to Computer:: Computer, make the eyes glow yellow and give the head symmetrical extensions. Total of six.

Chirakis -> Of course. And they assigned you to a starbase on the edge of nowhere where the executive officer happens to be one who has a history with you. ::tone is non-confrontational, only making a statement::

Neil Morgan -> ::nods and walks up to one of the aliens:: Looks pretty good.

mimipavilion -> Well... ::goes back to her desk and pulls up her neuro scans:: according to the neural scans it appears so. ::shows the scans::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::Vulcan salute to Nijil:: Joe Lawn True!

Annisha -> :: Still looking at Alexis :: You have big eyes

Annisha -> It's jolan tru

Kallah Ramson -> ::catches the scent of something from one shop::

Annisha -> No salute, just indignation.

Annisha -> :: laighs ::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Ahh. Right.

Jylliene -> ((LOL))

Schawnsee -> :: walks behind the desk and looks at the scans:: humm Do you remember any of this time lineage?

will_marx -> JAG dismissed all charges against Mr Roberts. I don't know all the particulars, since I'm not a JAG officer, but I'm not here to either serve a warrant for his arrest, or keep an eye on him for SOCOM

Lawliet -> ::inspects the hologram:: Now... overlay the body with coverings here, here, here, and here. ::points as he speaks::

Wes Roberts -> ::takes it from the yeoman, reaches into his tunic and pulls out small metal flask::

Jorahl -> ::slight feeling of pride for a moment::

KelsaViegnor -> ::continues the arrangement of the shop::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters and sees Annisha speaking to another girl ::

Wes Roberts -> ::opens it, and pours a dollop into it::

Lawliet -> Now computer, one final yellow glowing orb located at the center of it's chest.

Chirakis -> ::nods in satisfaction:: And I did not assume as much. Testing the waters, Commander.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Still busy with work, Alexis. I guess you stay here until my shift ends, and I'll help you unpack.

Lawliet -> ::steps back:: What do you think Ensign?

will_marx -> I would call it being paranoid, Captain.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> ::Nijil:: That's my cousin's daughter Alexis. She'll be staying with me here.

will_marx -> But, that's just me.

Chirakis -> ::small grin::

mimipavilion -> Can you elaborate?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: to Dacia :: Another mind reader?

Neil Morgan -> ::steps back a little and inspects the alien:: The orb is too yellow.

Dacia Sandero -> ::nods:: Half-Betazed, yes.

Annisha -> Are you a spy for the Federation?

Dacia Sandero -> Her father is human.

KelsaViegnor -> ::now setting out various bottles, shallow dishes, and other such receptacles to allow for scenting a room, instead of one's skin::

Chirakis -> We need a strong security presence here, of which I am sure you are very aware. That is why they sent you here. You come highly recommended, and I know you earned every bit.

Lawliet -> Computer, darken yellow slightly.

will_marx -> ::nods::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Me? Not that I know of. Are you a spy from the Romulan Star Empire?

Schawnsee -> Do you have any memory of what you were doing during these time frames? LIke here where the scans dips? and then here?

Annisha -> Yes...

Neil Morgan -> ::nods:: Yup, that's better.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Oooooh!!! Galae or Tal;

Chirakis -> ::stands:: Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis. Mr. Roberts will acquaint you with the station. Your quarters for you and your family are ready.

Dacia Sandero -> Tal'Shiar?

Wes Roberts -> ::sips his coffee::

Annisha -> I have locked out certain daddys from key locations throughout the base.

Chirakis -> ::extends her hand::

will_marx -> ::stands:: Thank you Captain.

Annisha -> MY dad said my real father and mother were.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Oooh! ::impressed:: Leet hacker skills?

will_marx -> ::shakes it::

Chirakis -> ::firm shake::

Kallah Ramson -> ::pokes head into Kelsa's shop:: Hello? Are you open?

Lawliet -> Okay. Computer, search Starfleet Database. Is there any lifeform that fits these peramaters or similar?

mimipavilion -> Basically you're asking if I remember being somewhere else.

Chirakis -> ::steps around her desk to escort him out::

Annisha -> I don't know any leets.

Schawnsee -> yes

KelsaViegnor -> ::glances up:: Not officially. May I help you with anything?

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Oh. Leet as in "elite".

will_marx -> ::exits her office::

Chirakis -> ::as the door opens;: Lt Kital, inform Mr. Roberts that Commander Marx has arrived.

Neil Morgan -> We should include the slow moving thing.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Walks up to Annisha, bends down :: So can I get into my quarters now?

Lawliet -> Computer>> Negative.

Annisha -> Oh ::turns :: No no dad. It's not ready yet.

Wes Roberts -> ::continues to sip his coffee::

Lawliet -> ::turns to Morgan:: What slow moving thing?

Kallah Ramson -> Just caught the scents on the air coming from here.

Jylliene -> ((You're on the C&C, aren't you?))

Chirakis -> ::marx:: Your command codes will be available soon.

Neil Morgan -> That they weren't moving much, sir. I'm sorry, I should have phrased it differently.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> ::replicates a can of Coke for Alexis:: Here.. in case you're thirsty.

KelsaViegnor -> ::smiles:: Hopefully enticing, and not overwhelming.

Annisha -> :: Turns back to Alexis ::

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> ::returns to continue her work::

Kallah Ramson -> Very enticing.

Wes Roberts -> ((Yes. At my desk, not in my office))

Annisha -> I'll take a blood wine

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Oh no you won't

Kallah Ramson -> ::points at a tray:: Orion?

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::opens the can of Coke::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I won't even take a blood wine

mimipavilion -> Yep. A distant planet that had a slight issue with time. A city with very tall beings which pointed to a sphere. Then heading down a passage into a great room with a idol that required a stone. Both the beings and the idol where telepathic.

Jylliene -> ::takes a few steps over to Roberts's desk:: Sir. Commander Marx is here.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> My dad tried blood wine once. He was passed out for half the day.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::finally exits her office, just in time to hear Mimi::

Lawliet -> We don't know if that has any basis for our research. Besides, the computer didn't come up with anything. So this could be a life form we have yet to encounter... or at the very least one which died out long ago.

Wes Roberts -> Yes, I saw him exit the lift.

Annisha -> Daddy, can I capture this Alexis and get her to do my bidding?

KelsaViegnor -> It is. One of their better flowers - similar to an orchid.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> What? No, not today.

KelsaViegnor -> Wonderful perfume from that.

Lawliet -> Computer, reproduce several of these life forms around the courtyard.

Wes Roberts -> Well, at least we have a Security chief again.

Kallah Ramson -> ::smiles:: Smells a little like Mom.

Schawnsee -> OK how long were you there? This scan shows only seconds. All that happened in a few seconds?

KelsaViegnor -> It blends well with aromatic woods.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::still looks over Annisha::

Chirakis -> ::leaves them to their duties::

KelsaViegnor -> ::smiles:: Your mother wore such a fragrance?

Lawliet -> ::looks around as the scene becomes more and more complete::

Annisha -> :: Turns to daddy :: Well, I should be ready tonight, but only if JyJy can come.

will_marx -> ::clears his throat:: Yes, you do, Mr Roberts.

Kallah Ramson -> From time to time. Being a Doctor she couldn't indulge all the time.

Jylliene -> ::resumes her station, drinks much more of her coffee::

Lawliet -> Learn.

Wes Roberts -> ::turns:: Mr Marx. A pleasure. And I see you still haven't replaced your eye.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks at her :: Fine, this surprise you have in store... I'm just glad you are not hurt again.

Chirakis -> ::steps to the operations console, checking the tactical board::

Schawnsee -> And this wasn't a dream theres no REM to indicate that it was.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> ::turns her gaze to the sickbay and looks around:: Pretty fancy sickbay.

Neil Morgan -> ::tries to come up with some more details:: I think there were some trees over there. ::gestures toward one side of the court::

will_marx -> I like the intimidation factor the patch and scar give me.

KelsaViegnor -> Ah yes. One wouldn't want to overwhelm one's patients, or one's own senses. Was she in Starfleet, then?

mimipavilion -> Exactly. It was all real.

Annisha -> My dad is here a lot

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::watching the interaction between Alexis and Annisha::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Annisha...

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Really? She and Dacia must be good friends then?

Lawliet -> ::nods:: Vary well. Make any adjustments you can think of. I need to think about something for a minute.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::and Nijil::stifles a smile::

Schawnsee -> How long where you there.. on that planet?

Kallah Ramson -> Yes. So is my father. ::moving from case to case, looking at the samples out so far::

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Who me? Like the others, It seems like a few days?

Annisha -> So Alexis, are you one of those voodoo mind readers :: Annisha moves her hands up and down as if reading Alexis' mind ::

mimipavilion -> It seemed like hours.

Chirakis -> ::Jylliene:: Lt Kital, Commander Marx will need security clearance. ::hands her a datacrystal:: This will assist with that. He will need new codes as well.

Lawliet -> ::sits down by the spire thinking about what the voice said:: What does learn mean? Learn something specific? Learn something in general? Learn... something more?

KelsaViegnor -> ::nods:: That seems often the case these days, both parents in. I'm Kelsa. ::smiles::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Ahh.. yeah. I'm half Betazed and have been learning to read minds and read people's emotions.

Wes Roberts -> ::hands a tablet over to Marx::

Jylliene -> ::accepts:: Yes ma'am. Right away.

Neil Morgan -> Learn about these aliens? Their history?

Annisha -> What half?

Kallah Ramson -> ::returns the smile:: Kallah Ramson.

Annisha -> Top, left, bottom or right?

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> My mother... Dacia's cousin.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Centre!

Schawnsee -> :: stands up and shakes her head, the scratches it:: I don’t know Mimi, I just don’t know.

KelsaViegnor -> A pleasure. ::smiles::

Annisha -> I can't read minds

Lawliet -> ::to Morgan:: Perhaps, but if we don't know anything about them... where do we start looking?

mimipavilion -> I know. It's all confusing.

Chirakis -> His family will need access to the VIP family areas of the station, and we should see if the children will need a place in the school.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Hmm. Can be useful sometimes.

Schawnsee -> Maybe Amanda can hypnotize you and see if we can find anything out that way?

Jylliene -> ::nods, makes note of it::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::hearing Kat;:

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> I could read yours.

Lawliet -> ::sighs:: I mean apart from the resemblance to...

Annisha -> My daddy said once he did not trust mind readers.

Neil Morgan -> Well, there were some unusual readings when we used that transporter. Maybe that'd be a good place to start.

KelsaViegnor -> Are you stationed here? Or traveling through?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Annisha! :: turns a bit green :: That was in the past...

Schawnsee -> I don’t know if I Vulcan mind meld would do any good since you believe you did all this.

Dacia Sandero -> Dacia> Well, he'd be right not to trust them ::smirks::

Lawliet -> ::looks off into the distance:: No.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: to Dacia :: The past...

Dacia Sandero -> No worries. ::chuckles::

Neil Morgan -> ::shrugs::

mimipavilion -> Worth a shot, but I'm expecting a new crewmember sometime today.

Annisha -> What are you reading now?

Kallah Ramson -> Onboard a Starship, but assigned to the station and shipyard.

Lawliet -> The demons.

Lawliet -> ::stands up::

Schawnsee -> Are we gaining another doctor??

mimipavilion -> No, a security officer.

Neil Morgan -> ::confused:: Excuse me?

KelsaViegnor -> Ahh. The best of both worlds, perhaps. ::smiles::

Kallah Ramson -> Best of both worlds. ::nods::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Trying not to, actually. It's not easy blocking the thoughts of a hundred thousand minds.

Schawnsee -> ahh Dacia could do the entrance exam if you want to do the session with Amanda

Jylliene -> ::continues to get the commander set up::

Lawliet -> ::groans:: There's no way to verify it. All we can do is provide a basis of appearence. Everything else is up to debate.

mimipavilion -> I think I'll wait, but let her know I would like to visit with her sometime today.

Annisha -> Oh... I'll try not to think too loud

Dacia Sandero -> Entrance exam? Right, the school. ::walks over to Amanda:: You think Alexis would have her classes in the Children's Home? I don't even know if there's a seperate school for Federation children?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Like that will happen ::

Kallah Ramson -> ::interested that Kesla guessed her wording exactly::

Schawnsee -> I will do that.

Kallah Ramson -> Kelsa

Neil Morgan -> Well, right now pretty much everything's pure speculation. The only thing we know for sure is that the experience was real.

mimipavilion -> ::nods::

Dacia Sandero -> Deities... with everything going on... I hadn't researched that.

Schawnsee -> :: turns and walks out of Mimis Office towards where the others are gathered::

Lawliet -> ::nods:: Ensign, have you ever been in trouble?

Annisha -> You can go to school with me.

Schawnsee -> Dr Davis? A word please?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::jerked out of her dreaming:: Sorry, Dacia. The school?

KelsaViegnor -> I hope to be open by the next alpha shift. It takes some time to arrange the displays and create mixtures.

Neil Morgan -> ::really confused:: Euh...well...yes. Haven't you?

Amanda Davis PhD -> In a moment, Kat. Dacia, you said something about a Federation school?

Dacia Sandero -> For Alexis. I am not sure where'd she go to school? Is there a school for the Federation students, or are they merged with the children's centre?

Lawliet -> Of course we all have. What I want to know is: where would you hide if you had no other choice?

Annisha -> I can teach you all kinds of things. Show you this station, though I did get lost yesterday.. Mr. Cuddles was not help. He's not a tracking Targ.

mimipavilion -> ::looks at her scans one last time and closes it and takes a bit of a break::

Kallah Ramson -> I'll be here. I should bring my ship's cook. He's always hunting up herbs and such of any planet we set foot on. He might have a few locate samples for you to try.

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Sounds interesting.

Lawliet -> Imagine, the perfect hiding spot. Where is it?

will_marx -> ((A targ named Mr Cuddles? O_o ))

Amanda Davis PhD -> There is a secure school for the Romulan children and I believe that some of the crew's children attend because it's in a secure area.

Neil Morgan -> Right under the nose of the one looking for you. Or the other side of the galaxy.

Dacia Sandero -> I have her school files from Andoria and Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Jylliene -> ::to Chirakis:: Commander Marx should be set up on clearances and quarters.

Annisha -> ((She at first fed him cabbages... not a good idea))

Amanda Davis PhD -> I would hope they would admit her. Mimi should know.

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Excellent.

KelsaViegnor -> ::nods to Ramson:: That would be enjoyable. ::smiles::

will_marx -> (( ::slow headshake:: ))

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::looks at Mimi::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Grabs a PADD and cues up Alexis' school files and hands it to Mimi or Amanda:: Here we are.

Lawliet -> Yes, but how do you hide?

Lawliet -> You can't run

Schawnsee -> Mimis in her office dacia

Schawnsee -> *Dacia

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Thinking Annisha could use a friend, one that would keep her out of trouble...oh who was he kidding ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::looking around:: Yes, I believe she is.

Dacia Sandero -> Thanks.. hadn't noticed.

Lawliet -> You'd have be become invisible or....No.

Annisha -> You like boomerangs?

Neil Morgan -> Yes.

Dacia Sandero -> Sit tight Alexis... I have to get you enrolled into a school.

Amanda Davis PhD -> I'll take the file to her.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Kat, you said you needed me for something?

Neil Morgan -> Or be there but not be there.

Kallah Ramson -> I'll get out of your way now. See you later. And, welcome to Aegis.

Annisha -> I have one that goes really far, then comes back

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Yeah.. I used to have one, but it landed on the roof of my school back home in Bridgeport.

KelsaViegnor -> Thank you, very much. ::nods to Ramson::

Lawliet -> ::stumbles around:: The Artificial Temporal Focal Point. That's the only clue.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Running disaster scenarios through his head ::

Dacia Sandero -> Alexis> Cool.

mimipavilion -> ::sighs looking at her door::

Schawnsee -> I did. Mimi actually wanted to talk to you sometime today about the incident. I suggested to her for you to hypnotize her and see what comes of that about this time thing.

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 6/13/14

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Well, having 15 people in the room makes things move quite quickly.

Chirakis -> Well played.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Was fun

Chirakis -> TBS will be another 2 days. It seems a round number.

Chirakis -> Comments from command?

Wes Roberts -> None

Jorahl -> None

Chirakis -> Questions, comments from the crew?

Dacia Sandero -> Will send them out via mailstring today though. And no questions. :)

Chirakis -> Heh. Thank you.

Chirakis -> And I receive a PM from Dr. Pavilion reminding me that there are two schools, a Romulan one and Federation one, both in the same secure area.

Chirakis -> So that problem is solved.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Good

Dacia Sandero -> Great to know!

Jylliene -> Spiffy

will_marx -> Indeed

Chirakis -> If nothing else, crew *dismiss*

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